Eternal Existence

Chapter 4850 A very bad situation

"It's time to leave." The power of time wrapped Chen Feng and began to shuttle.

This was much faster than Chen Feng's divine walking technique. When he stopped, Chen Feng didn't know where he was.

I just know that I am still in the ruins.

"If no origin-level existence appears, I think we can stay and wait." Chen Feng suggested.

"It's better to be careful." Shiguang Changhe replied.

"This time I have gained a lot, but if I want to fully control the origin area of ​​the volcano, it will take a long time to get used to it." Chen Feng shook his arm. Although he said that his recovery power was very strong, every time he erupted, he still needed a lot of training. There will be some damage.

"Fortunately, the Avenue of Life has been broken through, otherwise the price I would have to pay would be greater." Chen Feng thought in his mind.

What follows is still the same action as before. On the surface, Chen Feng is constantly shuttling back and forth in the ruins, but secretly he has been digesting what he has gained before.

It has to be said that there is an additional origin area in the body, which is different from the origin area opened by Chen Feng himself.

The power that the two can unleash is simply worlds apart.

Chen Feng was also a little hesitant at this time, whether to collapse the origin area that had been opened up with the help of the Tianyuan Saint.

After all, that is not the origin area opened up by his true strength.

In fact, Chen Feng knew from the beginning that sooner or later he would destroy this origin area and then open it up again.

But it has to be said that the existence of the origin area does play a big role and can help Chen Feng suppress many things.

You can also give Chen Feng some combat help like the volcano origin area.

It has been continuously expanding during this period.

The reason why Chen Feng did not collapse is because it is still useful now.

But now there is another volcano originating area, which has put a lot of pressure on Chen Feng.

Originally I wanted to balance the two, but later I found that things were not that simple.

If Chen Feng cannot use all the benefits to satisfy the volcano's origin area, then the stronger the opponent's recovery power will be, he will open his own restraints.

At that time, I was in more trouble.

So after Chen Feng hesitated for a while, he still chose to wait a little longer.

After all, his current strength cannot truly open up the origin.

"Controlling the origin in advance and understanding more of the origin will be of huge benefit to my future development." After Chen Feng gave up this idea, he devoted himself to understanding some of the mysteries of the volcano's origin area.

At the same time, after acquiring the area, Chen Feng also had some other ideas.

For example, the area where corrosive energy originates from before.

According to Time Changhe, which area of ​​the origin of corrosive energy can I control?

But I had time and their help before. If I was alone, could I succeed?

Although there is special energy, Chen Feng is not sure.

Chen Feng, a powerful person in the area of ​​origin, has experienced it personally.

If he fails to succeed and there is no time for them to get along, he may really fall into it and never be able to get out.

"For now, let's not worry about it. Let's improve our strength first. Only after we truly control the origin of this volcano can we have our own capital. Even if we leave Guixu now, we will come back again in the future." Chen Feng I know that from now on until I become very strong, I won't be able to disconnect from Guixu.

This is considered to be in contact with a new level, and the accommodation limit of Guixu is obviously higher. After all, this is an existence that can even engulf all major origin areas.

When Changhe and the others were around, Chen Feng became more and more relieved, but something happened not long after Chen Feng had been practicing.

They had been wandering in Guixu for so long, and finally ran into trouble.

A long river blocked the way. When the second powerful being appeared, Chen Feng suddenly became alert, knowing that there might be trouble next.

"Didn't they even notice it in advance?" Chen Feng felt it and thought something was wrong in his heart.

"I'm afraid I'm in trouble now." Shi Changhe said.

"Can you get out?"

"We didn't notice it in advance. It can be imagined that the other party has been prepared for a long time and is waiting for us here, and there are more than one origin-level existence. It doesn't matter if our body is here, but What we have exerted now is only part of the power," said the Sword of Nothingness.

"In that case, why are you still standing there? Hurry up and find a way to leave this place." Chen Feng was also anxious.

You are only part of the strength, and even if you die here, you will only lose a little bit.

I am here in my true body. Once I die here with them, there will be nothing left.

Could it be that he expects his clone to grow to this point? This is simply unrealistic.

Maybe the existence of a clone is another sense, but this is far from Chen Feng's current self-state.

"Take out the energy tower, let's fight to the death, maybe we can escape with some of our power." Shiguang Changhe said.

The other beings did not speak.

But no matter what the River of Time or the Sword of Nothingness said, Chen Feng could hear their pessimistic state.

In desperation, Chen Feng had to take out the energy tower. The appearance of the energy tower also showed that there was an origin-level existence on his side.

And under the urging of the River of Time, it can definitely burst out with stronger power.


The River of Time still launched the attack first, but this time it was different from the past. The River of Time concentrated its power and rushed towards the existence that blocked the road in front.

The power of time is more concentrated. Although it cannot affect all directions, it can affect the targeted opponent.

However, Chen Feng began to guess in his heart.

The existence that appeared this time looks a bit like the origin of the River of Origin Gate. If the opponent is really the original body, then one can beat several.

Chen Feng now only hopes that the River of Time and the Sword of Nothingness have different attributes and can burst out extraordinary destructive power.

But even if you can kill a way out, what can you do? Can you really get rid of these origin-level pursuits?

After all, this is still in the opponent's territory. Even if you get rid of the opponent temporarily, you will eventually be caught up by the opponent.

After thinking about this, Chen Feng encountered pessimism in his heart.

Sure enough, following the big guys like Shiguang Changhe can get a lot of benefits, but once a crisis occurs, it is impossible to resolve it.

"Although I had this idea before, I never made a decisive choice to leave. Besides, if I didn't act with them, I wouldn't be able to get so many benefits, so there is nothing to regret. Next, I still have to find a way to kill it." Chen Feng has not been idle during this period, but he is a little emotional. He doesn't have much time.

Otherwise, he can exert more power in the volcanic origin area.

"Don't do it first, save your power for the last time. We may not be able to escape, but you must find a way to escape." Shiguang Changhe noticed what Chen Feng was going to do and hurriedly stopped him.

Chen Feng also heard more things from Shiguang Changhe, and his heart was a little more stable. Since Shiguang Changhe and others didn't want him to die here, there must be a way to let him leave.


As soon as the two sides clashed, Shiguang Changhe and others were at a disadvantage and felt four powerful auras.

In addition to the long river in front, there was also a phantom wandering constantly.

Although Chen Feng didn't know what form that phantom was in, it was undoubtedly at the origin level.

In addition to these two, there was another existence in the form of a magic weapon, similar to a sickle, with an attack power no less than the Sword of Nothingness.

Of course, the opponent's attack power must be greater than the Sword of Nothingness.

Another existence was very strange.

It turned out to be a flower.

It looked extremely delicate, but the power it burst out suppressed the origin of its own side.

"Could it be that this is a spiritual root? This is the first time I have seen a spiritual root that is so powerful." Chen Feng was a little surprised.

Chen Feng didn't believe that this was a trick created by the other party. After all, a fight of this level must reveal the true form.

"It would be great if we could get rid of all these four beings in one go." Chen Feng also had such an ambition.

But Chen Feng also knew how ridiculous this idea was.

Unless we change places and return to the Valley of the Abyss, there is still hope.

Or the real bodies of the River of Time and the Sword of Nothingness appear. Of course, no matter whether it is the River of Time or the Sword of Nothingness, as long as any of the real bodies appear and exert the strongest power, it is possible to suppress the opponent.

But it is impossible now.

The momentum of the River of Time's attack was directly dispersed by the opponent.

Of course, there is still some effect. The Sword of Nothingness took the opportunity to cut off the river with a sword.

However, it was severely scratched by the opponent's sickle.

Chen Feng could see that the Sword of Nothingness was also damaged.


The first confrontation was blocked, and the River of Time and the others acted decisively and joined forces to activate the energy tower.

This time they activated it with all their strength, and the energy tower exerted a more powerful power than before.

Chen Feng also understood that this situation was not suitable for a long-term confrontation. Since he could feel the opponent's strength and knew that he could not kill it, he had to find a way to use his strongest power to fight to the death.

Chen Feng entered the energy tower. Although he was a little anxious, he did not intervene himself, but listened to the advice of the River of Time and waited.

After all, in this situation, intervening would not change the situation.

Even in the energy tower, Chen Feng could still feel the raging waves outside and how fierce the battle outside was.

Chen Feng even worried that the energy tower would be broken.

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