Eternal Existence

Chapter 4367 Body of Light

"Original Light!" Chen Feng naturally knew what this method was, and also knew that this attack method was extremely powerful. These two beams of light could not only break the body, but also attack the soul's origin.

However, Chen Feng was not afraid. The divine light flashed in his eyes, and he also emitted two beams of original light.

The two beams of light collided, and Chen Feng's original light was slightly at a disadvantage, but the remaining power could not do anything to Chen Feng.

Although Fang fought again for several rounds, Chen Feng could not get the upper hand despite the continuous burst of the power of the chaotic body.

At this time, the injured people were also arranging the magic circle in the distance. Once the magic circle was successful, they could besiege Chen Feng again.

"It's a bit troublesome." Chen Feng said with a smile.

If the opponent did not practice the power of light, then Chen Feng would like to ask Yingsheng for help, but forget it now.

The opponent in front of him is similar to the one who solved Guangsheng before, and they are both nemesis for Yingsheng.

However, Yingsheng could not solve the Holy King, but he could solve other opponents.

"Daoyou, go all out!" Chen Feng's clone suddenly communicated with Shadow Saint.

Shadow Saint nodded, and then released his magical power. The powerful fire, the strong chaotic physique, and the swordsman who had just recovered some strength were trapped in the shadow energy at the same time.

This is the magical power of Shadow Song. Before encountering the nemesis, this magical power can trap many opponents in one breath. Even if the opponent is very strong, even if the opponent's combat power is equal to oneself, they will be entangled by Yongsheng's magical power for some time.

This little bit of time can change everything. Chen Feng's two clones turned into two long swords, shuttled back and forth, and pierced several holes in the bodies of these opponents in the blink of an eye.

Although they didn't kill them, it was also a heavy blow.

Chen Feng still felt a little regretful. After all, this was just his clone. If the original body and Shadow Saint came together, they would definitely have solved an opponent.

However, Chen Feng himself did not come, but others took action.

Chen Feng still has helpers.

This time, it was Guiyi Sanren who took action.

Guiyi Sanren had several clones killed before, which was considered a serious injury. He needed something to replenish himself.

Originally, Chen Feng didn't want to call Guiyi Sanren, but Guiyi Sanren wanted to come.

Besides, Guiyi Sanren's strength was not bad and he could help.

That was the fact.

Guiyi Sanren targeted the swordsman. The swordsman was hit hard one after another. Now he hadn't recovered completely and Guiyi Sanren seized the opportunity.

Although Guiyi Sanren consumed several clones, he was very strong and had some other clones. At this time, he used all his strength and killed the swordsman in a short time.

This was considered to be killing an opponent.

At this time, Guiyi Sanren was a little excited. The swordsman was very strong. He didn't expect that he would be killed so quickly when he just came.

It seems that he came at the right time.

His luck was bad before, but this time his luck was good.

So after killing the swordsman, Guiyi Sanren had another opponent rushing.

Originally, Guiyi Sanren wanted to deal with the cultivator with the Chaos physique, but after thinking about it, he gave up. It was obvious that this cultivator with the Chaos physique was of great benefit to Chen Feng.

Although he also needed it, there was no need to snatch it from Chen Feng, so Guiyi Sanren set his sights on Huo.

However, as soon as Guiyi Sanren rushed to the front, he was attacked strongly.

At this time, Huo and the cultivator with the Chaos physique had recovered some strength, and it was not so easy to break the shadow that enveloped him.

However, because the fall of the swordsman caused the opponent's strength to weaken, the Shadow Saint continued to use his magical powers, thinking about trapping the two again.

The same method, as long as it is useful, can achieve good results even if it is used many times.

Anyway, these two are not the nemesis of invisibility.

Yongsheng focused on the cultivator with the soul-to-body system this time.

"This is mine." Chen Feng's clone said so, and the two long swords shuttled back and forth. The cultivator with the Chaos physique had already had a strong warning in his heart, but of course he couldn't run away at this point.

"Do you have any helpers?" Chen Feng's original body said with a smile.

"If you don't have help, I'm afraid you will all stay here this time, and even Gu can't run too far." Chen Feng took out the Divine Mountain to suppress the four directions.

The magic circle set up by the Saint Lord of Fanhuo and others was smashed to pieces before it got close.

"You defeated generals! These little tricks can't do anything to me. To be honest, you and I are not at the same level. If you dare to deal with me this time, your fate is doomed, and I will not be polite to you, so you turn around and run away. Find a place to hide in the Gate of Origin, or leave the Gate of Origin and enter the free space to avoid my pursuit." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"You are so arrogant, just think about what you will do next." Saint Lord of Fanhuo sneered.

At this time, Chen Feng was at a disadvantage under the attack of the Saint King, but he still spoke wildly, or did the other party really have other means?

However, there were other forces in his place, and Chen Feng could not turn the tables this time.

"It is indeed very powerful. It can actually cause some damage to my chaotic body, but that's all. Daoist friend, do you have any stronger means? This attack method is not very effective for me." Chen Feng smashed a ball of light power and punched the Saint King.

The Samsara Realm, which already had some gaps, suddenly shrank, and a new realm appeared outside, fiercely impacting the Light Realm.

Since the Samsara Realm alone can't do anything to the opponent, then use other realms. Anyway, Chen Feng has mastered several powerful realms.

If the opponent can't be done by strength alone, then Chen Feng will turn to some means.

"It is indeed a strong man. This is one of the life lands. I think other lives have such masters at least. There are several such powerful beings on the Tianxing Life Land. No wonder they can occupy one side in the Gate of Origin and pass it down for such a long time. Even the army of Destruction Spiders can resist it." Chen Feng never underestimated his opponent.

However, Chen Feng was also a little entangled at this time. The strength of the man in front of him was indeed very strong, and he had not yet exploded all his strength. What's more, he would definitely become stronger if he fought desperately.

If you can't solve it now and your opponent can't get rid of it, then don't think about sweeping away these opponents.

"Will the Soul Ancestor appear?" Chen Feng asked with a smile.

The Holy King didn't speak, and the scepter in his hand shook, turning into a long sword, which was the Sword of Light. He came to Chen Feng with a flash, and swept the long sword in his hand towards Chen Feng's neck.

For the time being, he had to fight Chen Feng in close combat.

The Holy King was not afraid of Chen Feng's chaos, because his body of light was equally powerful, even if it was not as good as Chen Feng's chaos machine, it was not much worse.

Besides, the Holy King had practiced for a long time, and his strength was originally better than Chen Feng, which was a kind of self-confidence.

Although the Holy King was stronger than Chen Feng at this time, he changed his fighting style now, which meant that the Holy King was a little anxious.

Because the Holy King felt some crisis, this sense of crisis was relatively rare for the Holy King.

It was obvious that these crises came from the opponent in front of him. Although the opponent in front of him was at a disadvantage in front of him, he also said that the opponent had helpers, and the helpers were quite strong.

Besides, the Saint King saw more from Chen Feng's calm expression.

So far, Chen Feng has not exerted his full strength, and Chen Feng should have a backup plan, and there may be helpers hiding in the dark.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Chen Feng held the sacred mountain in one hand, and fought with the Saint King non-stop with his boxing skills. In the blink of an eye, the two fought for several rounds.

Relying on his strong body, Chen Feng still took some advantage, even if he was a little disadvantaged.


At this time, another fight broke out in the distance.

Chen Feng's eyes flickered and he felt the breath of Qiansha.

Qiansha took action without receiving Chen Feng's message, which means that he should have been discovered by the other party.

And the entangled breath of the two sides was equally strong, which means that Qiansha met an opponent.

Chen Feng frowned secretly. It seems that the helpers he found this time are not enough.

"So many people were dispatched to deal with me. There must be a reason behind this." Chen Feng thought.

"I don't know if Tianxing is paying attention to this place. If he is, maybe we can use Tianxing's power, but it won't work. Tianxing's real body is not here. If it's just a clone, it's meaningless." Chen Feng said.

"I was discovered by the opponent, and it's an old acquaintance. For the time being, I can only entangle this opponent." Sure enough, Chen Feng received the news from the Holy King, at least he knew what happened.

Fortunately, the truth was not exposed.

But so far, only one person on his side has not been exposed, so what about the opponent? At least the spiritual ancestor has not appeared yet.

"Even if we can't solve the existence behind the scenes, this time we have some gains. Oh, so far, we have gained an advantage. Not only did we injure the opponent, but we also solved the opponent." Chen Feng could only think so.

"Your real body quickly comes over. I can only exert the strongest combat power by cooperating with your weapon." At this time, Chen Feng received the news from the Shadow Saint.

Chen Feng knew that the Shadow Saint was also anxious.

Because they had just dealt with a swordsman, who knew that two more monks would jump out. The strength of these two monks was not as good as that of the swordsman, but they joined hands to cause some trouble to Yingsheng and Guiyi Sanren.

Especially Guiyi Sanren was entangled, not only that, but Chen Feng's two clones were also entangled. At this time, even if Yingsheng trapped the other party, it would be useless.

On the contrary, Zhenyan had been silent all the time, and did not show up, and did not even communicate with Chen Feng.

Chen Feng was also a little worried about whether there would be some changes on Zhenyan's side.

"How about using all the power now?" Chen Feng thought about it, and then sent a message to Yingsheng, asking Yingsheng to come to where he was. As for his clones and Guiyi Sanren, he could only let them hold on for a while.

For Yingsheng, getting rid of the opponent was really a simple matter. As soon as this side disappeared, the other side came to the battlefield where Chen Feng was.

After Yingsheng arrived, he did not attack the Holy King, but quickly enveloped the Fanhuo Saint and the others in his magical powers.

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