Eternal Existence

Chapter 4417 The situation is clear

However, although these invaders did not rob, they continued to attack.

The whole scene was in extreme chaos for a while.

"This land of life is going to disappear." Chen Feng said with some emotion.

In fact, this land of business is still good. It is the most powerful land of life that Chen Feng has seen since he started practicing.

Even a universe cannot compare to it.

Seeing such a large land of life collapse in front of him, there is still a certain impact.

"I don't believe that Tianxing will not feel distressed. Either he really can't come, or he still has means, but now the land of life has collapsed. Even if Tianxing comes, it will be useless unless Tianxing is sure to keep the core area." At this time, Chen Feng's eyes lit up.

As long as the core area is still there, the loss this time is not too great.

Moreover, Chen Feng knew that both sides of this war suffered heavy casualties. Many powerful bodies and energy were integrated into the land of life, and they were probably stored in the core area.

If Tianxing can take the core area away, then as long as he is given time, a new land of life can grow again.

When Chen Feng said this, Tianxing and others nodded repeatedly.

"It seems very likely. In this case, we still have to fight Tianxing, but can Tianxing stop so many of us? His combat puppets have also been severely damaged, unless there are still some combat puppets in the core area." Qiansha said.

"It's really hard to say. It's normal for an existence of this level to use some means. Moreover, Tianxing has not shown up since we came here. We fought in both wars, and it's still very obvious in the guys." Zhenyan said.

"That's true, but we have shown our strong strength, and I think the other party has already known it. I wonder what other means they have to deal with us?" Qiansha said.




The speed of the collapse of the Land of Life began to accelerate, and the core area was gradually stripped out.

Some people have already started to rush to the core area.

Tianmu Shenjun and others, who were originally very anxious, were suddenly wrapped in a stream of light and pulled into the core area.

Chen Feng could see clearly that there were ten cultivators including Tianmu Shenjun.

This also shows that the ten cultivators are Tianxing's confidants and will follow Tianxing at any time.

"Sure enough, although there are only ten people, it is enough. If you master something in the core area, you can resist any force under normal circumstances." Chen Feng said.

Sure enough, the core area exudes a special power fluctuation.

Although the entire Tianxing Life Land collapsed, the remaining central area has become more and more powerful.

Some invaders rushed up and were hit by the strong airflow and retreated again and again.

There were also cultivators who originally practiced in the Life Land and wanted to take advantage of the fire, but they were also unable to get close.

"Daoyou Tianmu, let us go in. The situation is very dangerous now." One of the cultivators said so.

Tianmu Divine Lord did not respond. The increasingly strong power in the core area has already explained everything.

The cultivators shouted a few more times, but not only did they not get a response, but they were swept away by the powerful force.

These cultivators were so angry that they cursed and knew that they could do nothing, so they could only gather together and turn around and leave.

Suddenly, in a short time, the Tianxing Life Land collapsed, and the cultivators living on it were torn apart.

Except for the ten Tianmu Gods, the others were just ordinary residents.

At this time, Chen Feng also felt that his control over the Tianxing Life Land was also rapidly eroding.

It would soon disappear completely.

He no longer had any control over the Tianxing Life Land.

Chen Feng looked at Qiansha and the others, and it was indeed the same situation.

"I said that things were not that simple."

"Hey, we made great efforts before. According to reason, the Tianxing Life Land also has a part of ours. Now even the control has been taken away, so we can't enter the core area."

"That's right, this is crossing the river and destroying the bridge, it's just using us."

"Hey, the other party is basically going to tear our faces apart. Speaking of which, so many of us are also a considerable force. The other party really has the confidence to clash with us."

"It's hard to say whether we have the confidence or not. Anyway, we can't let them go. After all, haven't we made a move yet? The other party has begun to guard against us! This is simply a provocation."

Qiansha and others talked a lot, and suddenly changed their direction. They didn't fight against the invaders, but rushed towards the direction of the core area.

At this point, the huge core area must find a way to leave, and entangle the other party first. If the invader can take the lead, it will be even better.

"Things are changing faster and faster." Chen Feng said with a smile.

Shadow Saint also shook his head. Originally, everyone was guarding the Tianxing Life Land, but who knew that in the blink of an eye, they were now facing the Tianxing Life Land.

"Daoyou Tianmu, do you have anything to say?" Shenfeng said.

"Daoyou Chen Feng, we are just following orders. I don't want to go against the road." This time, Tianmu Divine Lord responded.

"Since you don't want to go against us, then let us take over the core area. Otherwise, even if you have all kinds of preparations, you are not our opponent at all, and in the end you will lose your life in vain." Chen Feng said lightly.

Without waiting for Tianmu Divine Lord to answer, Chen Feng continued: "This is the Gate of Origin. Although Tianxing Taoist Fellow is powerful, he is not invincible. It would be okay if he could win over us properly, but offending us now is not necessarily a problem. Good thing, don’t forget that the spiritual ancestor is still watching.”

Lord Tianmu sighed: "We will not betray Master Tianxing. It would be better for all fellow Taoists to leave this place. I also hope that we can cooperate again in the future. This time the land of life is shattered, but Master Tianxing can create a new one." In the new world, there is no need to fight to the death here, not to mention that Fellow Taoist Chen Feng and Master Tianxing come from the same place and can be considered fellow villagers, so they can have a good communication. "

"I originally wanted to persuade you, but I didn't expect you to persuade me in turn. Well, now that things have happened, I have nothing to say. Everything depends on my own ability." Chen Feng said with a smile.


The battle formation formed by the joint efforts of everyone moved forward inexorably. Although the core area of ​​​​this land of life was very strong, it still could not block the impact of the battle formation.

No matter how violent the released power is, it will be torn into pieces by Qian Sha and others.

What's more, there are other opponents in all directions.

Whether it is the Demon Spider of Destruction, the Creature of Annihilation, or those powerful original beasts and sources of destruction, they are all eyeing this fragment of the core area from all directions.

Once all parties gather around, no matter how strong this core area is, it will only end up being carved up.

"Fellow Taoists, I think we may need to have a talk." At this time, Tianxing's will was conveyed.

"Oh, Master Tianxing can appear now. I don't know what to say to us." Chen Feng said with a smile.

Everyone still mobilized the battle formation and continued to rush forward without stopping at all because of the appearance of the stars.

"I don't want to be enemies with fellow Taoists. I don't think there is any dispute between us. There is no need to make it this bad." He said.

"There is no holiday." Chen Feng nodded.

"It's true that there's nothing wrong with saying this, but fellow Taoists owe us something." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"I can give you some compensation." He said.

"I don't know what kind of compensation can be worth a piece of life." Chen Feng was not polite at all.

"How about three origin-level magic weapons?" said.

"This matter cannot be dismissed with magic weapons." Qian Sha said first.

"Five origin-level magic weapons are the limit." Tianxing said again.

"Haha, are you asking for food?" Zhenyan sneered.

"Okay, let's add one more thing. This is the final bottom line. Complete origin-level magic weapons are rare even in the Gate of Origin." said.

Chen Feng found it a bit funny. The ancestor of the soul was like this before, but he didn't expect Tianxing to be like this too.

Why, I really thought people like me were easy to dismiss.

Origin-level magic weapons are indeed very tempting to ordinary Hunyuan Golden Immortals, but they have only mediocre effects on Chen Feng and others.

"What do you guys think?" Qian Sha asked with a smile.

"One piece is not enough for each person." Zhenyan shook his head.

"Even if it's one for each person, who among you can take a fancy to it?" the ghost general said disdainfully.

"Origin-level magic weapons are good things, but it also depends on the occasion." Piao Piao Swordsman laughed.

Among the crowd, even the slightly weaker spiritual Taoists have several origin-level magic weapons.

Naturally, the result was that we couldn't reach an agreement.

And Tianxing also knew that Qian Sha and others would not compromise, and what they said just now was actually just delaying time.

Because eight more battle puppets rushed out from the core area, and the troops were divided into two groups, one to resist Qian Sha and others, and the other to resist the source of destruction.

"Sure enough, there are still battle puppets. With so many battle puppets, ten confidants, and Tianxing itself, we can completely support a land of life. If we gather some other lives, it will be even more secure." Chen Feng Said with a smile.

"The other party is going to run away." Qian Sha said.

Although Tianxing showed great strength, he could not stop all opponents. Leaving was the most correct choice.

But considering that the other party was willing to give up so many combat puppets, it was considered a heavy price to pay.

"The value of these battle puppets is no less than the origin-level magic weapons that were opened before, but I am beginning to wonder how many resources Tianxing has collected in the Gate of Origin." Zhenyan said.

"There must be many origins, otherwise this land of life and the battle puppets are all built with resources." Qian Sha said.

"Rich man!" Shadow Saint also said.


The battle puppets rushed up and launched a crazy attack. The purpose was to stop everyone. They didn't care about their own situation at all. They would even choose to self-destruct at critical moments.

At the same time, the core area of ​​​​the Land of Life is still continuously erupting with powerful energy to resist the surrounding besiegers.

"Can you run away? Why do I feel like something is wrong?" Chen Feng muttered.

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