Eternal Existence

Chapter 4851: Battle with Shadow

My own avenues can really suppress the opponent. After the special power is integrated with the reincarnation field, it can also wipe out the opponent very well.

In this way, the invading power of the opponent was quickly solved by Chen Feng.

In this way, Chen Feng felt a little relieved.

If the opponent does not have stronger means, then he is not afraid of the opponent with his own defense.

The key is how to hit the opponent hard in one fell swoop.


Chen Feng was not surprised for long. The opponent changed his attack method. With the concentrated power, he directly cut open the reincarnation field. Although it takes time for the special energy to corrode the opponent, the opponent's attack speed is obviously faster.

In this way, in a blink of an eye, Chen Feng's reincarnation field became riddled with holes and was about to collapse.

Chen Feng suddenly gave up the crazy spread of the power of the avenue in the reincarnation field. Seeing Chen Feng's idea, he wanted to take the opportunity to suppress the opponent. Who knew that the opponent ran very fast, Chen Feng's avenue power spread quickly, and the opponent retreated quickly. As a result, Chen Feng got nothing.

But the reincarnation field collapsed directly.

Chen Feng suffered a little loss in this fight.

However, this also proves that the other party did not have the ability to take him down in one fell swoop.

Chen Feng still had some means that he had not used, so it would depend on whether the other party would mobilize more power, or whether there were other powerful beings involved?

The next moment, Chen Feng gathered all his power, and the space where he used his body disappeared instantly.

It seemed that Chen Dong wanted to take this opportunity to escape from here, but in fact, Chen Feng was avoiding the other party's elusive attack.

A big pit was corroded directly where Chen Feng was.

Silently, but this power was extremely powerful, much more powerful than the power that invaded everything when the other party fought with Chen Feng before.

If Chen Feng had not dodged just now, he would definitely have been affected.

"It's quite insidious, and I was almost hit by the other party." The power of the avenue around Chen Feng continued to emerge and churn, and Chen Feng felt like he was about to merge into Guixu.

This is a new control of the principle of the avenue. It feels good for the first time I tried it.

This is not just a problem that belongs to my own field, there are also some other mysteries.

It can defend, attack, and isolate the power of Guixu.

In this state, Chen Feng seems to be in his own territory all the time, and can exert his strength to the extreme.

"Although I have many avenues, they are still unbalanced. Some avenues are powerful, and some avenues have never broken through. Therefore, after interweaving and fusion, the strength will decline a little. If the power of all avenues can be improved a little and reach a balanced state, then the power will be better controlled, and the attack and defense power can also be improved by several levels. Maybe at that point, I don’t have to be afraid of the opponent at all. In the previous confrontation, I could have suppressed the opponent long ago." Chen Feng secretly experienced his current state and came to such a deduction.

So Chen Feng is not in a hurry to leave now. Even if there is still danger, it is more important to hone himself first. Besides, Chen Feng has not sensed any other dangers now.

Just like the phantom in front of him, the other party must want to eat alone and want to take away all the benefits from him. He doesn’t want to pull other helpers into the group unless it is absolutely necessary.

The energy tower is still more important.

What's more, Chen Feng had previously erupted the power of the origin of the volcano, as well as the higher-level special energy that Chen Feng had used.

These were very attractive to the phantom.

So Chen Feng believed that the other party would not look for help, so it was a good opportunity to fight.

If possible, Chen Feng would definitely find a way to leave.

"This method is really powerful." Chen Feng said with a smile.

But secretly communicating with the origin of the volcano.

Chen Feng wanted the origin of the volcano to give him some advice.

Of course, the origin of the volcano was unwilling.

However, Chen Feng said that if he lost, then the origin of the volcano would fall into the hands of the other party, and the end would definitely be swallowed by the other party.

The ending would naturally be much worse than now.

The origin of the volcano was silent, he knew that what Chen Feng said was right.

Chen Feng also knew that the origin of the volcano was moved, and now he was probably hesitating. As for whether it could bring some help to himself, Chen Feng still had some expectations.

Sure enough, the origin of the volcano gave Chen Feng some advice because the other party had some understanding of this phantom.

"In the end, we still have to find a way to fix the opponent, or find the opponent's core power. No matter which one, it seems not so easy, but there are some directions after all." Chen Feng understood in his heart.

"I can help you capture the opponent's core power, but I have a condition." At this time, the origin of the volcano can start to talk to Chen Feng about the conditions.

"Tell me." Chen Feng was a little curious.

"After solving the opponent, you need to give me the opponent's power." The origin of the volcano said.

"That's not okay. If I give it to you, you will become stronger. At that time, you will get rid of my restraints and maybe take the opportunity to kill me. I don't want to do this kind of self-destructive approach." Chen Feng immediately refused.

"You have left so many restrictions on me, how can I break free." This side of the origin of the volcano said so.

Chen Feng did not speak, but continued to fight with the phantom, just letting Chen Feng use all kinds of means, even if he used new means, he still could not do anything to his opponent.

Of course, this phantom did not do anything to Chen Feng, and the two sides seemed to be tied for the time being.

In fact, this situation is already very good for Chen Feng, but Chen Feng is not satisfied.

Chen Feng wants to completely get rid of the opponent, or get rid of the opponent.

It seems that the help of the volcanic origin area is still needed.

Of course, Chen Feng can use the power of the volcanic origin at any time, but without the right method, it is difficult to accept this fight.

In desperation, Chen Feng still chose to compromise with the volcanic origin.

"I can give you half of my power." Chen Feng said.

"Well, there is nothing to worry about. I just want to revive some strength, but your strength is constantly getting stronger. Besides, I am still in Guixu now. Even if I have the strength to get rid of your shackles, I will not do it now. I need a better time." This volcanic origin area said.

"What you said makes sense, but I still feel something is wrong, as if you can really leave at any time, which makes me feel very dangerous." Chen Feng said with a smile.

Under the guidance of the origin of the volcano, Chen Feng punched in one direction.

This group of eruptions is the ability of the volcanic blood source.

Originally, Chen Feng wanted to use the power imprint, but since this method was proposed by the origin of the volcano, it would be better to use the origin of the volcano to deal with it.

Even if the power is a little biased, Chen Feng believes that the other party will readjust it.

Sure enough, this punch has a different feeling from the past. It is not empty like before, but a real object.

Under the fist force, a group of power was shattered, and Chen Feng's insight technique captured some things from the other party.

"It really works. I think this punch should be uncomfortable." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"How did you see it?" The phantom said with some surprise.

"Of course I have my own means." Chen Feng said another punch.

The power that the phantom had just concentrated was dispersed again, but this time the phantom also had a way to deal with it. Groups of flames emerged, burning around, generating strong power fluctuations, rippling and colliding with each other, inspiring a bunch of power similar to sword energy, and constantly shooting at Chen Feng.

It tore a gap in the power of the avenue around Chen Feng.

"But there is only this way, your attack power is a little weak." Chen Feng said with a smile.

Suddenly Chen Feng took out the energy tower to suppress the opponent directly, which was to collect the opponent into the energy tower.

In Chen Feng's view, this is a good opportunity to pursue the victory.

Who knew that at this moment, Chen Feng instinctively felt something was wrong, and then looked at the groups of beards emerging in all directions.

They were so dense that I didn't know how many there were.

"How is it possible?" Chen Feng exclaimed, this is unrealistic, if the opponent really came, so much power, why didn't he take it out together, but had to wait until now to appear.

"This way, you can use more of your tricks. You just solved a small part of my power. Now I still have so much power. Can you break them all?" The phantom said with a smile.

The surrounding phantoms began to spread, covering all directions, firmly blocking Chen Feng's way.

In this case, Chen Feng had to fight a way out if he wanted to leave.

It was so difficult to deal with a group of phantoms before, but now facing so many phantoms, it is not as simple as simply superimposing them.

With the blockade of the four-sided void, Chen Feng also felt more and more pressure.

The opponent can actually mobilize part of the power of Guixu, which makes Chen Feng feel even worse.

"Can you still find the opponent's power core?" Chen Feng asked secretly.

"Of course you can, but it is much more difficult than before, because the opponent's power core will move, and the opponent has been prepared for it, so even if I point out where the power core is, I am afraid you can't accurately lock it again and again." Volcano Origin said.

"Then is there any other good way besides this?" Chen Feng asked.

"There is no good way for the time being." Volcano Origin said.

"If that's the case, let's do this. Let's try it first. Maybe the opponent is easy to deal with." Chen Feng said easily.

In fact, Chen Feng knew that he was in real trouble next, because the warning signs that kept appearing in Chen Feng's mind made him know that ordinary means might not work.


Chen Feng threw a punch, and sure enough, he didn't hit the opponent this time. He clearly locked the opponent according to the instructions of the origin of the volcano, but at the critical moment, the opponent's power core was still transferred.

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