Eternal Existence

Chapter 4583 Solution

However, even if he tried his best, he could not stop the opponent's joint efforts. A beam of light flashed, and Jiemie was actually penetrated by his body. The power of Jiemie on his body became a little disordered, and his combat effectiveness was seriously affected.

Swish! Swish! Swish!

The most shocking scene for Chen Feng appeared. Three beams of light flew over and locked Chen Feng firmly.

This was an attack from the universe.

"Good guy, the universe actually came to participate. This is normal. If the law falls into our hands, it will be difficult to snatch it. Only by repelling us can we better take back the law from the other party. However, this side of the universe is too anxious to take action now. We should wait a little longer." Chen Feng shook his head. He was not worried about the three beams of light. With his strong defense, he could completely resist it. What Chen Feng was worried about was whether the opponent had other attacks.

The most important thing was that there was an accident in this action. It felt very smooth at first, but now it was blocked. Chen Feng had no idea whether this origin law could be snatched.

But now he had to use all means.

Chen Feng shattered a beam of light with a punch, and dodged another beam of light by twisting his body, but another beam of light still fell on Chen Feng, leaving a bloody hole on Chen Feng's body.

For Chen Feng, this kind of injury is nothing.

But then water ripples appeared in the direction where Chen Feng was, and a strong binding force acted on Chen Feng.

It was still the follow-up attack of this universe, not the will attack that Chen Feng had worried about before, but the law type.

Chen Feng's every move was affected, and he felt like there were countless ropes tying himself up. Although he couldn't hurt himself, it could seriously affect his actions.

"It's a bit troublesome." Chen Feng struggled for a while, and the space exploded, and the binding force was shattered, but more ripples appeared around.

Chi Chi Chi!

At this moment, a strong destructive force broke out from Chen Feng's body, and these restraints were quickly solved.

Then Chen Feng saw a huge black curtain like a palm covering the sacred mountain.

The sacred mountain was affected, and the suppressed life was about to break free.

"How can it be that easy?" Chen Feng thought, and the power of the sacred mountain became stronger again, and beams of sword light slashed towards the black curtain.

That black curtain was of course also a means of this universe.

Chen Feng now only wanted to suppress this opponent well, and Chen Feng could only trust Qi.

After all, there was still the help of Silence.

Silence was also angry at this time, and it exploded repeatedly. The powerful power of Silence seemed to be able to end everything.

Qi was also constantly suppressing the original law, while resisting the attack of this universe.

It can be said that the three people present were not at ease.

However, it seems that if this situation continues, the winner will still be Chen Feng and the other two.

Chi Chi Chi!

Three more beams of light appeared, still locking Chen Feng, but these three beams of light suddenly intertwined, and then spread rapidly, and finally formed a silk net, directly covering Chen Feng.

This method certainly can't do anything to Chen Feng, but it can entangle Chen Feng for a while, and the purpose is still to release the life suppressed by the sacred mountain.

After all, this is the opponent's home court, and outsiders like Chen Feng are inherently suppressed.

After death enveloped Chen Feng, the surrounding flames rolled and swept towards Chen Feng. This time, the momentum of the flame power was beyond imagination.

It was more ferocious than all the seas of fire or flames in this universe, and then covered the silk screen, covering Chen Feng tightly.

This was the opponent's real purpose. This time Chen Feng and Shenshan even lost their original form.

Fortunately, Chen Feng had long been refined into a clone by Chen Feng. Even if the two sides lost the induction, Shenshan could act independently.

However, there was another Shenshan covered by silk screen, and it was also covered by rolling flames.

Finally, the power of Shenshan was affected by the double attack, and the creature took the opportunity to rush out.

After the creature came out, it immediately rushed towards Qi.

Because Qi had already grabbed the law in his hand, as long as he was given some more time, he could really put this law away.

Unfortunately, Qi did not have the energy tower in his hand like Chen Feng, so he had to rely on his own power to collect and suppress.

There will be some changes at this time.

But even so, Qi has his own means.

But at this time, the two creatures are about to join forces.

"I will stop one of them." Jiemie bloomed the Jiemie field, trying to stop the opponent, but who knew that he was entangled by the opponent's devouring technique, and his combat effectiveness was affected.

But speaking of Jiemie, it can be regarded as an entangled opponent. The most important thing next is Qi. It depends on whether Qi can solve the law in his hand as soon as possible.

Chi Chi Chi!

The beam appeared.


This is the will attack of the universe, and there is a strong rebound from the law and crazy and desperate creatures.

Even Qi can't bear it this time, and Chen Feng hasn't rushed out yet.

In desperation, Qi changed his mind and directly cut off the law, which means that Qi took a piece of the law.

The other part took the opportunity to escape.

This can also be regarded as some gains. After the law was in Qi's hands, the universe burst out with extremely powerful power, and cracks appeared one after another. This time the target is indeed the two devouring creatures.

As a result, the other half of the law was taken away by the universe, and then the universe quickly took back its power.

The two devouring creatures lost the law they had obtained, and they were furious and furious. After gathering together, they began to join forces.

The two powerful devouring magical powers underwent a qualitative change after merging. This time it was not the power of devouring, but the power of destruction.

Before, the two had never found an opportunity to display their power. Now that the law was taken away, they were already extremely angry, thinking that if we were not doing well, you would not be doing well either.

"Come on, it seems that you are looking for death." Chen Feng said lightly, stepped forward, and directly used boxing to resist the opponent's attack.

Because the universe was involved, Chen Feng's mind was still a little complicated. He didn't expect that he didn't do his best after fighting for so long, but it was better than getting nothing.

Chi Chi Chi! Chi Chi Chi!

Chen Feng's fist power was integrated with the mirror technique, and the opponent's indestructible attack power was blocked.

Crack! Crack! Crack!

The mirror surface cracked and then broke, but Chen Feng's second level of fist power arrived. This time it was the volcanic fist power. The powerful volcanic fist power dissipated the opponent's attack power under the eruption.

Chi Chi!

At this time, Jiemie and Qi launched attacks at the same time, suppressing the two devouring life forms.

"Kill them." Chen Feng said, and the divine wings behind him flashed. The next moment, he appeared in front of the opponent beyond everything.

This time, Chen Feng did not use boxing skills, but actually used the devouring technique, and the strongest state of the devouring technique was used to cover the two opponents.

In theory, even if Chen Feng used the strongest devouring technique, he could not do anything to these two opponents, after all, they were all in the same way.

But Chen Feng's goal was to hold them up.

Qi waved his hand, and two nails drilled into the bodies of the two devouring creatures respectively, and at the same time, the rolling Jiemie energy also covered them.

The field was generated.

When Jiemie and Qi began to entangle the opponents, Chen Feng put away the devouring technique and launched a boxing attack.

In this way, the three of them cooperated tacitly, and even if the two devouring creatures used their strongest magical powers, they could not change the situation.


Chen Feng punched one of the creatures hard, and a nail made by Qi directly pierced the opponent.

This time the nail was extremely huge, like a long spear, almost piercing the opponent's body.

Then Chen Feng took out the God Mountain to suppress the opponent.

This level of life is still difficult to kill in a short time, even Chen Feng and Qi can hardly do it, so they can only suppress the opponent and then slowly wipe it out.

Seeing the suppression of the God Mountain, the creature showed an ugly look in his eyes, knowing that if he was suppressed, he would probably have difficulty escaping.

Unexpectedly, the law he got this time was taken away, and even his life had to be left behind.


At this moment, the space in all directions suddenly became turbulent, the flames rioted, the space collapsed, and this piece of cosmic space was actually annihilated rapidly.

At first, Chen Feng thought that the universe had taken action, but then he knew that it was not the case. It was the universe that collapsed. As for the reason, it might be because of the previous battle. The origin of the universe could not control the entire universe, but there was a loophole in the operation of the heaven.

But no matter what, this incident gave the two devouring creatures a chance to escape. In the chaos, the two fled frantically, leaving one devouring black hole after another to explode.

Chen Feng hurriedly chased after him and punched him from a distance, but it was useless. He still escaped.


Chen Feng said lightly, the sacred mountain suppressed the four directions, and the collapsed space was immediately imprisoned. It was a pity that the two devouring creatures still ran away.

"Do you want to continue chasing? I can lock them." Qi said lightly.

Chen Feng hesitated a little, but still said: "Forget it, let them go first, after all, they don't have any laws in their hands."

"Those two guys are quite strong. Since they have made enemies, they should find a way to deal with each other to avoid causing trouble for us next time." Qi said.

"That being said, there will definitely be a fight, and there may be other troubles next." Chen Feng said.

"My two Taoist friends, the universe is changing at this time, and there will definitely be some dangers next. The two Taoist friends are extraordinary. They are not afraid of some opponents in a one-on-one fight, but they are afraid that the opponents will join forces, and this universe will intervene." Jiemie said at this time.

Chen Feng nodded. Even if he is powerful, he will not be careless.

"I have also been to some universes, and I have seen universes larger than this one, and more magical places of life, but none of them are as strange as this mutant universe. To be honest, for us Hunyuan Jinxian, we can completely break a universe, not to mention that there are so many Hunyuan Jinxian here, but I felt the crisis here early, so I did not act rashly, but hid and waited for the opportunity." Jiemie continued.

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