Eternal Existence

Chapter 4834: All Suppressed

Sure enough.

The power emanating from these Hunyuan Above caused the area covered by the Long River of Time to collapse directly.

It must be said that the Hunyuan Above is actually very powerful.

Some of the top Hunyuan Above can fight against some Origin Level beings.

Sometimes it can even be said that the two sides are at the same level.

After all, there are strong and weak Hunyuan Above, and there are also strong and weak Origin Level beings.

It's like the Tianyuan Saint opened up the Origin Area. It's said to be Hunyuan Above, but it's reasonable to say that the Tianyuan Saint is also an Origin Level existence.

When Chen Feng and Jiaolong were adventuring before, they also entered the Origin Area opened up by a life, so how strong should the other party be.

So Chen Feng believed that relying on the Long River of Time and the Sword of Nothingness alone at this time could not take down these Hunyuan Above.

So the beings who had been hiding there finally made a move.

An existence from the Void Illusionary Realm, the other party's specialty is to arrange magic arrays. As soon as he made a move, a large array covered the surrounding Hunyuan Above.

Chen Feng also noticed that a magic array went to an area where there was no Hunyuan Above.

Then Chen Feng knew that this should be the place where the puppeteer was.

Two more beings took action.

One was the Origin River from the Gate of Origin. This one had never taken action before, so Chen Feng thought it was the Time River.

Another one belonged to the Metaverse. Chen Feng had never seen him, but he was also very powerful.

At this time, Chen Feng began to mutter in his heart.

The Time River and the Origin River joined forces, but they did not bring the Gate of Space and Time with them. It was obvious that they looked down on each other.

The Sword of Nothingness was also an extremely powerful existence.

Chen Feng knew that birds of a feather flock together, and people of the same level would play together with people of the same level.

Even beings at the Origin level have levels, gaps, and small groups.

But if you think about it carefully, this is normal.

"If that's the case, why do you want to drag me in? I'm not even above the Primordial Being. They won't just use me as bait, right? That really makes me feel depressed. But if I think about it carefully, I feel honored to have so many powerful beings act as bait. After all, they didn't find other Primordial Beings." Chen Feng smiled, and then understood.

Most of them are coming for the Energy Tower, after all, the real bodies of the Time River have not come out.

The Energy Tower is at least an Origin-level existence. If they take action, the power of the Energy Tower can be fully stimulated, and it can also play a role at a critical moment.

Even if it is the lowest, it can act as a carrier to carry the energy that the Time River and others shuttled through.

When Chen Feng felt the strength of the four people's actions, Chen Feng knew that most of these Primordial Beings would not be able to escape.

Even the Time River and others could not exert their full strength here, but they were well prepared.

And since they are willing to do this, they must be confident.

Moreover, after making these preparations, Chen Feng's energy tower also came in handy, and waves of origin power rushed into the energy tower.

The power of the energy tower was stimulated to the extreme, and it smashed a Hunyuan above into pieces in just one go.

Then the energy tower emitted a powerful devouring force, took the opponent in, and then suppressed it.

The first to make a contribution was the energy tower, which was something Chen Feng had not thought of before.

The second Hunyuan above was severely injured by the Sword of Nothingness, and then was pulled into the energy tower.

And he was wrapped in the power of time and pulled into the energy tower.

Chen Feng was a little worried at first, after all, the energy tower could not suppress so many Hunyuan above, but since there was the power of the Time River to help suppress it, Chen Feng could only put his mind at ease for the time being.

By then, those Hunyuan above would have known that something was wrong.

Or when the third origin-level existence appeared, the other party had already felt that something was wrong.

He wanted to escape at the first time, but he couldn't escape.

There were also Hunyuan above who chose to stay and fight to the death.

It was not a fight to the death. After all, every Hunyuan Above believed in his own strength. Even if the one who appeared this time was an Origin-level existence, it would not matter, and it did not look too powerful.

There was a violent explosion, and powerful energy waves swept around.

The Hunyuan Above who was hiding in the dark and controlling the puppet also broke free from the shrouded magic circle at the first time.

Then the other party chose to flee.

Under this situation, Shiguang Changhe and the others did not chase them, or their strength was not enough for them to fight separately.

Since one ran away, let one run away, and now just get rid of the remaining ones.

In fact, Chen Feng could see clearly that if those Hunyuan Above joined forces to fight to the death from the beginning, it would be hard to say how they would win or lose.

Even if they could only delay for a while, something might happen over time, and then they might alarm the Guixu side, and more powerful lives would appear.

It might also attract an Origin-level existence, and then Shiguang Changhe and the others would be unlucky.

It was just a deliberate plan. When these people above the Hunyuan knew there was a trap here, they were at a psychological disadvantage from the very beginning.

Especially when a Hunyuan Shang is eliminated first, the fighting power of the remaining beings will naturally be greatly reduced, and the courage in their hearts will be directly extinguished.

Yuanyuan Changhe solved an opponent and directly used the power of Yuanyuan Changhe to suppress the opponent in the energy tower.

In this way, only the last three Hunyuan above were left, and they were still the three Hunyuan above who had fought with Chen Feng from the beginning.

These three are working together to break out.

And they were prepared, and the three of them worked together to blast open the magic circle and open a passage.

However, he was stopped by the river of time before he could run very far. The powerful being from the Yuan world suddenly erupted, directly injuring the monster-like Hunyuan above.

Even with the help of all three, they still can't escape.

After all, there were more people above Hunyuan before, but the result was not like this.

Seeing Chen Feng, a Hunyuan Shang, being eliminated, he felt like he was in a dream. He watched helplessly as the remaining three Hunyuan Shang were suppressed in the energy tower one by one.

Think about it, all the six Hunyuan above are in the energy tower. If Chen Feng were to control it himself, the other party would definitely explode the energy tower. But now that there is a long river of time, their power is suppressing it, so there is no problem for the time being. .

However, after the energy tower shrank and fell into Chen Feng's hands, Chen Feng was still shaken and he almost couldn't hold it.

It's just too heavy.

This is not just a matter of strength, but a huge pressure from the six Hunyuan.

At this moment, the energy tower actually acts as a carrier.

"Is it time to leave now?" Chen Feng said.

The other party did not speak, and the power of the river of time enveloped Chen Feng and the energy tower together.

The Sword of Nothingness opened the space in front of him and disappeared with Chen Feng.

Next, Chen Feng kept rushing. This time the journey took a bit long, and he had to keep changing directions.

Everyone knows that in the long run of time, they will definitely find a safer place this time.

The previous action was too big.

The six Hunyuan warriors from the opponent were eliminated in one go. This kind of thing could only happen in the war in the Valley of the Abyss.

Although the scale of Guixu is large enough, the movement here may really attract the attention of some powerful beings.

Now is not the opportunity to start a full-scale war on the opponent's territory. Even if the main bodies of Time River and others come, they will not dare to have a large-scale conflict with the opponent in Guixu's homeland.

Now we have reached a limit by making small noises and making some noise.

"I thought you were going to chase the powerful being who controlled the puppet." Chen Feng said with a smile.

After all, Chen Sheng was considered a master in the Hunyuan realm because of his existence, so he would definitely be a huge threat if he encountered it in the future.

After all, those who could escape from Shi Changhe's plan must be extraordinary people, but Guang Changhe and the others did not pursue them, obviously feeling the crisis.

"Let's find another opportunity in the future. I have already left a mark on the other party." Shiguang Changhe responded.

"Whether you want to kill the other party or not is also your business. Anyway, the person I met is not an opponent. I am just curious whether the other party is a true puppet master, or is someone above Hunyuan controlled by other means." Chen Feng said with a smile. .

"Just because you are not his opponent now, doesn't mean you won't be his opponent in the future." Shi Changhe said.

"Where are we going next? We can't just keep running for our lives. We might as well return to the Valley of the Abyss." Chen Feng asked.

"It's hard to get here, and it will take time to go back. After all, this is not our home court. Let's find a place to digest the gains first, and there are still things to do next." Shi Changhe replied.

After another period of time, Chen Feng finally stopped. Sword of Nothingness and the others all entered the energy tower, leaving Chen Feng outside.

"You are going too far." Chen Feng said with some dissatisfaction.

"You protect us outside, so the benefits will naturally come from you." The Sword of Nothingness said.

"Well, it's really an honor to be able to protect so many powerful beings." Chen Feng said with a smile.

Of course I know that this is just a joke. How could the Sword of Void and the others let Chen Feng protect the law? After all, they can kill some powerful beings with just a little bit of power.

Even if Chen Feng came from above Hunyuan, he wouldn't be able to deal with it, and they would have to take action in the end.

"But I can at least delay some time." Chen Feng said, and then took action to arrange the magic circle around him.

Chen Feng also opened up a great avenue in formations. He had seen the powerful being's methods before. At this time, Chen Feng had some insights. Later, he gradually fell into the cultivation state of formations. .

An avenue emerged from Chen Feng's body. Different from the previous avenues, large formations flew out of this avenue from time to time, and then densely arranged around them.

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