Eternal Existence

Chapter 4585 Great Change

But when the second and third Hunyuan Jinxian appeared, why did the ambition of the earliest Hunyun Jinxian regenerate and burn?

Perhaps we can wait for more helpers to come.

"Haha." Chen Feng laughed.

"Get away from me." Then Chen Feng's will burst out, shocking the four directions. At the same time, Chen Feng also released two layers of domains.

It's not that he is afraid of these Hunyuan Jinxians, but these guys coming here will disturb the practice of the three of them.

"Daoyou is overbearing." One of the Hunyuan Jinxians said so.

Chen Feng ignored it. In fact, it was nothing. If there was a Hunyuan Jinxian, the three of them could easily deal with it. At most, they would just change places to practice again.

Moreover, Chen Feng and the other two made a big fuss here, and they might have thought of this step.

There have been six Hunyuan Jinxians coming here, two of whom were severely injured by Chen Feng.

These two came late, saw the situation clearly, and then turned and left.

The remaining four Hunyuan Jinxians, though unwilling, also left one after another.

"They are lucky." Chen Feng said with a smile. If those Hunyuan Jinxians just now wanted to cause trouble, the battle might have been resolved now.

Even Chen Feng himself could sweep away everything.

The next period of time was calm, but the three of them still finished their practice. Now was not the time to practice for a long time.

What's more, the three of them were at a high enough level and strong enough. They could feel the many things they had obtained from this half of the law while walking.

There were more important things to do.

Chen Feng still needed to find the real origin of the universe. It was not that the place Chen Feng found before was not the origin of the universe, but that place should not be the largest origin of the universe in this universe.

In other words, the origin of this universe was separated, and only this explanation could fit the current situation.

For Chen Feng, no matter how much chaotic energy there was, it was not too much.

It was just that the chaos in this universe was getting worse and worse. Not long after the three of them walked, a large area of ​​collapse appeared in front of them.

Maybe if the three of them hadn't left before, the place they were in might also collapse, and they would also end their practice at that time.

"It is easier to comprehend in such a chaotic situation. Of course, if we can take the opportunity to kill some powerful lives, it will also be a huge gain." Qi said.

"We look down on the weak ones, and the strong ones also need time, but if there is a chance, I don't mind being ruthless." Chen Feng said with a smile.

If the opportunity is right, Chen Feng would not hesitate to kill the opponent before, so as not to bring some hidden dangers to himself in the future. After all, the strength of those opponents is very strong, especially the two creatures who practice the swallowing technique. They can bring some trouble to Chen Feng when they unite.

"The universe guards finally came out." Chen Feng said with a smile.

Not far away, four or five flame monsters surrounded an outside adventurer. After a fight, they tore the opponent into pieces, and then a large formation similar to the millstone of the emperor appeared, and the outside adventurer was wiped out.

This large formation was of course constructed by the heavenly way of this universe.

In recent years, the flame monsters killed their opponents and left quickly. They naturally discovered the existence of Chen Feng and others, but they also knew that these people were not easy to mess with.

What Chen Feng was interested in was that there were no beings with such divine power in the bodies of these flame monsters.

Is it a coincidence, or is there another reason?

So far, Chen Feng has not figured out what the existence hidden in the flame monster is like.

However, Chen Feng can be sure that it is a very powerful existence. The flame monsters he had seen before were not all of them. In other words, the other party does not know how many flame monsters he controls.

Another point is that the other party is not only controlling the flame monsters, but also invading other lives. If he can control other lives, how powerful is the other party?

This reminds Chen Feng of the puppet ancestor he met before. This level of existence is the most difficult to deal with, because it is difficult to find the other party's body, and the number of puppets controlled by the other party is large. Such people are generally good at setting traps.

Although the two sides are not facing each other now, no one can say whether they will become opponents next.

If there is really a benefit in front of them, Chen Feng believes that the two sides will meet sooner or later.

Chen Feng has been curious about that kind of existence from the beginning, but until now, he has not figured out what is going on. This mystery makes Chen Feng have to be careful.

The three of them continued to move forward. In addition to the flame monsters they had seen before, there were other powerful creatures.

Some were fighting each other, some were just passing by. There were also some Hunyuan Jinxians that they had dealt with before, but none of them dared to provoke Chen Feng and the other two.

They were self-aware.

Chen Feng would not take such ordinary Hunyuan Jinxians seriously. What Chen Feng cared about were the creatures that could devour everything that he had encountered before. Only beings of that level would have some impact on Chen Feng.

"It's really getting more and more surprising. There are so many Hunyuan Jinxians in this universe. I thought I had entered the Gate of Origin."

"By the way, since this universe has made such a big noise, will it attract the attention of the Gate of Origin? This mutant universe has escaped the control of the Gate of Origin in a certain way. If it is discovered by the Gate of Origin, will it swallow up this sealed universe?" Chen Feng said.

Although everyone fought here and did not cause this universe to collapse quickly, it was shocking, but Chen Feng believed that if the Gate of Origin took action, this universe would not be able to resist.

The final result is either to be broken by the Gate of Origin or to be swallowed by the Gate of Origin.

Even if it is a mutant universe, it belongs to the power of the Gate of Origin.

"I don't know if I can still encounter the previous universe law. There will definitely be some. Will this universe still take it out?" Jiemie said at this time.

Compared with some other treasures, the universe law is more useful to him.

Just like before, he only comprehended half of the universe law and could gain something.

"In fact, the changes in this universe are quite fast. According to my previous thoughts, I should travel all over the universe to complete my previous practice. Now it seems that the changes in things have exceeded my previous plan, and I am still quite satisfied." Chen Feng said.

Because of the law of the universe, even if Chen Feng did not deliberately comprehend it, the universe runes that Chen Feng had condensed before became more and more perfect as time went by.

In fact, for the situation, leaving this universe at this time can also complete his previous plan.

But now this universe is so chaotic, so many powerful lives gathered here, Chen Feng will naturally not leave, and see who will come next? Interesting things appear.

"I suddenly felt some crisis." Qi said at this time.

"It is normal to have a crisis." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"If there is no pressure, then there is no meaning. As for the source of the crisis, it must be this universe, but I remember some things I encountered before." Chen Feng talked about the previous things about cosmic life.

"It seems that this universe has changed so much that it may also give birth to a powerful existence. In this case, the other party will definitely reach a level above Hunyuan. If this is the case, my previous feeling can be justified." Qi said.

The cosmic life that Chen Feng encountered before was very powerful. If Chen Feng had not used external forces, even if Chen Feng and other Hunyuan Jinxian joined forces, they would not be able to gain any advantage.

"If this is the case, it is really dangerous. If this universe can be transformed into life to escape, then it will be truly free in the future. At that time, no matter how many lives there are here, it will not be enough for the other party to hunt." Jiemie has already felt that things are not good.

Jiemie has been practicing for a long time. Although he has not encountered it, he has heard of such things before. Now he is more certain after hearing what Chen Feng said.

Think about it now. The other party is just a large universe. Even if it is a little strange, it is very restricted. If it becomes a life, you should know how terrifying it will be.

And the more you think about it, the more likely it is.

"If that's the case, there's nothing we can do. Before that, we can only try to get some benefits first, and then leave here before the danger comes." Chen Feng said.

These thoughts did not appear randomly. Since we thought of them before, they might really become reality.

The universe in front of us is much stronger than the ones we encountered before. If we really condense an incarnation, the strength must not be underestimated.

But if we really choose to leave at this time, not to mention Chen Feng's unwillingness, Qi and Jiemie may not be willing either.

What if there is danger?

After practicing to this point, if we really run away at the slightest danger, it is not in line with the character of this level of master.

Or if we were smaller, they would not practice to this point.

"Since I have already felt the crisis, then the other party's incarnation came out earlier. The patient said that the other party's heart has appeared. Now it's just some reasons that have not really appeared. It may also be that we haven't encountered it." Qi said.

"These possibilities are all possible. Anyway, our strength is here. Even if something else happens, we can use it." Chen Feng is not too worried.

This kind of situation has not been encountered before, and it has not been seen before. Isn't there such a being around me?

Besides, even if I can't deal with it, I can find helpers. Such an interesting existence, I think the Time River will also be interested.

Even if the Time River can't spare a hand, I can enter the Gate of Origin at any time

This is Chen Feng's confidence.

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