Eternal Existence

Chapter 4584 Is it over?

"Kill them." Chen Feng said, the divine wings behind his back flickered, and the next moment he transcended everything and appeared in front of the opponent.

This time, Chen Feng did not use his boxing skills, but actually used the Devouring Technique. The most powerful Devouring Technique enveloped the two opponents.

It stands to reason that even if Chen Feng uses the most powerful swallowing technique, he can't do anything to these two opponents. After all, they are all in the same camp.

But Chen Feng's purpose is to support them.

Keiichi waved his hand, and two nails were drilled into the bodies of the two devouring creatures. At the same time, the billowing energy of annihilation also covered them.

Domain generation.

When Nie Mie and Qi began to entangle their opponents, Chen Feng put away his devouring technique and launched a boxing attack.

In this way, the three of them cooperated tacitly, and even if the two devouring creatures used their strongest magical powers, they could not change the situation of the battle.


Chen Feng punched one of the creatures hard, and a nail Qi made directly pierced the opponent.

This time the nail was extremely huge, like a long war spear, almost piercing through the opponent's body.

Then Chen Feng took out the sacred mountain to suppress the opponent.

It is still difficult to kill a life of this level in a short time. Even Chen Feng and Qi find it difficult to do so. Then they can only suppress the opponent and then slowly destroy them.

Seeing the suppression from the sacred mountain, this creature had an ugly look in its eyes, knowing that if it was suppressed, it might be difficult to escape.

Unexpectedly, the rules that I obtained this time were taken away, and even my life had to be left behind.


At this moment, there were sudden waves in the space in all directions, flames rioted, the space collapsed, and the entire universe was being annihilated rapidly.

At first, Chen Feng thought that the universe had taken action, but then he realized that this was not the case. The universe collapsed. As for the reason, it might be due to the previous battle. The origin of the universe could not control the entire universe, but there was a loophole in the operation of heaven.

But no matter what, this incident gave the two devouring creatures a chance to escape. In the chaos, the two frantically ran for their lives, leaving behind devouring black holes that exploded one by one.

Chen Feng quickly chased after him and punched the opponent from afar, but it was useless and the opponent still escaped.


Chen Feng said lightly, the sacred mountain suppressed all directions, and the collapsed space was immediately imprisoned. Unfortunately, the two devouring creatures still disappeared.

"Do you want to continue chasing? I can target them." Qi said calmly.

Chen Feng hesitated, but said: "Forget it, let them go first, after all, they don't have the law in their hands anymore."

"Those two guys are quite strong. Since they have become enemies, they should find a way to deal with each other to avoid causing us trouble in the future." Qi said.

"Having said that, it will definitely be a fight, and there may be other troubles next." Chen Feng said.

"Two Taoist friends, the universe is changing at this time, and there will definitely be some dangers in the future. The two Taoist friends are extraordinary in strength. Naturally, they are not afraid of some opponents in a one-on-one confrontation. They are afraid that the other party will join forces and the universe will intervene. ." Ji Mie said at this time.

Chen Feng nodded, even if he was powerful, he would not be careless.

"I have also been to some universes, and I have seen universes larger than this, and more magical places of life, but they are not as weird as this mutated universe. To be honest, for us Hunyuan Golden Immortals, it is completely possible to fight. The universe is broken, not to mention there are so many Hunyuan Golden Immortals here, but I felt the crisis here early, so I didn't act rashly, but hid and waited for the opportunity," Nie Mie continued.

"We have made a lot of noise before and captured the laws of the universe. From this point on, we have been on the opposite side of the universe. We have fought against some other adventurers before, which also attracted some opponents. "Chen Feng said with a smile.

"If you want to avoid provoking opponents, unless we don't participate, we should practice here honestly and avoid any troubles we encounter in advance." Keiya said.

"I'm just stating my opinion. Two fellow Taoists, I will cooperate with you on how to act next." Ji Mie smiled.

"Let's take part in the laws we got this time. Let's not talk about how things will develop next. At least we can get some benefits first." Qi said and took out the half of the laws of the universe that he had grabbed earlier.

On the one hand, Qi's strength is strong, and on the other hand, the laws of the universe are damaged, and his power is naturally seriously affected.

So even if this half of the universe law is taken out, the opponent will not be able to break away. Of course, the three people present are still on guard, for fear of any accidents, for example, whether this universe will get involved and try to snatch it again.


I saw Qi using a magical power, and the half of the universe law in front of him suddenly burst into waves of light and fluctuations.

Chen Feng and Ji Mie immediately began to comprehend, and the three of them began to practice.

The cosmic runes that Chen Feng wanted to condense before were quickly completed, and phantoms had appeared, and they were becoming more condensed.

In fact, at this point, Chen Feng could barely condense the cosmic runes, but Chen Feng still wanted to make them more perfect.

Let’s not talk about the half of the laws of the universe in front of us. There is also a whole law in the energy tower.

In addition to completing the cosmic runes, the immediate comprehension can also increase some understanding of the universe, which is of great benefit to the next actions.

Qi and Nirvana are naturally higher than Chen Feng in terms of realm, so these two practice faster.

"Not bad." Qi said, and it was obvious that he had gained something.

"What a pity, only half of the law." Jiemie said.

"The other half is better than reclaiming the universe. The other party will not be complete next time, and it will be difficult to plunder again. It is a bit strange to say that this universe deliberately took out these laws, really to let everyone fight each other. If so, the other party's goal has been achieved, but I have paid this level of law, which will definitely harm the universe itself." Chen Feng said.

"Don't worry about it, we come here to practice. As long as our practice improves, other things are secondary." Qi said.

The three did not practice for long before the Hunyuan Jinxian came here.

The first Hunyuan Jinxian saw the three practicing from a distance. Although he was a little greedy, he controlled his desire very well and did not dare to come forward.

After all, no one can afford to offend these three.

But when the second and third Hunyuan Jinxian appeared, why did the ambition of the earliest Hunyun Jinxian grow and burn again?

Maybe we can wait for more helpers to come.

"Hehe." Chen Feng laughed.

"Get out of my way." Then Chen Feng's will burst out, shocking the four directions. At the same time, Chen Feng also released two layers of domains.

It's not that he was afraid of these Hunyuan Jinxians, but these guys came here and would disturb the practice of the three of them.

"Daoyou is overbearing." One of the Hunyuan Jinxians said so.

Chen Feng ignored it. In fact, it was nothing. If there was a Hunyuan Jinxian, the three of them could easily deal with it. At most, they would change places to practice again.

Moreover, Chen Feng and the other two were making a big fuss here, and they might have thought of this step.

There have been six Hunyuan Jinxians coming here, two of whom were severely injured by Chen Feng.

These two came late, saw the situation clearly, and then turned around and left.

The remaining four Hunyuan Jinxians, although unwilling, also left one after another.

"It's their luck." Chen Feng said with a smile. If the Hunyuan Jinxians just now wanted to make trouble, the battle might have been resolved now.

Even Chen Feng himself can sweep away everything.

The next period of time was peaceful, but the three of them still finished their practice. Now is not the time for long-term practice.

What's more, the three of them are at a high enough level and strong enough. They can feel the many things they have gained from this half of the law just now while walking.

There are more important things to do.

Chen Feng still needs to find the real origin of the universe. It's not that the place Chen Feng found before is not the origin of the universe, but that place should not be the largest origin of the universe in this universe.

In other words, the origin of this universe is separated, and only this explanation can fit the current situation.

For Chen Feng, no matter how much chaotic energy there is, it is not too much.

It's just that this universe is getting more and more chaotic. Not long after the three of them walked, a large area of ​​collapse appeared in front of them.

Maybe if the three of them didn't leave before, the place they were in might also collapse, and then they would also end their practice.

"Such a chaotic situation is actually easier to feel. Of course, if you can take the opportunity to kill some powerful lives, it will also be a huge gain." Qi said.

"We don't look down on the weak, and it takes time to become strong, but if there is a chance, I don't mind being ruthless." Chen Feng said with a smile.

If the opportunity is right, Chen Feng would not hesitate to kill the opponent before, so as not to bring some hidden dangers to himself in the future. After all, the strength of those opponents is very strong, especially the two creatures who practice the swallowing technique. They can bring some trouble to Chen Feng when they unite.

"Those universe guards finally came out." Chen Feng said with a smile.

Not far away, four or five fire monsters surrounded an adventurer who came from outside. After a fight, they tore the opponent into pieces, and then a large formation similar to the millstone of the emperor appeared, and the adventurer from outside was wiped out.

This formation was of course constructed by the heavenly way of this universe.

In the past few years, the fire monsters killed their opponents and left quickly. Naturally, they also discovered the existence of Chen Feng and others, but they also knew that these people were not easy to mess with.

What Chen Feng was interested in was that there was no existence with so much divine power in the bodies of these fire monsters.

Is it a coincidence, or is there another reason?

Until now, Chen Feng has not figured out the existence hidden in the body of the fire monster.

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