Eternal Existence

Chapter 4662: Retreat and Practice

Except for Chen Feng who was still there, everyone present, even Qi, was retreating.

Under the impact of the powerful force, even the two Hunyuan above stopped moving forward.

Chen Feng quickly collected the fragments of the law.

The latest one he got was a relatively large piece of broken law, equivalent to dozens or hundreds of law fragments.

These law fragments were still full of spirituality. The opponent did not stay in place, but flew around.

Some lives were even injured by the law fragments.

Now he had to ignore these and could only hold the law fragments that injured him tightly in his hands.

He was even a little glad that the law fragments were coming towards him.

The two Hunyuan above also took action. Although they came relatively late, they also gained a lot.

In fact, the process this time was very short. It didn't take long for all the law fragments to be snatched away.

Let's go!

Chen Feng and Qi chose to leave again.

They were not the fastest, and other lives also left one after another.

Although they were greedy, they also knew their own limitations. Some Hunyuan Jinxians who were not very strong chose to leave as soon as they got the fragments, so as not to be in danger if they left too late.

"There are Hunyuan Jinxians following us." Chen Feng said.

"And there are two of them." Qi also felt it.

"No matter what they are, I wonder how long they can catch up. Didn't the strongest existence leave before? These two are not so arrogant." Chen Feng said.

"It feels a bit strange to say that even Hunyuan has not seen two origin laws?" Qi said.

"There are actually two, so will there be new origin laws?" Chen Feng said.

"Otherwise, we have to go back and see?" Qi suggested.

"Forget it, the two guys behind are chasing us, let's get rid of them first." Chen Feng said.

Of course, the two would not stop to fight. If there was only one pursuer behind, the situation would be different.

Interestingly, just when Chen Feng and the others were thinking about how to get rid of each other, there was a wave of fighting behind them.

It turned out that the two Hunyuans were fighting.

"Interesting!" Chen Feng couldn't help laughing.

"Good luck." Qi also said.

"In fact, we should go back now. It would be great if they can fight each other to the point of mutual destruction." Chen Feng said.

"This possibility is too low." Qi also understood that Chen Feng was just talking.

Chen Feng and the others finally chose to leave, left the Sea of ​​Origin, and then found a relatively quiet place to practice in seclusion.

The gains during this period of time were still good. Although there were some regrets, it was not a wasted trip.

Qi recovered some strength, and then he needed to refine the law fragments he got.

Relatively speaking, Chen Feng had to do more. After all, Chen Feng's realm was not as good as Qi's. The law fragments he got, as well as the process of fighting with the Hunyuan Jinxian before, required Chen Feng to comprehend little by little.

After adjusting his state, Chen Feng also wanted to practice the life seed clone.

There were still many things to do.

It was just that the two of them had not been in seclusion for long, and the shadow demon actually found them.

There was a melee between the two sides.

After Chen Feng and Qi got rid of each other, they found a new place.

Then they were spotted by another Hunyuan, and had no choice but to change positions again.

"It's really a bit depressing. I just want to practice peacefully for a while." Chen Feng said.

"Don't worry, the Well of Eternal Night has a vast and endless space, and there are many safe places. If it doesn't work, we can leave the Well of Eternal Night." Qi said with a smile.

"That's right." Chen Feng nodded.

Next, Chen Feng used the magic of walking to the extreme, and finally got rid of the pursuers again.

But he didn't stop like before, but kept changing positions, and even used the teleportation array to pass through a dangerous area.

Finally entered a broken cave.

It's called a broken cave, but in fact, it's just a simple shell and a desolate land.

It barely serves as a foothold.

Once an energy storm appears, it will tear this broken cave into pieces.

But it's nothing for Chen Feng and the others. The two can open up the cave by themselves.

After a little arrangement around, they began to practice.

It was quite quiet for a while.

The two above the Hunyuan never caught up again.

Qi refined and absorbed all the resources he had obtained before, recovered some of his strength, and then walked out of the cave.

He was still practicing at this time.

Qi did not disturb Chen Feng, but went out to explore.

Qi had recovered to a certain extent at this time, and he needed more resources next. It was impossible for him to stay here like Chen Feng and delay his practice.

Qi's realm was there, and he needed to replenish resources next.

In fact, Chen Feng knew that Qi was leaving, but he didn't care too much. Chen Feng was also at a critical moment of practice.

The life vein was given to Qi, and Chen Feng simply refined the fragments of the original law before, and then threw them into the energy tower.

Chen Feng did not comprehend the mystery.

The reason why it took so long was because Chen Feng was condensing the seed clone.

Finally, the seed clone appeared successfully.

Although the life seed provided a strong foundation, Chen Feng still paid a lot of energy.

"If this clone cannot grow up, it will be a huge loss for me." Chen Feng said so, and then slowly recovered his vitality.

After recovering his vitality, Chen Feng began to recall the previous fight with Hunyuan Shangshang, which took some time.

"It's been quite quiet recently." Chen Feng couldn't help muttering.

Originally, I was still wondering if the two Hunyuan Shangshang would catch up. Now that so much time has passed, it means that the other party has given up.

Although Chen Feng had changed his methods one after another before, Chen Feng also knew the strength of Hunyuan Jinxian. If the other party really searched desperately, he could really find himself and Qi.

It's nothing more than spending more time.

"Qi hasn't come back yet, so I don't think there's any danger." Chen Feng's tentacle-like perception slightly touched the space and touched the mental imprint left by Qi.

Once Qi has a problem, the mental imprint here will also change.

"Practice for a while longer." Chen Feng thought about it and still didn't plan to go out.

Speaking of which, after Chen Feng became Hunyuan Jinxian, the time for cultivation was constantly increasing, and Chen Feng's retreat time began to extend unknowingly.

Even began to ignore the passage of time.

Chen Feng knew that this change would happen before, and it came unconsciously.

"It doesn't matter. For all lives, these places of origin are the best places for cultivation. I really can't waste time." Chen Feng said with a smile.

Next, Chen Feng began to comprehend the fragments of the origin he had obtained before. Even if it went smoothly, it would take more time than before.




Several powerful lives are besieging Qi.

The two sides fought fiercely.

These lives are all the strength of Hunyuan Jinxian, and they are old friends. They cooperate well with each other. After joining forces, the magic circle formed can double the attack power.

However, Qi was not in a hurry, even if he was besieged, he was at ease.

Sometimes he saw an attack falling on him, but Qi was safe and sound.

At this time, Qi had a spear in his hand, and his body was full of murderous intent. Every move was full of powerful destructive power, which was somewhat different from his previous temperament.


Qi waved his hand, and a spear flew one person away. Then he moved his body horizontally and swept another person away.

However, just when Qi wanted to take advantage of the situation to attack, the power of the formation surged and blocked Qi's steps.

Qi was not in a hurry, and retracted his spear to crush the power coming from all directions.

The two Hunyuan Jinxians who were injured by Qi before had a strong breath of life, and quickly repaired their injuries. At the same time, they rushed up to operate the magic circle.

"These guys have a lot of life force in their hands. I didn't expect that I was lucky." Qi thought to himself.

The opponent wanted to kill Qi and plunder the power above Hunyuan to strengthen himself.

Qi also wanted to kill these Hunyuan Jinxians and collect their resources to restore his strength.

Of course, it was these Hunyuan Jinxians who took the lead in attacking Qi.


The war spear flashed, and another opponent was pierced through the body.

But this time it was different. The wounds on this Hunyuan Jinxian spread rapidly, and in the blink of an eye, they were all over his body.

With a loud bang, this Hunyuan limit exploded and turned into pieces.


Another Hunyuan Jinxian was stabbed and exploded as well.

In front of Qi, these Hunyuan Jinxians suddenly became extremely fragile, and in the blink of an eye, all of them were shattered.

Then they quickly reshaped their bodies, but after they reshaped their bodies, they saw Qi's attack coming again.

Moreover, Qi also performed the plundering technique, and the life energy in these Hunyuan Jinxians was seriously lost.

One of the Hunyuan Jinxians even burst out a life vein, which was collected by Qi, and he looked very satisfied.

"Well, I don't want to kill them all. As long as you take out the life veins on your body, I will let you go." Qi said so.

This time, of course, the Hunyuan Jinxian ignored it, and then was severely injured by Qi one by one, and the life energy on his body was plundered again.

In desperation, these Hunyuan Jinxians chose to compromise and each took out a life vein.

Qi kept his word and did not continue to entangle.

Collecting these life veins can also restore a lot of strength for Qi.

"It feels good." Qi said with a smile.

It's easier than looking for a vein by yourself.

After collecting the spirit vein, Qi immediately began to refine and absorb it.

Suddenly, Qi turned his head and looked over, with a smile on his face.

"What a coincidence! I met that person above the Hun Yuan again. He still hasn't given up. Well, I have recovered a lot recently, so I just want to find him to learn from him." Qi said.

He didn't dodge, but the other party found him.

Let's not talk about Qi's experience, Chen Feng finally finished his practice.

The first thing Chen Feng did after walking out of the cave was to find a suitable place, and then I put down my clone.

It can be said that Chen Feng left a lot of expectations in the Well of Eternal Night.

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