Eternal Existence

Chapter 4577 Obtained

"However, although these Hunyuan Golden Immortals are good in strength, they still have a long way to go before they can achieve true transcendence. Speaking of which, it is only interested in beings like Time Changhe. Of course, these are excluded, but this The law of mutation itself is worth fighting for." Just as Chen Feng was thinking about it, the law that bloomed with dazzling golden light disappeared again after colliding with the Hunyuan Golden Immortal present.

Some Hunyuan Golden Immortals came to the area where the opponent disappeared, but they were unable to make that law take effect.

"Is it possible that we can only wait until the other party takes the initiative to show up? In this case, it would be a bit troublesome. It should be a means to imprison this law." Chen Feng said and waved his hand to let the Hunyuan Golden Immortal leave.

The news is already known, there is no need to leave the other party behind.

Then the most important thing is which law to grab.

"The laws of the universe are more upscale than the cosmic runes I want to condense. If there is any way to integrate the laws into my cosmic runes, it is conceivable that earth-shaking changes will occur. However, in this place, if you want to get rid of so many chaos, It is not an easy task to snatch the law from Yuan Jinxian's hands. "

"The two of us should join forces, I think there won't be a big problem." Qi said at this time.

Even if there are more Hunyuan Golden Immortals, they can still dominate here with their methods and strength.

But it is not that easy to search for this law, and besides the Hunyuan Golden Immortals present, there are other masters coming.

At this time, Chen Feng had already felt the powerful aura in the distance paying attention to the situation here.

The two sides are far apart. Maybe they haven't figured out what happened here, so they didn't rush over immediately. However, Chen Feng believes that since there are so many Hunyuan Golden Immortals fighting and killing each other here, which ones are watching from a distance? Experts will definitely come over to see the excitement.

The Hunyuan Golden Immortals in front of him are on the same level, but the creatures like the Nirvana that Chen Feng encountered before, and the creatures that can swallow matter and fire energy are on another level, and Chen Feng believes that there should be some creatures like that level. , but I haven’t dealt with it before.

Now that they had made up their minds, the two of them immediately stepped forward to take action, just like they had snatched the bone before. Qi still used his methods to interfere with the Hunyuan Golden Immortal present, while Chen Feng relied on his powerful body to charge forward.

I have to say that the combination of the two was too powerful. They carved a path in the blink of an eye, rushed into the battlefield, and then came to the place where the laws disappeared.

This scene angered all the Hunyuan Golden Immortals present, and they all launched a counterattack.

Everyone was competing for each other in a very chaotic manner, but this time, all attention was focused on Chen Feng and Qi.

Of course, it doesn't mean that all the Hunyuan Golden Immortals are targeting the two of them, but most of them have used their own magical powers or attack methods.

Tsk tsk tsk! Tsk tsk tsk!

It's just that all attacks have been blocked by layers of fields, which are the fields arranged by Qi.

Although Qi has not recovered his strength, his level of life and the power laws and other things he masters are more than those of the Hunyuan Golden Immortal, so he can suppress everyone present by any means.

Seeing that everyone's methods were resisted by one of the beings, all the Hunyuan Golden Immortals present were shocked and no longer dared to take action anymore.

"Is it possible that the two Taoists want to snatch something from all of us?" one of the Hunyuan Golden Immortals said.

"Yes, it's true. You all can leave." Chen Feng said without looking back, then stretched out his palm and grabbed the void.

This grab used all Chen Feng's strength, and the space in front of him shook. The law that had disappeared before reappeared, filling a large space in an instant, like a spider web hanging over Chen Feng's head.

The members who saw this scene were all anxious today. Even the Hunyuan Golden Immortals who had been watching the excitement before also joined in and rushed in the direction of Chen Feng.

"Everyone, please stop." Qi stopped in front of everyone. With a wave of his hand, a light and shadow similar to an avenue blocked the way in front of everyone.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

A dozen Hunyuan Golden Immortals launched an attack, and the light and shadow they fought began to collapse.

At this moment, the shining golden law once again burst out with its previous power. The dazzling golden light directly enveloped Chen Feng. Everyone fell back under the impact of the powerful force, and the light and shadow that had not completely collapsed suddenly turned into Crush.

Only Qi remained stable in the golden light, seemingly unaffected by the law.

Chen Feng walked out of the golden light and stood side by side with Qi. There were signs of corrosion on his palms.

"It's not easy to collect. I'll block these guys here." Chen Feng said.

"Okay, let me give it a try. Actually, what's the method? It's not something that can be collected casually." Qi said.

The scene of the next fight was completely different from before. The two Hunyuan Golden Immortals who suddenly appeared dared to confront all the masters present. This was something no one had thought of before.

However, judging from the other party's methods just now, it is really possible for these two masters to search for that law.

So how does this work?

Everyone has worked hard here to kill and injure them, and you just want to take them away when you arrive. How can it be so easy?

"Hey, I've already said that the things belong to us, you guys are still ignorant of life and death, if you come up again, don't blame me for being rude." Chen Feng said viciously, beams of sword light shot out from his body, and four origin-level long swords were quickly arranged into a sword formation, with sword energy rippling and sword light dazzling. The sword formation quickly unfolded, coming in to wrap up the two Hunyuan Jinxians who were rushing in the front, and also blocked others.

Not only that, Chen Feng's body swelled up and turned into a chaotic golden body, directly knocking a Hunyuan Jinxian with a strong physical body away.

Just when Chen Feng wanted to kill everyone, suddenly a strong will rushed towards Chen Feng.

This is the will of this universe.

Under normal circumstances, Chen Feng could not resist it, and Qi used to resist it in the past, but now Qi needs to collect that law.

Chen Feng hesitated for a moment, and still tried his best to resist it.

However, Qi still took action to help Chen Feng block the will attack of the universe. It was obvious that the attack of the universe this time was very powerful, and even Qi seemed to be affected.

If it were Chen Feng, he would definitely be severely injured.

"I didn't expect that this universe would still intervene. This is a bit troublesome, but this is also normal. This law belongs to this universe. In this case, why didn't the other party collect this law? Why did they stay here just to attract people and catch them all in one fell swoop? Or is there another reason?" Chen Feng thought, and punched another opponent away.

At the same time, Chen Feng's sword formation expanded again, and there were two layers of domains that covered it easily.

Since the universe launched an attack, Chen Feng knew that it would not be so easy to collect this law next, so he needed to use various means.

So far, in addition to exploding his own power, Chen Feng also used magic weapons and domains, which can be regarded as fighting with all his strength.

This law is very important, Chen Feng cannot give up, Chen Feng even thought that if he could collect this law, then the universe rune could be condensed successfully.

However, it seems a bit difficult at the moment, and Qi needs to help, otherwise Chen Feng will be in trouble.

These Hunyuan Jinxians are fine, but Chen Feng is worried about this universe.

The sword formation and the domain covered the two people again, and then Chen Feng used the three-headed and six-armed Dharma to attack crazily, hitting the Hunyuan Jinxian who rushed up and made him retreat again and again.

Under such a fierce attack, few Hunyuan Jinxians can resist it.

"You go to collect the law." Qi said at this time. For the will attack of this universe, only Qi can resist it. If Chen Feng is injured, Qi can't sweep everything with his current situation.

"I'm afraid it's not so easy to collect, otherwise practice first to solve the existence on the scene." Chen Feng said.

"It will be very troublesome, but these opponents are easier. Don't forget that there are more powerful existences coming. Besides, this law may disappear at any time, although I have used means to block the surroundings." Qi said.

As Qi continued to use his methods, the surrounding space changed. The Hunyuan Jinxian present were actually isolated separately. In this way, the threat was greatly reduced when they could not join forces.

Moreover, Qi had just started to make a move. As a being above Hunyuan, he had many methods.

Chen Feng knew that what Qi said made sense. There were already quite a few Hunyuan Jinxian present. Who knew what would happen after a big battle? Moreover, he had no time.

"Then I will collect this law first. Although I don't know the reason, since the thing is here, I can't let it go. If I really can't collect it, I will just break it." Chen Feng said in his heart and took out the Shenshan directly.

With the appearance of the Shenshan, the surrounding time and space were suppressed. The law that had just disappeared reappeared, and this time the law pattern became more dazzling, which was obviously affected by the Shenshan.

"Come to me honestly. Isn't it much stronger in my hands than staying in this universe? I will take you to see a bigger world." Chen Feng said with a smile, while urging the Shenshan and stretching out his palm to grab the law.


Powerful power burst out from the law. Unlike the previous explosion, this time the power was continuous and sticky, with a strong binding force, and it seemed that it really wanted to trap Chen Feng.


The sacred mountain shook slightly, and Chen Feng's palm couldn't grab it. His own powerful power burst out, but was constantly dissolved by the opponent.

On the other side, Qi blocked another wave of cosmic attacks, and also came in front of a Hunyuan Jinxian.

After being trapped, this Hunyuan Jinxian used his means to rush out, but unfortunately he was stopped by Qi again.

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