Eternal Existence

Chapter 4849: A Big Harvest

Chen Feng also felt the other party's will to do everything, and he secretly cried out in his heart that it was not good. He thought that if the other party exploded directly, even if his Chaos Body was extremely large, he would not be able to resist.

Even if the energy tower was taken out now, it would be damaged, and maybe the Time River and the others would also be damaged.

"So are the Time River and the others prepared? Do they have any means to take down the other party?" Chen Feng was a little worried.

Even if he believed in the Time River and the others, the one he was going to attack this time was once at the same level as the Gate of Origin.

At this time, the Time River and the others appeared one after another, the power of time, the killing technique of the Sword of Nothingness, and the formations, energy, and special magical powers of other origins, all kinds of means appeared one after another, and they actually directly suppressed this volcanic origin area.

Although the two sides were fighting, they were also communicating at the same time. They were communicating in a special level of communication that belonged to them.

This volcanic origin area expressed its determination to fight to the end, and at the same time persuaded the Time River and the others to retreat.

The Time River and the others were also persuading this volcanic origin area not to resist. There is no need to end up in a dead end. After all, it is an existence that has been passed down for countless calamities. It is really not worth it to destroy it here.

According to the words of the Time River, it can be regarded as destroying themselves and others to absorb enough energy.

In fact, whether it is destroyed or not, whether it is self-destructive or not, it is not important to the Time River.

Then the Time River, all they have to do is to help Chen Feng. In this way, this volcanic origin area can still retain its autonomy, at most it will become the source of power in Chen Feng's hands, and there will be a chance to escape in the future.

The two sides continued to fight, but this volcanic origin area was still erupting, and powerful forces were erupting inside, trying to wipe out Chen Feng, and the origin area itself was colliding back and forth, trying to kill a way out.

When the two sides fought, it caused a lot of noise.

"Let me go, otherwise it will attract other powerful lives, and you will get nothing at that time." This volcanic origin area began to threaten.

"Since we have already taken action, it is impossible to leave. Even if other powerful lives come here, they will be slaughtered by us. We may be taking advantage of the movement here to deliberately attract other powerful lives." The Sword of Nothingness slashed at this volcanic origin area fiercely, and the cracks continued to spread.

It must be said that the attacking power of the Sword of Nothingness is too strong, and none of them can compare with the Long River of Time.

However, the auxiliary function of the Long River of Time is very powerful. Seeing that the Sword of Nothingness opened a gap, the power of time immediately followed in.

Originally, according to the means of this volcanic origin area, this crack could be quickly healed, and it could also use its own power to drive away the attack of the Sword of Nothingness, but under the influence of time, this volcanic origin area only felt that everything in itself slowed down. There were even cracks that continued to expand.

What's more, it was not only the Sword of Nothingness and the Long River of Time who took action, but also other origin-level beings.

You must know that everyone who came this time is the top existence in their respective origin areas, and in addition, there have been many cooperations in the previous joint actions, and they have long been tacitly understood each other, and every little gap can be captured.

So the people of Time and River began to gain the upper hand. As for Chen Feng's situation inside the origin area, Time and River were not really concerned.

They believed that Chen Feng could resist it. If he couldn't even resist this initial step, even if he took over the volcanic origin area, Chen Feng would not be able to control it.

It was also an inspection for Chen Feng.

If Chen Feng couldn't do this, then Time and River would divide up this volcanic origin area.

Chen Feng naturally understood this, so he used all the power of the Chaos Body to resist the erosion of the surrounding energy.

After an unknown period of time, Chen Feng's Chaos Body was finally injured again, or it was injured under special circumstances.

After all, Chen Feng himself would only be injured in the process of fighting with Hunyuan, and ordinary energy would not have much impact on Chen Feng.

But now Chen Feng has more and more wounds on his body, and Chen Feng is also relying on his powerful recovery ability to heal the wounds and resist the surrounding energy attacks.

Chen Feng himself did not expect that this experience would actually make his life avenue break through.

The Avenue of Life is the most fundamental avenue of Chen Feng, and it is also the most important of all the avenues, even more important than Chen Feng's Chaos Avenue.

After all, Chen Feng is from the Immortal Clan, and the Avenue of Life evolved on the basis of the Avenue of Immortality.

Chen Feng's Avenue of Life has no combat power, and it can be said that it is not as strong as other avenues.

However, Chen Feng's Avenue of Life is the foundation of Chen Feng. Without the support of the Avenue of Life, Chen Feng's Chaos Body cannot grow to this point, nor can it tolerate and support other avenues.

Only when the foundation and the root become stable, the development of other avenues will become more stable.

Chen Feng had a sign of this before, and thought that he needed to hone for a while and digest the previous gains before he could break through to a higher level with the Avenue of Life.

Who knew that this time he broke through directly under pressure.

Chen Feng's Avenue of Life penetrated his whole body as soon as it broke through, affecting all other avenues.

Chen Feng's injuries healed almost instantly, and other avenues were also changing. Some avenues were on the verge of breaking through. This time, with the help of the breakthrough of the avenue of life, he also broke through the current barrier.

In this way, Chen Feng was almost out of control.

After all, this time with the great breakthrough of life, all aspects have changed. Even if Chen Feng can split into thousands of bodies, the most important thing at the moment is to deal with the suppression from the origin area.

Fortunately, Chen Feng's strength has improved. Although it is a bit embarrassed and hurried, he has dealt with it little by little.

Of course, Chen Feng also sealed some places that he could not take care of, and slowly comprehended them after this time.

However, Chen Feng did not suppress some avenues that broke through on their own, which would affect his future practice.

However, in order to better sort himself out, Chen Feng still released the energy tower.

As soon as the energy tower appeared, it blocked the scouring from the origin area of ​​this volcano.

However, Chen Feng only played the energy tower for a short time.

Chen Feng sorted himself out at the fastest speed, and then put the energy tower away.

Using oneself to fight is the most profound feeling.

Moreover, this time Chen Feng originally had the idea of ​​using the opponent's attack to hone the chaotic body.

However, this volcanic origin area also saw Chen Feng's idea, or it felt something was wrong after the two sides fought, and quickly adjusted the direction of attack.

Attack Chen Feng with will and mobilize energy to fight against the long river of time.

In this way, the long river of time doesn't care, but Chen Feng is a little overwhelmed, so he has no choice but to take out the energy tower to resist.

"Don't just defend blindly, use your own strength to fight against this origin area as much as possible, so that you can better control the opponent in the future." At this time, Chen Feng received a message from the long river of time.

"Let me fight? How can it be so easy? I have almost reached the limit of defense before." Chen Feng smiled bitterly.

However, Chen Feng also knew that what the long river of time said made sense, so he collected the energy tower and used it to fight against the attack of this origin area.

Chen Feng exerted his will to the extreme, but he still couldn't resist it. As soon as the two sides came into contact, Chen Feng's will was somewhat damaged.

However, Chen Feng released almost all the avenues to attack this origin area.

In this way, Chen Feng himself formed his own domain.

The two sides attacked each other, no longer defending blindly like before.

Although Chen Feng was still at a disadvantage, and the avenues he released were constantly collapsing, he did not give up, but continued to attack, and became more and more crazy.

Later, Chen Feng entered a violent state, just like this volcanic origin area, and also had a spirit of fighting to the end.

Because Chen Feng knew that this time he must succeed, as long as he could successfully subdue the opponent, then all his previous efforts would be worth it.

After the avenue collapsed, it could be slowly sorted out, even if it collapsed itself, it could be repaired repeatedly.

Like such an origin area with offensive power, it was collected with the help of the long river of time, which was a good opportunity that could not be found even with a lantern.




Chen Feng urged the power in his body without caring about the consumption. Even if he used up all the resources stored in his body, as long as he could get this volcanic origin area, he could make up for all his losses.

Chen Feng believed that Shi Guang Chang He and the others should be able to end the battle soon. After all, continuing here might cause some trouble.

So Chen Feng also knew that he didn't have much time. In this case, he would burst out with all his strength.


Chen Feng began to integrate the magic weapons suppressed in his body into the avenue.

In this way, the avenue became stronger, and Chen Feng's own strength was also rising without the suppression of magic weapons.

This method of suppression not only helped Chen Feng suppress his strength, but also helped Chen Feng accumulate strength.

With the release of power, Chen Feng's strength became stronger, and at the same time, Chen Feng also felt that he was closer to the realm above Hun Yuan.

"Fortunately, it's not to the point where it can't be suppressed, and this time the avenue of life has broken through, which is equivalent to my foundation being more stable and the road being wider, which can delay the time to enter Hun Yuan." Chen Feng secretly felt his own state.

This time Chen Feng burst out with all his strength. Although his will was somewhat damaged and he still couldn't stop the opponent's attack, Chen Feng could hold on.

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