Eternal Existence

Chapter 4418: Seizing the Core Area

"Something is wrong indeed. Why do I feel that the other party should be able to escape?" Shadow Saint said.

"If the other party escapes, wouldn't we have worked in vain?" Fist Saint said.

"Yes, we killed a lot of opponents before, most of them merged into the Land of Life. If we can't keep the other party, then everything we did will be a bargain for Tianxing." Zhenyan said.

"It's not a good thing to have such a feeling, but we haven't seen any scenes. The other party really thinks we are easy to mess with." Yuanhuo said.

At this point, the war formed by everyone is still intact, and the power has not been affected.

For everyone, they can still fight for a long time, or fight until the end.

The four powerful combat puppets rushed over fiercely. Although they did not break the battle formation, they also affected the momentum of the team.

The same is true for the source of destruction. As a result, the fragments of the origin core began to conflict outward.

The opponent's goal is to delay time and entangle these besiegers.

Giving up some combat puppets to protect the core area is Tianxing's strategy.

The situation was already very clear, and everyone stopped talking and just used their own methods.

The strength of Qiansha and others should not be underestimated. There was no attack from other invaders, so it was still a very simple matter to deal with the four combat puppets alone.

Sure enough, the four combat puppets were torn into pieces by others, and then divided up.

During this process, the fragments of these combat puppets originally wanted to self-destruct, but everyone was prepared for this and suppressed the other party before the combat puppet self-destructed.

This kind of small trick can still be solved as long as it is prepared in advance.

At this time, the core area of ​​the Tianxing Life Land actually rushed out, and the other party only needed to block Qiansha's side and the Destruction Source Root side.

Although there were also a large number of Destruction Demon Spiders and Destruction Creatures in another direction, it was difficult to get close to the core area of ​​the Life Land.

Even if some Destruction Demon Spiders rushed up, they were moved out by the other party or pulled close to the core area and disappeared.

"In this case, you shouldn't be able to escape." Chen Feng said.

"Be careful of the other party's teleportation technique." Yingsheng said, after all, many invaders had been moved away before.

"It's not easy to move such a large area without leaving any traces."

"If the other party can really do this, then there is no need for us to continue chasing."

"Then let's see the situation."

Everyone formed a battle formation and chased behind. The source of destruction and the others were in another direction. There were several masters in the front, and the destruction spiders and the creatures of annihilation followed behind.

Interestingly, they did not conflict with Qiansha and others, and there seemed to be some tacit understanding between the two sides.

"It's interesting that everyone has the same goal." Chen Feng said with a smile.

If the army of destruction rushed up to stop them at that time, they could still block everyone's way.

However, the other party did not do so, which showed that they also had their own considerations.

Back to the source of destruction, they knew that their own strength alone might not be able to stop the moving land of life.

It also needed the strength of Chen Feng and others.

In this way, everyone reached a way of cooperation invisibly.

The speed of flying in the area of ​​the land of life is not actually fast. As everyone guessed, the other party has a kind of moving power blessing on it. It looks slow, but it is actually constantly moving, so the speed is not slow.

Chen Feng and the others were so fast that they couldn't catch up in such a short time. This was surprising.

"Could it be that the other party really ran away?"

Just thinking this, the source of destruction exploded, and the tentacles extended out quickly. With the magical power of shuttling through space, it actually reached the life area.

But then I saw the tentacles of the source of destruction constantly collapsing.

But at this time, the origin beast also took action, and Qiansha and others were not idle. Now is not the time to watch the excitement.

Let's leave the area of ​​the land of life first.

Chains extended out from the station, and some chains exploded directly and turned into silk threads, just to wrap up the other party.

But it's not that Tianxing also left much power in the core area of ​​the land of life. It was like a volcanic eruption, constantly erupting, simply endless, inexhaustible, and constantly blocking various attacks from everyone.

At the same time, the speed of the other party's movement did not slow down.

"The fight here has caused such a big commotion, it will definitely lead to some other changes. I want to see if Tianxing can afford to waste with us." Chen Feng said with a smile.

At this time, some lives appeared, and some adventurers were mixed in.

Just as Chen Feng said, the war was too noisy, and people have come in now.

Or it could be said that lives had been attracted long ago, but everyone had been watching from the outer area and had not approached.

Seeing that the land of life had collapsed and the core area was escaping, they naturally wanted to share some of the spoils.

Some people even gathered together and began to block the escaping core area.

For example, this approach is also correct. Only by blocking the core area can there be hope of dividing it.

Because of the current situation, no one can eat the other party by themselves.

"I wonder if Tianxing is anxious in this situation?" Chen Feng said curiously.

Then Chen Feng saw the monks who were blocking the front side being swept away by beams of light and disappeared.

Just like the previous situation, this is the light of displacement.

"It's very troublesome. In this way, there are masters to help in Tianxing's difficulties." Yingsheng shook his head.

If everyone rushed up and encountered this kind of light of displacement, would they also be moved away? But fortunately, someone took the lead.

"After moving away, I don't know if I can continue to use this method." Qiansha sneered.

Then some scattered monks rushed up again, but this time they learned their lesson.

They didn't get as close as before, but launched an attack from a distance.

This is the most correct approach.

Even if the power of the core area of ​​Tianxing is strong, it is impossible to be continuous. Besides, more and more lives are appearing from all directions.

The party that will suffer if it persists must be Tianxing.

"Be prepared for the other party to fight desperately." Qiansha said.

Sure enough, a piece of debris collapsed from the core area. This piece of debris was not large in scale, but contained a lot of energy. It rushed in the direction of the source of destruction.

Then it exploded.

The tentacles of destruction, which were already somewhat tattered, completely collapsed this time, and even some chains and some silk ropes were broken into pieces in the collapse.

Then another piece of debris floated out, this time rushing towards Chen Feng and others.

"I'll do it." Chen Feng stretched out his palm and grabbed the fragment.

This was not Chen Feng's own strength, but the blessing of the battle formation.

For a moment, Chen Feng's magical power was several times higher than before, and he directly grabbed the fragment in his palm.

Even if the other party exploded, it only caused some wounds on Chen Feng's palm.

It doesn't matter, I can bear it.

Chen Feng did not collect this harvest alone, but crushed it and integrated it into the crowd, and the people present divided it.

"Hey, this is not bad, we can continue to peel it off next. We collect it bit by bit like this, although it is a bit troublesome, but it is almost the same as before." Qiansha said with a smile.

"Otherwise, communicate with the other party. As long as they can give us half of the core area, this matter will be settled." Zhenyan smiled and looked at Chen Feng.

"I also want to communicate with Tianxing, hinting that the other party will definitely not agree. As a top existence, this matter must be in his calculations, and it is impossible for him to not see the subsequent development." Chen Feng said so.

"That's right, then if you say so, the other party must have other means." This year nodded and agreed with Chen Feng's statement.

So Chen Feng was too lazy to waste words with Tianxing. If the other party was willing, he would definitely take the initiative to communicate. There was no need for him and others to take the initiative to find the other party first.

Next, the body of life separated some fragments, and they could also resist the source of destruction this time.

But in this way, the ropes that everyone condensed before did not exist.

So the space shook, and the core area of ​​the land of life disappeared out of thin air.

Chen Feng frowned, knowing that the next thing would be troublesome.

"The other party mobilized the power of the Gate of Origin." Qiansha said.

"Not only that, but it mobilized a lot of power, and even the Gate of Origin helped Tianxing again. If we continue to catch up, then we will fight against the Gate of Origin head-on." Chen Feng said.

In fact, most of the people present can mobilize the power of the Gate of Origin, but this mobilization is also a little different.

Qiansha and the others can mobilize the power of the Gate of Origin because they are native life forms in the Gate of Origin and have left a life imprint in the Gate of Origin.

They have a close relationship with the Gate of Origin.

But Chen Feng is different. Chen Feng has this method because he refined a fragment of the Gate of Origin.

In this way, either Tianxing and the Gate of Origin have reached a cooperation, or like Chen Feng, he has refined and mastered a part of the fragments of the Gate of Origin. Of course, it may be some other people. After all, Tianxing has been in the Gate of Origin for a long time and may have left a mark.

"Hey, it's impossible to leave a mark. It's impossible to leave a mark. It's very difficult to move away from such a powerful place of life, and there are still some lives in it. However, thinking about the other party's previous means of moving, it may be the cooperation of the two." Zhenyan said.

Although he said so, everyone still chased after him.

Although Tianxing moved away, everyone had means to sense that the other party did not move far.

The source of destruction is still chasing after him.

"This is interesting. The Source of Destruction represents the Gate of Origin. Now Tianxing is also using the power of the Gate of Origin. There are some conflicts between the two. It seems that the two sides are not in the same camp. This is good." Chen Feng said with a smile.

Everyone sped up and caught up with Tianxing after a while.

That's right, only Tianxing, the core of the land of life has disappeared.

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