Eternal Existence

Chapter 4832 Seizing a good opportunity

However, the edge of the Abyss Valley was severely eroded, and some of Chen Feng's power was needed to stimulate and replenish it.

Chen Feng also knew this, so he was prepared. Soon Chen Feng really understood the situation within the defense line through the will of the Abyss Valley.

Everything was very quiet.

Chen Feng even communicated with Tianyuan Saint and others.

Chen Feng's actions surprised Tianyuan Saint and others, and they also understood the true state of the Abyss Valley.

"In this case, if you drive away the invasion of the Abyss Valley quickly, the Abyss Valley may still recover. Otherwise, there will be no hope after a long time." Tianyuan Saint said.

"According to the speed of the defense line, I am afraid it will not catch up, but it is better. I am worried that there will be other changes." Chen Feng said.

"You said that you have not found those lives." Tianyuan Saint asked with some surprise.

If Tianyuan Saint was not practicing, and Chen Feng had already gone deep into it, it is possible that Tianyuan Saint would go in and take a look immediately.

Even now, Tianyuan Saint is planning to go in and explore.

Chen Feng had been in there for quite a long time before, and Tianyuan Saint was a little worried. Now it seems that there should be no big problem.

Chen Feng and Tianyuan Saint exchanged some more, and then left the coordinates of their location.

Since the situation in the nearby valley was safe and sound, Chen Feng had nothing to worry about.

In this case, let's stay here for a while.

After Chen Feng learned some information about the edge of the Abyss Valley, he decided to go deeper.

Because there was nothing particularly useful here except for feeling a little surprised.

What's more, Chen Feng's purpose of coming here has not been achieved yet.

In other words, from now on, it can be considered as entering the Abyss Valley.

"That's not right." Chen Feng shook his head.

According to the understanding of those who came to Chen Feng, Guixu and the Abyss Valley had no contact originally, which means that the power of Guixu came through time and space, and it might be extremely far away.

Thinking of this, Chen Feng hesitated a little.

If you want to enter the native land of Guixu, it might be a very troublesome thing.

After all, there is no clue yet.

There is no direction, and I don't know how far it is. Now I am almost lost.

After thinking about it, Chunfeng couldn't help but slow down.

Just when Chen Feng was hesitating, a beam of sword light appeared out of thin air beside Chen Feng.

This scared Chen Feng.

I thought I met a master from Guixu.

But when Chen Feng saw what was going on, he was even more surprised.

It turned out to be the Sword of Nothingness.

This is normal, after all, Chen Feng didn't expect to meet the Sword of Nothingness here.

But the words of the Sword of Nothingness still made Chen Feng a little worried, after all, the two sides were opponents before.

Chen Feng now wondered if the other party wanted to take the opportunity to kill him?

There are no friends here. If the other party really wants to do this, I'm afraid I really can't hide.

Unless the other party doesn't come with all his strength, then he may be able to resist it by using the energy tower.

Although thinking so, Chen Feng still doesn't want the other party to say anything to him.

After all, everyone is still in a state of joining forces to fight the enemy.

But there must be something wrong with the other party suddenly appearing beside him.

"You also want to go to Guixu." At this time, the Sword of Nothingness took the lead in communicating with Chen Feng.

It also exudes the fluctuation of will.

"That's right, isn't it the same for senior?" Chen Feng nodded.

"In that case, we can go together. I see you don't know the direction, and your speed is too slow." The Sword of Nothingness said.

Chen Feng hesitated.

But at this moment, the Sword of Nothingness slightly emitted some power. After feeling this power, Chen Feng nodded and agreed.

Chen Feng was very surprised. He didn't expect the other party to come, but since it appeared in this group, Chen Feng was no longer worried about the Sword of Nothingness.

Chen Feng was curious about how the two of them joined forces. They were not from the same origin area.

But if you really think about it, these two beings are powerful, and it is understandable that they join forces to do something.

And if he acts with them, Chen Feng also feels a little safe.

Of course, this is only an illusion on one side. If these two powerful beings want to do something, the movement will definitely be very big.

At that time, the danger he will encounter will definitely be greater.

But no matter what, Chen Feng still feels very honored that these two people pulled him to act together.

In this case, Chen Feng agreed, and the speed of the next journey became much faster.

The Sword of Nothingness was very silent and did not take the initiative to communicate with Chen Feng.

How could Chen Feng miss such a good opportunity, so he shamelessly communicated with the Sword of Nothingness.

After all, if Chen Feng wanted to break through the Dao of Sword, he needed to constantly seek some insights and constantly learn more about the Dao of Sword. It was not that the more power he accumulated, the more breakthroughs he could make.

The Sword of Nothingness gave a very simple answer to Chen Feng's question at first, but later, perhaps because he could not stand Chen Feng's entanglement, or perhaps because he did not take the previous grudges to heart, he explained a lot of knowledge about swords to Chen Feng, which greatly inspired Chen Feng.

Chen Feng also gradually guessed some things. This time, the Sword of Nothingness did not come with a simple part of the power. Otherwise, the other party crossed such a distant time and space to make trouble in Guixu, and if the power was not enough, it would not have much effect.

"Wouldn't it be the original body?" Chen Feng guessed.

But soon Chen Feng shook his head again.

This is impossible. The original body is too risky.

Most likely, a lot of the original body's power has been condensed.

Or it is possible to establish a connection with the original body, which is a bit difficult. I think about it, even that existence is following, it seems not impossible.

If a channel is connected, it should be possible.

Chen Feng also knows about the existence of this level, but he doesn't know too much, so he didn't ask, just made some guesses.

Chen Feng thought that since they dared to come, they must have made some preparations. Chen Feng even wondered if there were other existences following in secret.

"I hope it can give me some inspiration and gains." At this time, Chen Feng didn't care much about collecting more energy.

What Chen Feng had to do was to learn something from these origin-level existences.

That's right, it was to learn.

After all, Chen Feng also had his own way of cultivation and path of cultivation.

In this case, Chen Feng didn't want to come to Guixu so early.

The longer he stayed on the road, the more Chen Feng could learn from the Sword of Nothingness.

Later, the Sword of Nothingness was really helpless, and didn't talk much to Chen Feng, but instilled some things into Chen Feng.

These were some origin imprints between the nothingness and the nothingness.

This time, Chen Feng was really shocked.

He just wanted to learn some things about cultivation from the Sword of Nothingness's words and conversations, who knew? The Sword of Nothingness was so generous that it even showed him its origin imprint.

In this case, Chen Feng didn't need to ask more questions, he just needed to comprehend from the imprint.

This opportunity was really too rare.

Chen Feng was even a little ashamed. If he had known that the Sword of Nothingness was so generous, he shouldn't have destroyed the other party's imprint.

But think about it, the two sides were opponents before, so it was normal to act like that.

Then after that, Chen Feng stopped talking and began to comprehend carefully.

Soon, Chen Feng's sword avenue was condensed again, surrounding his body like a stream, constantly flowing slowly, but there were countless changes in it.

It looked very weak, but it was the avenue with the strongest attack power among all the avenues of Chen Feng.

The sword path released by Chen Feng this time was very pure. There was no long sword sitting in it, nor was there any suppression of other things, and there was no residue.

It was a pure path opened up by Chen Feng himself, and it was also an extension of Chen Feng's own understanding of cultivation.

This was Chen Feng's true strength.

The Sword of Nothingness did not pay too much attention to Chen Feng's cultivation, but just kept on traveling in the dark.

A beam of sword light was really inconspicuous in the time and space of Guixu, and there was not even any power emitted, and it would not attract the attention of any existence at all.

As for Chen Feng, he was just a Hunyuan Jinxian, and even in his cultivation, he did not make any big noise.

Moreover, in the process of sensing the path, the perception of Chen Feng and the Sword of Nothingness had already searched the four areas.

If there was any powerful existence, the two would also be able to sense it.

As for the life below the level of Hunyuan Jinxian, they were completely ignored by the two, and they could not even find the existence of Chen Feng and the Sword of Nothingness.

In this way, I don't know how long it took, and the Sword of Nothingness finally slowed down.

Chen Feng also woke up from his cultivation state and put away the sword path that flowed like water.

"Have we arrived?" Chen Feng asked curiously.

The Sword of Nothingness did not speak, but emitted some sword energy fluctuations, which quickly rippled in the Sword of Nothingness and penetrated into time and space.

Chen Feng knew what the other party was exploring. Could it be that there was a powerful existence here?

Chen Feng's initial thought was that these people came here to either find the nests of some powerful existences in Guixu to destroy them, just like he was looking for the other party's power imprint in the Yuanjie.

But now it seems that it is not that simple.

Although he was confused, Chen Feng could only wait patiently. Anyway, there will definitely be huge fluctuations this time.

Who knows that the Sword of Nothingness continued to move forward, stopped after a distance, and then continued to emit fluctuations.

It seems that they were all looking for something.

"Senior, where did those powerful existences go before?" Chen Feng finally couldn't help asking.

"They joined forces to invade other origin areas." The Sword of Nothingness gave Chen Feng a response.

"I don't know what the origin area is. Is it a place I've been to?" Chen Feng asked curiously.

"I'm not sure about this either." The Sword of Nothingness said.

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