Eternal Existence

Chapter 4852 Solved

Relying on the opponent's strength, if you really want to find the Gate of Learning, it is not too difficult. You didn't know it before, but now you know it, and you can also get information about the way to enter the Gate of Origin from other places.

What's more, Tianyuan Saint knows more.


Perhaps because the ninth level joined Tianyuan Saint, the will of the metaverse has not waited for the result it wants, so it has become a little angry.

More metaverse wills have set their sights on Tianyuan Saint, bringing great pressure to Tianyuan Saint. Although no new attacks have been launched yet, Tianyuan Saint thinks that the metaverse should be accumulating strength, which will give him a fatal blow at that time.

"Do I really have to change places?" Tianyuan Saint was a little unwilling.

If I leave, it's not that I can't find a new area, but it will be difficult to find such a suitable place, and then I have to start arranging some things again, which costs my experience and some consumption.

It's better now. With the help of several helpers, the origin area is expanding continuously.

As long as I give myself some more time, I will stop without the Yuanjie's help.

After all, it is impossible for a Tianyuan Saint to control a large area with his strength. After reaching a certain level, he must stop and refine and control it.

Who knows that before the attack from the Yuanjie arrives, the Abyss Valley that Jiaolong faces is in trouble.

Suddenly, no more energy comes in from the Abyss Valley.

Think about it, the mighty power of origin is constantly washing, just like a long river, but the next moment the long river is cut off.

Jiaolong didn't know what happened yet. Looking at the empty time and space in front of him, he wanted to go over and explore it, and then a silk net covered the direction of Jiaolong.

When he got closer, Jiaolong found that this was not an ordinary silk net, but a silk net made of countless cracks in time and space.

Ordinary cracks in time and space can't do anything to Jiaolong. With Jiaolong's defense, he can completely shatter time and space.

But Jiaolong found that under the cover of the silk net, the passage was easily shattered, and then he knew it was not that simple.

He opened his mouth and spurted out a stream of energy, but this stream of energy not only failed to break through death, but was cut into pieces by death.

This time, the dragon was really in trouble.

Although he didn't know what kind of means this was, he had only two choices now, either to block it or to retreat.

If he retreated, these silk nets would cover the origin area, affecting the origin area of ​​the Tianyuan Saint, or he might chase the dragon directly and target the dragon's origin area.

No matter which type of dragon, he chose to fight.

The energy still rushed out, but this time it turned into a thick barrier.

As the energy barrier continued to thicken, the dragon began to prepare for the swallowing technique again.

At the same time, Chen Feng and the others naturally noticed the situation here with the dragon, and they wanted to help, but they also had to see clearly what was going on next.

Very easily, the energy barrier set up by the dragon was cut into pieces by the silk net, but the dragon's swallowing technique did cause some distortion of these silk nets.

Finally it worked, the huge body of the dragon rushed forward and hit hard.

A big hole was broken in the silk net.

And wounds appeared on the dragon's body, and the damaged death continued to rush forward.

The target was the origin area opened up by the Tianyuan Saint.

At that time, the Tianyuan Saint took action, and one palm directly stepped forward to grab the silk net.

Only to see the powerful force from the palm of the Tianyuan Saint, directly smashing these space-time cracks into pieces.

Chen Feng noticed from a distance that there were also wounds on the palm of the Tianyuan Saint.

Although the wound healed quickly, it also showed that the silk net just now could break the defense of the Tianyuan Saint.

The dragon was even more shocked. Some of the injuries on his body were nothing. If he went to the origin area he opened up.

Then the origin area he had finally opened up might be shattered.

"What kind of situation is this?" The Tianyuan Saint released his will to explore, but found nothing.

"It doesn't look like a life attack, it's more like an origin rule." The Tianyuan Saint said.

"So the will of the Abyss Valley has taken action." Jiaolong said.

"It should be so, but there were no signs before, which is really strange. Moreover, the Abyss Valley is different from other origin areas. After all, it was split from Guixu, and the will is not unified, but from the attack just now, it is very powerful." Tianyuan Saint said.

"I can't resist it." Jiaolong said, and returned to his position again.

Fortunately, the opened origin area was not affected, which made Jiaolong feel relieved.

"I will investigate the situation." Tianyuan Saint separated some of his will and rushed into the time and space of the Abyss Valley.

Jiaolong naturally did the same, but not long after, the will of the two returned, and returned quickly.

Soon another silk net appeared.

This time the silk net was larger than before, and there was more than one layer, just like several layers of overlapping fishing nets trying to catch everything cleanly.

At this moment, Jiaolong felt a strong sense of crisis and immediately began to move the origin space he had opened up. He shrank his body, but the aura he released became more and more fierce.

"I'm afraid I can't resist it. Please help me, fellow Taoist." Jiaolong seemed to be fighting desperately, but he still spoke.

"Of course." Tianyuan Saint appeared beside Jiaolong, and beams of light were released from his body, crisscrossing and forming a silk net quickly, and then slowly pushed forward.

The silk net made by Tianyuan Saint was condensed with special power, which also contained the power of time and space.

The structure of power is much more complicated.

After all, Tianyuan Saint had been preparing a way to crack it before.

Sure enough, the two dead nets collided with each other and then quickly melted.

In the process of melting, cracks appeared one after another.

These cracks seemed larger and more destructive, but Jiaolong had to let go.

Either dodge or directly smash the opponent.

The scattered cracks were much less powerful, and the dragon could withstand it even if it didn't dodge.

Although he resolved this wave of attacks, the Tianyuan Saint looked solemn.

"The power is stronger than I thought." Tianyuan Saint said.

"Who did it?" Jiaolong asked, which was the most important thing to find someone.

"I can't be sure." Tianyuan Saint said.

"Can't be sure?" Jiaolong was a little weird.

"I haven't encountered this situation before. It seems to be the will of the Abyss Valley, but as I said before, the will of the Abyss Valley is very scattered and can't be so powerful. I'm now guessing whether there is a powerful life that swallowed part of the will of the Abyss Valley, but if so, the other party should show up." Tianyuan Saint guessed.

"But it doesn't matter. I made the worst plan from the beginning. At worst, I put away the origin and leave here."

"Daoyou want to leave, but I'm not willing to let you go." Chen Feng said.

Now everyone has gained a lot and is getting stronger every moment. Of course, they don't want to leave.

Even the newly joined Hunyuan Shangjiuji said: "It should be fine. Even if there is some danger, I think we can deal with it. Even if Hunyuan Shangjiu comes, we can quickly kill him together."

"It's better to do so. I don't want to leave unless it's absolutely necessary." Tianyuan Saint said.

"I will stay here during this time."

At this time, Tianyuan Saint replaced Jiaolong's position. Jiaolong and Chen Feng went to plunder the origin power of the void illusion together.

In this way, the pressure on Chen Feng was reduced a little.

In fact, in the absence of powerful life, although Chen Feng was under some pressure, he could bear it well.

"I hope it's okay." Jiaolong said.

Before, Jiaolong personally experienced the time and space cracks, and he didn't know the bottom in his heart.

"Don't worry, take your time."

Chen Feng said that even if he knew there was danger, he couldn't speed up the expansion of the origin area.

Just like what Tianyuan Saint said just now, at worst, he could leave and find a place to start again.

Anyway, the harvest is not small, what can be worse than getting nothing?


The space-time rift appeared again, and it looked more dangerous than before, but it was still solved by the Tianyuan Saint.

"It should be life without a doubt." Tianyuan Saint came to a conclusion.

"Above Hunyuan?" Chen Feng asked.

"Yes, it is above Hunyuan, but not the ordinary Hunyuan. It is similar to my previous speculation. The other party can control the law power of the Abyss Valley, but I am not sure whether it is simply the power of the law of space and time, or whether it can control more things. However, the other party has not appeared, which is a bit strange." Tianyuan Saint said.

"It is also possible that the other party's physical body is not strong. Once it appears, it may be killed by us." Chen Feng said.

"It is possible, but if we can't find the other party's true body, we can't solve the other party. If we continue like this, we will be in a passive state, which is a bit depressing." Tianyuan Saint said.

"Or, we will stay here, and the senior will enter the Abyss Valley, find the other party, and kill him." Chen Feng suggested.

"This is indeed a good suggestion. I also want to rush in and kill the source, but I am afraid it will not be so easy." Tianyuan Saint hesitated.

Saint Tianyuan is worried about two things. On the one hand, will something unexpected happen in the origin area he opened up if he is not there to manage it?

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