Eternal Existence

Chapter 4731: Entering the Collapsed Space

Wouldn't there be more of this special power in the energy ocean? When the whole person enters it, it would be really difficult to resist.

"Study it first, and figure out this power. It won't be too late for us to enter." Chen Feng gave this group of power to the dragon, and then continued to perform the swallowing technique.

Soon, strands of special energy were pulled out by Chen Feng.

The two of them kept studying what this power was outside. Even if they couldn't figure it out, they had to find a way to deal with it.

Only in this way can they protect themselves in the process of adventure.

"I've never seen this kind of power, but I don't think it belongs to the Well of Eternal Night." The dragon said.

"I don't think it belongs here either, but it doesn't seem to belong to other places of origin. Or am I a little ignorant? The power I saw before is only a small part. Maybe it really belongs to the Well of Eternal Night." Chen Feng said.

"No matter where this power belongs to, the most important thing for us is to find a way to resist the erosion of this power. Yes, the opponent's erosion is too strong. No matter what power it is, it will be eroded once it comes into contact with it, and then lose control and finally explode. The power of reincarnation I exerted can only resist a small part of the special energy. If it enters the energy ocean, it may not last long." Jiaolong said.

Chen Feng nodded, and then he knew that Jiaolong was right.

Just as the two were discussing, a group of Hunyuan Jinxian rushed out of the collapsed space.

These Hunyuan Jinxian had joined forces to enter before, but they did not last long in the energy ocean and had to escape in a panic, because if they continued to stay in the energy space, they would definitely be invaded by special energy and then explode.

"Take a rest and go in later." One of the Hunyuan Jinxian said this.

Then these Hunyuan Jinxian saw Chen Feng plundering this special energy, and they opened their eyes in surprise, as if they had seen the most incredible thing.

They did not expect that someone would take the initiative to collect the special energy that made people feel extremely scared.

And it seems that this special energy does not have much impact on Chen Feng and Jiaolong.

So, these Hunyuan Jinxians were moved and wanted to approach Chen Feng to ask.

"You don't need to come over. I am just collecting some energy and studying it carefully. I dare not let me enter now." Chen Feng took the initiative to speak.

Now that he is collecting special energy, Chen Feng does not want to talk to them more, and even Chen Feng does not want to learn more about the situation in the energy ocean from these Hunyuan Jinxians.

As long as he understands this energy, then he will know more clearly when he enters in person.

Hearing Chen Feng say this, these Hunyuan Jinxians had to stop. Although they were a little unwilling, they did not dare to provoke Chen Feng and Jiaolong.

It is obvious that the strength shown by Chen Feng and Jiaolong is very strong. Even if there are many Hunyuan Jinxians, they are not sure to fight with Chen Feng and the two of them.

Besides, everyone has no grudges, so there is no need to make enemies.

Chen Feng is still constantly extracting mysterious energy, and at the same time he is also studying, using all his strength to test, trying to find a good way.

Jiaolong was not idle either, and he also had some methods of his own.

However, no matter how many methods and attempts the two used, they could not find a very good method.

"Really, there is no good way, but if we force our way in, we can hold on for a while, and the consumption will be very large, just like when we were at the intersection of all the rivers, but we were resisting the force of impact, but this time we are resisting the force of erosion." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"It is indeed a different force. When we were at the intersection of all the rivers, we would be crushed to pieces if we were not careful, but if we self-destruct here, it is hard to say whether we can reshape our bodies in the first time. Once the body is cracked, it will bring stronger erosion." Jiaolong said.

"This is also a helpless thing. If you want to understand, or want to see the situation in the energy ocean clearly, you can only go there in person." Chen Feng shook his head.

Since they couldn't study anything here, the two didn't want to stay any longer.

And at least the two of them had just seen this special power. Although there was no very good way, they had more or less understood it.

They knew what they were doing.

Then a layer of domain appeared around Chen Feng, wrapping up Jiaolong, and the two of them entered the collapsed space.

Because of Chen Feng's action, Jiaolong was really free of pressure and could take out all his time and energy to study the situation here.

"How about we go find the origin seed first?" Jiaolong suggested.

The two entered the collapsed space and soon entered the energy ocean.

For a while, Chen Feng pushed the domain to the extreme.

The special energy around was too strong, and Chen Feng almost couldn't resist it.

In addition to the reincarnation domain, the five elements domain and the Zhoutian domain were arranged.

Fortunately, Chen Feng had enough avenues and the evolution was also magical enough, so he could resist for a while.

At most, it was just a little consumption.

If you want to study something, some consumption is still worth it.

"I found the origin seed, let's go and take a look, but it seems that other adventurers are eyeing the origin seed." Jiaolong said.

"Let's go and see first. Here, no one is willing to fight unless it is absolutely necessary. Of course, with our strength, we are not afraid of the opponent. Even if it is above Hunyuan, we can fight." Chen Feng didn't care too much.

In this case, whether it is Chen Feng or Jiaolong, they can compete with Hunyuan alone.

But the same means will also be invaded by the mysterious power here.

The Hunyuan Golden Immortals who entered before actually did not advance far. They were also worried that if they could not bear it, they would not be able to return in the first time.

So Chen Feng and Jiaolong were the latecomers and arrived in front of the origin seed.

"It's really the origin seed."

Chen Feng said with a smile. It is indeed better than what he got before. For him, it also has some uses. It can be opened up into the universe and integrated into his own super universe.

It can also evolve into his second clone, or the simplest way is to open up a cave and become his place of practice.

Jiaolong took action and collected the origin seed.

The Hunyuan Jinxians behind had just arrived.

Seeing someone get there first, these Hunyuan Jinxians were immediately angry.

They were the first to target this seed of origin, but who knew that they were one step late and it was snatched away by others.

"I advise you not to take action, otherwise, it is easy to die here." Jiaolong warned.

However, the other party did not care about this warning at all, but chose to take action.

The other party also knew the situation here, so he used his will to attack, but unfortunately the special energy here would even erode his will.

So when their attacks were not close to Jiaolong, they were already weakened by half.

Jiaolong launched a fierce counterattack.

Because Chen Feng was guarding the surroundings, Jiaolong could burst out all his attack power.

Directly knocked a Hunyuan Jinxian out of the battle formation.

The power of the other party alone was of course unable to withstand the energy ocean around him, so his body swelled up and then exploded.

The powerful force generated by the self-explosion affected other Hunyuan Jinxians.

So the Hunyuan Jinxians were scattered one after another, and then they exploded one after another.

Even Chen Feng was affected by the powerful force, and he quickly used two layers of domains to reinforce it, and then he resisted it.

Even so, he was rushed to the distance by the powerful force.

"It turned out to be like this."

Jiaolong was a little dumbfounded.

The fight just now was just to teach the other party a lesson, who knew that such a chain reaction would occur.

Several Hunyuan Jinxian died here.

"I told you, it's best not to fight here." Jiaolong said with some fear.

This time, I saw with my own eyes how powerful the power here is. Maybe I can hold on here for a while, but I definitely can't hold on for a long time.

"It's a pity that these Hunyuan Jinxian died here. After all, it's not easy to cultivate to this point." Chen Feng said.

"What's a pity? Who made them unable to see the facts? Since they knew it was so dangerous here, they shouldn't fight with us." Jiaolong didn't think much of it.

In Jiaolong's view, it was just a few Hunyuan Jinxians, which was really nothing.

"Let's go to other places to have a look. It's better not to conflict with other lives. I consumed too much mana in a short time just now, and the domain was almost broken." Chen Feng said.

Next, Jiaolong went to explore the origin seed, but Chen Feng had a new idea.

Integrate some of the power imprints obtained before into the domain.

Although the domain has become stronger, Chen Feng found that it can better resist the erosion of the surrounding power.

"It really works."

Chen Feng was very satisfied, but through the comparison of power, Chen Feng also made some discoveries, that is, the special energy here is not inferior to the power imprint he got in terms of level.

"What's going on recently? I actually encountered such a level of power again." Chen Feng muttered secretly.

However, since it is this level of energy, I have to get it no matter what.

It's just that it's not so easy to collect.

"It's really weird." Jiaolong also sighed, but more of it was excitement.

It's good stuff, and the two of them didn't come in vain, but there is a lot of energy here, wouldn't it be cheaper for others.

"We still have to find a way to control and refine this energy, otherwise we can't stay for too long." Chen Feng said.

If you just want to collect some energy and leave, then it doesn't matter. I'm just afraid that if you stay here for a long time, your strength will not be enough, and you will fight with others.

Just think about the fate of those Hunyuan Jinxian just now and you will understand.

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