Eternal Existence

Chapter 4661: Small Gains

And he broke through the opponent's defense and plundered some of his flesh and blood.

Seeing this scene, Chen Feng almost laughed. Isn't this the same method as his own?

Although the opponent did not use the Devouring Technique, the method and purpose are the same.

Since it is impossible to rob the Origin Law, then plundering some of the power of Hunyuan is also a huge gain.

Moreover, the two Hunyuan Golden Immortals seemed to have such a purpose long ago. After the opponent tore some of the flesh and blood of Hunyuan, he actually left the place quickly.

Because there was no intention to rob the Origin Law.

At this time, the Hunyuan Above could not choose to chase and kill, and did not even divide the power to attack the opponent.

"It's really interesting." Chen Feng couldn't help laughing, because Chen Feng saw the anger in the eyes of the Hunyun Above.

Thinking that if a few more Hunyuan Golden Immortals rushed up, it would be possible to tear the opponent into pieces.

Thinking of this, Chen Feng no longer entangled with the Hunyuan Golden Immortals, but used the Divine Movement Technique to wrap the opponent and came to the front of the Hunyuan Above.

"Fellow Daoists, there is no benefit in fighting with me. The fragments of the law are not so easy to grab. Why don't we join forces to grab some advantages first? Don't forget that Hunyuan Shangshi is our next target." Chen Feng said and took the initiative to attack the Hunyuan Shangshi.

He used the Devouring Technique right at the beginning. The wound on the Hunyuan Shangshi had not yet healed completely. At this time, under the influence of Chen Feng's Divine Movement Technique, it was actually torn again.

If you are not careful, blood will gush out.

Feeling the powerful pressure of Hunyuan Shangshi, these Hunyuan Jinxians who originally wanted to entangle with Chen Feng actually thought about it and changed their targets.

Of course, they dare not attack Hunyuan Shangshi in a single fight, but the situation is different when everyone rushes up.

Many ants can bite an elephant to death, not to mention that as Hunyuan Jinxians, they all believe in their own strength.

Moreover, in the process of fighting for the origin law, this Hunyuan Shangshi also entangled with some power. At this time, he was really affected by a series of attacks by Chen Feng and several others.

In this way, another Hunyuan Jinxian saw hope and chose to join in.

In a short time, things changed. This Hunyuan Above was actually surrounded by a group of Hunyuan Jinxian.

Qi also gave the other party a soul shock from a distance. Ou Fang attacked and proved that Hunyuan Above was a little flustered.

He no longer had the strength to snatch the origin law, and he was angry and began to fight back.

After all, Hunyuan Above was Hunyuan Above, and he still had some means and strength. Once he broke out, the Hunyuan Jinxians who rushed up retreated one after another.

Feeling the power of Hunyuan Jinxian, those who had not yet grabbed the benefits began to hesitate.

But at this moment, a beam of light flashed and directly penetrated the body of this Hunyuan Above.

It turned out that the cold life took action.

This was a master among Hunyuan Above. He seized the opportunity and directly hit this Hunyuan Above.

Good opportunity.

Chen Feng's eyes lit up, and he used the star field to surround this Hunyuan Above.

Then he used the devouring technique to the extreme.

The rolling energy was plundered by Chen Feng, and other Hunyuan Jinxians saw the opportunity and stepped forward.

Everyone came for the origin law. Since the origin law could not be snatched, they would snatch some benefits and leave quickly.

This is what he thought in his heart, but the change in the situation in front of him is another matter.

Someone had snatched the flesh and blood energy of Hunyuan Shangshang. According to the previous idea, it was time to leave, but seeing that others still did not leave, they wanted to get more benefits.

In this way, those who got the benefits did not leave, and those who did not get the benefits continued to move forward.

Finally, this Hunyuan Shangshang broke through Chen Feng's star field and did not care about Chenfeng at the first time.

Instead, he locked one of the Hunyuan Jinxians.

This Hunyuan Shangshang had regained consciousness and quickly understood the situation in front of him.

He knew that he could not do anything to Chen Feng in a short time.

So he needed to kill the chicken to scare the monkey.

In a short time, this Hunyuan Shangshang successfully beat a Hunyuan Jinxian into pieces.

Then he used means to suppress another Hunyuan Jinxian.

However, although the other Hunyuan Jinxians were frightened, they still did not choose to leave.

Because Chen Feng entangled most of the fighting power of this Hunyuan Above, everyone just had to follow and take advantage.

Sure enough, although he severely injured several opponents, he still did not change the situation in front of him, and felt that his injuries were getting more and more.

This Hunyuan Above knew that he could not entangle with them. Although running away was a bit embarrassing, it was most important to save himself and change the situation in front of him.

So this Hunyuan Above changed his mind and used his means again and again.

Soon he opened a gap and rushed out of the gap.

Although Chen Feng wanted to entangle the opponent, the opponent was strong and it was not so easy to entangle him. He could only watch the opponent leave the battle group.

"It's troublesome."

Chen Feng certainly knew how great the threat of a Hunyuan Above was. He didn't seize the opportunity just now and solve the opponent in one fell swoop. If the opponent wanted to deal with him, he would be in trouble again in the next period of time.

But now is not the time to think so much. Chen Feng did not entangle the opponent, and naturally he would not rush up again without the help of others.

At this time, the scene changed again.

The cold life was sweeping across the four directions, and no Hunyuan Jinxian could get close to him.

However, although this life had a strong will, it could not really suppress everything.

Because there was another Hunyuan Above on the scene.

The result was that the origin law collapsed, and countless fragments flew around, but the cold existence still snatched away a part of the origin law.

The Hunyuan Above named Ye Mo also snatched a relatively complete part, and the remaining fragments were divided among the Hunyuan Jinxian present.

Qi also took the opportunity to grab some.

The scene became more chaotic, and Chen Feng only grabbed a little bit.

Suddenly Chen Feng felt the danger and saw that the Hunyuan Above had come to his side.

"You come to trouble me so soon, aren't you afraid of being besieged?" Chen Feng sneered, not too worried.

Because Qi's attack arrived and affected the Hunyuan Above.

Chen Feng took the initiative to step forward, and at the same time, the Hunyuan Jinxians who had taken advantage before also surrounded him from all sides.

Their idea was very simple. Since they had offended the other party before, they should take this opportunity to kill them all.

Another point was that they could get benefits.

Even the Hunyuan Shangshang named Ye Mo looked over, and it seemed that the other party was also interested.

If Ye Mo really took action, then this Hunyuan Shangshang would be in real trouble.


Chen Feng was knocked out by the other party. Before Chen Feng could stand firm, a Hunyuan Jinxian took the opportunity to attack Chen Feng.

Chen Feng was a little surprised at first, and then he regained his composure.

Since these Hunyuan Jinxians would attack Hunyuan Shangshang before, it was normal to have the opportunity to attack him.

And in Chen Feng's view, under this situation, only one Hunyuan Jinxian chose to attack him, which was already rare.

But the other party still underestimated him.

The Hunyuan Jinxian who attacked Chen Feng thought he could succeed, and thought about the benefits he got and left quickly.

Who knew that he didn't break Chen Feng's defense at all.

When this Hunyuan Jinxian knew that it was not good, he wanted to escape at the first time.

But he was caught by Chen Feng directly.

The Hunyuan Jinxian fell into Chen Feng's palm in the midst of the chaos.

After all, he was a powerful Hunyuan Jinxian. He struggled to break free from Chen Feng's restraints.

The next moment, he was hit by another punch from Chen Feng.

This time, he could no longer bear it and was directly blown up by Chen Feng.

Chen Feng looked around and saw two more Hunyuan Jinxians staring at him, wanting to attack Chen Feng.

Qi was fighting with the Hunyuan Above.

Chen Feng was a little worried. Qi's situation was different from other lives. Once the lives present saw Qi's state, they would definitely choose to attack Qi.

He had grabbed the law fragment, so it was time to leave.

Chen Feng also knew that he could not solve the Hunyuan Above. Instead of entangled with him and causing more trouble, it was better to leave now.

Chen Feng's figure flashed and came to Qi's side. At this time, Qi did not want to leave, but was also entangled by his opponent.

Even in the chaos, Chen Feng felt that a pressure disappeared.

Only then did he realize that the strongest cold creature had disappeared.

Even though the other party had never shown any ill will towards Chen Feng, Chen Feng still breathed a sigh of relief as the other party left.

The strongest existence left, and I think all the lives present breathed a sigh of relief.

However, the shadow demon had not left yet, and Qi and Chen Feng were also locked by another Hunyuan Above.

"It's time to go." Qi said.


Qi used the strongest means that Chen Feng had never seen before, and forced back several opponents around him, even the Hunyuan Above.

Chen Feng took the opportunity to perform the art of walking, and took Qi out of the encirclement.

It must be said that Chen Feng's art of walking is getting stronger and stronger, even in such a chaotic situation, he can come and go freely.

Even if he was locked by the Hunyuan Above, he could not force Chen Feng to stay.

Of course, the opponent's strength can actually do it, but the opponent also has to bear the pressure from the surrounding.

There are also many Hunyuan Golden Immortals staring at this Hunyuan Above.

Seeing Chen Feng and the others leave, this Hunyuan Above naturally became anxious, and the opponent immediately chose to chase.

However, they were blocked by the surrounding Hunyuan Jinxian. After they broke through the siege, they had lost the trace of Chen Feng and the others.

Feeling depressed, he could only use his means to continue tracking.

After the Hunyuan Jinxian disappeared, Chen Feng and Qi Cai appeared not far away.

It turned out that the two did not go far, and just now they were just bluffing.

But now they still chose to leave.

The chaos just now was over.

The two got some fragments of the origin law, and Chen Feng got some power.

It was also a small gain.

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