Eternal Existence

Chapter 4663: So Dangerous

Chen Feng nodded, and with a wave of his hand, he created another black hole, and began to devour more destructive energy.

Seeing the actions of the two, the other lives present looked a little strange. They didn't expect that the two would really use such means.

"I will absorb some too." The life that practiced the fusion technique also took action.

However, the other party took out a magic weapon, turned it into the shape of a bottle and began to collect it, pouring the rolling destructive energy into it like a long river.

Watching the three people take action, the destructive energy in front of them was also decreasing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Be careful!" The Sword Emperor suddenly shouted, and a beam of sword light fell, and the thin destructive energy directly split, and then hit a mountain fiercely.

The mountain exploded, liquid splashed, and then a strong will wave rushed from the front.

This is a powerful creature hidden in the destructive energy.

It is huge and has strong defense.

Although the flesh that was broken by the sword light also had blood flowing, it did not seem that the injury was serious.

This is a destructive creature.

It is also the first destructive creature that everyone has seen after entering this space.

The breath of destruction rolled violently, and a powerful pressure rushed towards him. A will to destroy everything kept sweeping.

Extremely powerful.

"If there are many such creatures here, then we will be in trouble next." Chen Feng said so.

He immediately urged the Great Dao of Destruction to suppress the creature of destruction.

Seeing Chen Feng's action, the Lord of Destruction did the same.

The two Great Daos of Destruction suppressed the other party abruptly, and the others took action one after another, and killed the creature of destruction in the blink of an eye.

"Powerful, in a one-on-one situation, I am not a match." One of the lives said so.

"Fortunately, we joined forces, otherwise, if the other party ran away, it would really bring disaster to other lives."

"But how could the other party hide here? It's so quiet, we didn't notice it before."

"If we continue to move forward, there must be more. By the way, where is that fellow Taoist?"

"It has lost its perception. Either it is not in this area, or it has been swallowed by the creature of destruction. It is definitely not this creature of destruction."

The crowd no longer acted like before, but took action one after another to disperse the destructive energy in front of them.

A wide road was forcibly opened.

Then everyone entered one after another.

Although they encountered the powerful creature of destruction, since they chose to come here, they would not return empty-handed.

No matter how dangerous the front is, they must go and take a look.




Sure enough, not long after walking, there was a roar coming from the front, forming a substantial sound wave, shattering the destructive energy.

These sound waves can actually merge together to burst out a powerful attack force.


After a Hunyuan Jinxian was hit, cracks appeared on his skin.

"Fellow Taoists, be prepared to fight. We have come to the nest of the destructive creatures." The Sword Emperor said.

"We have come to the nest of destruction. Perhaps we can find what we are looking for by killing all these destructive creatures." The Destruction Demon Lord said so.

Chen Feng looked at it. The Sword Emperor held a long sword and moved forward. Behind him were five helpers. They specially made their auras flow and cooperated with each other. It was not the first time they did this.

In addition, there were three people gathered together, and the energy around them surged, forming a small barrier to protect the four directions.

There were also people holding weapons alone and secretly on guard.

The Lord of Destruction and the Emperor Zhan Tian, ​​who practiced the art of fusion, approached Chen Feng and released the power of their domains.

The three of them were connected as a small group.

After the shock wave, there was a strong destructive energy and a suffocating pressure.

More than a dozen destructive creatures appeared, each of which was as powerful as the previous one.

"It seems that I was right before. The destructive creatures here are really that powerful! Whether the tour guide can survive depends on their own methods. Of course, there is another choice, which is to turn around and leave now." The Emperor of Sword said without looking back.

Then a beam of sword light illuminated the sky and the earth, and it rushed forward fiercely and slashed down.




The destructive creatures rushed up, and all the lives present had opponents.

"Quick battle, solve the opponent as soon as possible, I will defend." Chen Feng said, and cast the reincarnation domain.

These destructive creatures are indeed very strong, but it is only relatively speaking. It is not a big problem for success.

Of course, Chen Feng couldn't show all his strength under such circumstances.

Defending against the opponent would give his two companions a chance.

Bang! Bang!

The two creatures of destruction that rushed up were indeed blocked by Chen Feng's reincarnation field. Then the gray field spread and wrapped the two creatures of destruction.

The power rotated, and the creatures of destruction were suppressed in all aspects in the past two years.

Seeing this scene, the Lord of Destruction and the Emperor of Zhantian were a little surprised. They thought Chen Feng would use the art of destruction, but who knew that he would release the special method of the reincarnation field.

The key is that the effect is really good.

The two of them hesitated for a moment and quickly stepped forward.

Under Chen Feng's suppression, the combat effectiveness of the two creatures of destruction weakened, and they were soon injured by the Lord of Destruction and the two.

Chunfeng wanted to urge the two, but gave up after thinking about it.

The strength of these two is here. Unless they use all their means, they can only slowly destroy each other.

Although Chen Feng did not say anything, the Destruction Demon Lord and the Warring Heaven Emperor could feel Chen Feng's impatience.

So the two of them burst out with stronger attack power and finally solved the two destructive creatures.

Before the two of them were happy, they felt that the surrounding reincarnation field was under strong attack.

The originally stable reincarnation field actually had cracks.

"What's going on?"

"Can't resist it?"


As soon as the voice fell, the reincarnation field collapsed, and powerful forces poured in.

Behind them were powerful destructive creatures.

"More destructive creatures." Chen Feng said, and the collapsed reincarnation field quickly disappeared, and then turned into a star field.

The surrounding destructive creatures were covered again, and naturally there were also the Destruction Demon Lord and the Warring Heaven Emperor.

Under Chen Feng's arrangement, there happened to be a destructive creature in front of the two.

Without Chen Feng saying much, the two immediately took action.

Two against one, and soon blew up the destructive creature.

Then another destructive creature was moved over.

Chi chi chi!

A beam of destructive light broke through the star field, and after sweeping back and forth several times, it shredded the star field.

Several trapped destructive creatures rushed out quickly.

This time Chen Feng did not set up a field. The three stood together, frowning at the densely packed destructive creatures around them.

"So many destructive creatures."

"After all, it's the old nest."

"Even if it's the old nest, they shouldn't be so powerful."

"Fortunately, the later destructive creatures are a little weaker, but it's also very troublesome." Chen Feng said, pointing his finger, and a beam of origin light shot out, colliding with the sweeping destructive light.

Chen Feng's origin light couldn't stop this destructive light, and Chen Feng changed his position to dodge it.

"The destructive light of the level above Hunyuan, so to speak, is the destructive light emitted from the destruction nest." Chen Feng said.

"Most likely, Daoyou is really hidden, and he has such strength." The Destruction Demon Lord couldn't help but say.

"It's just some small tricks, but it can't sweep away all the destructive creatures present. I don't know if I can see the Destruction Nest this time." Chen Feng said with some emotion.

If there is no Hunyuan, then Chen Feng still has some confidence. Now he can only wait and see.

However, the three of them just joined forces to kill several destructive creatures in one breath, which is also very exciting.

A scream came. It turned out that a creature was cut off half of its body by the light of destruction. Then the whole person was surrounded by several destructive creatures. He was beaten very miserably and was about to fall.

Chen Feng swept his eyes and looked at the others.

Everyone's situation is not good. They are all surrounded by destructive creatures, even Daodi and others. They just gathered together and arranged the magic circle. It seems that they are holding on well.

The main reason is that there are too many destructive creatures around.

"In fact, this is the same as we guessed before, the difference is that the strength of the destructive creatures is slightly stronger." Chen Feng said.


The surrounded creature exploded. Knowing that there is no hope of escape, the last bit of power exploded and blew a destructive creature away.

That was all.

From the moment the other party screamed until he fell, no one helped.

Because the situation at the scene was too bad, no one would risk taking action if they were not safe.

There were not many people to begin with, and now there was one less person.

"Have you found the nest of destruction?" someone suddenly asked.

"We haven't seen it yet, it should be in front."

"I think we should go back. If we continue forward, we might die." Someone suggested.

These destructive creatures really put too much pressure on everyone.

"Go back? With so many destructive creatures surrounding us, we can't leave even if we want to."


The beam of destructive light locked onto another creature.

Chen Feng frowned, but still chose to take action. In this situation, no more people on his side could die, otherwise the pressure would be transferred to the survivors.

"Take action!"

Seeing Chen Feng take action, a beam of origin light shot out from the eyes of the Sword Emperor.

In addition, two more people took action, and everyone worked together to finally wipe out the beam of destructive light.

"Thank you for your help, fellow Taoists." The creature targeted by the light of destruction said hurriedly after escaping the disaster.

"Fellow Taoists, use all your means to kill these destructive creatures as much as possible." Chen Feng said, and then waved his hand and the sword light flashed, wrapping up a destructive creature.

Chi Chi Chi! Chi Chi Chi!

The sword energy has an indestructible power, piercing the destructive creature like a sieve, and finally shattered it with a loud bang.

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