Eternal Existence

Chapter 4862 New Force

Finally, Chen Feng released a series of avenues. When the avenues formed their own domain, Chen Feng released special energy.

With the emergence of special energy, this core origin area actually rioted.

Chen Feng was hit, and the previous calm was broken.

However, Chen Feng also had to be prepared in this regard and mobilize all his strength to compete with the other party.

What the other party had to do was to glass the special energy controlled by Chen Feng, and Chen Feng was thinking of controlling this core area through special energy as a medium.

Once Chen Feng could control this core area, he could take the opportunity to control this area of ​​corrosive energy origin.

However, Chen Feng's own strength alone could not resist it at all, and the seemingly perfect domain composed of the avenues began to collapse little by little.

This was because this core area was only a part of the core, otherwise Chen Feng would be even more unable to resist it.

But now it is also necessary to increase the means.

Chen Feng used the broken origin he had collected before, so another domain force bloomed around Chen Feng as the center.

The invasion momentum of corrosive energy was resisted, and Chen Feng took this opportunity to try to refine it.

Soon, the opponent's power began to grow stronger, and continued to invade the new area formed by Chen Feng.

After all, it was a broken power, so there was a limit, but it was still a bit beyond Chen Feng's expectations that it would be defeated so quickly.

So Chen Feng had to fill various avenues with magic weapons.

You should know that the lowest level of magic weapons controlled by Chen Feng were all chaos level, and there were also a large number of origin level treasures.

As these treasures were suppressed in the avenue, the avenue that had collapsed began to spread again.

And the momentum of the spread was very stable, and the step-by-step expansion actually covered this core area.

This can also be regarded as an explosion of Chen Feng's background.

Chen Feng himself did not expect that the avenue with so many magic weapons could play such a powerful role.

It was even stronger than the power released by the broken origin.

This was beyond Chen Feng's expectations again, and the situation was better than he imagined.

So Chen Feng took this opportunity to continue to refine this core area.

In this way, the two sides fought for a while, and Chen Feng also successfully gained some control.

The reason why he could do this step, in addition to his own strength, was also because of the special energy.

Chen Feng used special energy to absorb the corrosive energy here, and then took this opportunity to compress and refine it.

However, the process is still relatively slow.

But progress is enough, but before it is truly successful, Chen Feng still has some worries.

Sure enough, the corrosive energy began to increase continuously, and Chen Feng understood that this was the other party transferring power from other places.

In other words, the longer the delay, the more power he will face, and in the end he may face the entire corrosive energy origin.

But in the same way, if he wants to control the entire origin, the energy must be exposed to all aspects of the other party.

But now even the core area of ​​one side has not changed, and Chen Feng's energy tentacles cannot extend out.

In desperation, Chen Feng still used the power of the volcanic origin.

This time the momentum became more and more violent.

And Chen Feng's invasion process began to accelerate continuously, and his control over this core origin area was also increasing.

Just when Chen Feng thought he could completely control this place in one go, the other party also launched a fierce attack.

The two sides entered a tug-of-war again.

This is very bad for Chen Feng, because Chen Feng can't afford it.

So Chen Feng could only constantly mobilize his own power, and later even used his own origin area.

Chen Feng had not used the origin area for a long time, because Chen Feng had to suppress many things.

But later, because too many resources were consumed, the origin area released its combat power.

Even the volcanic origin did not expect that Chen Feng himself had opened up the origin. Of course, the volcanic origin did not know that this was achieved by Chen Feng with the help of the power of the Tianyuan Saint, not his own means.

In any case, it still had some effect. Chen Feng gradually gained control of this nuclear area, and then the tentacles formed by the ruling power radiated in all directions.

Everything was under Chen Feng's control wherever he passed.

However, this control tentacles did not completely spread to the entire origin. Chen Feng only controlled a part of it and was blocked by a strong momentum.

On the one hand, Chen Feng just started to control it, and his power was not strong enough to complete the complete coverage. On the other hand, Chen Feng only refined the core area of ​​one of them, and he still needed to refine other core areas.

But now we should stabilize the situation here first, so Chen Feng began to gather his strength, and the tentacles that spread out also shrank little by little, so that Chen Feng could completely control the area here before concentrating his strength on one point and spreading it out.

This kind of strength formed a long channel, which connected to another core area of ​​origin.

Next, as Chen Feng's strength was extracted, what he had to do was to refine this strange fate core.

However, the next step would be more difficult than before.

In this way, Chen Feng's strength would be dispersed, after all, he needed to leave some strength to stabilize the previous core area.

Of course, this is also because Chen Feng is more careful, but if there is any accident, in fact, under normal circumstances, one of the core areas here has been changed by Chen Feng, which will not only not become a burden to Chen Feng, but also become Chen Feng's confidence, giving Chen Feng more power.

Chen Feng also understands this, but he does not want to do it unless it is absolutely necessary.

Once something unexpected happens, the previous efforts will come to nothing.

So this time Chen Feng still uses his own power to fight against the corrosive energy.

As the power of all parties continues to increase, Chen Feng later mobilized the energy tower.

It can be said that up to now, Chen Feng has used all his strength and all means.

If it is said that he cannot succeed, he can only choose to retreat.

But fortunately, there is no danger.

Chen Feng successfully controlled the second core area.

Up to now, Chen Feng has a clear enough understanding of the origin of the entire corrosive energy.

There are actually nine core areas here, which means that Chen Feng needs to continue.

But so far it seems to be going smoothly. Chen Feng did not take the opportunity to expand, but stopped and began to digest it.

Being able to control these two core areas has reached a limit for Chen Feng, and he has even overdrawn on top of his previous overdrawn.

If he continues, Chen Feng is worried that he will collapse.

So it is more important to be careful.

And because Chen Feng controls two core areas, he has control over part of the origin of the corrosive energy and can extract power, so he re-seals the origin of the volcano.

After doing all this, Chen Feng was truly relieved.

The origin of the volcano was extremely depressed.

But thinking about the worst possible outcome before, the origin of the volcano feels that the current situation is not bad.

Since he can't really break free, he can only think about everything in a good way.

In this way, Chen Feng stayed in the corrosive energy area for a long time.

Feeling that he has recovered a little, Chen Feng started to move again.

The power was concentrated and extended, and he began to look for other core areas.

In this way, Chen Feng nibbled away little by little, and it didn't know how long it took, and finally completely controlled the nine core areas.

And Chen Feng can be regarded as truly owning this powerful origin of corrosive energy.

Of course, it is only the initial stage now. If you want to perfectly and thoroughly control Chen Feng, you need to further refine it.

Especially to merge the nine core areas.

Of course, Chen Feng can't do it in a short time. After all, in the long years, this source of corrosive energy has not been unified.

"As long as I can collect this source for a short time." Chen Feng thought so.

After all, I can't stay here for a long time, so what Chen Feng has to do next is to collect the area of ​​this source, compress it into himself, and then leave this place.

This took Chen Feng some time.

But the process was smooth.

This source of corrosive energy shrank a little bit, and finally merged into Chen Feng's body, and the surrounding Guixu power swept in.

Chen Feng took the opportunity to leave.

The volcanic origin was even more helpless. Since Chen Feng controlled such a powerful origin, he would never get out of trouble.

"Should I continue to go deeper, or choose to go back?" At this time, Chen Feng was a little hesitant.

At this time, Chen Feng was not worried about the Time River and the others. The power of the Time River and the others had been wiped out, so the Time River and the others should know it. If they want to continue to venture, they can completely strip off some of their power and enter the Guixu again.

Chen Feng believed that they should find him, but he had waited for a long time before and did not wait for them. He also used means to summon them but failed.

But now, even if the power of the Time River and the others entered the Guixu, it would be difficult to find him.

After hesitating for a while, Chen Feng decided to explore the Guixu a little bit and then return to the Abyss Valley.

Although he had practiced here for a long time and gained great benefits, he still consumed a lot before.

Since entering the Guixu, the resources collected have basically been consumed, and even Chen Feng’s previous gains have been consumed.

You know, the resources collected by Chen Feng can make a life place grow little by little, and even feed some universes.

Fortunately, the energy tower has become stronger than before, and Chen Feng himself has also obtained some origins, otherwise this trip to the Guixu would be a big loss.

"It would be best if we could get some more gains and then leave." Chen Feng still felt a little unwilling.

He thought that although Guixu was dangerous, it was large enough and there were still some resources.

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