Eternal Existence

Chapter 4369 Reasons

Chen Feng was really very curious.

To deal with him, the other party made too much noise and paid too much price. If he said that he just didn't like Chen Feng, Chen Feng would not believe it.

"It's okay to tell you the reason. In fact, you are not important. I am not simply dealing with you. I just need to find an opportunity to drag Tianxing into the water. I just didn't expect you to be so difficult to deal with. This is a bit beyond my expectation." The Soul Ancestor said calmly.

"That's all." Chen Feng was a little surprised, looking at the Soul Ancestor in front of him with doubt in his eyes.

"I still don't believe it. You said you want to deal with Tianxing, why do I feel that you are a little overconfident? So far, Tianxing has only sent out one fighter. You should have all your cards out. Under such circumstances, how can you fight with Tianxing? I feel that this is a joke." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"I didn't think so before. Now that I've made a wrong inference, I feel it's a little ridiculous. But since the matter has already started, there is no reason to stop. I can only deal with you first and then continue to complete the previous plan." The old ancestor of the mind said with a smile.

"You are so confident. It seems that you have other means. It's true. You have finally cultivated to this point. You must have some means. Otherwise, you wouldn't act rashly. But I'm still a little curious. Do you want to monopolize that piece of life land this time? If so, I'm even more surprised. It doesn't seem to be of much benefit to you, fellow Taoist." Chen Feng asked with a smile.

That piece of life land is indeed good, but don't forget that it takes a lot of power to exist safely in the Gate of Origin. When Tianxing and the others are dealt with, the old ancestor of the mind will definitely have to pay a greater price to resist other crises.

"You don't need to worry about this. Think about your own safety first." The old ancestor of the mind waved his hand, and the two cultivators around him immediately burst into a strong murderous aura.

For a moment, Chen Feng felt his heart beating wildly. These two extremely calm cultivators turned out to be masters, probably not inferior to the previous Saint King.

"It's a bit troublesome." Shadow Saint said.

"This time the opponent is very difficult." Guiyi Sanren said.

"I was thinking that I could sweep the opponent, but now it seems that we are going to be swept." Chen Feng said with a smile.

It must be said that up to now, the Heart Ancestor has mobilized enough powerful forces. After all, Qiansha and Zhenyan are still entangled.

And from the conversation just now, Chen Feng also has some speculations that the Heart Ancestor should have some means that have not been used, and still wants to carry out the plan.

Then the power that has not been exposed should be able to compete with Tianxing.

"Or did you guess that Tianxing's main body is not there, and want to take the opportunity to seize the control of Tianxing's life land? In this way, the life land is not as simple as I imagined. In fact, think about it, the effect of practicing there is extremely good, so to become the controller of such a large life land, then it must be a huge benefit to you yourself." Chen Feng thought.

At this time, the old ancestor of the mind in front of him disappeared again, and did not take the opportunity to attack Chen Feng.

Could it be that the old ancestor of the mind thought that these two cultivators could deal with us?

Chen Feng thought while secretly transmitting: "Fellow Daoist Yingsheng, Fellow Daoist Guiyi, you entangle them, and I will launch the attack and killing technique."

"Okay, but I don't think it should be that easy." After saying this, Yingsheng used his magical power, but then there was a bang, and a ball of shadow energy was actually blown up.

Chen Feng's eyelids jumped. The magical power of Yingsheng was solved at the beginning. The opponent was unexpectedly powerful.

"No, it seems that I can't entangle them. I can only suppress them from the side." Yingshang said and disappeared.

Chen Feng shook his head and quickly stepped forward to block one person. The powerful destructive force made Chen Feng's body vibrate.

He was actually suppressed.

On the other side, Guiyi Sanren originally released several clones, wanting to use means to trap the other party. Who knew that as soon as the two sides fought, one of the clones would be beaten and rolled out.

"The opponent is too strong." Guiyi Sanren said.

"There is no good way now. Even if we want to withdraw, the opponent will not agree, but it is difficult for the opponent to do anything to us." Chen Feng said.

"When will Daoyou use the trump card?" Guiyi Sanren asked.

"If possible, I don't want to use it. It is impossible to use the trump card every time." Chen Feng said with a smile.

Chen Feng also felt the power fluctuations coming from Zhan. Feeling the different breath, Chen Feng showed some smiles on his face.

Sure enough, Tianxing had other arrangements. I should have delayed it earlier and let the opponent reveal his strength first.

Now it's good. I have exposed all my trump cards, and Tianxing started to intervene.

This is to regard myself as a vanguard.

I am leading the opponent.

"It turns out that the other party and I have no grudges. I just happened to be here by chance. Thinking about it really makes a person feel depressed. It turns out that I am not important at all in the eyes of the other party. But think about it, I can draw so much power from the other party, which is beyond the other party's expectation. The spiritual ancestor does not regret it at all now, and I don't believe it either, but no matter what, since he chose to attack me, he should pay some price." Chen Feng raised his hand and the sacred mountain reappeared above his head. It did not fall on the opponent, as if it formed a field.

The sacred mountain became stronger and stronger in Chen Feng's hands, and it was almost recovering its peak power at this time.

Adding Chen Feng's strength, if he burst out with all his strength, it would be no problem to stop a top master.

Chen Feng wanted to expand the results of the battle, of course, the best way was to unite with his companions.

At this time, Chen Feng was using such means, and most of the power bow was used to activate the God Mountain. Sure enough, the existence in front of him was affected by the suppression of the God Mountain.

Shadow Saint used his magical powers again, and this existence was bound for a short time.


Then he was punched away by Chen Feng.

"Good!" Guiyi Sanren exclaimed, and several clones jointly arranged a method array to entangle another cultivator.

In the blink of an eye, the two sides fought into a ball.




Even though this area was extremely special, it gradually couldn't bear the impact of the fight.

This powerful energy storm area was constantly collapsing, and it had become more chaotic, but it was different from the previous energy storm. This was replaced by another area.

Collapse after collapse.

It was simply countless times more chaotic than turning the world upside down.

As this area underwent a dramatic change, a powerful will was revived.

This is the will of this energy storm area, similar to the existence of good fortune resources.

However, this existence has not yet fully evolved and perfected, and at this time it was hit by the impact of the fight between the crowd, which can be regarded as a heavy blow.

If the opponent's will does not appear, it will definitely be shattered with the subsequent fighting fluctuations, and then no life will be born.

Therefore, the suppression of this area can only emerge in a critical situation.

Even if it was severely damaged, it was also affected by a powerful existence.

This powerful existence instantly understood what happened. The most correct thing for the other party was to leave this place.

After all, if the two sides fight, you will definitely be the most unlucky one if you rashly get involved.

But this life is unwilling to leave like this.

His body, his domain, and his territory have been destroyed. If he just walks away, he is really unwilling.

So this existence chose a life to attack.

However, this life is not stupid. After a simple analysis, he set his sights on the Holy Lord of Fanhuo.

Speaking of which, the few people of Fanhuo Shengjun were also unlucky. They were hit hard by Chen Feng one after another, but they had never died.

It was not easy to survive until now.

But this time he could not survive. An energy storm wrapped Fanhuo Shengjun in it.

The power of the storm was very strong, much stronger than the strongest time before, and directly tore Fanhuo Shengjun into pieces.

Whether it was the body or the will, it was all turned into pieces. Then a spiritual force swept back and forth, and wiped Fanhuo Shengjun out completely.

Next was Tianwu monk, who was wrapped by the energy storm and also suffered the same fate as Fanhuo Shengjun.

Finally, it was Yinsha, who did not run away.

It can be said that only Zhan ran away, and these people were not lucky.

The appearance of this life was also an accident. Whether it was Chen Feng or others, they noticed it and saw the fall of Fanhuo Shengjun and others.

"These people are really stupid to the extreme. Should you leave if you are injured? Staying here is simply sending yourself to death. You really think you can change the situation." Chen Feng sneered.

It was unlucky for Saint Lord Fanhuo and his men, because they were the weakest on the scene, so they were naturally targeted by the other party first.

But after dealing with Saint Lord Fanhuo and his men, this existence targeted others.

This time, he targeted Zhan and Lord Tianmu.

Because these two were the weakest at this time.

Whether it was Saint King or Chen Feng and others, they were stronger.

This existence also knew that lions would pick on the weak?

"Not good." Lord Tianmu's face changed. Originally, everyone could not do anything to Saint King together. If this existence that suddenly appeared attacked again, wouldn't he be dead?

But there was really no good way now.

And Saint King also saw this scene, and immediately launched a violent attack, not giving Lord Tianmu and his men time to breathe.

Even though Saint King knew that this existence might eventually confront him, he was not afraid.

Let's deal with the opponent in front of him first.

"It's a bit troublesome." Chen Feng pouted, but he couldn't care so much. Chen Feng wondered if they had other means?

Sure enough, just when Tianmu Shenjun and Zhan Yan were about to be wrapped by the energy storm, a huge palm seemed to appear out of thin air, blocking the energy storm, and then crushing the opponent.

Then the palm slapped towards the Holy King again.


The power of light was released again, and the Holy King retreated repeatedly, with a hint of surprise in his eyes.

"It's you!" The Holy King said.

"Huh! Is it Tianxing who came? It seems not." Chen Feng, who was far away, was a little surprised.

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