Eternal Existence

Chapter 4568 It Begins

Just stretching out his palm and grabbing a Hunyuan Jinxian in his hand is not a particularly proud thing for Chen Feng.

After all, the creature in front of him looks quite large, but in fact it is just an ordinary Hunyuan Jinxian.

The most important thing is that the other party does not seem to be too smart, otherwise he should be able to see the strength of Chen Feng and the others, and would not rush up to die so stupidly.

"The blood and qi are quite abundant." Chen Feng said with a smile, and his palm exerted force to crush the other party directly.

Then the other party quickly reshaped his body.

Chen Feng smiled, waved his hand and threw the other party out, without any intention of killing him.

Although the other party was not smart, he knew what to do under the threat of disappointment, turned around and fled, and soon disappeared.

"There is only this creature here." Chen Feng collected the chaotic energy and couldn't help saying as he looked at the empty space.

If this goes on, it will only collect benefits blindly, but there will be no danger or trouble, which makes people feel uneasy.

"Maybe there are other places you haven't noticed." Qi said at this time.

"Didn't Daoyou see any clues?" Chen Feng said with a smile, but he still explored the chaotic energy he had just collected.

Chen Feng actually found some things during this exploration.

There was something mixed in the chaotic energy and was absorbed into Chen Feng's body, and Chen Feng hadn't discovered it before.

Although Chen Feng's process of swallowing energy was a bit rough, it was not easy to hide it from Chen Feng.

"Soul seed!"

Chen Feng pulled the other party out and quickly figured out what was going on.

Isn't it the same thing as the one in the fire monster that I saw before? I didn't expect it to run into my body.

Thinking of this, Chen Feng continued to search, and sure enough, he found the second soul seed, which was mixed in the previous chaotic energy.

Just a little earlier time made Chen Feng spend more effort, that is to say, if Chen Feng didn't notice it, the other party would hide more secretly in Chen Feng's body as time went by.

Maybe Chen Feng really couldn't find the other party.

After thinking about this, Chen Feng also became a little cautious. He was careless, underestimated the other party, and overestimated himself.

"No wonder no one is willing to absorb such good chaos energy. I think they all know what's going on. As for those fire monsters, they probably swallowed these soul seeds for other reasons." Chen Feng guessed.

Since he can find the things, Chen Feng should use his means to find the source.

Chen Feng had this idea before, but he felt it was troublesome and unsure, so he didn't take action.

But this time it was different. He actually provoked himself. Although he took the initiative to absorb the chaos energy, Chen Feng didn't think so much.

"I hope you can help me." Chen Feng said.

"No problem." Qi waved his hand to summon a soul seed, and then the two of them used their means to explore each other.

Chen Feng used the art of cause and effect. Chen Feng also knew that the opponent was not simple, so he added some other means.

Besides, Chen Feng believed that even if he couldn't find the opponent, Qi should be able to lock the opponent's approximate position.

After all, this is an existence above Hunyuan, and the means are beyond a category.

"Interesting." After a long time, Chen Feng put away the exploration of the art of cause and effect.

Chen Feng didn't find the other party, but he didn't gain nothing. It was certain that the other party was in this universe.

This surprised Chen Feng again.

For Hunyuan Jinxian, even if it was a super-large universe, what could it do? If he really wanted to spend time, he could explore this universe clearly.

What's more, Chen Feng had some cause and effect with the other party, but he couldn't lock the other party's position.

It shows that the other party still has a hand.

"Being able to avoid my detection, just based on this point, it shows that the other party's strength is not inferior to mine." Chen Feng said.

But Chen Feng still has helpers.

"Found the other party." Qi said.

"In fact, the other party's hiding is not secret. Of course, it can't be considered hiding. The other party is just openly in this universe. It's just that the other party's means are good." Qi said, and then drew a circle in front of him, and a picture appeared in it.

Chen Feng saw a special creature.

It was like a dark cloud, as black as ink, rolling constantly.

Chen Feng knew that this was a special life.

Qi stretched out his fingers a little more, and saw some bright lights through the dark clouds, and some tentacles-like existence.

"Do you know what kind of creature this is?" Qi asked with a smile.

"It's somewhat similar to a soul beast, but it's a little different." Chen Feng shook his head, and he was a little unsure.

"No matter what kind of creature it is, it's quite powerful, and it gives me a weird feeling." Qi said.

"Of course it's weird. The other party has a special magical power that can control the Hunyuan Jinxian silently. Didn't I almost get caught before?" Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Do you want to catch the other party?" Qi said.

Since the other party can be found, the two methods on the way can completely capture the other party.

Just when Chen Feng was hesitating, the special creature suddenly rolled violently, and disappeared the next moment.

"Did it notice us?" Chen Feng asked curiously.

"This." Qi was a little embarrassed. He was still noticed by the other party. Although he had not recovered his strength, he was still above Hunyuan.

It can only be said that it was an error caused by different origins. Qi found an excuse for himself.

"But I can still find the other party." Qi said.

Bang! Bang!

The two soul seeds floating in front of the two exploded and then disappeared without a trace.

"It's cautious and the reaction is fast." Chen Feng sneered.

"It's still useless. I can find the other party." Qi said.

"Forget it, don't get entangled with the other party for the time being. It seems that the other party doesn't dare to conflict with us." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"This kind of existence is very troublesome. Maybe it will cause some big trouble at the critical moment." Qi said.

"It is indeed possible." Chen Feng also hesitated. Think about the other party secretly controlling the fire monster. Even if he can control other Hunyuan Jinxian, how many are controlled.

If several or even more Hunyuan Jinxian appear at a time at the critical moment and become opponents, it is indeed a troublesome thing.

The most important thing is that the controller behind the scenes is stronger.

Chen Feng thought about taking this opportunity to get rid of the other party. Although the two sides did not have any grudges, who made Chen Feng unhappy with the other party? Besides, this uncontrollable existence itself is also a hidden danger.


Just as Chen Feng was thinking, the entire universe suddenly seemed to shake, a little twisted, and some chaotic threads appeared.

This also shows that the space of this universe is stable enough, otherwise, the shaking just now would be enough to cause some signs of collapse in this universe.

Of course, it didn't collapse now, but it was because the shaking was not large.

Then it continued to shake, and finally some places began to collapse. Some lives practicing in the sea of ​​fire were also startled and rushed out with a roar.

"Is this going to change?" This was Chen Feng's first reaction, and then Chen Feng thought that he had not yet walked through the entire universe, which would affect his own practice.

"Wait a little longer, maybe you will be there soon." Qi said.

After shaking a few times, the entire universe returned to calm, and then Chen Feng also breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that it is not time to explode yet.

However, at this time, Chen Feng received news from his clones, and other areas of the universe did shake.

"It is possible that the entire universe shook. Such a large universe has experienced changes as a whole. It is really shocking. This scene is extremely rare." Chen Feng said.

Then there were fluctuations again. Not only that, there was also a strong breath that was reviving.

This feeling was very strange. In fact, it could not be seen or confirmed, but Chen Feng knew this.

"It seems that the chaos has started again." Qi shook his head, and was a little dissatisfied.

Qi's cultivation has been going smoothly during this period of time, and it has also helped him.

According to Qi's idea, he can still practice for a while. Now it seems that something has happened and his cultivation process has been disrupted.

Of course, even in the event of an accident, he can continue to practice, but it is hard to say whether he can still do it like before.

"It seems that we have to find the origin in advance. I will stop the other party's will, and you will find what you need." Qi said.

"Is there any problem?" Chen Feng was still a little worried. After all, it was the origin of the universe, and Qi had not recovered his full strength now.

"It's not a big problem. I still have some idea in my mind." Qi said with a smile.

Actually, think about it. Before, in the source of all sources, it was basically the will of the entire origin area. If you really compare it, the will of this universe is not even one ten-thousandth of the other side.

Of course, sometimes it is not compared like this, but at least it shows that Qi can indeed block the will of this universe.

Since Qi said so, Chen Feng was more relieved.

So Chen Feng began to look for the origin area of ​​this universe according to his own means.

In fact, Chen Feng had done this before, but he found two places that were not.

"I think those hidden beings can't help but take action this time." Chen Feng said with a smile.

Some perceptions left in various parts of the universe before also sent some news. Many sleeping creatures did wake up. After waking up, some creatures even absorbed the flames in the area where they were.

Some creatures also merged, and it was obvious that they were planning to join forces.

Chen Feng focused on the flame monsters, and sure enough, some flame monsters appeared in the chaos.

There were a lot of flame monsters.

However, what surprised Chen Feng was that the fire monster's strength was still pretty good, but it was not any stronger.

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