Eternal Existence

Chapter 4600: Tit for tat

Four long swords appeared in front of Chen Feng, all of them were at the origin level. Under Chen Feng's urging, the four long swords each shot out a burst of sword energy.

Then these sword energies intertwined to form a spiral state.

The target was the cultivator who was fighting.

At this time, the cultivator was fighting with the half-step Hunyuan who was performing swordsmanship. Relying on the power of the origin river behind him, he actually fought until now.

When Chen Feng killed those Hunyuan Jinxian before, even if this cultivator wanted to attack, he couldn't do it.

At this time, the cultivator suddenly felt a strong crisis and dodged quickly, and saw a spiral keyless device coming to him.

Although he was locked by the sword energy, the cultivator could still dodge.

But he underestimated Chen Feng.

The spiral sword energy suddenly exploded and turned into a sword energy silk net, directly covering the cultivator.

Although this level of attack still couldn't do anything to this cultivator, it could play a big role. Don't forget that there is another half-step Hunyuan not far away.

Just when the cultivator had just broken through the sword energy and died, he was pierced by a sword light.

Although he had defenses on his body, he was still penetrated.

The power of the Origin River quickly stepped forward and formed a thick barrier around the cultivator, blocking the opponent's next attack.


Chen Feng stretched out his finger and tapped it. The four long swords vibrated at the same time, and each of them shot out sword energy. Like the previous attack method, it still formed a spiral sword energy and rushed towards the cultivator quickly.




Although Chen Feng did not step forward to join in, attacking from a distance can still burst out powerful lethality.

Waves of sword energy were like huge arrows that shuttled through time and space, and instantly came to the front of the cultivator.


The other party wanted to say something, but didn't know how to start. Since Chen Feng chose to take action, there was no need to say some nonsense.


A strong force blocked the attack of the sword energy.

Chen Feng was a little annoyed. This was the power of the Origin River. The other party chose to attack, but it violated the previous statement.


Chen Feng snorted coldly, and then continued to attack.

"Hahaha, thank you for your help." The half-step Hunyuan laughed and said to Chen Feng.


The sword light flashed, and the cultivator was hit again. Under this situation, the cultivator might be killed soon.


Chen Feng's attack was blocked by the Origin River again.

"Daoyou is too much." Chen Feng began to communicate with the Origin River, but this time the Origin River did not respond.

The other party did not say that he would block all of Chen Feng's attacks, but only resisted a part of them. Even so, Chen Feng was unhappy and wanted to mobilize the power of the Gate of Time and Space to fight against the other party.

However, after thinking about it, Chen Feng still gave up this idea. To be honest, the Gate of Time and Space really couldn't beat the Origin River.

And the Origin River would not fight with the other party for itself.

"But even so, this man can be killed." Chen Feng looked at the power of the Origin River and found that it had not become stronger. Chen Feng also knew that as long as he continued to attack, the cultivator would die in the hands of the Half-Step Primordial.

"Daoyou, you have considered the consequences of doing this. If you can't kill me this time, don't blame me for being ruthless." The other party threatened Chen Feng.

Chen Feng didn't care about the other party's words at all. No matter what the other party said, even if the other party could burst out with stronger combat power, he would kill the other party.

Since he chose to attack, this is a good opportunity.


What surprised Chen Feng was that this mutant universe still chose to intervene, or in other words, after he attacked the cultivator, the two sides had become opposites.

In the process of attacking, the other party was still warning Chen Feng to leave and not to interfere in this matter.

From the attitude of this universe, it can be felt that the other party did not want to tear Chen Feng apart.

In any case, Chen Feng and Qi are also a considerable force, and Chen Feng communicated with the Name of Time and Space, so it seems that he could not hide it from the other party.

"I just want to kill him." Chen Feng expressed his meaning.

No matter what, he must kill him today, even if the Origin River and the side universe block him, he must do it.

Chi Chi!

The sword energy became more fierce, and the cultivator had already fallen behind, and his injuries continued to increase. If there were no other Hunyuan Jinxians to help, the cultivator might have been killed long ago.

Because Chen Feng chose to attack this cultivator, it also meant that he stood on the side above the two half-step Hunyuan.

So the universe naturally conveyed malice, but now each had an opponent, and it was impossible to attack Chen Feng for a while.

In addition, the combat effectiveness that Chen Feng had shown before also showed that he was not easy to mess with. For no reason, no one wanted to go forward and fight with Chen Feng.

But then again, compared with the two half-not Hunyuan, Chen Feng was also easier to deal with.

Not long after, two cultivators broke away from the current battle and actually rushed towards Chen Feng and Qi.

Chen Feng could understand the other party's choice, but he hadn't dealt with the cultivator yet. Someone coming to cause trouble naturally made Chen Feng more murderous.

"You are looking for death." Chen Feng said calmly.

The two cultivators were quite strong, after all, they had fought with those who were above the half-step Hunyuan before.

However, Chen Feng still had the confidence to kill them. Don't forget that there was a real Hunyuan above beside him.

But just when Chen Feng wanted to make a move, the will of the universe appeared again, leaving Chen Feng speechless.

Things were getting more and more chaotic. What he didn't want to see the most was this kind of change. He just wanted to fight quickly and quickly to solve the opponent. If this situation continued, who knew what would happen next?

Qi attacked from the universe, and at the same time, he used his magical powers to influence the two Hunyuan Jinxians who rushed up.

Qi could only do this. If there was no attack from the universe, Chen Feng was sure that he could quickly solve the two opponents with the help of the universe.

Now it seems that it will take some effort.

Quick fight and quick decision.

Chen Feng activated four long swords, and also activated the Divine Mountain and the Taichu Divine Mirror. This time, a total of six origin-level magic weapons were used, and they were shrouded in thick golden light.

The two Hunyuan Jinxians who rushed up felt a strong pressure. After a short pause, they were attacked by Qi's magical power again.

They secretly cried out that it was not good, and hurriedly used various means to deal with it, but Chen Feng still seized the opportunity to hit them hard.

In this way, Chen Feng could not continue to attack the cultivator remotely. It can be said that the two in front of him were equivalent to helping the cultivator.

"I hope that the half-step Hunyun can quickly get rid of the opponent, so that I don't have to take action." Chen Feng thought so, but he also knew that it was not so easy. If he took action, the Origin River would not completely intervene, but it was different for the half-step Hunyuan. The defense from the Origin River alone could almost make the cultivator invincible.

"Don't hold back, fight quickly, I feel that there will be changes next." At this time, the Gate of Time and Space suddenly reminded Chen Feng.

Chen Feng certainly believed the reminder from the Gate of Time and Space, but the power he was using now was almost at its limit, and the opponent was not a vegetarian. Could it be that he had to use the energy tower?

You can't use the energy tower at this time.

"Whether you can kill the other party depends on luck. Now I have the upper hand, and the other party can't hold on for too long. I hope the change will come later." Chen Feng said this, still using his own power to drive the magic weapon to fight the other party.

The two Hunyuan Jinxian were severely injured in Chen Feng's attack, and then turned and ran, and actually rushed into the universe.

This was somewhat unexpected, but it was a good thing. Chen Feng looked into the distance. Although the cultivator was seriously injured, he was still protected by the Origin River.

The power of the Origin River is endless and vast. Chen Feng complained in his heart, and he didn't know how the other party established a connection with the Origin River.

"Is it possible to get close to the battle?" Chen Feng flashed this thought in his mind, and the figure behind him flashed and disappeared on the spot.

Since you have taken action, don't worry about it at this time. If there is really danger, just deal with it at that time.

Seeing Chen Feng step forward, Qi naturally followed.

"Daoyou." The cultivator was already entangled and unable to escape. Now seeing Chen Feng coming up, he cursed in his heart, but shouted on the surface, and the power of the origin river around him became more intense.


Chen Feng pointed his finger, and the sword energy storm swept forward like a long dragon, and Chen Feng followed closely behind.


A beam of light shot out from the universe, and the target was Chen Feng.

Qi stepped forward and dispersed the beam of light with a wave of his hand, but then two more beams of light appeared, one on the left and one on the right, attacking Chen Feng and Qi at the same time.

Qi's body shook a little and dispersed both beams of light.

"Just this is not enough." Qi said lightly.

The sword energy broke the power of the origin river, but was blocked by the divine light that burst out from the cultivator.


Chen Feng rushed forward and punched the opponent.

The armor on the opponent's body was broken, revealing an extremely hard body.


Chen Feng was a little surprised. The opponent's strong body could actually block his attack. His attack was not weak.

"Haha, didn't you expect that you were above half-step Hunyuan and could break my defense? What a joke. I didn't bother with you before because of the face of Benyuan Changhe. Since you are looking for death, I will help you." At this moment, the cultivator became stronger than before.

In the previous fight, this cultivator actually hid his strength, and suddenly broke out at this time.

The power of Benyuan Changhe also became stronger, and he rushed towards the half-step Hunyuan.

The position of Benyuan Changhe is not to help either side, but it can deal with others.

The cultivator locked Chen Feng firmly.

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