Eternal Existence

Chapter 4735: Being Stopped

"There is such an effect. In this case, we should have taken action just now and taken down the opponent directly." Jiaolong said with some surprise.

Chen Feng shook his head: "Things are not that easy. We still need to study this energy ball carefully to see what is going on. I found that in addition to the power imprint, there are some laws here. Maybe these laws are the important reasons for controlling the energy ocean."

"And I can't be sure whether this is the core of this energy. It's too easy to get it."

Jiaolong felt the situation in the energy ball, and then said with a smile: "From the energy level, it should be the core. If not, it is also for us."

"But let's change places."

This area is boiling more fiercely. Although the two have a unique field to resist, they don't want to stay here and cause any changes.

Fortunately, the scale of this energy ocean is huge, and the two changed to a relatively calm place and stopped.

The energy ball floated in front of the two, and the power it radiated enveloped the four directions.

And Chen Feng and Jiaolong naturally would not completely believe in this energy ball, and they were also mobilizing the power of self-confidence.

This is also to be on the safe side.

There are indeed some origin seeds in the energy ball, and the number is more than the two imagined.

After seeing these origin seeds, Chen Feng knew that he would not lack the foundation for cultivating the second life clone in the future.

With these origin seeds, the second life clone will become more powerful.

Soon, Chen Feng and Jiaolong divided these origin seeds.

"It seems that there are no other risks, everything is normal, and it is too difficult to get the benefits this time." Jiaolong couldn't help but say.

"Indeed, when I got the things, I felt that it was unexpectedly smooth, but now the benefits are in our hands. Even if there are any hidden dangers in it now? Then for us, it is nothing." Chen Feng said.

Anyway, the benefits have been obtained by the two, even if there are troubles, the two don't care.

After taking the origin seeds, Chen Feng and the others found some of the laws in it.

With a slight touch, the two can feel that this law connects the entire energy ocean.

"Just as I imagined before, it seems that what we have to do next is to comprehend the laws here first, so that we can control this special power." Chen Feng said.

Next, Chen Feng and Jiaolong no longer cared about the outside world, but practiced with all their heart.

Anyway, the special energy here is very strong, even if the Hunyuan Above came here, they could not stay for a long time.

So Chen Feng and Jiaolong were not worried about danger coming to them.

Besides, even if there were some troubles, the two of them were sure to deal with it.

In this way, although the energy ocean sometimes fluctuated, it did not affect Chen Feng and Jiaolong.

After spending some time, Chen Feng and Jiaolong gradually refined the laws here.

As a result, they also had some control over this energy ocean.

Next, even if they traveled through the energy ocean, they would not be under such strong pressure as before.

Even the two of them could mobilize the power of the energy ocean, which was the most terrifying point.

Chen Feng and Jiaolong even thought about whether to lure the most powerful opponent here, and then suppress him with the power of the energy ocean.

This is a good opportunity.

"Maybe that powerful existence has also come here. After all, this area has made a lot of noise. I think the scope of the collapsed space outside has expanded a lot, and it must have attracted more Hunyuan Above." Chen Feng said.

"Then let's go and see the situation." Jiaolong was also full of confidence.

This was also the first time that the two felt very safe after entering the energy ocean.

And through the energy ocean, they could even roughly sense how many powerful lives there were here.

After some exploration, the two's previous guess was confirmed. There were indeed more Hunyuan Above, but the number was not as much as imagined.

And there was no familiar breath.

This meant that the powerful existence that the two wanted to see did not come here.

"It's really a pity, so we should decide whether to stay or not. After all, we have been here for a long time, and we have also got the benefits. We can continue to explore other places. Of course, let him leave this energy ocean here. If there is really danger, we can come back quickly and use the geographical location here to solve the opponent." Chen Feng suggested.

Chen Feng and Jiaolong decided to leave this special area. After all, the two have already gained the greatest benefits here.

Staying here may become the target of public criticism. Although the current strength of the two does not care about this, they must also guard against the appearance of Hunyuan Above.

Before, many Hunyuan Jinxian entered the energy ocean to make a living. If they did not get any benefits, they would definitely set their sights on the two of them.

Thinking of this, Chen Feng and Jiaolong somewhat regretted letting go of the previous Hunyuan Shangshi.

If the other party left, they didn't know whether they would spread the news that they had benefited.

Thinking from another perspective, Chen Feng and Jiaolong thought that the other party would most likely do so, and might bring other helpers.

Thinking of this, Chen Feng and Jiaolong would not stay here, so they quietly left this energy ocean.

It was just that the two of them felt the danger soon after leaving the energy ocean.

"Perhaps it was not the right choice for us to leave the energy ocean. It turns out that the other party is waiting for us here." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Yes, we were careless. It has been like this for a long time. We should continue to stay in the energy ocean and let them wait." Jiaolong also said so.

The person who met before appeared, and there was a helper with him.

He was also a person who was above Hunyuan.

Chen Feng and Jiaolong looked around carefully, and it seemed that there was no other life.

"Are you the only two? If there are others, please come out quickly. After all, you are also above Hunyuan. There is no need to hide in the dark." Chen Feng said so.

These words were somewhat contemptuous, and the two people who were above Hunyuan were a little angry, but they also knew that the two Hunyuan Jinxian in front of them were not so easy to deal with.

But they didn't show off so much at the beginning.

"Can we collect the other party into the magic weapon?" At this time, Jiaolong was naturally still thinking about some benefits.

It was considered a taste of sweetness.

What better thing is there than plundering Hunyuan?

Chen Feng couldn't help but smile bitterly: "There is still a Hunyuan above suppressed in my magic weapon that has not been dealt with."

"When did it happen?" Jiaolong asked curiously.

"Before, I met some Hunyuan above in the energy ocean at the end of the intersection of all rivers. In the end, I took down an opponent with all my strength." Chen Feng said.

"Why didn't you say it before? We can also deal with the opponent if we join forces." Jiaolong said.

"Didn't I forget it?" Chen Feng said.

Both of them were speechless. Now, the strongest killer can't be used for the time being.

"Can you throw another person in?" Jiaolong couldn't help asking.

"It's not impossible, but the risk is too great. I'm afraid that the opponent will join forces to occupy my magic weapon, and then the price will be high." Chen Feng said.

"I see, then there is no need to do this. We are not afraid of the opponent with our current strength. I took a look at these two. Don't be just ordinary Hunyuan above." Jiaolong said.

"Indeed, the opponent may be weaker than we thought." Chen Feng nodded.

Just as Chen Feng and Jiaolong were discussing, the two above Hunyuan had already completed the formation.

The opponent did not rush up in a hurry, and had made preparations before, which also meant that he did not underestimate Chen Feng and Jiaolong.

Facing the opponent's preparation, Chen Feng and Jiaolong seemed a little reckless, and just rushed all the way.

Chen Feng's whole body was shining with golden light, and Jiaolong's huge body could be transformed into a formation.

Wherever he passed, the formation arranged by the two above Hunyuan was directly shattered.

Chen Feng and Jiaolong had already rushed in front of each other.

One person locked an opponent.

This is to fight alone.

"See who will solve the opponent first?" Chen Feng said.

"Okay, then let's compete."

After Jiaolong got the power imprint during this period, his strength has also increased greatly, not to mention that he had comprehended special energy before.

It can be said that Jiaolong has long reached the strength of above Hunyuan.

At this time, fighting with Hunyuan, there is no burden or pressure at all.

As soon as the two sides fought, they were evenly matched, which was enough to show that Jiaolong was indeed much stronger than before.

As for Chen Feng, as long as he used the latest power he had mastered.

He hurt his opponent right away.

This Hunyuan was secretly surprised: "You actually mastered that mysterious power. It's because you got the benefits."

After thinking about it, this Hunyuan became more and more depressed. If he was faster, then all these benefits would be his.

After thinking about this, this Hunyuan exuded a strong murderous intent and used the strongest means.

Puff! Puff!

Blood flowers bloomed on Chen Feng's body. The opponent actually broke Chen Feng's defense.

However, Chen Feng didn't care and punched the opponent hard.

Then Chen Feng felt the opponent's strong defense. In the past, he really couldn't break the opponent's defense, but this time, Chen Feng contained special energy in the attack.

Directly corroded a big hole in the opponent's body, and more special energy tried to drill into the opponent's physical strength.

Once the opponent can't suppress it, it will explode directly like the previous Hunyuan Jinxian.


With a loud explosion, Chen Feng retreated repeatedly, and some wounds appeared on his body again.

"You can actually break my defense. You are worthy of being above Hunyuan. You still have some tricks." Chen Feng said with a smile, and the wounds on his body healed quickly.

The opponent's attack power is very strong. Even if Chen Feng is prepared, he can't completely resist it.

However, this kind of injury is acceptable.

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