Eternal Existence

Chapter 4395: Opening up a new road

Next, the two of them actually practiced in this river of power at the same time. Chen Feng was not worried about the other party causing trouble to him. Anyway, the other party was not his opponent.

Of course, Chen Feng was not careless. The other party must have his own thoughts and plans when he stayed, and maybe he had already made friends.

However, Chen Feng felt that it didn't matter. It was enough to practice here for a period of time. If he couldn't leave a clone to refine the river of power, Chen Feng didn't care. Now it seems that Chen Feng can't do what he did before.

But just absorb the power here, strengthen your own avenue, and reap the rewards.

There is so much power here, and there are enough places waiting for Chen Feng to explore.

As time went by, Chen Feng's avenue of death continued to grow, and Chen Feng could only choose to feel the improvement in his cultivation.

This also gave Chen Feng a strange thought.

"Since there are all kinds of powers here, it is really best to practice here. It is even faster than the cultivation speed in the Tianxing Life Land where I was before. Moreover, this place does not belong to anyone, everyone can come here. , according to this statement, then there should be enough lives here. Although I have not been here for a long time and have encountered some other lives, there is still a gap between some of the previous imaginations. Is it possible that there are other things among them? What's the problem? Or is my place still a peripheral area? Those adventurers have gone into the depths."

These thoughts only appeared to Chen Feng occasionally. For Chen Feng, these things were not important, and there was no need for him to get to the bottom of it.

As long as you keep practicing, it will be fine.


A death clone walked out of the avenue, but was not refined and integrated into this river of power as before.

But Chen Feng did not put away the clone, and saw this clone sitting down to practice not far from Chen Feng.

Because this is a clone born in the Avenue of Death, the results achieved by practicing in this place are even faster than Chen Feng's original body.

At the same time, being able to condense a clone also represents Chen Feng's achievement and breakthrough on the road of death.

Chen Feng paid attention to the monk. He was practicing quietly and seemed to have no other actions.

Of course, Chen Feng also knew that when he was condensing a clone, the other party was also secretly paying attention to him.

"It's best not to disturb each other." Chen Feng nodded and continued practicing.

After a period of time, Chen Feng condensed a second death clone. This clone also gained enlightenment and practice in this river of power.

At the same time, Chen Feng had a communication with the previous clone of destruction. Fortunately, the clone was calm and had a certain grasp of the avenue of destruction. Even if an outsider broke in, he could still mobilize part of the power of the river to fight.

"It's almost enough to practice here. Find another place." In fact, in Chen Feng's view, there are similarities between the Avenue of Death and the Avenue of Destruction, so the practice went smoothly.

Before leaving, Chen Feng hesitated a little, but finally put away the two death clones.

Of course Chen Feng wants to keep the death clones here, but after all, these two clones only have the fighting power of ordinary Hunyuan Golden Immortals.

If you encounter trouble, you will easily fall. Even though Chen Feng has cultivated so many Dao clones, and it seems relatively easy, every clone is also very important to Chen Feng.

Every time a clone died, Chen Feng had to spend a lot of energy and energy to condense a new clone.

Although it was a pity, Chen Feng still made up his mind.

After watching Chen Feng leave the monk, he opened his eyes. At the same time, he felt a little lucky. It seemed that it was a good thing that Chen Feng did not continue to fight with him.

In fact, this was indeed the case. The two sides continued to fight. This monk was basically Chen Feng's opponent.

"The other party is also a kind-hearted person. If he stays and fights with me, he can drive me away. The other party also practices the Avenue of Death, and he can also refine the river here." This monk thought this way.

After this period of practice, Chen Feng felt that the pressure around him had weakened a lot again, and he knew that he needed to go deeper again.

So Chen Feng continued to move deeper while searching for a new river of strength, slowing down when he felt he was about the same.

This time, Chen Feng was attracted by a fierce battle before he could find anything he was interested in.

This is a battle between two rivers of power.

Chen Feng found it very interesting, so he stopped to watch the battle.

These two powers are closely connected. Each has its own master. It is unknown what conflicts the two have with each other. They are fighting fiercely at this time.

It doesn't look like a sparring match at all, but a situation of endless fighting.

Both of them mobilize the power of the river of power to support and fight. It can be said that it is a stormy sea, and the movement is extremely huge.

If anyone comes close to watch the battle, they will be involved in it accidentally.

Chen Feng was not far away at first, but later gradually got closer, because he could completely absorb these two powers and integrate them into the avenue.

It is somewhat different from the previous avenue. The two powers are only biased towards the avenue controlled by Chen Feng, which means it is similar to one of the laws in Chen Feng's avenue.


Just as Chen Feng continued to absorb power, a powerful force swept towards Chen Feng.

This was the aftermath of the battle between the two, and it was deliberately caused by the other party to sweep over Chen Feng.

It would be unpleasant for anyone to have someone nearby during a fight. It was good that the two of them were not attacked by Chen Feng immediately.

Chen Feng performed the Devouring Technique, and the energy that swept over was first shattered by Chen Feng's punch, and then the essence in it was plundered by Chen Feng.

"I have no ill intentions, my two Taoist friends. I just want to collect some energy. You continue." Chen Feng said with a smile, and vortices appeared around him.

The vortices didn't look big, but the suction force was very strong. The powerful energy fluctuations emitted by the opponent gradually calmed down as soon as Chen Feng leaned against them.

Chen Feng didn't collect them randomly, but absorbed the essence.

Soon, the two laws in Chen Feng's two avenues were growing stronger, and the avenues were constantly improving.

Although Chen Feng said that he had no ill intentions, this behavior angered the two combatants. The two stopped fighting and turned to kill Chen Feng together.




The devouring vortexes around Chen Feng kept exploding, and Chen Feng had no choice but to perform boxing to fight with the opponent.

Soon Chen Feng was suppressed and beaten back.

Suddenly, the attacks of both men fell on Chen Feng, and Chen Feng fought back with head-on means.

His own Chaos Body could withstand the attacks of the other party, but the two monks were also injured by Chen Feng.

"What a powerful body."

"It turned out to be a Chaos Body!"

"We can't let the other party be strong, kill him and we will divide it."

The two monks immediately reached an agreement and stopped fighting, but joined forces to deal with Chen Feng.

In front of a powerful Chaos Body, the two temporarily gave up their hatred for each other, but wanted to solve the problem first.

The temptation was too great.

Chen Feng also saw the other party's intention, which was also within his expectations.

Chen Feng would certainly not continue to fight with him.

The energy absorbed just now was not much, although it was a pity, but Chen Feng should leave.

The process was naturally not so smooth, but it was difficult for the other party to stop Chen Feng.

The result was that after a fight between the two sides, Chen Feng still left.

As for whether the two will continue to fight after Chen Feng leaves, that is unknown.

Chen Feng does not care about these. Of course, the power here is helpful to Chen Feng. If there is a chance in the future, Chen Feng will come back to take a look.

"We should stay away from them. Maybe they will both be hurt. Wouldn't it be better to pick up the bargain?" Chen Feng also felt that he was a little rash before, otherwise he could watch the excitement for a while.

But no matter what, Chen Feng's next steps will not stop, and he will continue to look for new long rivers of power.

The next period of time was not as smooth and quiet as the beginning, because Chen Feng encountered some lives one after another.

There were adventurers and local lives in the Gate of Origin. Sometimes Chen Feng only saw them from a distance, sometimes Chen Feng broke into the other party's territory, and sometimes both sides suddenly met at the same time.

It is normal to have some disputes in such places. After several fights, Chen Feng finally stopped in a relatively quiet long river.

It is a little different from other long rivers of power. In the chaotic environment, this long river of power flows relatively steadily, which makes Chen Feng a little interested.

"This power is somewhat similar. It doesn't seem to be refined by others. There is a sense of calmness." Chen Feng observed carefully and found that this long river was also connected with some other power occasions around it, and even affected each other.

This made this area seem less irritable and chaotic.

Just like the impetuous state of mind during cultivation also needs stability and calmness.

"You can try to open up a new avenue with this." Chen Feng has been strengthening the power of various avenues, and it has been a long time since he opened up a new avenue.

Chen Feng felt that this time was a good opportunity.

In fact, Chen Feng had such an idea when he heard about the intersection of Wanyou.

It's just that he has never found a suitable one and has not made up his mind.

As for the relatively quiet place, even Chen Feng himself was affected, and it seems that no other life has broken into this place for the time being.

It is indeed a good opportunity for Chen Feng.

Thinking of Chen Feng, he began to absorb the power of this place for analysis, and at the same time, he was also feeling the special features of this long river of power.

Feeling the other party's breath, the other party's power and consciousness.

When Chen Feng entered the state, he could feel the energy in his body and his magic power cultivation became somewhat calm.

Although it was calm, it did not affect Chen Feng's progress in cultivation. This feeling was really magical.

Chen Feng first drew a rune. Compared with a road, a rune was really small.

But it was a good thing for Chen Feng. Everything is difficult at the beginning. The appearance of a rune showed who could take an important step.

Soon the second rune appeared, then the third rune, and more runes appeared around Chen Feng one after another.

When the number of runes reached a certain level, a law was condensed.

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