Eternal Existence

Chapter 4732: Under Attack

"We didn't think of a solution when we were outside. Can we think of a solution now that we are under pressure?" Jiaolong was still looking for possible origin seeds and other resources.

He didn't study how to collect and refine the special energy here as he did at the beginning.

As for Lin Feng, most of his strength was used to resist the invasion of special forces.

Change some new fields from time to time.

With just one or two fields, it would not last long.

Fortunately, Chen Feng has opened up enough avenues, and these avenues have reached a very perfect level.

Perfect operation can better resist these mysterious forces.

In addition, after Chen Feng participated in the power imprint, the effect was better.

However, even if he stayed for such a long time, it would be a huge burden for Chen Feng.

The hard-earned mana cultivation was consumed, which was not what Chen Feng was happy to see.

If he could comprehend this special power or get something good enough, it would be worth paying some price.

"If we really can't solve this problem, it seems that we really have to leave the energy sea and collect it in the outer area of ​​the energy sea. The pressure here is too great." Chen Feng said.

"Wait a minute, I'll do something." Jiaolong said.

The two spent some time to get another seed of origin, so Chen Feng took back the surrounding domain and replaced it with the power of Jiaolong.

This time Chen Feng felt relieved.

After a short rest, Chen Feng began to explore the four directions.

Unlike Jiaolong, Chen Feng divided a part of his power to study these special energies, and still wanted to find a way to deal with them.

Chi Chi!

Just as the two were walking in the energy ocean, they were suddenly attacked.

The domain arranged by Jiaolong was directly broken, and the special power surged, and it was about to wrap up the two.

It must be said that the person who made the move was indeed quite insidious.

Because the other party didn't need to care whether it was Chen Feng and Jiaolong's opponent, there was no need to attack Chen Feng and Jiaolong directly, as long as they could break the defense of the two.

Naturally, there would be special energy here to deal with Chen Feng and Jiaolong.

Sure enough, Chen Feng and Jiaolong were submerged by the energy.

It didn't explode as imagined.

Only Chen Feng was seen shuttling directly in the energy, at a moderate speed.

The extremely powerful special energy directly hit Chen Feng.

The attacker was frightened to death when he saw this scene.

The attacker knew that Chen Feng and Jiaolong were very powerful before, but he didn't expect that they were so powerful that they could rely on themselves to fight against the special energy here.

And he was also targeted by Chen Feng.

Besides, Jiaolong also rushed out of the chaos, and its huge body swam in the energy ocean.

Its speed was even faster than Chen Feng.

Another life targeted by Jiaolong.

After all, a Hunyuan Jinxian alone could not break the domain created by Jiaolong.

Chen Feng and Jiaolong acted separately and decided to deal with these guys who were looking for death first.

The Hunyuan Jinxian targeted by Chen Feng had already started to flee. The other party was wrapped in a thick barrier, and his speed was not slow in the energy ocean.

But soon, he was caught up by Chen Feng.

"Daoyou, stop, let's have a good chat." The Hunyuan Jinxian shouted hurriedly.

But then the surrounding magic circle appeared, directly suppressing Chen Feng in it.

It turns out that the other party has some preparations here.

The formation plus the special energy around, the pressure on Chen Feng directly increased.

However, with a violent explosion, Chen Feng broke through the formation and walked out again.

At this time, these ambushed Hunyuan Jinxian realized that Chen Feng was stronger than they thought.

I am afraid that even if he is above Hunyuan, he will not be able to deal with the special energy around so easily.

Suddenly, several Hunyuan Jinxian jumped out.

Since he knew that it was unavoidable, he had to use his means to fight.

It must be difficult for Chen Feng to face these Hunyuan Jinxian.

In fact, Chen Feng was indeed not easy.

This time, facing this special energy directly was also an attempt by Chen Feng to see how long he could resist.

At this time, Chen Feng only felt that the special energy around him was constantly eroding his body and trying to dissolve everything about him.

And it also wanted to rush into his body and trigger the power in his body.

But Chen Feng could still suppress it in a short time.

Besides, what other means did Chen Feng have?

The powerful attack fell on Chen Feng, but Chen Feng didn't care at all. He found an opportunity and punched an opponent.

This Hunyuan Jinxian rolled out directly, the power on his body began to be chaotic, and the special energy around him began to erode.

Although this Hunyuan Jinxian did not self-destruct, he did not have any extra power to deal with Chen Feng.

Then Chen Feng made a series of moves and completely suppressed these Hunyuan Jinxians.

In fact, there was no suspense in the fight between the two sides.

Chen Feng could completely resist the attacks of these Hunyuan Jinxians, but they could not withstand Chen Feng's attacks.

There was a Hunyuan Jinxian whose physical body was not very good, who was directly beaten to pieces by Chen Feng, and then eroded by the special energy around him.

The result was naturally self-destruction.

One Hunyuan Jinxian self-destructed, and the others no longer dared to stay and fight with Chen Feng, and each used their own means to flee.

Chen Feng was murderous at this time, chasing after them and blasting all these Hunyuan Jinxians.

Finally, a series of self-explosions brought about huge changes.

Chen Feng quickly left the area, and at the same time, a domain appeared on Chen Feng's body.

At this time, some special energy had already eroded Chen Feng's body.

And Chen Feng was refining it quickly.

Fortunately, the special energy that entered Chen Feng's body was not much, and Chen Feng could completely refine it.

This is also an important reason why Chen Feng is a little confident.

Since it can be refined, this energy is integrated into oneself, which is the best change.

Although the refining process is relatively slow.

On the other side, Jiaolong was also fighting with several Hunyuan Jinxian.

These Hunyuan Jinxian were not in the same group at first, but who knew that they united and targeted Chen Feng and Jiaolong.

"It's really a speechless thing. There was no grudge before, why did they attack us two?" Chen Feng couldn't figure it out for a while.

But Chen Feng didn't care. Since these guys were looking for death, he would fulfill them, and it would only take some time.

On the other side, Jiaolong was also suppressing those opponents, but not as fast as Chen Feng.

But Chen Feng is here now, and the Hunyuan Jinxians who were fighting with the dragon were scared and fled.

"It's too late to run now." Chen Feng sneered and caught up with a Hunyuan Jinxian, and punched away the opponent's magic weapon.

Then Chen Feng performed the Devouring Technique, and the protective shield around the Hunyuan Jinxian was completely devoured.

The rolling special energy wrapped the opponent.

Under Chen Feng's traction, more power acted on the Hunyuan Jinxian.

The Hunyuan Jinxian did not last long before self-destructing.

The final result was that all were solved by Chen Feng and the dragon, and the two of them also suffered a lot of pressure.

In desperation, they had to leave the energy ocean in advance and return to the outside space.

In a short time, the scale of the collapsed space expanded a lot.

Chen Feng began to think about this. If the collapse continued, would it lead to the suppression of the Well of Eternal Night?

After resting outside for a while, Chen Feng completely refined the special energy that invaded his body, and then he was really relieved.

After all, this energy is so special that if there is any residue in the body, it may cause trouble at a critical moment.

Even if it has a little impact, it will affect the overall situation.

"It's still a bit of a gain."

Jiaolong said.

"If this is an ordinary origin ocean, then the origin seeds we got are not so surprising. Now the origin seeds look good, but they are still not worthy of this special energy ocean." Chen Feng said.

"Maybe there are better quality origin seeds. Let's go in and take a look later." Jiaolong was also a little unwilling.

It's really unnecessary to leave now.

It's not easy to encounter such an interesting thing, of course, we have to explore it here.

Moreover, after the previous attempts, Chen Feng and Jiaolong have a bottom line in their hearts.

Relying on their own strength, they can still compete with this special energy.

"In fact, the special energy here is just a special attribute. If we really talk about the level, it is just the same as the power imprint of a single attribute I got before. If it combines multiple attributes of the power imprint, it can still exceed this special energy." Chen Feng said.

Another group of Hunyuan Jinxian rushed out.

After this group of Hunyuan Jinxian came out, they hid far away and didn't dare to look at Chen Feng and Jiaolong.

The scene of Chen Feng and Jiaolong's slaughter was also seen by these adventurers, so they naturally didn't dare to provoke Chen Feng and Jiaolong.

The Hunyuan Shangshang who had communicated with the two also appeared. He was injured and half of his body disappeared.

After the other party appeared, he quickly repaired his injuries, and at the same time, strands of special energy were forced out of his body.

It seems that this Hunyuan Shangshang has also reached a limit, otherwise he would not come out.

"What did you two gain?"

This Hunyuan Shangshang took the initiative to walk in front of Chen Feng and Jiaolong.

"It's just the origin seed. If someone didn't make trouble, maybe we would really have some gains." Jiaolong said.

"If someone makes trouble, just kill him directly." This Hunyuan Shangshang said with a smile.

"Did Daoyou find anything?" Chen Feng asked.

"I found that this special energy should not belong to the Well of Eternal Night. It's really strange. I have never encountered such a situation before." The man above the Primordial Being said thoughtfully.

"Maybe it belongs to another place of origin." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"It's possible, but if it really comes from another place of origin, it must be a place of origin that is more powerful than the Well of Eternal Night." The man above the Primordial Being said.

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