Eternal Existence

Chapter 4368: Taking Action

Deal with these little miscellaneous fish first, and then concentrate on dealing with the stronger opponents.

Chen Feng and Shadow Saint cooperated very well, and they saw Chen Feng rushing over quickly, charging everywhere he passed, and Fanhuo Saint Lord and the others were knocked to pieces.

The Holy King chased after him and launched an attack to stop Chen Feng.

Chen Feng didn't pay too much attention to the Saint King's attack, or in other words, Chen Feng and the others had to pay some price in order to deal with the Saint King of Mortal Fire.

It was inevitable to have his skin and flesh bruised, but Chen Feng could bear this kind of injury.

At this time, we can also see the restraint of the power of light on the Shadow Saint. Wherever the light passes, the shadow energy melts.

But then chains quickly condensed and trapped the Mortal Fire Saint Lord and others who were reshaping their bodies.

And the success was another series of collisions, and these people all exploded.

"Can you tie him up?" Chen Feng asked Shadow Saint.

"No, it will hurt me too much. The other party's power of light is stronger than the previous Light Saint." Shadow Saint replied.

"There is some trouble. In that case, let's go deal with the others." Chen Feng said, turning around and punching, and at the same time, the sacred mountain grew larger and hit the Holy King.

Seeing how ferocious Chen Feng was, the Holy King did not dare to take it lightly and quickly resisted. Who knew that Chen Feng just made a feint and left the place.

The next moment, Chen Feng and Shadow Saint came to the monk with a chaotic physique again.

"This is mine. I will definitely gain a lot this time." Chen Feng said with a smile.

The Shadow Saint knew what Chen Feng was thinking, so he immediately used his magical power to shroud the monk with the chaotic system.

It is really easy for Shadow Saint to deal with an opponent alone.

"Fellow Daoist, we still need to do our best." Chen Feng looked at Gui Yisanren.

At the same time, the sacred mountain in Chen Feng's hand also turned into a clone to stop the Holy King. Not only that, but two clones appeared in Chen Feng's body, which were also transformed into origin-level magic weapons.

The successful practice in the past period has gradually released some magic weapons and weapons.

This is also Chen Feng's confidence.

What's more, Guiyi Sanren also erupted, releasing three clones in the same breath.

Although Guiyi Sanren suffered a lot of losses before, it does not mean that Guiyi Sanren will not have other clones.

At this time, the two released multiple clones at the same time and immediately entangled their opponents.

Chen Feng looked at the smile on the face of the monk with a chaotic physique. This monk's combat power was even greater than that of Gu. Although his physique was not as good as that of the chaotic physique, it was still rewarding for him.

But at this moment, Chen Feng felt two strong auras, one after another erupting in the distance.

One of them belongs to the mantra, and the other is more unfamiliar.

Without thinking at all, Chen Feng knew what happened.

The other party must have had help coming, but they were blocked by the mantra.

If there is no mantra on my side, then the other party may really take action against these few people in front of them.

But it's too late now.

This monk with a chaotic physique was beaten to pieces by Chen Feng, and then fell into the vortex in Chen Feng's palm.

This monk was also working hard and burning his origin, but it was of no use. With the cooperation of Chen Feng, Gui Yisanren and Shadow Saint, Chen Feng got the full result.

At this time, Chen Feng had no time to refine and absorb the opponent, so he focused on Huo.

"This is a returned Taoist friend." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Okay." Guiyi Sanren naturally agreed.

At this time, Huo was beginning to panic. His partner had been killed, and it was his turn next.

The Holy King, who was the strongest, was blocked by the clones of Chen Feng and Gui Yisanren. He was unable to escape for a while and was unable to come to help at all.

"Kill! This is what you get for opposing me." Chen Feng took the initiative to step forward, and the fire kept collapsing, and the Shadow Saint also stepped forward to entangle him.

Finally, Guiyi Sanren solved the problem.

At this time, Zhan was a little emotional and had a complicated look on his face. Whether it was the swordsman before or the monk with fire and chaos physiques later, they were all extremely powerful beings, but he didn't expect to die here.

If it was a serious injury, it would be acceptable, but now he has died directly. The change is too big, which is unacceptable for a while.

Having just dealt with the fire, Chen Feng was thinking about dealing with the Holy King. Unexpectedly, a powerful spiritual power rushed over and suppressed Chen Feng's continuous retreat. Chen Feng's spiritual defense showed a loophole when his expression changed.

For a moment, his fighting spirit disappeared, his movements became sluggish, and he showed signs of transforming into a puppet.

Not only Chen Feng, but also Guiyi Sanren. They change at any time. This is to resist the invasion of the power of the soul.

However, Shadow Saint recovered quickly and sent out a special wave of original will towards Chen Feng and Gui Yisanren.

Chen Feng and Guiyi Sanren suddenly felt a little better, and quickly mobilized all their strength, concentrated their attention, and started to fight back.

The two of them had been somewhat attacked just now. Fortunately, no other helpers took the opportunity to attack at this time, otherwise Chen Feng and Gui Yisanren might be severely injured.

Thinking about this kind of thing, it always feels a bit scary.

Fortunately, there is a Shadow Saint. Although they don't know why the Shadow Saint can resist it, Chen Feng and Gui Yisanren all know that they must not be hit again.



In fact, both Chen Feng and Gui Yisanren have very strong psychic powers, otherwise they would not have mastered so many clones.

It can be said that the spiritual power cultivated by the two of them is considered top-notch among monks of the same level.

But compared with the old group of spiritual Taoists, they are still a little behind. After all, the spiritual ancestor cultivates the spiritual tree, and his own strength is also better than the two.

But then again, although there is a gap, it is not too big.

Before, Chen Feng and Guiyi Sanren were caught off guard. Then the two reacted and burst out the spiritual shock technique at the same time, and began to counterattack the existence in the dark.

In this way, the two could not effectively deal with the Holy King, and there was a gap in time, which made Chen Feng a little depressed.

Originally, in Chen Feng's plan, he wanted to concentrate on solving the Holy King.

Although the Holy King is very powerful, Chen Feng is confident that he, Guiyi Sanren, and Yingsheng can still solve the opponent, at least severely injure him.

But now the spiritual ancestor finally intervened, and the matter is not just that simple. Qiansha and Zhenyan are also entangled by the opponent, which is what shocked Chen Feng.

If Qiansha and Dignity were not asked to help this time, then he would really be unlucky this time.

"At this point, I don't have a good solution. Let's contact Lord Tianxing." Chen Feng said to Zhan.

It's a bit embarrassing to say that only one cultivator came from Tianxing, but many came from the other side.

Even beings of the level of Saint King and Spiritual Taoist have appeared. Could it be that this time, Tianxing is unwilling to take action, or does he believe in himself?

No matter which aspect, it can't change the situation Chen Feng is facing now.

"I don't know about this either. There should be helpers." Zhan was also a little unclear.

"You come to deal with the Saint King." Chen Feng said, Chen Feng wanted to find the Spiritual Ancestor.

Zhan shook his head hurriedly: "I'm not his opponent."

"You have to go even if you're not his opponent." Chen Feng said lightly, and communicated with Guiyi Sanren and others, and saw a group of shadows wrapped around the two.

The shadow disappeared, and Chen Feng and Guiyi Sanren also disappeared, disappearing directly in this area, without helping Qiansha and others, nor dealing with other opponents that had not been resolved.

Chen Feng once again lost the search for the Spiritual Ancestor.

The opponent's spiritual technique had already allowed Chen Feng and others to determine the location.

It can only be said that whether he can stop or not is not within Chen Feng's consideration, and Chen Feng also wants to see if Tianxing really has no other means. If so, if Zhan dies here, it will be his bad luck.

Seeing Chen Feng leave so simply, Zhan is also a little helpless. How could he be the opponent of the Holy King? But at this point, he can only bite the bullet and step forward to stop him.

The Holy King wanted to chase Chen Feng, but was entangled by Zhan again, so he had to use the killer to kill Zhan and retreat again and again.

"Don't get out of my way, do you really want to die in my hands?" The Holy King sneered.

"Although I am not your opponent, I can still be sure to entangle you for a while." Zhan also sneered.

You know, in the Tianxing Life Land, the Holy King is a second-tier existence, and Zhan, who has hidden his strength, is only the third tier. The difference between the two sides is too far.

It can also be said that the Holy King did not take Zhan seriously before, but now he has discovered that he can hide his strength now. Although he is still not his opponent, as Zhan said, he can completely delay himself for a while.


The two sides fought fiercely, and Zhan was soon injured. He was about to be seriously injured. At this time, two beams of divine light crossed back and forth and swept towards the Holy King, giving people an overwhelming momentum.

Pupil technique!

The Holy King frowned and recognized what this method was. At the same time, he also felt a familiar breath, knowing that the person who came must be a cultivator from the Tianxing Life Land.

The person who came was actually Tianmu Divine Lord.

He also hid his strength. After coming, he and Zhan joined forces to suppress the Holy King.

"I really underestimated you." The Holy King also frowned. They came out one after another. Both of them hid their strength. If there was only one person, it would be hard to think about it, but now the first thing to think about is Tianxing.

This is probably Tianxing's method.

In this way, Tianxing will also intervene this time. Things are completely different from what I imagined before. So far, I haven't taken any advantage, and I haven't even gained the upper hand.

In fact, the two opponents of the Ten Thousand Races were blocked, and the Holy King thought that they were the forces sent by Tianxing, but he didn't think about Chen Feng.

A little misjudgment can bring great results.

Chen Feng found the Soul Ancestor. At this time, the two sides were confronting each other, and there was no fight right away.

In addition to the Soul Ancestor, there were two people on the left and right, unusually quiet, which made people feel a little daunted.

"I really underestimated you. It turns out that you have been prepared." The Soul Ancestor was not surprised that Chen Feng could find him. After he chose to take action, he was destined to such an outcome.

"I don't understand one thing. Why did you have to attack me? I think there must be a reason, right?" Chen Feng asked with a smile.

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