Eternal Existence

Chapter 4602: Boring Journey

"It's been quite boring recently." Qi said.

"Even if a Daoist like you is a bit boring, you can imagine how boring my life would be. Fortunately, we are traveling together. Some people travel alone in the free space for millions or tens of millions of years. That situation is even more boring." Chen Feng said with a smile.

Not long ago, the two of them just came out of a universe, a very ordinary medium-sized universe, in which there was not even a Hunyuan Jinxian.

The strongest Daluo Jinxian was still in an ordinary state. Chen Feng was very disappointed at first. He just simply understood the power here and the operation of the heavenly way. He didn't even condense the runes belonging to this universe and left.

In fact, the medium-sized universe is not small, but this kind of universe is too ordinary in Chen Feng's view. It has no characteristics and highlights, and does not meet his needs. If it weren't for Qi, Chen Feng would even stay here for a shorter time.

"In fact, I am hesitating. In fact, I haven't been to many places in the free space. This time is also a good opportunity." Chen Feng said.

Although he didn't like the previous universe, Chen Feng still left his clone.

After all, it is a medium-sized universe. Leaving a clone may develop in the future.

Of course, Chen Feng is just casting a wide net.

"Your clone consumes a lot of energy. There is really no problem doing this. If you really lose it, it will be a little traumatic for you." Qi was a little surprised when he saw Chen Feng's practice method.

"My current mana and spirit are very strong. It's okay to split some clones. And I also want to see if this practice method can make me stronger after successful practice. Besides, I have practiced to this point, and I can't stop practicing." Chen Feng said with a smile.

In fact, Chen Feng was a little hesitant before. This medium-sized universe is actually just not good enough for the current self. It is still good for the growth of the clone. The flame universe encountered before is powerful, but it can't leave a clone.

"Generally speaking, the life area evolved from the Gate of Origin is better than the Origin of Ten Thousand Sources. The evolution of these universes is a predetermined pattern." Qi said with some emotion.

In fact, Qi had been to the free space before, but after a very long time, he had a new experience this time.

"The existence above Hunyuan can come out of the source of Wanyuan, which is enough to show the perfection of evolution." Chen Feng said with a smile.

Although Chen Feng thought that the Gate of Origin was better than the source of Wanyuan, he did not underestimate the source of Wanyuan at all. After all, it was at the same level as the Gate of Origin.

"In any case, the scale of the free space is larger than the space supported by foreign aid, which means that the Gate of Origin is more powerful." Qi said.

"Then what about other places of origin." Chen Feng asked.

"I only know a little, and I don't really understand too much. I can go there when I have the opportunity. Now I am most interested in the Gate of Origin. Anyway, I have to wait until my strength is almost restored before thinking about other things." Qi said.

"That's right, anyway, there is a long time." Chen Feng said with a smile.

I am determined to become the strongest among the Hunyuan Jinxian, so I need to accumulate slowly in the future.

There should be enough time.

During this process, Chen Feng could also receive some information from the Origin of All Origins. The people of Time and River had gained a lot, and their overall strength must have increased. Chen Feng could not be sure how much stronger they could become.

After all, Chen Feng could not figure out the existence of such a realm at present.

However, Chen Feng knew that the matter of the Origin of All Origins had also made the Gate of Origin stronger. The clamp still existed and had not even weakened much.

It would be very difficult and a long way for the people of Time and River to transcend the suppression of the Gate of Origin.

And whether Chen Feng could do it was still unknown?

"Your cultivation speed is also very fast. Are you sure there is no problem?" Qi asked Chen Feng with some curiosity.

When the two walked together, Qi's strength exceeded Chen Feng's, and of course he could see Chen Feng's cultivation speed, so he was a little surprised.

I didn't cultivate so fast before.

"It should be no problem." Chen Feng didn't care, thinking that he had restrained himself. His previous cultivation speed was faster than now. If it weren't for the fact that he had absorbed too much recently, and more importantly, he needed to comprehend some things, the speed would not be so slow.

Of course, Chen Feng would not say this. In fact, although it seems that the cultivation speed is very fast now, it is actually just honing and accumulating in one realm.

Unlike the beginning of cultivation, constantly breaking through one realm after another.

Chen Feng naturally knows that even if the cultivation speed is faster now, it is impossible to break through in a short time.

The breakthrough of Hunyuan Jinxian must reach above Hunyuan.

This realm cannot be broken through by accumulation. I don’t know how many top masters have stopped in this realm for a long time. Even if they are lucky, it is difficult to break through.

From what he saw in the source of all sources before, Chen Feng also has some understanding. After knowing the bottom in his heart, he is naturally not as anxious as before.

What’s more, Chen Feng didn’t plan to break through in a short time.

“There is a land of life ahead.” Qi said.

“Oh, since you are interested, let’s go and take a look.” Chen Feng heard the meaning of Qi’s words, and looked at a city in an energy storm.

This city looks small, but it actually has a cave inside. It is motionless in the violent energy storm and is not affected at all.

"This energy storm is actually the protective barrier of this city. It is also a good cover. Ordinary life can't even detect it, and the photo energy storm can become stronger."

"There is a reason for the existence of Hunyuan Jinxian in this city. You can stop and rest when you go." Chen Feng said with a smile.

Hunyuan Jinxian is the reason why the two are interested and stop.

Chen Feng is also a little curious. Generally speaking, this kind of treatment is because most of the cities in the space exist as transit stations and belong to some forces. Among them, basically all of them are Daluo Jinxian. It is extremely rare to have a Hunyuan Jinxian like this.

Of course, it is also possible that the other party is passing by and staying here.

However, the more you observe this city, the more things you can see. In the end, it can be determined that this city was built by Hunyuan Jinxian.

There are a lot of Daluo Jinxians among them, which are composed of various lives, and the overall number of lives is not small.

Compared with the cities Chen Feng has visited before, it is more prosperous.

"The journey before was indeed a bit boring, so let's stop here." Qi said with a smile.

As they talked, the two of them went straight into the energy storm. During this process, they felt some unknown things from the energy storm, such as some obstacles such as illusion traction, in order to prevent outsiders from finding the city.

But it could not be hidden from Chen Feng and Qi.

When the two came to the city, a group of guards came to meet them, and Chen Feng noticed that there was a large formation in front of them.

It looks like the other party is about to attack.

"People passing by, come and rest." Chen Feng said. Although these so-called Daluo Jinxian, Chen Feng had no intention of attacking when he came.

The other party did not respond, still holding weapons, firmly blocking in front of them. After a long time, these so-called seemed to have received orders, and then a road grew.

"Tongtian City, the name is quite domineering, but this is due to space, where is the sky? It seems that this name should come from a universe." Chen Feng looked at the name on the city gate and said with a smile.

Without stopping, the two entered the city. The streets were bustling with people, and it was more lively than what they had seen before.

There were still lives below the level of Daluo Jinxian, and there was a feeling of returning to the mortal world.

There were houses, inns, and places to rest. The two found a restaurant at random and ordered a pot of local wine to taste.

"Not bad, although there is not much spirituality mixed in, there is still a feeling of returning to nature." Qi nodded with some satisfaction.

"I can only say that my friend hasn't lived like this for a long time." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"There is this reason." Qi said with a smile.

In fact, it is a rare thing to encounter such an interesting city in the vast travel space.

"Didn't the Hunyuan Jinxian here see the truth about the two of us? Even if he can't see it, shouldn't he come out to entertain us?" Chen Feng said with some curiosity.

Regardless of whether the other party can see the truth about the two of them, they should come out to show their faces, after all, the two of them are Hunyuan Jinxian.

But the other party has not appeared, as if he didn't know that two potential dangers had come to his territory.

"Maybe the other party is in seclusion for cultivation, or maybe the other party has such a personality and doesn't want to deal with outsiders." Qi didn't care.

Before, they just made a simple exploration and didn't dig deeper. The two just knew that the Hunyuan Jinxian here was an ordinary character, so they didn't need to care too much.

If you think about it this way, it is possible that the other party can't see through the two of them, so they dare not come out.

The two found a place to live. The city is relatively quiet overall. In addition to cultivation, everyone just has simple exchanges, and there are some food, clothing, housing and transportation, but there is no dispute between each other.

"The atmosphere here is very good, but I want to stay here for a while." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Anyway, we are not in a hurry." Qi nodded.

Although he said so, the two did not stay in this city for long, and they still wanted to leave early quietly.

When the two walked out of the energy storm and were about to find a new route, they found something abnormal.

The energy storm that had not made any big moves began to move, wrapping the city in it and leaving the area.

In fact, this is also a normal situation. Isn't it just a change of place?

But Chen Feng and Qi had just left when they encountered this kind of thing, which made people think more.

"Is it a coincidence or is it related to us? Should we go back and take a look?" Chen Feng suggested.

"I'll take a look at the situation here first." Qi's eyes flickered, and the energy storm, including everything in the city, was clearly visible.

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