Eternal Existence

Chapter 4393 Weird Things

In the end, only Chen Feng and Gu were left to watch Shadow Saint practice.

"What are your plans next?" Gu asked.

"Let's see what happens. This area is really good. I will stay here for a while." Chen Feng said with a smile.

The two did not communicate afterwards. Gu quietly protected Shadow Saint.

Since there was someone to protect him, Chen Feng had nothing to worry about. Besides, Shadow Saint had already initially refined this long river of power. Even if there were intruders, he could deal with them. If he couldn't deal with them, it meant that the opponent was extremely powerful. At that time, he would definitely summon helpers.

Chen Feng did not leave in a hurry, but first experienced the power fluctuations of this long river.

Although it was also the most original power, it was still a little weaker than the most powerful power he had mastered before.

But here were vast and long rivers, and from the perspective of the vastness of energy, they were extremely powerful.

Especially with so many species gathered together, Chen Feng was still very interested.

"In such an interesting area, it seems that the number of lives is not too large, or we just came here and didn't encounter them. Those lives that came here have entered the depths." Chen Feng felt a little curious.

In Chen Feng's mind, since this area is so important, the long river of power here should have an owner.

"Either the long river of power here is not so easy to refine, or it is extremely dangerous here, and many lives have fallen here. Of course, I will try various guesses now. The specific situation still needs me to slowly dig." Chen Feng thought.

Chen Feng did not stay here for long before he took action and walked out of this long river of power.

After all, this place already belongs to the territory of Shadow Saint. Even if Chen Feng continues to stay, he will not gain much.

In such a good place, Chen Feng must hone himself well.

The stronger the chaotic body is, the more difficult it is to make progress. If you want to rely on your own practice, then it will be a long process of polishing.

Maybe Chen Feng will slowly adapt, but since there is a chance, why not seize it?

Chen Feng entered the second long river, which is also ownerless, but Chen Feng did not stay here for long, and he did not even have the intention of refining it.

Because this long river of power is not strong enough, and Chen Feng's purpose is not here.

Chen Feng kept shuttling back and forth, and went deeper and deeper. Finally, Chen Feng came to another long river of power.

As soon as Chen Feng arrived, he felt different. After carefully sensing it, his eyes showed a clear look.

This is a place with an owner, but the other party should not be here.

The most important thing is that this long river of power is very powerful, even more powerful than the long river of power controlled by the boxing saint.

This is what Chen Feng is interested in.

This is a very strange power, and Chen Feng decided to practice here.

This practice entered the state.

It was not until the strong power fluctuation appeared that Chen Feng was alarmed.

At first, Chen Feng thought that the owner of this long river of power appeared, but then he knew that it was not the case.

It turned out that someone came here and wanted to refine this long river of power.

"Knowing that there is an owner, you still want to refine it forcibly. What does the other party think?" Chen Feng was a little curious.

In fact, the other party also found Chen Feng, but saw that Chen Feng was practicing so he did not come forward.

Or he did not take Chen Feng seriously.

"Does this mean that you don't take me seriously? Although this is not my territory, you have disturbed my practice process." Chen Feng said with a smile.

Chen Feng did not go forward, but wanted to see what the other party could do.

There were two monks who came, and they seemed to be adventurers from outside the Gate of Origin.

These two monks were not very strong, but they wanted to work together to refine this long river of power, which made Chen Feng curious.

At first, Chen Feng wondered if these two had any special means? But Chen Feng saw that they did not seem to have much results after working hard, so he lost interest.

But just when Chen Feng wanted to leave, this long river of power began to fluctuate violently again.

Chen Feng's eyes showed surprise, and he forgot what happened just now.

These two people could actually make some noise, so they should not be as useless as they seemed on the surface.

The violent fluctuations gradually became regular, and Chen Feng was surprised to find that the United States was controlling the control of this long river of power recently.

"It's effective so soon? Could it be that the other party originally had the mark of this long river of power? Only in this way can such an achievement be achieved so quickly." Chen Feng looked for a while and confirmed that the other party was mastering this first long river.

Chen Feng thought about it, and then walked forward.

Chen Feng wanted to ask how the other party did it?

However, Chen Feng was stopped by the other party before he got close.

At this time, the two cultivators had already mastered part of the control of this long river of power. A tsunami of energy erupted in front of Chen Feng, forming a thick barrier like a city wall blocking Chen Feng.

"Two fellow Taoists, I have no ill intentions, I'm just a little curious." Chen Feng said.

The other party just blocked and did not attack successfully, which means that the other party did not want to tear his face and did not want to attack Chen Feng.

At least before mastering this long river of power, they did not want to offend Chen Feng.

So even if Chen Feng spoke, they did not respond, which also showed their attitude.

"I just want to see how you two master this long river of power." Chen Feng continued.

If the other party is really easy to talk to, Chen Feng doesn't mind waiting for the other party, but once the other party really masters this long river of power, he can use it to attack Chen Feng, which will be a very troublesome thing at that time.

So after thinking about it, Chen Feng still chose to take action.


He broke the barrier in front of him with one punch, and then Chen Feng strode over.

The two monks' faces changed drastically, and they urged the long river to attack again. They also saw how powerful Chen Feng was, so they didn't dare to take the initiative to step forward.


This time the long river of power became a little violent, and powerful forces drilled out from all directions and swept towards Chen Feng.

In the blink of an eye, Chen Feng was wrapped in it. This time it was not only power, but also mixed with will.

However, it still didn't stop Chen Feng. With a bang, Chen Feng walked out.

"Two Taoist friends, I really have no ill intentions. If you take action again, don't blame me for being rude." Chen Feng said helplessly.

The other party didn't believe Chen Feng's words, and they rushed towards Chen Feng with waves of power.

Knowing that Chen Feng was powerful, they just wanted to stop Chen Feng and delay time.

However, because their control was not strong, the power they mobilized could not stop Chen Feng's steps.

"Hey, tell me, I really have no ill intentions." Chen Feng broke through the layers of obstruction, and then came to the other party, stretched out his palm to grab one of the monks.

The two monks were also shocked and angry. They didn't expect Chen Feng to be so powerful, and they didn't expect that they were so unlucky.

"Daoyou is too much."

The two monks shouted, and then hit Chen Feng with all their strength.

Chen Feng let their attacks fall on him, his body shook, and he looked safe and sound on the surface!

The faces of the two monks changed drastically. This seemed a bit too scary. No matter how powerful they were, they couldn't bear their attacks.

Chen Feng also laughed secretly. He was a Chaos Body. In close combat, these two used their weaknesses to compete with their strengths, not to mention that their strength was not too strong.

One of the cultivators fell into Chen Feng's hands!

The other one fled in fear, but was pierced through the body by Chen Feng's sword, and then chased and captured.

"I say you two, I really have no ill intentions." Chen Feng said after suppressing the other party.

"Since there is no ill intention, please let us go." One of the cultivators shouted hurriedly.

"But you attacked me, so this matter has become a little serious. Do you want to die or live?" Chen Feng asked.



Of course, the two cultivators were unwilling to be captured, and they were still struggling desperately, and even began to use some desperate means to increase their strength.


Chen Feng smiled, picked up the sword of destruction and stabbed the two people quickly.

"If you want to die, just struggle, I'll see if you can escape." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Daoyou, why do you have to do this, Daoyou, what do you want?" One of the cultivators gave up struggling.

"It's nothing, I'm just a little curious, okay, that's not what I said now."

"I was practicing here, and you disturbed me later, you have to admit this." Chen Feng said with a smile.

The two monks were silent for a while, and then said: "We apologize for disturbing your practice."

"It seems easy to apologize lightly, tell me how you refined this long river of power?" Chen Feng asked.


Chen Feng showed a sneer on his face: "It seems that I am too easy to talk to, and I will drink a penalty if I don't accept the toast."

Energy rolled in Chen Feng's palm, and began to consume the vitality of one of the monks.

At first, the monk was still resisting, but as time went on, the vitality of his body was seriously lost, and he finally couldn't bear it.

"I say!" The monk said hurriedly.

Another monk wanted to stop him, but was blown up by Chen Feng's punch. After the other party reshaped his body, he never dared to speak again.

"We got the mark of the owner of this place." The monk who was suppressed in Chen Feng's palm said so.

Chen Feng nodded, but still said: "No, tell the truth."

"This is the truth." The cultivator said hurriedly.

"Hehe, do you think I'm a fool?" Chen Feng sneered.

"Mastering the existence of such a long river can be solved by you. If you don't tell the truth, you will suffer."

The two cultivators fell silent again, but just when Chen Feng wanted to make a move, the cultivator in his palm sighed and said: "The reason why we can refine this long river of power is that we did get the mark of the owner of this long river, but the other party took the initiative to give it to us."

"Give it to you voluntarily, is there such a good thing?" Chen Feng still expressed doubt.

"It's true, we won't lie at this point." Another cultivator said.

"Tell me more specifically." Chen Feng nodded, thinking that it might be true.

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