Eternal Existence

Chapter 4833: Leaving a clone behind

At this time, the power of the long river of time washed over and quickly enveloped the entire origin area.

Under the influence of the long river of time, Chen Feng's will began to shrink rapidly, constantly shrinking from the entire origin area, until it finally condensed together and pulled out of the origin area.

Chen Feng finally returned to normal, and then he found that his will had changed a lot before, and he also learned a lot about the origin.

In short, this was a very strange experience.

If it weren't for the interference of the long river of time, Chen Feng could completely withdraw his will, but it would take a little longer.

Chen Feng was even a little bit close to assimilation with the origin area.

Even if it was the origin area that was revived after extinction, it was still an origin, which was not something Chen Feng could bear now.

At the same time, Chen Feng also had a lot of understanding of the origin of one side.

It can even be said that he had insight into many secrets.

He knew to what extent this line of origin had recovered, and he also knew what the Sword of Nothingness had done here.

The reason why this origin can be revived is of course because of the work of the Sword of Nothingness. It can be said that they spent a lot of effort, and they also paid a great price and consumed some resources.

It is naturally impossible to pay in vain. The other party also arranged some means in it. That is to say, although this origin has been revived, it is under the control of the Sword of Nothingness.

This is also normal. Even Chen Feng will not pay in vain. If there is no benefit, Chen Feng will not work in vain.

However, although this is an origin, and it has also been revived, it has been absorbing the power of Guixu and becoming stronger in the next period of time.

But it is still very weak.

It can be said that it is not even one ten-thousandth of the period of full victory.

If the Sword of Nothingness had not come here, then after a period of time, the last bit of power in this origin area would be refined cleanly, then no matter how powerful the long river of time is, it is impossible to go back in time. At most, it can only understand some fragments of the past, and it is impossible to revive this origin area again.

"But even if it is one ten-thousandth, it is much stronger than the origin area opened up by the Tianyuan Saint. After all, the original foundation is still there, and the Sword of Nothingness has deployed many means here." After Chen Feng made a comparison, he quickly came to some conclusions.

And if Guixu didn't notice it, this origin area would become stronger and stronger as time went by.

If the power of Guixu can be continuously swallowed, it will be restored to its original peak one day.

Chen Feng also thought more. Since there is an origin area here, it means that this place was not the location of Guixu.

It is only because of the swallowing and coverage, and the expansion of its own territory that this area has changed.

"So where is the real Guixu? Since there is an origin area here that has been swallowed, there must be origin areas in other places that have been covered." Chen Feng said.

Although they paid for this origin area, the Sword of Nothingness did not choose to leave.

They are helping this origin area to continue to plunder the power of Guixu around.

As the scale of the origin expanded, the more power of Guixu was plundered. With the power of the Sword of Nothingness, Chen Feng was even worried that there was such a big commotion here. Would Guixu not react?

If some powerful beings were attracted at that time, the Sword of Nothingness would not be able to escape.

"How long will we stay here?" Chen Feng asked curiously.

"Stay for a while and see what happens. Otherwise, once we leave this Yin-Yang Origin, we might be swallowed up by Guixu directly." The Sword of Nothingness said.

That's right, this origin area is called Yin-Yang Origin.

Because Chen Feng went deep into it and felt the other party's efforts, he also knew the name of the origin, and also knew how big the origin was.

According to Chen Feng's understanding, the Yin-Yang Origin is not as good as the Gate of Origin, and perhaps not even as good as the Metaverse. It is about the same as the Valley of the Abyss.

This is also one of the important reasons why the other party can be invaded by Guixu. Because it is not strong enough, even the powerful life living here has no time to go to other origin areas for help.

Although this origin can be revived, the powerful life that once lived here can never be resurrected again.

Moreover, the resurrection of a powerful life also requires enough energy and resources. Even if this Yin-Yang Origin can do this, it will not do so.

"Then wait here for a while." Anyway, Chen Feng is not worried or anxious. He just needs to follow these big guys.

In fact, Chen Feng really didn't help at all this time, but took the opportunity to get some benefits.

Chen Feng didn't feel embarrassed, because his strength was not as good as these big guys.

And if there is really trouble, Chen Feng will not help.

"How about I leave a clone in this origin area?" Chen Feng had this idea.

Then this idea became more and more intense. This is indeed a good idea.

It's just that there is no life in this Yin-Yang Origin. Of course, there may be some life, but it belongs to the innate life, or some of the Hunyuan that was annihilated with the Yin-Yang Origin, there may be a chance to revive, but the chance is very small.

Anyway, Chen Feng still left a clone here. This time, the clone cultivated by Chen Feng was different from the previous clones.

This time, under Chen Feng's deliberate intervention, this clone was powerful as soon as it was born, and Chen Feng used means to stimulate it.

Chen Feng did not stop until he reached the level of Daluo Jinxian.

Even for Chen Feng, this Daluo Jinxian-level clone is nothing, but this is not an ordinary clone. This is a real life born from the cultivation method of the second-life clone.

It is completely different from the special clones in the past.

It can also be said that it has directly reached the level of Daluo Jinxian, which is indeed a bit outrageous. Chen Feng is now a little worried about whether there will be any hidden dangers.

But the situation here is quite special. If the clone left behind is too weak, it is easy to have some accidents.

Maybe he died in Guixu as soon as he left.

Then the Daluo Jinxian is different. As long as he practices here for a period of time, he can also grow rapidly with the progress of the origin of Yin and Yang.

Of course, this is also an important reason why Chen Feng is willing to leave a clone here.

At this time, the origin of Yin and Yang is in a state of rapid expansion. Leaving the clone here, coupled with some of the means left by Chen Feng himself, can be said to have established a deep connection with this origin.

Think about it, under normal circumstances, even if the existence of the level above Hunyuan cannot establish such a close connection with one origin.

But this time is different. This is a good opportunity. Chen Feng is willing to give it a try. Even if this clone has an accident, it is worth a gamble for Chen Feng.

Seeing Chen Feng leave a clone here, the Sword of Nothingness did not say anything, but let Chen Feng do it.

Feeling that the clone is getting stronger here, Chen Feng does not want to stay here any longer.

Just thinking about these big guys to quickly find the next origin area, or to do something.

"Maybe not long after I leave, my clone will enter the level of Hunyuan Jinxian. Only by becoming a Hunyuan Jinxian can I be qualified to merge with my body. The clones that grow up in the development of different origins will definitely undergo earth-shaking changes when they merge together. I hope it will bring me greater surprises." Chen Feng thought so in his heart.

After another period of time, the Sword of Nothingness finally chose to leave.

In fact, Chen Feng was getting impatient. If they didn't leave, maybe Chen Feng would choose to leave and go to Guixu to take risks.

Next, the Sword of Nothingness and Chen Feng continued to travel together, and the speed was much faster than before.

Chen Feng used the magic of walking to the extreme, and barely kept up with the Sword of Nothingness.

This was the gap between the two sides.

Although Chen Feng's magic of walking broke through again and again and reached a state of transcendence, there were still some differences in the power level and life essence between him and the nothingness.

The Sword of Nothingness seemed ordinary, and it was very simple to travel, and there was no special change, which made Chen Feng a little unable to keep up, and he almost lost it several times.

"It seems that before entering the Hunyuan realm, I am afraid that my divine movement technique will not be able to make a significant breakthrough, but I really don't want to enter the next realm now." In fact, as Chen Feng saw more and more powerful beings, coupled with the recent gains, Chen Feng also felt that he was becoming more and more saturated in the Hunyuan Jinxian realm. Under normal circumstances, he would choose to break through, but Chen Feng wanted to make himself stronger, so he kept practicing with peace of mind and suppressed the current realm.

"If I really can't suppress it, I still have to use magic weapons to suppress it, but now I feel that the problem should not be big, and I can continue for a while. This is because the gains during this period are too great. I keep encountering the origin-level original power. If I continue to devour it like this, I am afraid that even magic weapons will not be able to suppress my current state at that time."

"Also in terms of realm, I still need to make a breakthrough. The previous will has made a breakthrough, but it is not enough. There is still no real perfect balance with the physical body." Chen Feng carefully experienced his own state while hurrying on the road.

This time Chen Feng did not disturb the Sword of Nothingness.

Chen Feng was so quiet that the Sword of Nothingness was a little uncomfortable.

"Are you having any problems with your cultivation?" The Sword of Nothingness couldn't help but ask.

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