Eternal Existence

Chapter 4734 Success

"I see that the two Daoists are not walking around casually, right? They seem to know this place better." The man above the Primordial Chaos continued.

"That's right, we are going to find the core area, so we just need to keep going deeper. Even if we can't find the core area, we may be able to directly pass through this energy ocean, and then we will know more about the situation here." Chen Feng said.

"What a coincidence, I thought so too. I don't know how big this energy ocean is. I feel more and more pressure now, and I may not be able to hold on for too long." The man above the Primordial Chaos said.

"If Daoists can't hold on, it's better to leave quickly. This special energy is too strong for us to erode. If we are not careful, we may be seriously injured here. This time we are willing to move forward with the intention of risking our lives." Chen Feng replied.

In this way, the two sides kept communicating, and they both wanted to get some useful information from each other.

But everyone came here for the first time, and even if there was some information, it was just speculation.

The man above the Primordial Chaos finally slowed down.

Chen Feng and Jiaolong were still moving forward, because Chen Feng and Jiaolong were working together and could use their skills alternately.

Although this person above the primordial element was powerful, he had been exhausted recently for a while, so it could be said that he had consumed a lot of energy.

Chen Feng and Jiaolong would naturally not invite the other party to act together. It was a very dangerous behavior to put a person above the primordial element who they did not know by their side.

And this person above the primordial element did not seem to have such an intention.

While Chen Feng and Jiaolong were on guard against each other, this person above the primordial element was also on guard.

Soon this person above the primordial element lost the trace of Chen Feng and Jiaolong, so he seemed a little anxious.

He wanted to speed up, but he really could not bear too much pressure, so he could only slow down a little and quickly recover his vitality.

Of course, there were still some means, but these means consumed too much energy afterwards, and it seemed a little unworthy.

However, this person above the primordial element thought about it and still used the hidden means.

It was a pity that he still did not catch up with Chen Feng and Jiaolong in a short time.

"The other party did not catch up, and the above was just like that." Jiaolong said with a smile.

"Never mind him, I feel like we're almost there." Chen Feng's eyes flickered, and a strong feeling kept hitting his mind.

Chen Feng knew that he had indeed found the place.

"I hope it can bring us some surprises. In addition to the power imprint we are looking for, there must be some other good things." Jiaolong said.

"What else do you want? Origin seeds, I really felt it, there is the breath of origin seeds here, but this is also a strange place. The origin light seen outside before may have erupted from here, but this place is too far away from the outside space." Chen Feng said.

"You actually felt the origin seed, so we have to get to the front to see it clearly." Jiaolong said with some surprise.

Soon, a chaotic light appeared in the perception in front.

If it was in the universe, Chen Feng would think that he had come to the core area of ​​the origin of the universe, which was full of chaotic energy.

But now these chaotic lights are the light of origin.

"If it is the light of origin, then it is related to the Well of Eternal Night, but the energy here does not seem to belong to the Well of Eternal Night, which is really strange." Chen Feng said.

"It is also possible that two different forces have merged together and gathered here." Jiaolong said.

"If you explain it this way, then I have nothing to say." Chen Feng said with a smile.

The two continued to move forward, getting closer and closer to the chaotic light.

At the same time, they also felt a strong pressure.

Finally, Chen Feng came in front of the other party, stretched out his hand and grabbed it, and a piece of light of origin surged and fell into Chen Feng's hand.

It was just some light, but Chen Feng felt an extremely heavy weight, heavier than many huge stars gathered together.

A strand can be refined into an indestructible flying sword.

But even so, Chen Feng felt that it was much easier than searching for those special energies.

Or to say, collecting these lights of origin is no different from the past for Chen Feng.

As long as Chen Feng is willing, he can completely collect these lights of origin.

Seeing Chen Feng pulling the light of origin so easily, the dragon opened its mouth and performed the swallowing technique.

Some light of origin also rolled into the dragon's mouth.

"These light of origin are still good, higher quality than those I encountered before, and it is relatively easy to collect. Regardless of whether this is the core or not, let's collect these light of origin first." The dragon said.

"Yes, this is indeed a good thing." Chen Feng did not refuse.

So then both sides performed the swallowing technique and quickly plundered the light of origin in front of them.

The number of these origin effects is really not small. Neither Chen Feng nor the dragon had ever seen so many before.

You should know that the light of origin usually exists only rarely. For example, Chen Feng only got a bunch of it before.

It's not like it is now directly gathered into a large piece.

This is still the situation seen from the outside. In fact, if the light of origin is really spread out, it can also form an ocean.

After spending some effort, Chen Feng and the dragon swallowed this piece of light of origin cleanly.

Then he saw another sphere.

It was similar to an energy sphere, but it looked like a huge star.

Chen Feng's perception fell on this sphere, and he felt that there was a cave inside.

There was a more powerful and vast energy in it.

It was the same source as the special energy around it, but the energy in the sphere was more refined.

To put it more clearly, it was like the power and morality that Chen Feng had obtained in the energy ocean before.

In other words, Chen Feng and Jiaolong found the core area and the power imprint of this energy ocean.

There seemed to be the breath of the origin seed in it.

"A better origin seed?"

"It's really a good thing. With this harvest, I can completely break through to Hunyuan and no longer have some burdens like before. Even if I reach Hongyuan, I am not the bottom existence." Jiaolong said excitedly.

"You want to break through now, but you still have to find a way to collect this energy ball." Chen Feng said, and directly reached out to grab the sphere.

But at this moment, the man from the Hunyuan finally caught up. Seeing Chen Feng's move, his face changed drastically. He immediately sped up and also reached out to grab it.

Chen Feng didn't care about the other party's attack at all, but continued his previous action.

The dragon turned around to resist the man from the Hunyuan.

"It's so heavy!"

Chen Feng did not encounter the resistance he imagined, and actually grabbed the sphere. Apart from being extremely heavy, there was no other situation.

"It won't be so easy, so simple, or this is not the core."

Chen Feng felt a little incredible. You know, it was not so easy to collect the power imprint at the beginning.

And because he collected too many power imprints, he was targeted by a powerful existence.

Now Chen Feng directly took away all the benefits, and there was a sense of unreality.

But at least Chen Feng also knew that the power contained in this sphere was indeed extremely powerful, even stronger than the power imprint of the attribute he had encountered before.

Anyway, since the thing is in his hand, he should put it away first.

Chen Feng directly put away the energy ball, and then turned around to look at the man from the Hunyuan.

Because of the environment, although the two sides fought fiercely here, they also restrained themselves.

Even so, it caused a great fluctuation.

It is normal that Jiaolong is not the opponent of this Hunyuan Above.

"Daoyou, don't stop. If you continue to test, I will not be polite." Chen Feng said.

And Jiaolong suddenly pulled away and came to Chen Feng's side.

Since Chen Feng has already gained benefits, there is no need to continue fighting with the other party.

"What benefits did you two get just now? Can you take it out for me to see?" This Hunyuan Above said.

At this time, because of the sphere that Chen Feng collected, this area first became empty, and then became a mess, and even showed signs of collapse.

Looking at this situation, it is likely to affect the entire power ocean.

"If Daoyou is just a simple experience, then there is no need to attack us. It seems that Daoyou wants to grab the benefits. Yes, the good things here are already in my hands. It's a pity that Daoyou came too late." Chen Feng said.

"The things are ownerless. Whoever gets them will own them. You are late. You should go back now. Or the most correct thing you should do is to find a way to collect the special energy here. There is no need to fight with us." Jiaolong also said so.

The expression of this Hunyuan above kept changing. It was really depressing that the good things were taken by the other party first.

Of course, I wanted to snatch them, but then again, facing these two Hunyuan Jinxian, I was not sure.

And through the fight just now, this Hunyuan above also felt the power of Jiaolong.

Although Chen Feng did not make a move, this Hunyuan above could be sure that Chen Feng's strength was not inferior to Jiaolong, and even stronger.

In the end, this Hunyuan above sighed and turned away.

Entering the energy song ocean, bearing such a strong pressure, it was not easy to get here all the way.

But there was no gain in the end.

The most important thing is that there are obviously benefits, and I can get them as long as I am faster. This gap is even more uncomfortable.

Although this person left, he was not resigned to it. He was thinking about how to deal with Chen Feng and Jiaolong, and maybe he could find some helpers.

At this time, Chen Feng and Jiaolong were also communicating.

"What should we do next? I don't think the other party will give up." Jiaolong said with a smile.

"There is no need to leave for the time being. Let's practice here for a while. The most important thing is to master this power." After Chen Feng finished speaking, he took out the energy ball he had obtained before.

He stretched out his finger and pointed. The energy ball emitted a circle of power fluctuations, forming a layer of domain, covering the two of them.

In this way, Chen Feng and Jiaolong could no longer feel the suppression from the energy ocean.

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