Eternal Existence

Chapter 4586: Cosmic Life

"Are the three Hunyuan Golden Immortals who blew themselves up to buy time for others? In this case, the method is quite ruthless." Chen Feng shook his head, but he didn't care too much, but used his pupil technique to quickly find Qi.

Qi appeared in front of Chen Feng with a calm expression. Perhaps because of his previous experience, there was no embarrassment on Qi's face this time.

"Although we found the opponent, the opponent was quite cunning and actually left early." Qi said.

"He's lucky. If he runs slower, he can catch the opponent." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"He's an outside adventurer. His soul is very powerful, but his body is relatively weak. I'm afraid he won't be able to take a punch from you." Qi said.

"Since this is letting the other party run away, forget it and find another chance next time." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"I'm destroying you. Thank you two fellow Taoists for helping me." At this time, the friend from Ji Mie stepped forward to thank him.

"You don't have to be polite, fellow Taoist, what happened just now?" Chen Feng asked curiously.

Destruction hesitated for a moment, but still said: "It's just a matter of robbing treasures. I got a Dao Fruit before, and then I was targeted by these guys. Speaking of which, these guys are really weird. There must be someone behind them. I Keep on guard, if it weren't for the help of two Taoist friends, the being behind might attack. "

"Tao Fruit, is it the rice left by life, or is it the rice formed innately in this universe?" Chen Feng asked curiously.

I have had this kind of harvest before, and of course I understand that this is an excellent thing.

"It's the fusion of acquired and innate Tao fruits." Destruction said.

"This is an excellent thing, its value is worthy of the laws of the universe that I encountered before." Chen Feng nodded and did not continue to ask any more questions.

The next four people acted together, and their strength naturally increased. Nie Mie also secretly informed Nie Mie about Chen Feng and the two of them.

"Meeting two fellow Taoists can be regarded as a kind of fate. I have a piece of news that the two fellow Taoists may be interested in." Destruction thought for a while and said.

"I don't know what the news is." Chen Feng was indeed interested.

"This universe has broken out of its confinement and condensed its own body." Destruction said cautiously, but then he saw the strange expressions of Chen Feng and others.

"Does it mean that several fellow Taoists also know about it?" Destruction then asked.

"We only had speculations about this before, but we didn't expect it to be true." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Then how did fellow Taoist know about it? Could it be that fellow daoist has met him before?" Chen Feng said with a smile.

"I haven't met him either. I just met some Can Nian before. The other party told me." Destruction briefly explained the matter.

"It seems that this universe has condensed itself a long time ago, and I don't know how powerful it is now. Everything before was controlled by the other party behind the scenes. You don't know whether the other party deliberately retained their strength, or whether they didn't have it at all. "Think of us outsiders as a game, if it's the latter, then things will be a little troublesome," Chen Feng said.

"If it's the latter, then the opponent's strength should exceed the realm of Hunyuan Golden Immortal. In the opponent's territory, even if there are a lot of adventurers and some masters coming this time, they will still be at the mercy of the opponent. ." Qi said.

No one knows better than Qi how powerful Hunyuan is, let alone in the opponent's territory.

If it were Qi, Qi would be sure that all the adventurers would be eliminated.

"We had this guess before, but now it is just further confirmed. In fact, there is nothing surprising. Is it possible that we have to leave this universe now? Since the other party has escaped from the cage of the universe, there is a great possibility in the future We will meet again, now it's just a matter of dealing with him in advance, maybe we can get something from him," Chen Feng said with a smile.

"I hope so, but I'm afraid that we won't get enough harvest by then and end up risking our lives here instead. But then again, as practitioners, if we don't have the spirit of adventure, we won't be able to cultivate to this point. What should we do when we come down?" Ji Mie said with a smile.

"Of course it's to explore the mysteries of this universe, search for treasures that are useful to us, and if we have the chance, it's best to kill a few opponents." Chen Feng said.




Cracks appeared from all directions. Chen Feng had seen these cracks before and they were very powerful. This was the universe taking action.

Chen Feng was a little surprised. What was this Fang Universe doing before it was time to take action against him?

Could it be that he wants to concentrate his efforts on solving himself and others first?

Chen Feng reached out and grabbed a crack, crushing one crack directly, and then waved his sword to crush another crack.

Qi and the other three also took action one after another, but they were able to resolve the attack.

For a few people, this level of attack wouldn't have much effect, but it had originally revealed a layer of space, and after the collapse, another dimension actually appeared.

It was just similar to chaos before, but now it was in real chaos. Chen Feng even felt the extremely strong chaotic energy.

It's exactly what I need, but there are all kinds of dangers and crises hidden in it.

Under this situation, the first thing Chen Feng and others did was to fight against each other to avoid being attacked separately.

Layers of realms enveloped the four of them.

The attack that was guarded against before did not appear, but the chaos was rolling, and it was certain that people kept changing directions.

"Where are they going to move us? They won't throw us into the free space." Chen Feng said with a smile.

If we are really moved outside the universe, then this method is actually nothing. Even if we are moved to a very far area, we can come back in the shortest time.

In this way, it should be moved to a place that suppresses us.

"In this case, we will not let the other party do whatever they want." Qi made a move, and the surrounding space was smashed into pieces, and the power of movement disappeared instantly.

Chen Feng slashed with a sword and forcibly broke a long passage. Several people kept changing their positions and finally rushed out of the chaos.

"In fact, I should have used the devouring technique to plunder the opponent's energy before. What can I do even if it is the entire universe?" After stabilizing, Chen Feng said this.

"This is a good idea, but maybe the other party can deal with it. Don't forget that we also encountered two creatures who practiced the Devouring Technique before. They also have this method. Of course, the most important thing is that this gang leader is a little abnormal. If it were other super-large universes, they would certainly not be able to resist the Devouring Technique." Jiemie said.

"The other party chose to attack us actively, but they didn't have a strong killing method. It seems that the other party wants to contain us so that they can free up their hands to deal with other lives." Destruction said.

"I feel that things are not that simple. Since the other party has condensed itself, and this is on the other party's territory, can't we attack at will?" Qi said at this time.


Chen Feng punched out, and a long passage appeared. The long sword in Chen Feng's hand flew out immediately. When the fist force was insufficient, the long sword burst out with an extremely sharp attack power.

The first few people and Chen Feng discovered something, but who knew that Chen Feng waved his hand and took back the long sword.

"I want to see if I can break through another layer of space. This universe is really strange. Layers of space can actually block the power of the Hunyuan Jinxian. Even if it collapses, it will not affect other universes. In other words, the heavenly structure of this universe is running perfectly." Chen Feng said.

"Maybe this is the last layer of space. The power of fire is very strong." Jiemie said with a smile.

"For cultivators who practice the Great Dao of Fire, this is indeed an excellent place. If there is no chaos, practicing here can condense a very strong Great Dao of Fire." Chen Feng nodded and couldn't help but perform the swallowing technique. In addition to collecting chaotic energy, he was also plundering the powerful flames mixed in it.

Although the flames in one layer of space seem to be very scarce, the quality is very high. It is two levels higher than the flames seen when entering this universe before.

This shocked Chen Feng, and he wanted to throw away all the flame energy he had obtained before, and then plunder and absorb it again.

Chen Feng swallowed some energy and wanted to continue, but he felt a strong sense of crisis flashing by.

"It's a bit strange. I feel like we're being targeted by the original master of this universe. Maybe he'll attack us." Qi said.

"No way. If that's the case, can we resist?" Jiemie said.

"It's hard to say now. Only when the other party shows up and fights for a while, can we know who's stronger and who's weaker." Qi said.

On the surface, Qi was very calm, but secretly communicating with Chen Feng.

"If the other party really reaches above Hunyuan, then we should find a way to leave this universe. With my current strength, I'm probably not a match." Qi said.

"If that's the case, then we really should leave. I didn't even know there was such a level above Hunyuan when I found it in the free space before. I didn't expect to encounter this kind of thing after leaving the source of all sources and just entering the free space." Chen Feng said with some emotion.

"This is a little different. The above Hunyuan you saw before was only in the source of all sources, and I was still in a state of being severely injured. But now don't forget that we are in the opponent's territory. If the opponent really reaches the above Hunyuan, if he uses all his strength to deal with us, we can't even leave this universe." Qi said.

"I also thought of this, so I made some preparations before. I think the worst result is to leave this universe." Chen Feng said.

"Since you said so, then I am relieved. Next, I also want to see the opponent's means and strength." Qi said.

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