Eternal Existence

Chapter 4569: Powerful beings continue to emerge

In fact, think about it, before in the source of all sources, it was basically the will of the entire origin area. If you really compare it, the will of this universe is not even one ten-thousandth of the other side.

Of course, sometimes it is not compared like this, but at least it shows that Qi can indeed block the will of this universe.

Since Qi said so, Chen Feng was more relieved.

So Chen Feng began to look for the origin area of ​​this universe according to his own means.

In fact, Chen Feng and Qi had done this before, but they found two places that were not the same.

"I think the hidden existences can't help but take action this time." Chen Feng said with a smile.

Some perceptions left in various parts of the universe before also sent some news. Many sleeping creatures did wake up. After waking up, some creatures absorbed the flames in the area where they were.

Some creatures also joined together, and it was obvious that they were planning to join forces.

Chen Feng focused on the flame monsters, and sure enough, some flame monsters appeared in the chaos.

There were a lot of flame monsters.

However, what surprised Chen Feng was that the strength of the flame monsters was still good, but not stronger.

Originally, in Chen Feng's imagination, there should be some stronger universe guards, but so far, the situation he has learned from his perception is not the case.

"If it is not the case, although the number of universe guards is considerable, it cannot really change the situation. The strength is still a little weak. After all, there are some top masters in this universe." Let's not talk about other masters first, let's talk about Chen Feng himself. If he really fights with these fire monsters, even if he faces more than a dozen such universe guards, Chen Feng feels very relaxed.

The most important point is that they can't break Chen Feng's defense. Even if there are other means, Chen Feng can smash them to pieces.

The universe is constantly shaking. At this time, Chen Feng and Qi are sure that this is going to be a big change.

"The origin area is hidden quite tightly." Qi said.

In the chaos just now, Qi was also using means to explore, but after locking several directions, he finally found that it was not the real origin area.

"It seems that we really have to wait for the will of this universe to appear before we can lock the position. I just don't know whether it will take action at that time, or whether some other changes will happen later."

"That can't be helped. These changes are not under our control. There is a big deviation from the previous expectations."

Chen Feng and Qi were communicating like this, and suddenly they tore open the space and entered a special area.

There is no chaotic energy here, but extremely pure destructive energy.

"Destructive energy is indeed everywhere. Even in the vibrant life area, there is this energy. However, it seems that the destructive energy in front of us should be isolated and compressed by this universe, but now it is cheap for me." Chen Feng smiled and took action to collect these destructive energies.

The quality of these destructive energies is very high, almost comparable to the Destruction Spider, especially now that they only need to be absorbed directly. For Chen Feng, the value is about the same as the previous chaotic energies.

As soon as the two walked out of this area, Chen Feng's heart moved, and the aura on his body began to surge. There was power in the fluctuations, and it flowed out of Chen Feng's body.

This is Chen Feng transmitting mana to his clone. It is obvious that Chen Feng's clone is in trouble.

"It seems that I should take the clone back." Chen Feng said so.

"I found an interesting place." Qi said at this time, and disappeared before Chen Feng could ask.

Chen Feng was not in a hurry, and followed step by step behind, watching a clone return and merge into Chen Feng's body.

Originally, Chen Feng wanted to catch up with Qi, but one of Chen Feng's clones encountered trouble, so Chen Feng had to change direction.

Chen Feng's clone was fighting with a Hunyuan Jinxian, who came from the free space. The two sides fought because of a chaotic energy.

Chen Feng's clone was transformed by a magic weapon, which naturally aroused the other party's greed. Moreover, the other party knew that Chen Feng's clone was here, and the real body must not be far away, so he also wanted to fight quickly. Who knew that Chen Feng's real body would arrive so soon.

This Hunyuan Jinxian also made a quick decision and wanted to escape, but was chased by Chen Feng, punched into pieces, and then used the sealing technique to suppress the other party.

"You are unlucky to meet me." Chen Feng shook his head and put away his clones, then went to look for other clones.

During this process, Chen Feng saw the appearance of two fire monsters. They were all hidden in the flames. This time they were summoned in the chaos, and then they emerged one after another.

The two fire monsters also saw Chen Feng. They wanted to get rid of Chen Feng at the first time. Although they did not move, Chen Feng felt the fluctuations in the other party's heart.

However, the two fire monsters then felt the power of Chen Feng, and then pretended not to see anything and left quietly.

Chen Feng knew that the two fire monsters should be hunting other outsiders. Hunting seems more realistic. Under normal circumstances, it should be said that they want to maintain the stability of this universe.

This can also be regarded as bullying the weak and fearing the strong. After all, they can't deal with Chen Feng, so they can only deal with those opponents who can be solved.

Chen Feng took back all the clones one after another, and then went to look for Qi.

Chen Feng thought that this was going to be a very smooth thing, but he was affected in the process of moving forward.

When Chen Feng's direction of progress was wrong, Chen Feng knew who was targeting him at the first time.

"I haven't gone to find some troubles, but I didn't expect that troubles would come to me. I think it shouldn't be those universe guards. They still have some vision."

"But since there is such a powerful existence, but no vision? This is also a curious thing."

"In this case, it should be an outside adventurer, and an adventurer who thinks he is very strong. If the other party wants to make a move, he should also find those local books. Why did he find me? Is it because I have good things now, or is it a coincidence under coincidence? Is it the other party's bad luck, or my bad luck?"

Chen Feng said, and continued to move forward. Sure enough, there was another error on the road ahead.

Chen Feng had already seen the other party's purpose, which was to let Chen Feng walk into the trap that the other party had set up long ago.

Even if Chen Feng knew that there was an accident on the road ahead, he could not change the final result.

Of course, this is what the other party thought in his heart, and it is also some experience accumulated by using this method in the past.

He did realize that Chen Feng's strength was extraordinary, but he also believed that he could get rid of Chen Feng.

Chen Feng made a choice after a little thought. This time he did not take the initiative to enter the trap of the other party's steps like before.

In Chen Feng's opinion, the opponent dared to do this, so he must be extraordinary, and there was no need for him to solve the trouble with the most troublesome means.

Chen Feng believed that even if he entered the opponent's trap, he would be sure to rush out, but it would definitely take a lot of energy.

Then he had to use other methods, find the opponent directly, or get out of this error state.

Chen Feng's eyes swept across, and there were various runes in his eyes that kept changing, and he quickly analyzed everything around him.

At the same time, Chen Feng was also trying to communicate with Qi.

What made Chen Feng curious was that he could not contact Qi, which meant that he was not only mistaken, but also strongly blinded by perception, especially the connection between him and Qi, which made Chen Feng pay more attention.

Afterwards, Chen Feng still established contact with Qi. Without waiting for Chen Feng to finish, Qi went to look for the other party from another direction.

All the previous calculations would disappear by now. In Chen Feng's opinion, since Qi had taken action, he would soon be freed from the current situation.

This situation came very quickly. Chen Feng felt the change in the power around him, and then chose a direction after a little analysis.

Soon Chen Feng and Qi met up.

Qi was a little embarrassed at this time.

"Let the other party run away." Qi said.

"Run away!" Chen Feng looked at Qi with some surprise, wondering if the person in front of him was impersonated by someone, but then Chen Feng knew that this was indeed Qi.

"It seems that the opponent is not simple." Chen Feng said.

"The strength is still okay. Of course, it is mainly because some of the means are more peculiar, and I am also a little careless." Qi said.

Qi missed twice in a short period of time, which was indeed a bit embarrassing.

"Daoyou's strength has not fully recovered, and this is a different origin. It is normal to have some side leaks, but the fact that the other party can run away this time does not mean that he can run away next time." Chen Feng said.

"But the opponent's means are still somewhat special. I think it's just that he is particularly heartbroken. The combat power in a head-on fight is probably not too strong, otherwise the opponent would not run so fast."

"That's true, but as long as the opponent does not leave this universe, then we can still meet next time, and the opponent should not do this on a whim, maybe he will use means to deal with other lives."

From the outside, it seems that the universe has stopped shaking, but the universe is more chaotic. Some areas are constantly collapsing, revealing layers of special spaces that have never been seen before.

There are even some lives that drill out from these hidden and very secret spaces.

Only those lives that are not strong enough will panic. After reaching the realm of Hunyuan Jinxian, they all know what will happen next. After appearing, they generally move forward with a purpose.

"It's strange to say, except for the origin of this universe, I still don't know what the specific benefits are? Otherwise, how could it attract so many powerful Hunyuan Jinxian to come here?" Chen Feng said.

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