Eternal Existence

Chapter 4333: Perception Expansion

"Your strength is still a little weak. It's your luck to find this passage, but how can you blame us for your bad luck?" Chen Feng said as he stepped forward and stretched out his hand to grab the swordsman in his palm. He let the sword energy rage in his palm. The swordsman struggled constantly and finally turned into pieces in Chen Feng's palm.

The spiritual Taoist once again used the art of spiritual attack, and Chen Feng stepped forward to break the opponent's battle formation.

Without the battle formation, the attack power of these adventurers dropped significantly, and they were no match for Chen Feng and the spiritual Taoist.

It would be too late to escape by then.


An adventurer was beaten to pieces by Chen Feng.

Chen Feng's eyes flickered, and an adventurer who wanted to escape was trapped.

The spiritual Taoist used the art of spiritual attack. It can be said that the spiritual Taoist who used this method was the strongest.

It didn't take much time, and these adventurers were all solved cleanly.

Chen Feng and the spiritual Taoist also breathed a sigh of relief.

"I'll seal the passage first to avoid any more trouble." Chen Feng said.

Entering the Gate of Origin again along the passage, Chen Feng felt some new feelings again.

"Does it feel like this every time I enter the Gate of Origin?" Chen Feng felt a little strange, and then he used the sealing technique to change this area.

This is also a big project. It is difficult to cover up this passage with simple means. Chen Feng needs to change the four-sided space.

During this process, Chen Feng established contact with Shadow Saint and briefly talked about the matter. Of course, he did not say anything about this area. He just said that he and the spiritual Taoist found a special place and were temporarily trapped, and would go back after a while.

Shadow Saint did not say anything, because at this time Shadow Saint was refining and absorbing the light of shadow, and it also took some time to improve his strength. However, his luck was good during this period, and no danger appeared, and Guang Sheng and others did not come to the door.

The fluctuation of the Gate of Origin stopped at some point, and the matter of investigating the source before was temporarily put aside.

Everything seemed very calm, as if it had returned to the situation in the Gate of Origin before.

Chen Feng also communicated with the clones. Fortunately, those clones were either practicing or exploring, and did not encounter any trouble.

And the clones that were released also became much stronger.

"Much better than I thought." Then Chen Feng made arrangements and returned to that area. Next, Chen Feng did not continue to sacrifice, but rushed to the end of that area, and clearly saw that the powerful energy was constantly eroding the free space.

It didn't look as shocking as the destructive energy I saw at the end of the chaotic space, but the erosive power contained was much stronger than the destructive energy at the beginning.

After all, those destructive energies were only in one universe, and the erosive power in front of them came from the Gate of Origin, and it also eroded the free space.

The levels between the two sides were different.

"This erosive power is not worse than the destructive power I got." Chen Feng said and collected some of the power he had mastered.

Not only that, he would then outline the laws, construct the avenue, and integrate it into several avenues with different powers and different attributes.

This is a very good way to improve strength.

"For the time being, I'd better refine this area first. I can rest assured after I have mastered it completely. Sure enough, as time goes by, the scale of the free space eroded by this area is getting bigger and bigger, and it will be more difficult to refine it at that time." Chen Feng said.

This area is not just a fragment peeled off from the Gate of Origin. As the erosion process progresses, it is also continuously extracting energy from the Gate of Origin.

This is different from the fragments that Chen Feng mastered before.

The fragments that Chen Feng mastered before were basically not completely isolated from the Gate of Origin, but they still had some connection with the Gate of Origin.

But this fragment in the area in front of him is stealing the power of the Gate of Origin, which is also an important reason why Chen Feng is interested in this fragment.

"Fortunately, this free space is very quiet, and there is no other life. Even if there is life, if the other party is not too powerful, it will be affected. Once affected, there will be no hope of survival." Chen Feng broke through a channel and really appeared in the free space. Watching the rolling energy eroding continuously, this situation does not seem to be fast, but the process of changing the world wherever it passes is very terrifying.

This is a true replacement, the most thorough behavior of erosion.

Chen Feng's perception was released quickly, and the free space of billions of light years was within Chen Feng's perception.

Fortunately, the situation seen in other free spaces was no different. As Chen Feng's perception continued to expand, more areas entered Chen Feng's exploration.

"It's normal to think that there is no universe. After all, this place is too close to the Gate of Origin. However, there is a land of origin. I don't know where it is. I know some friends who came out from there. It seems that they are not in this direction." Chen Feng thought.

Chen Feng continued to release his perception. After the perception expanded to a certain extent, Chen Feng suddenly established a close connection with the long river of time. Under the blessing of the law of time, Chen Feng's perception began to expand tenfold, a hundredfold, a thousandfold, and a millionfold.

If Chen Feng is willing to wait, then Chen Feng's perception tentacles can reach wherever the power of the long river of time reaches.

Then Chen Feng felt life and the existence of the universe known in the life area.

Chen Feng slowed down only after he felt the presence of the Golden Immortal.

At this time, Chen Feng's perception range was already very wide. Even if the Golden Immortal of Daluo traveled at the shortest distance, it would take a very long time to get here.

Of course, the Golden Immortal of Hunyuan was different.

However, Chen Feng believed that even if there was a Golden Immortal of Hunyuan, it would be difficult to find this area. After he refined this area, he could make some better arrangements.

Although the expansion speed was slowed down, Chen Feng's perception continued to extend with the long river of time, and then he discovered the universe one by one.

Small, large, and even super-large, in this way, he inevitably encountered the Golden Immortal of Hunyuan.

There are even powerful Golden Immortals of Hunyuan who can sense the spying of Chen Feng's will, but no matter how strong they are, they dare not fight back, or even make any moves, for fear of angering Chen Feng.

It is obvious that the existence that explores the free space in such a big way is not so easy to provoke.

The more powerful the existence is, the more terrifying it will be to do this.

"This is an existence that has surpassed the level of Hunyuan Jinxian, and it is absolutely unprovoking!" A Hunyuan Jinxian said so.

Chen Feng also understood the specific situation of this area, and gradually knew the position of this area in the free space.

"Huh!" Chen Feng noticed an interesting area, and just as he was about to explore it carefully, a powerful force condensed, and the opponent's force came into contact with Chen Feng.

"Isn't your behavior too ostentatious?" The existence asked curiously.

"It's just to explore the surrounding situation. If there is any offense, please forgive me." Chen Feng responded.

"You can mobilize the power of the long river of time. Your means are so amazing. I dare not offend you. I am just curious to communicate with you." The existence said.

"I am also curious. I didn't expect to meet such a powerful existence as you. If I met you under normal circumstances, I would really not be your opponent." Chen Feng said.

"It's just that the time of cultivation is long enough." The existence said with a smile.

This Hunyuan Jinxian is extremely powerful. In Chen Feng's perception, this should be a level of Qiansha.

So this is curious.

Under normal circumstances in the free space, Chen Feng would not encounter such a master.

However, it is also possible that his previous strength was not enough and the level was not reached, so he did not discover such an existence.

In any case, it is best not to become an opponent of this level of master, so Chen Feng changed some ways of communication.

The other party did not mean to fight with Chen Feng. The two sides had a simple exchange, and then Chen Feng's willpower went around a little and continued to spread further.

At the same time, Chen Feng also had some doubts. The other party was so powerful, how could he not detect the fluctuations of the Gate of Origin.

This means that the other party does not want to go to the Gate of Origin. Such a powerful strength also shows that the other party has been there before and must have experienced life and death struggles. If the other party is said to have reached this level with peace of mind, Chen Feng will not believe it.

After Chen Feng left, this powerful life was also thinking.

"It seems to be coming from the direction of the Gate of Origin. It's reasonable to simply mobilize the power of the Long River of Time, but the other party gives me a different feeling. It's clear that it can use the power of the Long River of Time to fight, and it can also get a lot of support from the Long River of Time." This existence thought.

"You should not be a native life in the Gate of Origin. In this case, it is a cultivator who walked out of other free areas. Forget it, it's better not to become an opponent of such existence." This adventurer also had the same idea as Chen Feng, so the two sides were at peace.

Chen Feng's perception continued to spread, and then he established contact with the Gate of Time and Space and the Evil Swamp one after another.

These existences are all normal. Because the connection is relatively close, Chen Feng can also clearly feel that the strength of these existences has been significantly improved.

Of course, the Gate of Time and Space has become stronger, which is of great benefit to Chen Feng.

Chen Feng checked the situation of the Savage Universe again, and then began to withdraw his perception. Next, Chen Feng continued to refine that space.

At this time, Chen Feng's refining speed began to speed up because he got the help of the Long River of Time, and the refining speed became faster and faster.


When this space was completely refined, the entire Gate of Origin seemed to emit some fluctuations, which soon calmed down.

Chen Feng waited for a while, and did not cause too much noise, so he was relieved. At this time, after refining this area, Chen Feng felt something different.

"It seems that countless tentacles have been born." The spiritual Taoist said on the side.

"And they are extremely powerful tentacles that can erode everything and invade all areas. Not only that, when used against the enemy, they can also directly invade the body and soul of life." Chen Feng continued.

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