Eternal Existence

Chapter 4603: Martial God Life Zone

"It's that Hunyuan Jinxian. The other party is controlling everything to leave. I don't know why the other party does this?" Qi said in surprise.

Chen Feng was also confused. He felt that the other party's behavior was indeed a bit strange. If he was afraid of the two of them, he could wait until the two of them walked away before moving the city.

In this situation, the two of them could easily catch up.

If there were other reasons, there was no movement around. Could it be that the other party got some external information through other means and chose to leave.

Teleportation array?

Before, the two knew that there was a teleportation array in the city, most of which led to other places of life.

They were not interested in these two people at all.

But now Chen Feng was a little impulsive and wanted to catch the other party and ask clearly.

But then Chen Feng shook his head and smiled. Forget it. Even if there was something interesting, he didn't want to care about it.

Qi was also dispensable, so the two of them left directly.

After Chen Feng and the others left, the energy storm did not appear except that it kept moving.

In the following long time, the two of them went to several more universes one after another.

It seems that there are not many places to go, but the journey is not short, especially the distance between two universes even makes Chen Feng and Qi almost change direction.

There are also gains.

Chen Feng left his clone in one of the universes, and also condensed two universe runes, which resulted in more time.

Qi did not rush to urge, because Qi also gained something.

"This universe is really interesting." Qi said with a smile.

Speaking of it, the time to enter the free space is not too long, but Qi's strength is recovering steadily, the speed is not fast or slow, which is indeed the most satisfactory process for Qi.

"It's a coincidence that the direction we are heading this time is really something I have never been to before, but this is a life area, and it is named after a master. I think there are some advantages here." Chen Feng said.

"I don't know if the other party has touched the realm above Hunyuan." Qi said lightly.

For Qi, those who have not touched Hunyuan are ordinary existences, and Chen Feng's situation is still extremely rare.

Of course, if Qi was still in his peak state, his attitude towards Chen Feng might be different from now.

"According to the news we got before, there will be a land of life ahead." Chen Feng said.

"It's coming faster than expected." Qi nodded, in fact, he had already seen the situation ahead.

Of course, to say that he was looking was actually a means of exploration. The place where the two were was actually very far away from the land of life they were going to.

If it were a Daluo Jinxian, it would take many years to get there by relying on their own means.

But for the two of them, it actually didn't take much time, not to mention that Chen Feng and Qi deliberately slowed down.

The life area of ​​the God of War.

It was where the two were. The land of life they were going to was also built by the God of War, and there was the God of War Palace there.

Of course, according to the news you got before, the God of War was not in this life area, but went to other places to venture out, and it has been a long time since he returned.

As for whether the other party left behind a clone or something like that, I don't know.

According to Chen Feng's idea, there should be, because he would do so, unless the other party had no feelings for this place at all and didn't care about this land of life at all, he would leave nothing behind.

However, this life area was named after the other party, and the other party also established a life land here, which seems to be a deep bond.

Maybe this time I will meet the clone left by the other party.

"How strong is the strongest life in this life area? According to other lives, it is only the realm of Hunyuan Jinxian. I think it is also a top figure among Hunyuan Jinxian. The clone left behind is also at the level of Hunyuan Jinxian." Chen Feng thought so in his heart.

If the other party can really reach the top level of Hunyuan Jinxian, then Chen Feng is really interested in getting to know the other party and communicating with him.

There is also the life land ahead, which is actually not simple. It is large in scale, has a long heritage, and there are many powerful lives to testify.

It is also relatively famous in the four life areas.

This time I happened to pass by, so I could stop and rest, and also inquire about the news.

"It is really reassuring to be with fellow Taoists, especially after leaving that flame universe, I really haven't encountered any troubles and pressure." Chen Feng smiled and communicated with Qi.

In fact, Chen Feng also knew that there were probably not many flame universes that could mutate in the free space.

That being said, Chen Feng had seen two cosmic beings.

When a cosmic being was still in the form of a universe, it could pull and devour other universes. This was enough to shock and terrify people.

Didn't this flame universe also devour some powerful Hunyuan Jinxian? The most important thing was that the other party had the potential for mutation and the unknown.

"I don't know how long it would take to travel through all the universes. It's possible that I will never travel through them all. After all, new universes will be born in some places, and some universes are being destroyed." Chen Feng sighed.

"I feel a little relaxed recently. At first, I was worried whether my former opponents would come to me. Now it seems that there is no problem for the time being." Qi also said so.

Qi's situation is a bit special. I don't know how long it will take to recover his strength. After all, the trauma at the beginning was too serious. It is good enough to survive. It does not mean that he can recover with enough energy.

So Qi's recovery to this point is fast enough.

Qi is quite satisfied. If he continues to walk in the free space and see new ways of life practice, he can greatly shorten his recovery process.

The two finally came to the land of life. Looking from a distance, Chen Feng was a little shocked.

This land of life is larger than he imagined before. Chen Feng has seen the world before, and he secretly compares it in his heart.

This land of life cannot be compared with the Taixu body in terms of quality, but the scale of its spread exceeds that of the Taixu land.

This also shows that there are enough lives living here, and Chen Feng feels the breath of Hunyuan Jinxian.

Maybe it was a coincidence, or maybe the other party explored more frequently, and there happened to be a breath of Hunyuan Jinxian sweeping across the four directions.

After the entire Land of Life was swept, even the distant areas outside the Land of Life were under the other party's exploration.

However, Chen Feng and Qi hid well and disguised themselves as Daluo Jinxian. Unless the Hunyuan Jinxian here was the Martial God himself, it would be difficult to see the two hiding.

What's more, the other party's large-scale exploration method is just an ordinary mode on weekdays, and maybe even some top Daluo Jinxian can't find it.

The two landed on the Land of Life and felt some pressure. After quietly dissolving it, they walked normally.

"This is the pressure generated by this Land of Life itself. It is indeed a long-standing inheritance. In addition to the Hunyuan Jinxian, the life living here will also make this Land of Life continue to become stronger and more spiritual, giving birth to laws or the origin of the universe." Chen Feng is still very familiar with this situation.

The two walked casually on this Land of Life and soon integrated into this Land of Life.

After living for a while, the two came to the Martial God Palace.

"There are more than one Hunyuan Jinxian here. I don't know if it is the avatar of the God of War. If it is, it should not be unable to find us." Chen Feng said.

The avatar left by the other party is not strong, but at least it has the realm and alertness of the heyday.

"Maybe it's just like the life city we went to before. The other party found us, but didn't want to provoke us. After all, we didn't make any trouble, so we pretended not to know." Qi said.

"It's possible. I would like to communicate with the other party. After all, it's hard to meet such a level of existence. He used to be my idol." Chen Feng said with a smile, thinking of Tianxing who met in the Gate of Origin. It was indeed very powerful, but it was a pity that the result disappointed him.

After staying for a while, the two left directly without visiting.

In the depths of the God of War Palace, a group of light and shadow had a wave of will and thought: "Where did this Hunyuan Jinxian come from? He is very powerful. What is the purpose of coming here?"

"Do you want to notify me?"

The other party was also a little hesitant. Although there was also a Hunyuan Jinxian in this land of life, it was really not the opponent of these two outsiders.

The existence in the light and shadow originally wanted to show up to receive them, but the cultivation was at an important juncture, and they wanted to inform other Hunyuan Jinxian, but they delayed for a long time, which led to the current situation.

"It seems that the other party does not want to see us." After staying in this land of life for a while again, Chen Feng and the others decided to leave.

But before they left, something happened.

An extremely huge magic weapon flew from the depths of the free space, at a very fast speed, carrying extremely powerful power and crashing into this life area.


Chen Feng was a little surprised. At first, he thought that this was an attack by a master on this land of life, so he felt a little curious. How could it be successful so openly and without any concealment.

But in the end, Chen Feng saw that this was actually a broken magic weapon.

"Could it be that it flew here unintentionally, but this is too coincidental." Chen Feng muttered.

A defensive magic circle has begun to operate above the land of life, and countless restrictions have emerged, but at this time a huge palm suddenly appeared and grabbed the flying magic weapon in its hand.

The magic weapon that looked so powerful and wanted to destroy this land of life fell into his hands without even much impact.

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