Eternal Existence

Chapter 4576: Laws of the Universe

The Hunyuan Golden Immortal thought that he was probably dead this time, but he was still unwilling to give in, so he naturally had to use all means to struggle.

"Don't move! I have something to ask you." Chen Feng let go of the other party.

After the Hunyuan Golden Immortal regained his freedom, he realized what had happened and quickly suppressed the magical power that was about to explode.

"I've met fellow Taoist." This Hunyuan Golden Immortal was quite sensible and knew that he was no match, so he immediately showed his attitude.

"Tell me what happened here?" Chen Feng asked.

"Don't play tricks with me, otherwise, I will kill you."

Hearing Chen Feng's question, the Hunyuan Golden Immortal breathed a sigh of relief and said quickly: "A law has appeared here, a perfect law."

Chen Feng was surprised, how could there be so many Hunyuan Golden Immortals competing for just one law? In this way, these two laws are extraordinary.

"Explain clearly what kind of law it is?" Chen Feng asked.

"This is the original law of this universe. It is very perfect and surpasses all the laws of the universe I have seen before." The Hunyuan Golden Immortal said.

"Then whose hands does it fall into now?" Chen Feng asked again.

"No one grabbed it. After that law appeared, it disappeared again, but it was still in this area." The Hunyuan Golden Immortal said.

"It disappeared. Couldn't it be a deliberate trick of the universe in this regard? It would attract everyone to kill each other." Chen Feng said with some suspicion.

"I don't know about this. Anyway, I can't grab it with my strength. I just want to get closer and understand it. Or maybe you grabbed some fragments or something? Of course, fishing in troubled waters, maybe you can actually get it. Some benefits." This Hunyuan Golden Immortal said.

Just after he finished speaking, Chen Feng suddenly raised his head and saw a little golden light again, and then continued to spread it around.

Wherever the golden light passed, it was like dots of starlight lighting up the lines in the space, illuminating a large area of ​​space in the blink of an eye.

"This rule!" Chen Feng was a little shocked. Apart from being strange, this rule is indeed perfect.

"This is the law." The Hunyuan Golden Immortal said quickly, with a look of intoxication in his eyes. He wanted to go forward and snatch it immediately. He only took two steps and stopped again. This was because he was worried that Chen Feng would take action against him.

When the Hunyuan Golden Immortals who had been fighting in the melee saw the appearance of the law, they stopped fighting each other and rushed towards the law.

The scene in front of me looks a bit weird, as if these laws will be broken into pieces by the rushing Hunyuan Golden Immortal Melon in the next moment.

But at this moment, the lines that almost covered a large space suddenly burst out with a dazzling golden light, and those who rushed forward were like mosquitoes succumbing to a spider web.

The speed of these Hunyuan Golden Immortals slowed down, which was suppressed by the golden light.

Chen Feng was watching from a distance, so he could see some things more clearly, and he could also deduce more things from another angle.

The power bloomed by this law is not only its own power, but also the power of this universe, so this can suppress the Hunyuan Golden Immortal that grows so many.

But no matter whose power this law catches, the ability to explode with such power proves that it is extraordinary.

The laws cultivated by the Hunyuan Golden Immortal will not be so powerful, and the laws that gave birth to most of the universe will not be so powerful either.

But in Chen Feng's opinion, only a being like Time Changhe could possess such a powerful law.

Even a super large universe would not have such a perfect and powerful law, and this law was very different from what I had seen before.

Of course, nothing can be seen on the surface. The main thing is some internal structures, the ordering and operation of some laws.

"Could it be that this is due to mutation?" Chen Feng said. If this is the case, then it is understandable.

However, since one universe mutates and has such a result, then there should not be only one universe that can mutate among the countless universes in the entire free space.

"And will this be able to escape the control of the Gate of Origin?" Chen Feng believed that this matter should be something that all higher beings should be concerned about.

"However, although these Hunyuan Golden Immortals are good in strength, they still have a long way to go before they can achieve true transcendence. Speaking of which, it is only interested in beings like Time Changhe. Of course, these are excluded, but this The law of mutation itself is worth fighting for." Just as Chen Feng was thinking about it, the law that bloomed with dazzling golden light disappeared again after colliding with the Hunyuan Golden Immortal present.

Some Hunyuan Golden Immortals came to the area where the opponent disappeared, but they were unable to make that law take effect.

"Is it possible that we can only wait until the other party takes the initiative to show up? In this case, it would be a bit troublesome. It should be a means to imprison this law." Chen Feng said and waved his hand to let the Hunyuan Golden Immortal leave.

The news is already known, there is no need to leave the other party behind.

Then the most important thing is which law to grab.

"The laws of the universe are more upscale than the cosmic runes I want to condense. If there is any way to integrate the laws into my cosmic runes, it is conceivable that earth-shaking changes will occur. However, in this place, if you want to get rid of so many chaos, It is not an easy task to snatch the law from Yuan Jinxian's hands. "

"The two of us should join forces, I think there won't be a big problem." Qi said at this time.

Even if there are more Hunyuan Golden Immortals, they can still dominate here with their methods and strength.

But it is not that easy to search for this law, and besides the Hunyuan Golden Immortals present, there are other masters coming.

At this time, Chen Feng had already felt the powerful aura in the distance paying attention to the situation here.

The two sides are far apart. Maybe they haven't figured out what happened here, so they didn't rush over immediately. However, Chen Feng believes that since there are so many Hunyuan Golden Immortals fighting and killing each other here, which ones are watching from a distance? Experts will definitely come over to see the excitement.

The Hunyuan Golden Immortals in front of him are on the same level, but the creatures like the Nirvana that Chen Feng encountered before, and the creatures that can swallow matter and fire energy are on another level, and Chen Feng believes that there should be some creatures like that level. , but I haven’t dealt with it before.

Now that they had made up their minds, the two of them immediately stepped forward to take action, just like they had snatched the bone before. Qi still used his methods to interfere with the Hunyuan Golden Immortal present, while Chen Feng relied on his powerful body to charge forward.

I have to say that the combination of the two was too powerful. They carved a path in the blink of an eye, rushed into the battlefield, and then came to the place where the laws disappeared.

This scene angered all the Hunyuan Golden Immortals present, and they all launched a counterattack.

Everyone was competing for each other in a very chaotic manner, but this time, all attention was focused on Chen Feng and Qi.

Of course, it doesn't mean that all the Hunyuan Golden Immortals are targeting the two of them, but most of them have used their own magical powers or attack methods.

Tsk tsk tsk! Tsk tsk tsk!

It's just that all attacks have been blocked by layers of fields, which are the fields arranged by Qi.

Although Qi has not recovered his strength, his level of life and the power laws and other things he masters are more than those of the Hunyuan Golden Immortal, so he can suppress everyone present by any means.

Seeing that everyone's methods were resisted by one of the beings, all the Hunyuan Golden Immortals present were shocked and no longer dared to take action anymore.

"Is it possible that the two Taoists want to snatch something from all of us?" one of the Hunyuan Golden Immortals said.

"Yes, it's true. You all can leave." Chen Feng said without looking back, then stretched out his palm and grabbed the void.

This grab used all Chen Feng's strength, and the space in front of him shook. The law that had disappeared before reappeared, filling a large space in an instant, like a spider web hanging over Chen Feng's head.

The members who saw this scene were all anxious today. Even the Hunyuan Golden Immortals who had been watching the excitement before also joined in and rushed in the direction of Chen Feng.

"Everyone, please stop." Qi stopped in front of everyone. With a wave of his hand, a light and shadow similar to an avenue blocked the way in front of everyone.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

A dozen Hunyuan Golden Immortals launched an attack, and the light and shadow they fought began to collapse.

At this moment, the shining golden law once again burst out with its previous power. The dazzling golden light directly enveloped Chen Feng. Everyone fell back under the impact of the powerful force, and the light and shadow that had not completely collapsed suddenly turned into Crush.

Only Qi remained stable in the golden light, seemingly unaffected by the law.

Chen Feng walked out of the golden light and stood side by side with Qi. There were signs of corrosion on his palms.

"It's not easy to collect. I'll block these guys here." Chen Feng said.

"Okay, let me give it a try. Actually, what's the method? It's not something that can be collected casually." Qi said.

The scene of the next fight was completely different from before. The two Hunyuan Golden Immortals who suddenly appeared dared to confront all the masters present. This was something no one had thought of before.

However, judging from the other party's methods just now, it is really possible for these two masters to search for that law.

So how does this work?

Everyone has worked hard here to kill and injure them, and you just want to take them away when you arrive. How can it be so easy?

"Hey, we've already said that the things belong to us. You guys still don't know how to live or die. If you come up again, don't blame me for being rude." Chen Feng said viciously, and beams of sword light shot out from his body. The origin-level long sword was quickly arranged into a sword formation. The sword energy was rippling and the sword light was dazzling. The sword formation quickly unfolded, coming in to wrap up the two Hunyuan Golden Immortals who were rushing in front, and at the same time block it. other people.

Not only that, Chen Feng's body expanded and turned into a golden body of chaos, directly knocking away a physical and powerful Hunyuan Golden Immortal.

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