Eternal Existence

Chapter 4567 Finding the Soul Seed

There is a creature hidden in this long river of fire, a fire creature, but it is somewhat different from the previous fire monster.

This is a Daluo Jinxian.

The other party is in a process of transformation, and it will not take long for him to truly become a Hunyuan Jinxian.

Chen Feng saw that the other party's advancement process was relatively smooth.

The other party did not find Chen Feng, otherwise he would not practice so quietly. Chen Feng was concerned about the situation of this long river of fire itself.

At first, Chen Feng thought that this long river of fire was the other party's body, or the origin of the other party, but after Chen Feng's investigation, he found that it was not the case.

During the process of the other party's advancement, the essence of this long river of fire gradually merged into the other party's body.

This is the other party's practice method.

Chen Feng believes that the other party should have swallowed more than one long river of fire, but the long river of fire in front of him is more important.

The other party will truly succeed in the realm after swallowing it.

In fact, along the way, Chen Feng has not encountered such things. There are lives in many powerful and special seas of fire or long rivers of fire.

Chen Feng then thought of whether this creature could have advanced because of this universe, and succeeded with the help of this flame universe behind it.

If so, then this is a candidate for the guardian of the universe.

"It will be interesting then." After investigating, Chen Feng turned and left.

It was enough for the other party to feel proud that Chen Feng could spend some time to observe a Daluo Jinxian. Of course, this Daluo Jinxian knew nothing.

Chen Feng did not stop to investigate simply because of interest. The other party's advancement process also made Chen Feng think of more things, and he unknowingly condensed another flame rune.

The properties of this rune are somewhat special, which surprised Chen Feng, but more satisfied.

"It turns out that this can also be inspiring. In this case, I will go to more places. Maybe I can split some clones to move around, so that the speed will be faster. However, there will be certain risks in doing so, but it is not too big." After thinking about this, Chen Feng split out a total of four clones and went to other directions.

With the addition of clones, Chen Feng's cultivation speed will be accelerated, so that he can condense the universe rune earlier.

Sure enough, the clones were soon fed back by Chen Feng. From time to time, there was a clone without a flame rune, and some news kept coming.

In this way, Chen Feng had to release several clones, including those condensed from magic weapons and weapons.

This is the risk that Chen Feng mentioned. After all, this universe is not safe.

But at this point, Chen Feng didn't care about these. If there is a risk, he can arrive at any time.

If he can't arrive, it will be his bad luck, and Chen Feng also believes that the clones he sent out have enough self-protection strength.

As runes continue to merge into the Great Dao of Fire, the Great Dao of Fire, which had been settled, is boiling again, and there is a sign of another breakthrough.

Chen Feng quickly suppressed it. It's too early to break through now, and he needs to find time next.

After a while, Chen Feng actually met with Qi. The two sides exchanged some ideas and then moved in the same direction at the same time.

According to Chen Feng and Qi's calculations, even if they can't find the origin area for the time being, they might find something interesting.

Sure enough, the two found a special area.

At first, the two thought they had found the origin area, but who knew it wasn't.

"This area is interesting. The rich chaotic power is still helpful to me." Chen Feng said with a smile, and vortices appeared around him and began to devour the chaotic energy.

For this level of chaotic energy, Chen Feng would never have too much.

What is his constitution?

That's a chaotic body.

Of course, the more chaotic energy, the better.

Qi also absorbed some chaotic energy, which was also good for Qi.

The two did not find any obstacles in the process of absorbing chaotic energy, which was surprisingly smooth.

"Hey, the chaotic energy here is good, and there are some Hunyuan Jinxian in this universe, but I'm really not interested." Chen Feng said with a smile.

Chen Feng didn't believe that the Hunyuan Jinxian here couldn't find this area, or he really wasn't interested in the energy here.

No matter what the reason is, it is enough for Chen Feng and Qi to stand here. Even if there is danger, the two can handle it. This is absolute confidence in themselves.

Chen Feng's absorption speed is very fast, and the chaotic energy in this area disappears at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Later, only a thin bit is left.

"Weird, there is nothing else here." Chen Feng said with some disappointment.

After collecting the chaotic energy here, it may attract some dark guys, and it may also discover some other strange existences.

But here, apart from the chaotic energy, the rest is empty space.

"Since there is nothing good, let's go. Of course, these chaotic energies are also good things for me." Chen Feng said with a smile.

Qi didn't say anything either, and neither of them found anything else they had.

After leaving this area, the two did not choose to act separately, but continued to walk forward together.

This time, the two of them relied on special means to determine a location again, and sure enough, they came to a chaotic area after a while.

This time the two of them were a little surprised.

"It's a chaotic area again. It seems like I gained a lot." Chen Feng said as he stretched out his palm, and a strong suction force appeared in his palm, directly covering this chaotic area.

But this time it was different from the previous one.

Just when Chen Feng was absorbing the chaotic energy, a huge black shadow appeared, and then the black shadow slammed into Chen Feng's position.

"I hope it can bring me some surprises." Chen Feng was not surprised, but stretched out his other palm to grab the black shadow.

Qi stood aside and had no intention of taking action.

This black shadow is actually a huge creature, very large in size, like a land of life slamming into Chen Feng.

But after Chen Feng stretched out his palm, everything changed.

Under the Devouring Technique, the chaotic energy quickly gathered in the direction of Chen Feng.

The body of this huge creature was also shrouded in Chen Feng's power, and it began to twist and shrink. In the process, the existence of silk threads could even be seen.

Then this huge creature fell into Chen Feng's palm. At this time, Chen Feng had not collected all the chaotic energy.

This is a Hunyuan Golden Immortal.

For Chen Feng, just stretching out his palm and grabbing a Hunyuan Golden Immortal was not something he was particularly proud of.

After all, the creature in front of me looks quite large, but in fact it is just a relatively ordinary Hunyuan Golden Immortal.

The most important thing is that the other party doesn't look too shrewd. Otherwise, he should be able to see how powerful Chen Feng is, and he wouldn't rush forward to die so stupidly.

"The energy and blood are quite abundant." Chen Feng said with a smile, and used the force of his palm to directly crush the opponent into pieces.

Then the other party quickly reshaped his body.

Chen Feng smiled, waved his hand and threw the opponent out without intending to kill him.

Although the other party was not shrewd, he knew what to do under the threat of disappointment. He turned around and ran away, quickly disappearing.

"There is only one creature here." Chen Feng couldn't help but say after collecting all the chaotic energy and looking at the empty space.

If this continues, they are just collecting benefits without any danger or trouble, which makes people feel a little uneasy.

"Maybe there are other places you haven't noticed." Kai said at this time.

"Didn't fellow Taoist see the clues?" Chen Feng said with a smile, but he still explored the chaotic energy he had just collected.

Chen Feng really found something out of this investigation.

There was something mixed in the chaotic energy that was sucked into Chen Feng's body, and Chen Feng had not noticed it before.

Although Chen Feng's process of devouring energy is a bit rough, it is still not easy to hide it from Chen Feng.

"Soul Seed!"

Chen Feng pulled the other party out and quickly figured out what was going on.

Isn't it the same thing as what was seen inside the flame monster's body before? Unexpectedly, it also ran into his own body.

With this thought, Chen Feng continued to search, and sure enough he found a second soul seed, which was mixed with the previous chaotic energy.

Just a little advance of time made Chen Feng spend more effort. In other words, if Chen Feng didn't notice, the other party would hide more secretly in Chen Feng's body as time went by.

Maybe Chen Feng really can't find the other party.

After thinking about this, Chen Feng also became a little cautious. He was careless, underestimated the other party, and overestimated himself.

"No wonder no one is willing to absorb such good chaotic energy. I guess they all know what is going on. As for those flame monsters, they probably swallowed these soul seeds for other reasons." Chen Feng guessed.

Now that the thing can be found, Chen Feng should use his means to find the source.

Chen Feng had this idea before, but he felt it was troublesome and unsure, so he didn't take action.

But this time it was different. He actually provoked himself. Although it was said that he had actively absorbed the chaotic energy, Chen Feng didn't want it to be so much.

"I also hope fellow Taoists can help me," Chen Feng said.

"No problem." Qi Yi waved his hand to summon a soul seed, and then the two of them used their own methods to find each other.

Chen Feng used the art of cause and effect. Chen Feng also understood that his opponent was not simple, so he added some other methods.

Besides, Chen Feng believed that even if he couldn't find the opponent, Qi should be able to locate the opponent's general location.

After all, this is an existence above Hunyuan, and its methods are beyond a category.

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