Eternal Existence

Chapter 4863: New Way of Cultivation

"However, it is still rare for an origin to come back on its own in Guixu. Either the suppression of Guixu's power has weakened, or the origin has accumulated enough power. No matter which one it is, it shows that this The origin of Fang’s contribution is very strong.”

Chen Feng thought of many thoughts in an instant, and then punched hard to break up the whirlpool.

Chen Feng wanted to see how strong this origin was. If it was too strong, Chen Feng would have to find a way to escape.

Of course, Chen Feng believed that with his own methods, he should be able to relieve the opponent's pressure.

Therefore, what Chen Feng has to do is to let the opponent continue to collect strength, so that he can better suppress the opponent.

Sure enough, after Chen Feng broke the vortex, he attracted a more powerful attack from the opponent.

Chen Feng left the place in order to better determine the core location of the origin.

A whirlpool appeared, huge claws appeared, volcano-like power erupted continuously, and ropes tried to bind Chen Feng.

I have to say that the origin of this place seems to have many tricks, especially the continuous enhancement. Later, it formed a special field similar to the cage of heaven and earth. Want to trap Chen Feng in it.


Chen Feng was able to repel the opponent's attack every time he broke out. In this way, Chen Feng changed a large area and finally roughly locked the opponent's core.

Then the stronger Chen Feng showed, the more excited he was, and the more he wanted to eat Chen Feng.


A powerful force erupted and hit Chen Feng directly. Although Chen Feng was well prepared, he rolled out directly.

However, although the power of this origin is very strong, it is still within the range that Chen Feng can accept.

Chen Feng believed that he could win it.

However, the other party's strength has not yet reached the point where he needs it.

So Chen Feng continued to mobilize his own power to compete with this origin. As Chen Feng continued to increase his strength, this origin naturally continued to draw power from other areas.

Finally, Chen Feng used his own origin. This time, the origin seemed to have some resonance. Suddenly, a larger vortex appeared, and a suction force even more powerful than Chen Feng's Devouring Technique enveloped Chen Feng.

Chen Feng was swallowed up in the next moment.

This is to drag Chen Feng to the core area and suppress him in one fell swoop.

Chen Feng also felt that time was almost up, so he used almost all his strength.

The energy tower, volcanic origin, and broken origin appeared together, blocking all directions, shattering the roaring vortex, and suppressing the origin area.

Chen Feng still did not use the source of corrosive energy. This was also to act as a trump card, because Chen Feng was not sure whether there would be any changes in the future.

What followed was a fight between each other. Chen Feng was able to suppress the opponent bit by bit, and by using the power of other origins, he finally suppressed this origin bit by bit.

If Chen Feng hadn't wanted to gain more power from the opponent, then Chen Feng would have succeeded long ago.

It would be easier to extract the opponent's core directly.

It's just that this is the same as the broken origin in Chen Feng's hands. One moment and the other, at that time Chen Feng did that because his own situation couldn't keep up, but now Chen Feng has enough benefits, and of course he wants to maximize the benefits. change.

After suppression and communication with Fang Yuan, although it took some time, Fang Yuan still collected the power from other areas bit by bit, and was captured by Chen Feng in one fell swoop.

The holes left behind were gradually covered by Guixu's power.

This time Chen Feng had another big harvest.

"Not bad, I'll name you Whirlpool Origin." Chen Feng said with a smile.

This origin has just been obtained, and it will take a while to suppress it. It will also take a long time to refine it.

You must know that Chen Feng spent a lot of time collecting the origin of corrosive energy.

But Chen Feng is not in a hurry. Now that he is confident, he doesn't care about spending more time.

"It's almost time, it's time to go back." Chen Feng finally knew that he could not continue.

Although he still has ambitions, if he continues, he may encounter some silent or newly revived origins, and maybe there will be huge gains, but Chen Feng also knows that he is full enough now and gets No matter how many things there are, we can only spend our strength to suppress them.

Chen Feng made up his mind, but when he returned, he suddenly felt a familiar wave coming over him.

Although the power fluctuations are somewhat weak, the master who emits the power fluctuations is very powerful.

It can be regarded as an origin-level existence.

When the war broke out between the two sides in the Valley of the Abyss, Chen Feng felt the power of the other side.

However, the powerful beings on the Guixu side disappeared one after another. According to Shi Changhe and the others, these powerful beings gathered to invade other origin areas, but Chen Feng felt the opponent's power here.

Although it was said to be transmitted from a distant place, since it could be captured by Chen Feng, the direction had been indicated.

Chen Feng was a little hesitant this time. Do you want to go take a look?

However, Chen Feng also knew that there was a strong crisis behind his curiosity. He was not in the Valley of the Abyss now. If the other party was targeting him, even if he had some means now, he might not be able to escape.

But out of curiosity, endless desire arose in Chen Feng's heart.

Even though I knew it was wrong, I still wanted to take a look.

What's more, it was just one origin-level existence. Chen Feng believed that he could run away even if he was not an opponent.

But then Chen Feng caught a second familiar power fluctuation.

This time Chen Feng hesitated even more, and even thought about leaving.

After all, two origin-level existences were not something he could deal with.

Just when Chen Feng was about to back down, Chen Feng felt the third power fluctuation.

This power fluctuation was unfamiliar to Chen Feng.

This time Chen Feng became curious again, so he looked for power fluctuations and started to move forward.

Chen Feng's idea was to take a look first, not get close, and observe from a distance.

Then Chen Feng felt other power activities, some of which he had encountered before, and some were unfamiliar.

And these power fluctuations mixed together from time to time, which indeed made Chen Feng have more speculations.

"Could it be that the two sides are fighting, but this place should still be within the scope of Guixu, and there is no invasion of other origins, or has it covered the origin? If so, it means that the origin side has been defeated, why do the two sides have to fight endlessly?" Chen Feng thought.

It's interesting to say. At the beginning, when there was only one Origin-level existence, Chen Feng thought he could go up and fight. Now the number of Origin-level existences has reached a terrifying level, and Chen Feng has the intention of watching the excitement and fishing in troubled waters.

In Chen Feng's opinion, the more chaotic the situation is, the better, maybe he can take advantage of the opportunity to get some benefits.

Chen Feng knew that it was risky but kept moving forward. Finally, after a while, Chen Feng felt the energy storm formed by the battle between the two sides.

From a distance, Chen Feng even felt some power projections of the two warring parties. In addition, Chen Feng also felt some Hunyuan Above participating in it.

The noise of the battle between the two sides was too loud, of course, more than Chen Feng was attracted.

Chen Feng did not pay attention to other existences, even some Hunyuan Above who were watching the excitement, Chen Feng did not want to deal with them at this time.

After all, everyone is watching the excitement now, and perhaps they all have the intention of fishing in troubled waters.

What's more, Chen Feng is now only at the level of Hunyuan Jinxian, and even thinking that Chen Feng came here to watch the excitement is simply courting death.

In fact, Chen Feng was still far away from the two warring parties. If a Hunyuan Jinxian wanted to hurry, it would take a long time.

But in this case, he couldn't get too close, because the other party might change the battlefield at any time.

Although he was so far away, the other party might appear in front of him the next moment.

Such powerful beings often ignore time and space. Chen Feng had participated in such scenes before, so he naturally understood this.

"It seems that the Guixu party has the upper hand. In this case, the other powerful beings are from other origin areas. I just don't know where they are from? Now they are fighting in Guixu, and the result is self-evident, but why don't these people choose to retreat?" Chen Feng also felt a little curious.

But soon Chen Feng knew that a phantom of the origin area suddenly appeared in the fight, which was summoned by those powerful beings.

Chen Feng had used this method before. With the power of the origin phantom, the combat effectiveness of those powerful beings began to rise steadily, and they actually killed the powerful beings of the Guixu party and retreated again and again.

"It seems that the two sides did not fight for long, and there were no casualties. However, the power projection from the origin area was just a projection. Where is the real body? In this case, it is possible that it is no longer in Guixu. In other words, these powerful origin-level beings took the initiative to rush into Guixu to fight. They are really brave." Chen Feng thought.

"From this point of view, we can only watch the excitement and get no benefit at all." After watching for a while, Chen Feng thought that the powerful beings on the Guixu side were retreating step by step, but after all, they were in Guixu. The origin power from afar could not last too long.

The situation will definitely turn around again.

Of course, this is just the current situation. Will there be other changes in the future?

Chen Feng wanted to find the real location of the origin, so he had to get closer again.

A person above Hunyuan noticed Chen Feng and thought that Chen Feng's behavior was simply to die.

However, the other party did not care too much and also had some plans of his own.

The Hunyuan Jinxian is indeed a little weaker, but those above the Hunyuan level still have some qualifications to gain some benefits in such a situation.

Of course, this also requires opportunities.

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