Eternal Existence

Chapter 4835: Alerted the Opponent

Chen Feng's formation avenue has never had such a breakthrough.

For a period of time, Chen Feng spent a lot of thought on the formation avenue, but later Chen Feng blocked his opponent with some powerful weapons and magic weapons, and then relied on his own forced chaotic body to rush around.

So the practice of the formation avenue slowed down.

Especially later, other avenues were constantly breaking through, and Chen Feng's formation avenue had no Chen Feng's own insights except for some plundering.

This time was an opportunity for Chen Feng.

What's interesting is that when seeing the avenue that Chen Feng practiced, the powerful existence from the Yuanjie actually came out with a feeling from the energy tower.

In this way, Chen Feng was completely lost in it.

Even if the Time River had completely changed those Hunyuan, Chen Feng was still practicing.

The Time River naturally couldn't wait for Chen Feng here, so they used a magical power to move Chen Feng and Chen Feng's avenue to the energy tower.

Then the Sword of Nothingness appeared outside the energy tower and continued to travel in Guixu.

After a while, the Sword of Nothingness found an annihilated origin area, and then the River of Time and the others began to take action.

Revive this origin area.

Previously, the six above the Hunyuan were dealt with, which can be said to have added some foundation to the River of Time and the others.

Part of these energies were swallowed by themselves, and part of them were left in the energy tower, which was a benefit for Chen Feng.

Another part was mainly used to revive the origin area, of course, there were some other uses.

This origin area was perfectly revived, and this time the origin area was larger than the first time it was encountered.

The River of Time and the others had always been thinking about whether to divide it up in one fell swoop, and finally for long-term planning, they stayed here and let the other party devour the power of Guixu.

Next, the River of Time and the others entered the energy tower, and the Sword of Nothingness continued on their way.

Then Chen Feng knew nothing about all this, and was still immersed in his own practice.

When Chen Feng finished his practice, he found that some of the energy stored in the energy tower was what the River of Time and the others had left for him before.

The energy was not much, but it was very pure. It was obviously refined at a glance. If it were not for Chen Feng to deal with it, it could be completely absorbed by the energy tower.

Chen Feng looked at it and didn't stay, directly integrating the energy into the energy tower.

Later, Chen Feng had time to see the situation outside the energy tower.

Then he found that Shi Guang Chang He and his team were fighting.

Chen Feng was a little confused. How long had he practiced? It seemed that there were huge changes outside.

Chen Feng noticed that Shi Guang Chang He and his team's opponents were four origin-level beings.

Moreover, the opponent was fighting on the home ground, and the strength they exerted was even stronger than Shi Guang Chang He and his team.

This was a bit embarrassing.

In terms of the true strength of both sides, Shi Guang Chang He and his team must be stronger, but Shi Guang Chang He and his team only came with a part of the force this time. It was already good to be able to fight to this extent on someone else's territory.

"It seems that we are unlucky. We actually encountered so many powerful beings this time." Chen Feng didn't know what happened before.

But Chen Feng thought that Shi Guang Chang He and his team should find an opportunity to attack the lone origin-level beings.

This time they encountered four people, which must be bad luck.

And if they continue, who knows if the opponent will have reinforcements.

"Can I help?" Chen Feng asked proactively.

In the previous period of practice, Chen Feng's formation avenue also made some breakthroughs, but he still didn't have enough to participate in such a level of struggle.

"You just need to cooperate with us." Shi Guang Changhe said, sending out a force and directly activating the energy tower.

With the participation of the energy tower, it is equivalent to having an additional origin-level existence. Shi Guang Changhe and his team began to gain the upper hand and beat their opponents back again and again.

But they did not fight to the end, but took the opportunity to leave the area.

Obviously, they also knew that continuing to argue might lead to a more dangerous situation.

Then they continued to change directions. Of course, Chen Feng also understood what they had done during this period, and couldn't help feeling a little pity and regret.

During the period of his own practice, Shi Guang Changhe and his team actually revived two origin areas.

It's a pity that Chen Feng was in retreat and didn't participate, missing two good opportunities for practice.

So Chen Feng planned that he would never practice in retreat again. Even if he wanted to practice, he would pay some attention to the situation outside.

And this is not just as simple as practice. Chen Feng can also leave his second life clone in the origin area.

Now, it is definitely impossible to return by myself, but Chen Feng is wondering if he will pass by again if he returns in the future?

"We haven't really entered Guixu yet?" Chen Feng asked curiously.

"We can't be sure, but I think we haven't really entered Guixu yet." The Sword of Nothingness said.

"How long will our actions last? It's impossible to keep making trouble in Guixu. I'm afraid we can't go back." Chen Feng said.

"Some more helpers have come to the Abyss Valley, so we don't have to worry about the situation in the Abyss Valley. In fact, our actions have been spotted by the masters of Guixu. We were almost locked by Guixu's will several times before. We have to be more careful in the next actions. We plan to find a place to hide for a while, or do a few more big things, and then leave Guixu. Of course, we don't necessarily have to return to the Abyss Valley. It may also be an opportunity to enter other origin areas." The Sword of Nothingness said.

"Where did those guys go before? Are they about to return?" Chen Feng asked.

"It's possible. According to our calculations, the other party has mostly occupied one origin during this period of time. Maybe they will return after the chassis of the other party's invasion stabilizes." The Sword of Nothingness said.

"So soon, they actually occupied another origin area. In this case, wouldn't their strength become stronger and stronger?" Chen Feng said with some surprise.

"Yes, that's right. This is why some powerful lives in Guixu can be mobilized so easily. Who doesn't want to become stronger? As Guixu continues to expand, these powerful lives that fight together will naturally benefit." The Sword of Nothingness said.

Chen Feng noticed that the Sword of Nothingness had become much stronger, and knew that it was mostly the looting during this period that replenished itself, not necessarily the power from communicating with the main body.

After all, this place is too far away from the main body.

The next journey was a little boring. The Sword of Nothingness had not made any moves. Once they found an origin area, they just made a move and left immediately.

It was obvious that they felt the danger, which made Chen Feng a little disappointed again.

However, not long after that, Chen Feng still made some progress in cultivation, because the Sword of Nothingness stopped.

So Chen Feng moved freely around and found a very good large area of ​​life.

The cultivation system here is very complete, from low-level life to Hunyuan Jinxian.

And the various attribute powers are also relatively complex and abundant. In Chen Feng's opinion, it is similar to a well-developed universe.

So Chen Feng left a clone here. This time, he started practicing from a weak age, and only chose to leave after he had the power to protect himself.

"Is Guixu the final place for practice?" Chen Feng has actually been thinking about this question, but his current strength and vision cannot answer it at all.

But what cannot be denied is that Guixu is indeed very powerful, and the fact that it can invade so many origin areas proves this point.

It shows that Guixu is superior to the origins of all parties.

"It's really an interesting thing. Since you can survive in Guixu, even if the origin is destroyed, the problem will not be too big. However, the environment of Guixu is indeed worse than that of other origin areas. However, there are powerful lives that use magic power to open up a place for life, which can continue the race." Chen Feng was also thinking, if the free space is really destroyed, then where will the wild universe go.

And where will he go in the future.

"I hope to delay the invasion of Guixu."

The more he advances in Guixu, the more Chen Feng can feel the power of Guixu. At the same time, Chen Feng also understands that what they are doing in the long river of time and space is just to delay the invasion momentum of Guixu.

I'm afraid it's really hard to really change the situation.

"Speaking of these origin-level beings, they originally wanted to transcend the origins of all parties. Who knew that after this kind of thing happened, they actually took the initiative to help the origins expand and fight against Guixu." After thinking about this, Chen Feng also felt a little funny.

Of course, these powerful origins are not without choices. They can completely abandon the origin area where they are, and then move their bodies to Guixu to venture, or directly take root in Guixu and transform into life in Guixu.

"The reason why the origins of the origin areas of all parties are still joining forces to fight against the invasion of Guixu is not only to take advantage of the opportunity to gain some benefits, but also because the destruction of the origin will affect themselves. However, since things have happened, when the invasion reaches a certain extent, these origin-level beings may peel off the imprint in the origin and then enter Guixu to venture. Maybe these powerful beings in Guixu used to be like this." Chen Feng guessed in his heart.

If the destruction of the origin has no effect on the lives in it, Chen Feng believes that many powerful lives will not participate in the fight against Guixu. Could it be that they are born and raised here and do not want to see their hometown destroyed? Even if there is such a being, they will resist it, but they will not persist to the end.

After leaving the clone, Chen Feng continued to wander around the surrounding area, and continued to wander further away. In Chen Feng's opinion, the Sword of Nothingness and others might not come out in a short time.

"It's still a little lonely to be alone, even if you are practicing. I should have called other friends to come together." Chen Feng thought to himself.

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