Eternal Existence

Chapter 4416 Mixed Array

"There is no need to fight with the opponent. Looking at the situation, we are just fishing in troubled waters. Besides, it is reasonable to help him resist the invaders and collect some fragments of the Land of Life." Zhenyan said with a smile.

The Land of Life in Tianxing continues to collapse. At this time, Qian Sha and others have changed some of their previous ideas.

He no longer wants to protect this land of life as he did in the beginning, but continues to increase his efforts to fight with his opponents, bursting out with stronger fighting power.

This will cause the Tianxing Life Land to collapse faster, and then the core fragments will be peeled off.

"Don't be careless. Others may not have this idea." Resentment said.

"That's natural. Those who can live in the Land of Life are not cannon fodder. They all have some strength. There may be some fights when the time comes, and many people don't use their full strength at all." Zhenyan said with a smile.

"Even if he has no intention, if he wants to compete with us, he is seeking death. Although we are on a common front now, I won't be polite if the informant comes." The ghost general sneered.

"Fellow Taoist Chen Feng, what do you think?" Qian Sha asked.

Chen Feng still needs to be consulted on this matter. Although Qian Sha and others are very powerful, Chen Feng also has a group of powerful allies.

In the beginning, Qian Sha and others may have taken a fancy to Chen Feng's potential. On the surface, he was on equal footing with Ji Dong, but secretly they still thought he was on a higher level than Chen Feng.

But as Chen Feng's strength continued to grow stronger, and Chen Feng continued to find some helpers, these helpers were also very powerful, Qian Sha and other talents gradually changed some of their attitudes.

What's more, there is an existence like Time Changhe behind Chen Feng, which is even more important and cannot be underestimated.

"That's fine, I have no objection. We do need to make some preparations. This kind of origin fragment of the land of life is indeed a good thing." Chen Feng said with a smile.


This time, an original beast was torn apart.

Chen Feng was a little surprised. It seemed that some people were desperate.

"These guys won't use all their strength until there is a critical moment, right? This time they must be desperate because they feel the danger." Chen Feng looked at the other party, and it seemed that he was not Tianxing's confidant.

Then, after these people smashed the original beast, they came forward to snatch each other's body.

Chen Feng understood that he wanted to grab the benefits.

The original beast is so powerful that it is worth snatching, but it is just more dangerous.

"These guys are quite adventurous, but if they can really deal with the original murderers, then the Land of Life can be preserved." Chen Feng said.

Qian Sha and others hesitated a little.

Then everyone's aura suddenly surged, and everyone worked together to destroy an original beast.

"The situation suddenly changed. It changed too fast. Things won't end like this." Chen Feng couldn't help but say.

But the sense of crisis and pressure he felt still existed, and Chen Yifeng knew that things were not that simple.




At this moment, a powerful storm of destruction swept through. This time, the storm of destruction was stronger than what Chen Feng had encountered before.

In the past, Chen Feng had seen dozens, hundreds, or even more destructive storms unleashed by the Demon Spiders of Destruction.

It can be said that it had a great impact on Chen Feng, but this time the destruction storm was much more powerful in terms of level, and it was also more violent.

Chen Feng believed that if the other party concentrated its power to attack him, his own origin would definitely be severely traumatized.

Of course, this type of willpower storm is also difficult to concentrate on. It is already a fused attack method.

Even so, Chen Feng was affected, and dozens of people in Tianxing Life Land were affected.

Then the situation is different.

The opponent who was originally at a disadvantage took the opportunity to launch a counterattack. Some people were constantly injured and some were beaten.

Even the Ghost General and the Boxing Saint were severely damaged.

The entire Tianxing Life Land was in a mess.

"There is some trouble. The army of Destruction Spiders has appeared again, and the Destruction Will Storm just now was obviously caused under the command." Qian Sha said with a pale face.

The situation has changed, it is not a powerful energy attack, but a storm of will, which does not have much effect on destroying the land of life.

Things went awry from what was planned.

Qian Sha and others gathered together.

Don't be careless at this time.

"What should I do?" Resentment asked.

The injured ghost general and boxing saint looked ugly. They wanted to say something harsh, but they couldn't.

"Hey, we're at a loss, can we leave like this?" Qian Sha sneered.

"That's right. Wouldn't it be a shame to spread the news about leaving in such a dejected manner?" Zhenyan also said the same.

"In this case, fellow Taoists, feel free to use powerful methods." Chen Feng said with a smile.

As they spoke, everyone dispersed, and the qi energy blended with each other, quickly forming a God of War.

Chen Feng promoted the field of reincarnation, and everyone cooperated with each other more perfectly and freely.

A shadow energy filled the area where the Shadow Saint was, as if a dark cloud was constantly shaking. It seemed to occupy only one formation point, and everyone present felt that the battle formation had become more viscous.


Qian Sha's body emits beams of light and blends into the battle formation.

"This is the power of destruction!" Chen Feng was slightly surprised. The power of destruction released by Qiansha was stronger than what he had mastered, and it was more powerful. Once an opponent broke in, he would be easily torn into pieces.

Moreover, this power was not only becoming stronger and stronger after the operation of the formation, but it could also be released for long-range attacks.

Strange runes appeared on Zhenyan's body, and these runes were also integrated into the war.

Piao Piao Swordsman shouted softly, and a sword energy rushed out from the top of his head, turning into a sword formation to cover the outer area of ​​the formation.

Everyone used their own methods to change a battle formation into a dazzling one, with three layers inside and three layers outside, which looked like a fancy look.

However, the dozen or so Destruction Spiders and Destruction Creatures near everyone were quickly strangled.

The fragments and energy of the opponent after death were collected into the formation, and were refined and purified in a short time, turning into the power of the formation, which could make the formation operate better.

"Do you want to take the initiative to attack?" Piao Piao Swordsman said with some murderous intent.

Originally, everyone present was a master. Now they are united to strengthen their combat effectiveness.

Everyone can feel the destructive power contained in the attack. It can be said that everyone is a little excited at this time.

Even a thought of sweeping everything came into being.

"Kill!" Qiansha shouted coldly.

The formation began to move. In fact, there were invaders coming from all directions at this time.

These invaders included the Destruction Spider and the Destruction Creature, as well as an Origin Beast. Not only that, there was also a storm of destructive will that rolled over.

"There are two more Origin Beasts." Chen Feng said.

"It doesn't matter. Just deal with them this time." Piaopiao Swordsman smiled.

The outermost sword formation broke out first, directly enveloping the most powerful Origin Beast.

The second, third, and fourth layers of the formation also operated one after another, and the invaders who rushed up were gradually swallowed up.

As for the powerful Destruction Will Storm, it did not play the role it did before this time, and everyone shook a little.

Because there were eight origin-level magic weapons in the formation that blocked most of the Destruction Will Storm.

Which of Qiansha and the others can't produce an origin-level magic weapon.

Since they are prepared, they will certainly not be as embarrassed as before.

The number of opponents rushing up is getting smaller and smaller, and then more opponents rush up, and the formation is still stable.

Finally, even the powerful pathogenic beast was solved, and part of the powerful power was divided by everyone, and part was integrated into the formation.

Chen Feng didn't have more resources this time. On the one hand, he had too many resources before, and he was a little embarrassed to share them with them. On the other hand, Chen Feng didn't want to store anything in the magic weapon anymore, at least not for the time being.

The situation changed again. The explosion of Qiansha and others blocked a full 30% of the invaders.

And this scale has to continue to expand, and it seems that there is a sign of wanting to sweep all opponents.

One of the destructive tentacles wanted to attack, but it was retracted.

Because the opponent knew that once it attacked, the tentacle would definitely be torn into pieces.

The origin beasts were all killed, and the powerful storm of destructive will was also blocked. The opponent didn't seem to have any good way.

So a part of the destructive spiders and the annihilation creatures were separated to entangle forward, and the rest of the force changed the direction of attack.

Inspired by this, other cultivators on the Tianxing Life Land also began to arrange battle formations. In fact, they had experienced this situation before, but they did not cooperate as perfectly as this time.

Under the pressure, some changes had to be made.

Under the impact of the powerful force, the collapse that had been paused was resumed, and everyone felt the breath of the origin spreading.

"It seems that this time it is really going to collapse." Qiansha said with a smile.

Everyone's expressions were also a little complicated, but they still came to this step.

Crack! Crack! Crack!

The Tianxing Life Land began to collapse in all directions. As expected, as Chen Feng and others had guessed, the cultivators who were fighting with the invaders began to snatch the fragments of the Life Land.

After snatching them, they fled immediately.

Some people left before, and the number of cultivators in the Tianxing Life Land was even smaller this time.

Tianmu Shenjun and others looked very ugly, but they could not change the situation in front of them.

And they also knew that in such a chaotic situation, even if Tianxing appeared, it would be useless.

"Let them grab these junk fragments, we'll grab the best ones if we want to grab them." Seeing that his accomplices were getting a little restless, Qiansha said this.

"I think we should try to collect as many as possible, maybe we will also build a land of life in the future." Gu said.

"In that case, let's see if there is an opportunity." Qiansha did not argue with the other party.

At this time, a piece of debris appeared near everyone. In this case, of course, we can't give up. The formation was activated, and the fragment was collected and temporarily suppressed in the formation.

"It is somewhat close to the origin, but the quality is far worse." Qiansha said.

"These invaders did not rob the fragments of the land of life. It seems that they are really carrying out pure destruction. Such existence sometimes makes people feel less headache because their purpose is very pure." Zhenyan said with a smile.

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