Eternal Existence

Chapter 4578 It is indeed a good thing

"It will be troublesome, but these opponents are easier. Don't forget that there are more powerful beings coming. Besides, this law may disappear at any time, although I have used means to block the surroundings." Qi said.

As Qi continued to use means, the surrounding space changed, and the Hunyuan Jinxian present was actually isolated separately. In this way, the threat was greatly reduced when they could not join forces.

What's more, Qi had just started to make a move. As an existence above Hunyuan, he had many means.

Chen Feng knew that what Qi said made sense. There were already many Hunyuan Jinxian present. Who knew what would happen after a big battle, not to mention that he didn't have any time.

"Then take this law first. Although I don't know the reason, since the thing is here, I can't let it go. If I really can't take it, I will just break it." Chen Feng said in his heart and took out the Shenshan directly.

With the appearance of the Shenshan, the surrounding time and space were suppressed, and the law that had just disappeared appeared again, and this time the law pattern became more dazzling, obviously affected by the Shenshan.

"Come to me honestly. If you are in my hands, you will be much stronger than staying in this universe. I will take you to see a bigger world." Chen Feng said with a smile, while urging the God Mountain and stretching out his palm to grab the law.


Powerful power burst out from the law. Unlike the previous explosion, this time the power is continuous and sticky, with a strong binding force. It seems that it really wants to trap Chen Feng.


The God Mountain shook slightly, and Chen Feng's palm couldn't grab it. His own powerful power burst out, but was constantly dissolved by the opponent.

On the other side, Qi blocked another wave of cosmic attacks and came to a Hunyuan Jinxian at the same time.

After being trapped, this Hunyuan Jinxian used his means to rush out, but unfortunately he was stopped by Qi again.

It was a bit difficult for Qi to kill so many Hunyuan Jinxians, but it was no problem to entangle the opponent.

But the development of things was not that simple. Chen Feng's subjugation of the law fell into a stalemate, and there would be stronger beings coming next.

But this is normal. If it was so easy to collect the law, the Hunyuan Jinxian present would not have fought here for so long.

"It is a bit troublesome. This is not a simple law, but a universe behind it. However, sooner or later, we will have to compete with this universe. No matter what the other party's purpose is, since we have taken out this law, we must be prepared to lose it." Chen Feng pushed the Shenshan to suppress the four directions with all his strength, and this law did not disappear like before.

This is a good start, but Chen Feng cannot collect this law at present.

At this point, even if Chen Feng fails, all means must be used to collect this law, just like what was said before, even if the whole law cannot be collected, this law must be broken.

If possible, Chen Feng now wants to use the devouring technique to plunder the other party directly, but this will not work.


Chen Feng's palm still grabbed forward, and this law also exuded a strong binding force. Chen Feng was completely wrapped around by this force, and the whole person was affected.

Chen Feng could clearly feel that the law, similar to the silk net, wanted to wrap himself up.

If it really comes to this, will it be more or less troublesome for me?

Maybe I can break free, but there will be something that happens in this process, and it is hard to say what will happen.

Chen Feng doesn't want to take risks. There are so many Hunyuan Jinxian here. I am in this universe, and there are too many accidents and changes.

Although Qi blocked so many Hunyuan Jinxian, Chen Feng also knew that Qi was not so relaxed. Maybe Hunyuan Jinxian would rush over if he was not careful.

Another point is that even if he was shrouded by the law, Chen Feng could still feel the powerful breath approaching from afar.

A stronger existence finally arrived, and the other party also saw clearly what happened here, and rushed to the direction of the law at the first time.

Qi's face was calm, but Chen Feng knew that Qi must be a little impatient, because he was a little anxious.

Things have begun to get out of control.


Chen Feng has a phantom of a magic weapon on his body, and on the basis of his own power, he once again used the power of the magic weapon.

The law in front of him shone brighter. Under the strong pressure, Ying Chengfeng couldn't help but want to give up.

"Daoyou, it seems that it is difficult for you to solve it alone. How about we join forces?" The new adventurer came to Chen Feng without being stopped by Qi.

The opponent's strength is very strong, surpassing most of the Hunyuan Jinxian present. It seems that Chen Feng should have reached the level of extinction.

"Join hands, okay, then join hands." Chen Feng did not refuse the other party, but chose to contact the other party.

Of course, Chen Feng naturally has his own plans. The tentacles just now proved that this law is not so easy to collect. Since someone is willing to come to share the pressure, Chen Feng is of course not polite.

And Chen Feng also knows that if there is a chance, the other party will snatch this law.

I also have such an idea.

Now it seems that they are joining forces, and there will be conflicts between them as long as there is a chance.

This new Hunyuan Jinxian also brought out a huge ghost claw and fiercely grabbed the law.

Snap! Snap! Snap!

This time, these laws actually made a violent explosion, and the surrounding space that was originally solidified began to shake.

"Sure enough, one more person means more confidence." Chen Feng's heart moved. If he used the energy tower at this time, he should be able to put this law away.

Just when Chen Feng wanted to make a move, two more masters appeared.

As soon as these two masters appeared, the situation changed dramatically.

Two whirlpools appeared, disrupting the space, and the law that could originally resist Chen Feng began to distort.

According to this situation, this law may really be taken away by the other party.

Powerful force.

Chen Feng already knew who the visitor was. These two whirlpools, one can devour matter, and the other can devour energy. Together, they can devour everything, and their power is so powerful that even the law that so many people could not do anything about before was affected.

"These two guys are really together." Chen Feng said. In this situation, Chen Feng did not make a move to stop them, but let them do what they wanted.

The Hunyuan Jinxian who joined forces with Chen Feng was a little anxious, and he grabbed one of the vortexes.

Chi Chi!

Two beams of energy crossed and cut off the opponent's claws.

"Daoyou, it seems that there is some excitement here." At this time, Chen Feng received the voice from Jiemie.

Chen Feng was not surprised. He had felt the breath of Jiemie before and knew that Jiemie had also arrived.

"This law is not so easy to collect. We should join forces." Jiemie said.

"This is natural. Don't worry. Let's talk about it after they work hard." Chen Feng responded like this. Not only that, Chen Feng still stretched out his palm to grab the law.

Although he didn't collect the law, Chen Feng still gained something. In the process, Chen Feng also swallowed some breath, understood some things, and his cosmic runes became more condensed.

Jiemie reached an agreement with Chen Feng, and did not show up to take action, but waited for a better opportunity in secret.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Qi disappeared, and the sword formation and domain that Chen Feng had arranged before also disappeared. Suddenly, more than a dozen Hunyuan Jinxians were liberated, and then they rushed madly in the direction of the law, each using their own means to divide something.

The scene suddenly became more chaotic.

It was impossible for Chen Feng and Qi to sweep everything together, so everyone had to participate, so that the pressure on them would be transferred. The two of them were the strongest in the chaos, and they could also grab the law.

Of course, the two did not dare to be careless and made some preparations in secret.

The most important thing now is to extract the law from the control of the universe. Whether it is broken or in a complete state, it is much easier than before.


In adjusting the law of the universe, it seems that it can't resist under the pull of many forces, but it's not so easy to escape, so this law continues to spread around, and it has exaggerated several times in the blink of an eye.

Chen Feng was surprised to find that the law at this time became even more powerful. It was just a piece of space before, but now it seems to cover a piece of the universe.

Almost all the lives present were covered.

"Your problem won't occur, right? Could it be that you want to wipe out all the lives present? Even if you have this idea, this universe can't do it." Chen Feng had this thought, but then shook his head. It shouldn't be like this. If you can really do this, then these adventurers wouldn't have lived in the universe until now. They would have been solved by this universe time and time again. Even I couldn't have stopped the attack of this universe before.

"So what will this universe do next?" Chen Feng was also guessing this, and at the same time he was prepared to deal with some emergencies.

After all, it is also a super-large mutant universe, and there must be some means.

Chi Chi Chi! Chi Chi Chi!

Sure enough, beams of origin light appeared and locked onto one of the creatures. The creature's strength was not bad. First, it was squeezed by the surrounding lives, and then it was shrouded by the law, and it couldn't hide at all.

So many Hunyuan Jinxians present didn't come forward to help. In fact, everyone had the same idea, wishing there was one less competitor.

As a result, blood holes appeared on the body of this Hunyuan Jinxian, and he looked very miserable.

Then he was attacked by a nearby Hunyuan Jinxian, and was torn into pieces.

Seeing this scene, Chen Feng also sneered. He had speculated about this before, and it was nothing special that such a thing happened now.

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