Eternal Existence

Chapter 4575 Somewhat disappointed

However, Chen Feng still has a feeling that although the origin area of ​​this universe has indeed brought him some gains, Chen Feng always feels that it is not enough and seems to be missing something.

But in this situation, there is no need to attract so many Hunyuan Golden Immortals.

Until now, Chen Feng has not fully understood the purpose of the powerful Hunyuan Golden Immortals coming here. Even if the previous Nirvana told him a little bit, it is still confusing.

"Does it mean that it is not in the origin of the universe? I have obtained something left over from Hunyuan here. What else is more important than this?" Chen Feng said.

"Maybe it's something more important to other Hunyuan Golden Immortals. Anyway, let's explore the situation here first." Chen Feng didn't think about it so much for the time being.

As long as there are good things here, then put them away and improve your own cosmic runes.

As he absorbed more and more chaotic energy, Chen Feng also felt that his cosmic runes were about to be successfully condensed.

"More energy needs to be absorbed. The better the origin of this universe will be." Chen Feng said.

Finally, Chen Feng arrived at the location he had set before, but missed.

Chen Feng was a little dissatisfied. The original flame he had been eyeing before was snatched away in advance.

"Is it the previous opponents who did it? If so, we should have taken action to deal with them in advance. Even if we cannot kill them, we can still drive them away from this chaos." Chen Feng said with some regret. .

It was hard to find what I needed, but I felt like a duck had taken flight.

It's a bit unpleasant indeed.

"I'm here to find out who stole it. As long as the other party hasn't left yet, we still have a chance." Qi said.

Chen Feng was also exploring, and soon the two came to some conclusions, or found each other.

It turns out that the previous source flames never fell into the hands of one being, but were divided up by several Hunyuan Golden Immortals, so that they could quickly refine and absorb these source flames.

Even if Chen Feng can capture them, it will take a lot of effort to draw out the original flame.

Moreover, Chen Feng generally wouldn't do this. If he had this time, he might as well go look elsewhere.

Chen Feng didn't believe that there was only such a small amount of origin flame, and because of what happened just now, Chen Feng was even more sure of his previous guess.

That means there is a problem with the origin region of this universe.

"Look again, maybe there is still the original flame here." Qi said.

"I hope so. I do have some other ideas. Since that powerful existence left bones, will there be some flames of life left behind?" Chen Feng said.

"Your idea is good, but the chance of this is very small, and if the other party really has the flame of life left, it most likely means that the other party has not died, and can take this opportunity to resurrect, just like me." Qi Qi. said.

"There are indeed hidden dangers. Of course, it is also possible that some pure flames of life can really be left behind. Otherwise, some flames of life are born on the other party's corpse. I have encountered this kind of thing before." Chen Feng said.

"You are talking about the fire of life left behind by the Hunyuan Golden Immortal. It seems that your luck is really good." Qi was a little surprised.

"My luck has always been very good. I hope it will be the same this time. Don't forget that the bone just now was also left behind by Hunyuan. It was not obtained by us. Although it has something to do with our strength, luck is also It's very important. If we hadn't found this place, or if we had arrived a little late, the things wouldn't have fallen into our hands," Chen Feng said.

"What you said makes sense. I hope our luck will continue to be good in the future." Qi said with a smile.

"Of course, at our level, even if we are unlucky, we can force him to get better. At worst, I can find those guys and plunder them again, or kill some Hunyuan Golden Immortals and refine their essence. ." Chen Feng said.

"It's not impossible to do this. You are a chaotic body, so you don't need to worry too much. There are any risks and hidden dangers. You just need to pay attention to your soul and will." Qi said.

"I'm just saying it. I won't do this. I'm practicing fast enough now." Chen Feng smiled and shook his head. Although he said that he had done such things, he would not do it for himself. My practice is dedicated to doing this kind of thing.

"Eh? Is this chaos over?" Chen Feng suddenly said after a while.

Although the previous methods of constant exploration did not cover the entire source of chaos, now we can see a space similar to a barrier in front of us.

Sure enough, after walking out of this barrier, they entered the cosmic space. This is equivalent to the two people walking through the origin of chaos.

Not to mention that I will never get any benefits again, but this scale is not like what I knew before.

"It seems that the origin of the universe here should be divided into more than one place. This place is not even the main one." Qi said.

"It looks like this now." Chen Feng first explored for a while, and then hesitated a little. Should he go back to find other locations of the origin of the universe? It's better to go back again and swallow more of the chaotic energy here.

Just when Chen Feng was thinking, a fire monster appeared. The other party originally wanted to enter the origin of this universe, but who knew that when he came to the front, he saw Chen Feng and Qi. This time, the other party stopped, and then there was a murderous intent in his eyes.

Chen Feng looked at the other party. This fire monster was very powerful, even more powerful than the one he met before. Chen Feng couldn't even detect whether there was a mysterious existence in the other party's body.

"Daoyou, do you think the other party will attack us?" Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Seeing that the other party still has murderous intentions, maybe he will tell us." Qi said casually.

Even if the fire monster in front of them is strong, what can it do? It is still not taken seriously by the two.

The two people communicated casually, and also watched whether the other party would attack. As a result, this powerful fire monster chose to leave. The other party originally wanted to enter the origin space, but this time he gave up. It was obvious that he felt the danger.

"Being able to feel the crisis shows that the other party is very alert. It also shows that this universe will not attack us again for the time being. Otherwise, they can cooperate with each other and continue to attack us." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Since there is nothing good in this chaos, let's go find other universe origins, right? And during the time we were in the origin, this universe seemed to become more chaotic." Qi said.

"I also felt a strong breath of death. Not far from us, there should be a powerful life that has fallen." Chen Feng also practiced the Great Way of Death, and of course he was more sensitive to this aspect.

"It seems that the one who fell should be the Hunyuan Jinxian. Since there was chaos before, it is normal for this situation to occur. I don't know how many powerful lives will fall here. Maybe in the end, all of them will be cheap to this universe. Do you think this is the other party's intention?" Qi said.

"If this is the case, I really have to look up to this universe. You know, even a super-large universe may be shattered in the fight of the Hunyuan Jinxian. Even if this flame universe has mutated, the number of Hunyuan Jinxians who came here this time is too many, and some have even reached the top level. This universe really thinks it can suppress it. I don't believe it." Chen Feng said with a smile.

At this time, in addition to feeling a strong breath of death, even the universe was collapsing from time to time. Even if this huge universe had two layers of space, it might not be able to stop the full-scale killing of the Hunyuan Jinxian.

After communicating like this, they came to a dead creature.

This creature was very large and floated in the flames. No matter how fierce the flames were, they could not hurt the creature at all.

The dead creature was at least a Hunyuan Jinxian-level existence when he was alive. Even if it was constantly burned by the flames, it could survive for a long time.

"The opponent's original soul disappeared, and the blood in the body was purified. It can be said that what is left is just an empty shell." Qi saw the true state of the creature at a glance.

"The opponent was killed by two opponents, and was attacked by soul techniques and magical powers at the same time. The two sides did not fight for long, and it was mostly a sneak attack." Chen Feng also had some analysis.

After the dead creature turned around, the two lost their curiosity and turned away.

This universe is getting more and more chaotic. If you want to watch the excitement, you can find it easily.

It was too easy for Chen Feng and the others to find out where the chaos was the worst and which place had the strongest energy.

"Let's go and see the group fight. It looks very intense, and the universe is also involved. Could it be that they are trying to snatch some important treasure?" Chen Feng said, and the wings of God appeared behind him. He just flapped them and disappeared silently with Qi.

The two appeared again in a short time. As soon as they appeared, they felt the blade-like fire storm. This was the result of the battle between powerful masters. If a Daluo Jinxian approached in this situation, he would be torn to pieces soon.

"What are they trying to snatch?" Chen Feng looked and found nothing.

"Maybe the treasure has been collected by one of the parties, but it looks like a melee in front of us. These guys seem to be possessed and bewitched. Even if the universe is behind it, it is not so easy to affect the Hunyuan Jinxian." Qi said.

"Anyway, I didn't feel any impact. It seems that there must be something else. Otherwise, I'll ask someone." After Chen Feng finished speaking, he suddenly reached out and grabbed a Hunyuan Jinxian who had just been knocked away.

Although this Hunyuan Jinxian was knocked away, his injuries were not serious. He was just thinking about stabilizing his body again, but who knew that his body would tighten, and a powerful confinement area would surge throughout his body, making him unable to move.

This time, the Hunyuan Jinxian was almost scared to death.

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