Eternal Existence

Chapter 4394: Leaving a clone behind

"Tell me why the other party took the initiative to give it to you?" Chen Feng asked.

"We don't know this either."

"Not sure? You can't explain why I gave you such a good thing." Of course Chen Feng didn't believe it.

But no matter how Chen Feng interrogated him, the result would be the same.

And Chen Feng also saw that the other party was not lying.

"This is interesting. Could it be that a peerless master threw away something he didn't like? This is unlikely. After all, this is the control of a long river of power. If it were me, I wouldn't Give up, even if you don’t need to keep it here.”

"This is interesting. Should I kill you?" Chen Feng said with a smile.

As for whether these two people were begging for mercy, it didn't make much difference to Chen Feng. Chen Feng was thinking about whether to snatch the brand.

This is a good thing. When the time comes, you will be able to control this long river of power.

But as soon as this idea appeared, a huge change occurred in his eyes.

The river of power fluctuated violently, and countless threads stretched out from the river, rushing towards the two monks captured by Chen Feng.

At the same time, there were waves of powerful forces rushing towards Chen Feng.

In the chaos, Chen Feng saw those threads penetrated into the bodies of the two monks. Not only that, the two monks also erupted with strong will pressure.

That is the brand of will belonging to a strong man.

Chen Feng knew immediately that this was the key to controlling this river of power.

Chen Feng's first thought was that the being was rescuing the two monks, but when Chen Feng saw the changes that had taken place in the two monks, he gave up this idea.

The auras of the two monks were constantly changing, their faces became more and more ferocious, and the light in their eyes had lost its previous aura.

When everything became relatively calm, the two monks had changed.

In other words, he became a puppet.

"It was really eye-opening."

Chen Feng said that it was not that Chen Feng had never seen the puppet technique before, but it was still shocking to turn two powerful Hun Vowels into puppets without him coming.

Of course, this is also related to this long river of power.

Without this long river of power, it would be difficult to achieve this just by relying on the other party's imprint and will.

The two puppets looked at Chen Feng. Although the river of power was slightly calm, Chen Feng could feel that the powerful power contained in it would burst out at any time.

"I've met Taoist friend." Chen Feng said.

The two puppets were somewhat silent, but Chen Feng knew that the other party was probably thinking about the situation in front of him.

I want to see if I should take action against myself.

Chen Feng believed that if the other party did not want to cause trouble, he would not choose to take action.

Sure enough, Chen Feng guessed it right.

The other party did not choose to take action against Chen Feng, but he was not willing to let Chen Feng stay here.

Chen Feng could see that the opponent was very powerful. The reason why he did not take action against him was not because he was afraid of himself, but because he did not want to cause trouble.

Chen Feng didn't want to have a grudge with the other party. He couldn't deal with an existence of this level.

I still have a lot of troubles that have not been resolved, so there is no need to offend the last powerful master.

"Fellow Taoist must have come here by accident. We met by fate. I will give you something as a gift. Let's say goodbye and see you again in the future." One of the puppets said.

In Chen Feng's curious eyes, strands of light were pulled out from the depths of the river of power, and then gathered into a ball of energy, floating in front of Chen Feng.

This is the core power of the River of Power, and it can also be regarded as some power seeds. After Chen Feng obtains it, he can master this power very well.

This is also a valuable gift.

Chen Feng originally wanted to refuse. After all, if he took the other party's things, even if some cause and effect was established, he would probably encounter him again in the future.

But Chen Feng thought about it and collected the energy.

Chen Feng, a master of this level, also wanted to make friends. Besides, maybe the other party had no ill intentions.

Of course, it's possible that the other party has bad intentions, but Chen Feng doesn't care.

Chen Feng is still very interested in this novel power. The right way is to improve his own strength first.

"Thank you, fellow Taoist. We are destined to meet again." Chen Feng knew that the other party did not want him to stay here, so after putting away his strength, Chen Feng turned and left.

Chen Feng no longer cared about what happened next, and traveled through the rivers of power one after another. Finally, he encountered another interesting river of power, and then he stopped.

Chen Feng took out the ball of power and sensed it carefully. He found that the other party was not playing any tricks.

Of course, Chen Feng didn't care. If the other party was really up to something, he would be crazy and could completely disperse these powers.

Now, since he can't find the things left by the other party, it means everything is normal. Chen Feng needs to refine these powers first.

In this way, he has mastered a new kind of power, which will also be of certain help to Chen Feng.

Chen Feng didn't spend much time. After mastering this power, he began to observe the place.

This river of power is not too strong. The reason why Chen Feng is interested is because it is very similar to the power of the Avenue of Destruction that Chen Feng masters.

Chen Feng tried to refine some of the power here, and it turned out that it could be well integrated into the Avenue of Destruction, making the Avenue of Destruction even more perfect.

"In this case, I should be able to refine this long river of power, but this is not my purpose. I came here to hone my chaotic luck, and absorbing the power here can also improve my cultivation. Of course, it is naturally better to refine a long river of power, and I can only make some more money here. After leaving, it will only play a role in positioning." Chen Feng thought, except for the initial excitement, Chen Feng calmed down and used the left key to intuitively see the situation here.

Chen Feng did not try to refine the long river of power like others did after arriving. Thinking carefully, there was actually no need for this.

If Chen Feng had enough time, he could try it here.

But now Chen Feng just wants to quickly improve his own strength.

Polishing the chaotic body and making the chaotic body have enough progress is what he has to do recently.

Before, Chen Feng thought that his chaotic body could protect the attack of his forest-level weapons, but now Chen Feng has changed this idea early.

After all, weapons and magic weapons also have owners, and the strength of the owner can exert a stronger attack power of weapons and magic weapons.

Otherwise, in the previous series of explanations, Chen Feng's chaotic body would not have been broken by the other party.

"Then practice here for a while." Feeling the progress of the Great Dao of Destruction, Chen Feng decided to stay and practice for a while.

In fact, what Chen Feng lacks the least is the energy of destruction. If it weren't for the difference between the long river of power in front of him and the destruction he cultivated, Chen Feng would not stay and would have chosen to leave long ago.

At this time, Chen Feng also had his own plans to stay. For example, not long after practicing, Chen Feng condensed a destruction clone from the Great Dao of Destruction.

Then this destruction clone also practiced in this long river of power, and after a period of time, it was integrated into the long river of power.

After another period of time, Chen Feng condensed the second destruction clone.

Chen Feng has his own practice method. Since he doesn't stay here to refine the long river of power, he can use the clone to do this.

However, the area here is very dangerous, and the clone will be easily solved by the intruder if he stays.

Unless he can fully master this long river of power.

This is also the reason why Chen Feng left two clones.

But this is not enough.

So Chen Feng condensed a third destruction clone, and when he absorbed enough destruction power, he chose to leave.

Leaving behind three destruction clones, Chen Feng felt more or less confident.

"It shouldn't be a problem. If I can master the long river of power, I can suppress even if someone is causing trouble."

"Next, I will find another long river of power similar to the power I practiced." Then Chen Feng was not in a hurry to go deeper.

Continuing to move forward to obtain the Chaos Body, it was just a simple practice of the Chaos Body. Now absorbing some new power, just like practicing the Great Dao of Destruction before, it is even better to increase some of the Great Daos that I master.

"Is it that the original power I practiced is not pure enough, or that the various powers here have changed." Chen Feng thought that all the power came from the Gate of Origin, so in the end, they are the same source.

However, there were too many strange powers in front of him, which made Chen Feng feel a little curious.

But now is not the time to think too much. After a while, Chen Feng really encountered a familiar power again.

This time it was the power of death.

Chen Feng also practiced the Great Dao of Death. There are some differences between the two, but similar to the Great Dao of Destruction before, Chen Feng can completely absorb and integrate it into the power he practiced.

Chen Feng tried it first, and it was true, then Chen Feng released the Great Dao of Destruction.

According to Chen Feng's idea, it was naturally the same as before, but he was attacked not long after practicing.

It turned out that there was life here.

A cultivator went down the river, and with his own strength, he came to Chen Feng at a very fast speed.

This is also a cultivator who practiced the knowledge of death, and he is also very interested in this long river of power, or the other party wants to control this long river of power.

In the eyes of the other party, Chen Feng is an intruder, and he can only find a way to deal with Chen Feng.


Chen Feng stretched out his palm to block the other party's attack, and then performed boxing and fought with the other party.

In Chen Feng's view, the other party did not refine this long river of power, so he could not master the power of this long river of power.

Although this person is quite powerful, he is not Chen Feng's opponent, and soon fell behind.

"How about a truce, fellow Daoist?" Since he was not the opponent, the cultivator immediately chose to compromise.

Chen Feng also felt it was quite funny. The other party was quite sensible.

"There is no problem with a truce, then fellow Daoist, please leave." Chen Feng said.

"Why don't we all practice here? I don't think fellow Daoist has any plans to refine this long river of power. Of course, I am only practicing here for a short time. Why don't we form an alliance? If there are any outsiders breaking in again, we will join forces to fight the enemy." The cultivator suggested.

Chen Feng thought for a while and said, "Okay, that's it, as long as fellow Daoist doesn't disturb my practice."

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