Eternal Existence

Chapter 4601 There is still an organization

The cultivator locked onto Chen Feng firmly and began to attack with all his strength, with a powerful attack force falling heavily on Chen Feng.

The moment Chen Feng was hit, the cultivator was first surprised, then a little confused, it was too easy to succeed.

But then he knew something was wrong. Although Chen Feng was beaten back, he was not injured.

Such a strong defense!

"The attack power is good, but my defense is stronger. It seems that you are also surprised. Didn't you expect it?" Chen Feng said with a smile, and walked back step by step.

Without the help of external forces, the front has the confidence to suppress the opponent, or even kill the opponent.

This is a good opportunity, provided that he is attacked by this universe.

"Quick battle and quick decision."

Chen Feng knew that the final result of this battle would most likely be the victory of this universe, so it was impossible to keep entangled here.


Chen Feng burst out with a stronger fighting power, and went forward to fight with the opponent.

After several rounds, the two were hit and separated at the same time.

The cultivator's body collapsed a little, but Chen Feng's body was just shining with golden light.

The difference between the two sides was immediately determined.

"It turned out to be a chaotic body." The cultivator was surprised, but what surprised him was that even a chaotic body would not bring back strength.

You should know that the body of this cultivator was cultivated with the help of the power of the Origin River. He thought he had no opponent, but this time he was deeply hit in front of Chen Feng.

Chen Feng didn't care what he thought. This kind of close combat was beneficial to him. He quickly came in front of the opponent and attacked like a rainstorm.

This universe wanted to attack Chen Feng, but was blocked by Qi.

After several times in a row, this universe was also stable and no longer attacked Chen Feng. With the current state of this universe, it was really difficult to break through Qi's blockade.

In this way, whether it was this universe or the top existences present, they finally understood how powerful Qi was.

The cultivators who were originally hostile to Chen Feng and the others secretly called it a fluke in their hearts. Fortunately, they had not become opponents before.

At this time, many people had already assumed that Qi was also an existence above the half-step Hunyuan.

This was a good thing for Chen Feng, and it was better to get rid of this opponent.


He broke through the opponent's defense and smashed the opponent's half body into pieces. Then he suppressed the mountain and tried to get rid of the opponent in one fell swoop.

However, this cultivator also took out the magic weapon of the origin level, which actually blocked the suppression of the mountain.

Not only that, there were several magic weapons that blocked Chen Feng's sword.

"Well, no one needs to use weapons. This is the true nature of deciding the winner." Although Chen Feng was a little surprised by the opponent's family background, he laughed afterwards.

In his own practice, Chen Feng could suppress the opponent. The opponent's magic power exceeded Chen Feng, but the difference in the flesh was too far.

What's more, Chen Feng's fighting skills, magical powers and magic power were also extraordinary, and the power in his body was endless.

Whether it was the Taichu Divine Mirror or the Wheel Pot, they could bless Chen Feng to increase his attack power.

Not long after the two sides fought, Chen Feng completely suppressed the opponent, and the injuries on the cultivator's body became more and more serious.

Before, the opponent was injured by the hands of the half-step Hunyuan, and now under Chen Feng's attack, the injury became more and more serious.

But the Origin River couldn't help, so the cultivator secretly cried out that it was not good, and today was probably not a good day.

"Does this fellow Taoist really want to fight me to the death?" The cultivator said.

"You are wrong, this time only you will die, no matter what means you have, this time you will die." Chen Feng said lightly, and suddenly performed the Devouring Technique. The wounds and cracks on the cultivator's body expanded rapidly, and then the body collapsed directly.


Chen Feng's fist fell and began to erode the opponent's body.

One of the body fragments exploded directly, bursting out with powerful power, and the other body fragments fled in all directions.

At this point, the cultivator finally knew that it was impossible to do anything, and began to think of ways to escape.

The shadow of the Gate of Time and Space appeared, covering the four directions, and the opponent's body flying in all directions slowed down.


Chen Feng's fist fell, the power shook, and the opponent's body was broken more seriously.

Chen Feng released the Reincarnation Domain and the Star Domain, quickly eroding everything of the opponent.

At this time, two suction forces came and interfered with Chen Feng's domain.

In the end, some of the opponent's power escaped, one force drilled into this universe, and one force disappeared in the vast free space.

Chen Feng knew that it was taken away by the origin river.

At the last critical moment of the opponent, some changes still occurred. Chen Feng was a little dissatisfied, but he had no choice but to accept the situation in front of him.

The remaining power was completely wiped out by Chen Feng, and even the opponent's magic weapon was taken away by Chen Feng.

Of course, one weapon was taken away by the gate of time and space, which was useful to the opponent.

In fact, it can be said that Chen Feng solved the opponent, which can only comfort himself.

After solving the opponent, Chen Feng and Qi withdrew from the battlefield.

The two half-step Hunyuan were a little regretful, but they did not speak to keep Chen Feng. They knew clearly that Chen Feng would not participate.

However, Chen Feng helped them relieve some pressure just now, but still could not change the whole situation.


The universe contracted again, and this time something unexpected happened one after another. The universe disappeared, and was replaced by a humanoid creature.

This is the life transformed by the universe, and the other party finally succeeded.

The extremely powerful aura was like the largest volcano erupting, and all the lives present felt fear from the bottom of their hearts.

The formation was directly broken, and the flag flew away.

A cultivator rushed out from the broken space, and it was the master who had hidden in the dark to arrange the formation before.

The formation was broken, and the master was also injured.

"It has been successful." Chen Feng said.

The free space began to vibrate violently, and this movement far exceeded the previous fighting between the many Hunyuan Jinxian.

The energy alone is fine, but the main thing is the shock from the soul.

This is the suppression of higher life by lower life.

"It is a little different from the situation of Emperor Wanfeng." Chen Feng said.

"This one is stronger, or the life levels of the two are different. This is the beginning of success, and the strength should decline in the future." Qi said cautiously.

It is obvious that even Qi felt the power of the other party, and was secretly surprised in his heart. The other party is much stronger than he had imagined before.

Even if he is in his prime, he may not be an opponent.

"Three Half-step Hunyuan Above are also a very powerful force. They can fight with Hunyuan Above, but now it seems that the gap is obvious. These people should leave, but it is a bit late to leave now." Qi said.

Sure enough, after seeing that the universe succeeded, the faces of these Half-step Hunyuan Above changed. They did not expect that the final stage of this universe would change so quickly. According to their estimation, it would take some time.

"Let's go!"

The three also knew that the situation was not good. It was obvious that staying to continue fighting was not a good choice. They made a quick decision and left quickly.


The cosmic life took action, and the space collapsed. One of the Half-step Hunyuan Above fell into it.

Seeing this scene, the other two had to return to rescue. For a while, the space completely collapsed. The two sides fought together. Ordinary Hunyuan Golden Immortals could not see the doorway clearly, giving people a dazzling feeling.

Before they could figure out what was going on, one of the Half-step Hunyuan Above was knocked out. His body shook violently, cracks appeared, and then quickly disappeared.

"This level of fighting is interesting." Chen Feng couldn't help but get excited when he saw this scene from a distance.

The half-step Hunyuan who flew out just stepped forward, and another half-step Hunyuan was knocked out.

The half-step Hunyuan who had cast the magic array before had arranged a small formation around his body, so that he could not hold on for too long.

Chen Feng shook his head. The outcome of this situation was determined, and the winner was this cosmic life.

"I don't know if there are any other changes, but I don't think there will be any more. After all, this mutant universe has been successfully condensed. Now if there are any more changes, it's not worth it. It seems that these three should be able to escape, but I don't know how much it will cost." Chen Feng said.

"I also feel that the catastrophe of this cosmic life has passed, and this kind of fight in front of him is nothing at all." Qi also said so.

"Daoyou, are you willing to come in and fight?" The half-step Hunyuan cultivator who cast the sword asked.

Chen Feng did not answer.

"This level of battle is hard to come by. It is beneficial to one's own practice. In addition, we will give you some benefits." The other party said again.

"Sorry, I am weak and not qualified to participate in this level of battle." Chen Feng responded.

The other party was very careful. To win over Chen Feng was equivalent to winning over Qi Ya, and there was also the time and space gate behind Chen Feng.

If they could win over successfully, it would be hard to say who would win or lose in this fight.

Hunyuan Above is indeed powerful, but it is not certain whether it can stop the joint efforts of the masters. Even if it can't do anything to Hunyuan Above, the pressure on these three Half-step Hunyuan Above will be greatly reduced, and it is certain that they can leave this place without too many injuries.

But no matter how the other party persuaded and tempted, Chen Feng was unmoved.

"I can let you join our organization. We are all masters in this organization." The other party said again.

"Organization!" Chen Feng showed a playful look in his eyes. The other party actually had an organization. Those who could be in the same organization as Half-step Hunyuan Above must be of the same level.

It is indeed a great temptation, but since there is an organization, why didn't only three people come this time? Does it mean that there are only three people above the half-step Hunyuan level in the organization? If not, will there be anyone else who will show up next?

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