Eternal Existence

Chapter 4733: Finding the Core

After all, Hunyuan Shangzhi is a powerful master who has practiced for a very long time, so he still has vision.

He guessed something quickly.

But even if he knew, what could he do?

Now that he can't even collect and use these energies, does he still want to find the source of the other party?

However, the words of Hunyuan Shangzhi reminded Chen Feng that maybe it really came from a more powerful place of origin.

Since the other party is stronger than the Well of Eternal Night, this is a basic inference.

Chen Feng believes that there must be a place of origin that he doesn't know about or have never heard of.

But then again, the most important thing is to find a way to use this special energy.

Although Chen Feng can also refine and absorb it, the quantity and speed are too slow, far from Chenfeng's expectations.

Chen Feng doesn't want to waste too much time here.

He already has a power imprint of all attributes. In terms of the special energy that is far more valuable than the one in front of him, he can find a place to refine the power imprint.

Of course, if he really finds a good way, Chen Feng doesn't mind collecting some of this special energy.

And similarly, because he found the power imprint before, Chen Feng also has an idea.

That is, is there a power imprint in the depths of this special energy ocean?

If there is a power imprint, it would be really shocking.

After all, if we really compare it with the energy ocean, what we encountered this time is of higher quality than what we encountered in the universal intersection place before.

So if there is a power imprint here, it must be better than what we got.

Chen Feng had this idea in his mind, so he planned to continue searching.

If the guess is confirmed, then the source of this mysterious power is enough to arouse Chen Feng's curiosity.

"Is it a power stronger than the power imprint I got? If so, then once it can be transformed into one's own, wouldn't it be possible to directly surpass the Well of Eternal Night."

Chen Feng believed that things should not be so simple. This kind of power is already in the Well of Eternal Night.

I don't know how long it has been hidden before.

Now it suddenly erupted. It may be accidentally discovered by other adventurers, or it may be time for the eruption.

"Another Hunyuan is coming." At this time, the dragon said to Chen Feng.

"It seems that if ordinary Hunyuan Jin participates first, there is only one way to go. If they can leave as soon as possible, it can be regarded as a decisive decision." Chen Feng said.

The environment here is already very dangerous. This special energy will cause Hunyuan Jinxian to explode if they are not careful.

If they act rashly in the energy ocean, how much will the death rate increase?

Now Hunyuan Above has also come, and the number is increasing.

Then Hunyuan Jinxian will become even worse than cannon fodder.

"Let's go in and take a look." Chen Feng said.

Seeing Chen Feng and Jiaolong re-enter the collapsed space, the Hunyuan Above shook his head and didn't say much, but quickly looked in another direction.

There, a powerful Hunyuan Above also appeared.

What's interesting is that these two Hunyuan Above actually know each other, and they have some exchanges.

Then they both entered the space to see him.

With the entry of these two Hunyuan Above, the speed of space collapse increased linearly, affecting some life areas.

There is an area hidden very secretly, surrounded by dense arrays of magic, and there are a lot of lives in it.

It's a pity that the strongest one is only the Hunyuan Jinxian, and was suddenly affected by the collapsed space. Except for a few lives that escaped, all other lives were shattered.

There was not even a splash.

"This time we have to change our goal. We don't need to look for the origin seed anymore. What we want to find is the possible power imprint, that is, the core of this energy ocean." Chen Feng said.

Jiaolong nodded: "I forgot this point. It's true. This energy ocean may really have a core area. Once it can be found, there may be some unexpected gains and discoveries."

Although the idea is good, whether it can be found is another question.

After entering the energy ocean, the two went in another direction, and at the same time tried to sense the strength of the surrounding forces.

Unfortunately, the power of the entire energy ocean is very stable, and there is not much difference in strength.

Especially as we continue to go deeper, the pressure we bear is getting greater and greater. Under the continuous consumption of our own power, we will worry about whether we can return if we continue to move forward.

This time, there was energy pressure around Jiaolong most of the time, so Chen Feng was trying to find a possible core area.

After all, Chen Feng also had experience in finding power imprints in the energy ocean, and sometimes he could determine the direction just by feeling.

Facts have proved that Chen Feng did find clues very quickly.

Determined a direction by feeling.

"Sure enough, we are getting deeper and deeper, but I don't know how long we can hold on." Jiaolong said.

"Don't worry, I think we can resist it." Chen Feng said with a smile.

Since the direction has been roughly determined, even if there is danger and pressure, we have to find a way to fight against it.

What's more, the two of them have not reached their limits before, even if they can't bear it, there are still some other means.

Of course, this is also an adventure.

After Jiaolong was tired, he changed to Chen Feng, but in this way, his progress slowed down.

After Bao Jiaolong recovered, Chen Feng continued to rely on his senses to determine the direction.

Just like that, we stopped and went, not even meeting other adventurers along the way.

"Even if you are above Hunyuan, you won't come here easily, right?" Jiaolong said.

"That's hard to say. After all, the Hunyuan Above is a level higher than us. How can we still have no means." Chen Feng has never underestimated the Hunyuan Above. Even if the Hunyuan Above died in his hands before, it was just a weapon. I relied on the power of magic weapons and helpers.

Relying on one's own strength alone, it is impossible to solve the problem above Hunyuan.

Chen Feng is still self-aware.

"But there are not just that one, two, and several more Hunyuan Shang who entered this place before. We haven't seen them and we don't know where they went." Jiaolong said.

"Not only above Hunyuan, don't forget that there were also a lot of Hunyuan Golden Immortals here in the beginning. The Hunyuan Golden Immortals who can wander in the Well of Eternal Night are definitely not simple. Maybe some people have hidden strength, and there are Maybe we have found a way to not be eroded by special powers, in short, anything is possible." Chen Feng said.

The two were communicating, and sure enough they felt an aura above Hunyuan in front of them.

It was quickly determined that this was a Hunyuan Shang that he had seen before.

After seeing the other party, Chen Feng secretly muttered in his heart that he unexpectedly met the other party here.

This shows what? Is it possible that the other party also knows that the core is here?

If this is the case, there may be a fight next.

The Hunyuan Shang was also a little surprised when he saw someone following him.

Especially after discovering that they were two Hunyuan Golden Immortals, they even sneered secretly.

From the perspective of this Hunyuan superior, when two Hunyuan Golden Immortals came here, weren't they looking for death?

However, seeing Chen Feng and Jiaolong getting closer and closer, even surpassing him, this Hunyuan leader became a little uneasy.

Instinctively, he wanted to kill Chen Feng and Jiaolong, but after having this idea, he immediately felt a crisis.

I know that once I take action, I may not be able to succeed, and it may even bring danger to myself.

In other words, these two Hunyuan Golden Immortals can threaten themselves together.

This Hunyuan Shang was cautious.

"I've met fellow Taoists. I wonder if I've gained anything from being here?" Chen Feng asked proactively.

"What's the gain? I was just walking around here, and I didn't even see an origin seed. There was nothing else except the special energy around me." said the Hunyuan Shang.

"Indeed, we are walking casually. In this case, let's say goodbye for now." Chen Feng said, and then he did not communicate too much with the other party, but continued to walk forward with Jiaolong.

Seeing that the two Hunyuan Golden Immortals were following the same route as himself, the Hunyuan Shang's eyes flickered, and some thoughts came to his mind.

Soon this Hunyuan Shang caught up with Chen Feng and Jiao Long.

"Why don't we walk together so that we can take care of you." Hunyuan Shang said.

"That's fine!"

Chen Feng smiled, but did not refuse.

This Hunyuan superior was observing the strength of Chen Feng and Jiaolong, and Chen Feng and Jiaolong were also observing each other's strength.

"The strength is pretty good, but if we join forces and fight, it's hard to say who will win and who will lose." Chen Feng said to Jiaolong.

"That's right, we just don't know how much strength the opponent can exert here. If they are suppressed severely, then they really are no match for us." Jiaolong said.

"Can you tell where the other person comes from?" Chen Feng asked secretly.

"It may come from the Eternal Night Space, unlike the local life forms in the Well of Eternal Night." Jiaolong said.

"This kind of person shouldn't be stupid. I hope he won't seek death." Chen Feng said.

"I'm really curious about the power of this fellow Taoist. I've never seen it before." At this time, the Hunyuan Master suddenly looked at Chen Feng and asked.

Chen Feng knew that the other party had seen the power imprint he had used. Chen Feng didn't know whether the other party really didn't know, or whether he wanted to test him deliberately.

So Chen Feng said: "I come from other places of origin and do not belong to the Well of Eternal Night."

"I see, I have never seen the power exerted by fellow Taoist. From this point of view, the place of origin where fellow Taoist is located should be more powerful than the Well of Eternal Night." The Hunyuan Master suddenly said.

"Maybe. After all, I can only admire such a high-level existence and cannot make an accurate comparison. Besides, the Well of Eternal Night also has equally powerful power. For example, if we can master the special energy around us, Isn't it more powerful?" Chen Feng said.

"This is true, but this kind of energy is indeed quite special. Speaking of which, I have been wandering in the Well of Eternal Night for a while, and this is really the first time I have encountered such a situation." This Hunyuan Shang said.

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