Eternal Existence

Chapter 4332 Refining Fragments

"The reason why I called fellow Taoist here is because of this passage. Fellow Taoist, take a closer look and you will see that there are other special features in this area." said the spiritual Taoist.

"There is something special." Chen Feng was a little surprised. Since arriving here, Chen Feng has been observing and investigating carefully, but it is not as special as the spiritual Taoist said.

"Is it possible?" Chen Feng's heart moved. He stretched out his finger and a beam of energy shot out into the distance.

Chen Feng's strength can be said to be eternal. He can be preserved in the free space for a long time and can travel a long distance in the free space. However, this time, his power gradually dissipated after not traveling for a long time, and he was not even in the free space. How much fluctuations are caused in this space.

"It can actually absorb power, but this is normal. All power comes from the Gate of Origin, and this area is also a fragment of the Gate of Origin. To put it bluntly, this is the Gate of Origin, so the return of power itself is also normal. Yes, before we fought in the Gate of Origin, the fluctuations will eventually calm down in the Gate of Origin, and will be taken over by the Gate of Origin. "

After saying this, Chen Feng paused and then continued: "Fortunately, the Gate of Origin did not use this move to deal with adventurers. Otherwise, would even the most powerful adventurers die?"

After thinking about this, Chen Feng felt a strong sense of crisis in his heart. From this point of view, it is indeed unsafe in the Gate of Origin. Once he is really targeted by the Gate of Origin, if he cannot resist, all his power will be taken away by the Gate of Origin. .

Even the power that you have worked so hard to cultivate will become the nourishment of the Gate of Origin.

"Including not entering the Gate of Origin, and we have to return here next, but before that, we can refine this area first." Chen Feng said.

"It's not easy to refine this area. If it were possible, I would have completed it myself." said the spiritual Taoist.

"Then spend more time to refine this fragment, and then you can master more of the power of hit. If you really confront the Gate of Origin in the future, you will be suppressed by the Gate of Origin, and there will be resistance. Power." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"That's fine, let's refine it together." said the spiritual Taoist.

In fact, the spiritual Taoist has tried to sacrifice this space before, but it was unsuccessful. Otherwise, even if the spiritual Taoist has a good relationship with Chen Feng, he will not give away the benefits of this place easily.

After a while, Chen Feng said a little tiredly: "It is indeed not that easy to refine."

It can make Chen Feng feel tired, as if he has been fighting for a long time against a group of powerful opponents. This shows the pressure this area puts on Chen Feng.

"In fact, the most correct thing to do is to leave your mark here, but this way you cannot completely control this space, but we belong to this space, and the positions between the two parties have changed, so we still need to continue The previous path, this is also my previous experience of refining the spirit of origin fragments, otherwise I would not be able to master this area. "

In Chen Feng's view, this area is not necessarily stronger than the area he controls, but only after refining it can he realize the difference between the two sides.

"So that's it." The spiritual Taoist nodded, thinking that luckily he found Chen Feng, otherwise he would have wasted an extremely long time here, and whether he could succeed by then was still a question.

"This space is not integrating into the free space, but eroding the free space, taking over and controlling the free space. It may be a scattered will in the Gate of Origin." Chen Feng said carefully sensing it.

Only during the refining process can we learn more information and at the same time change some plans.

After another period of time, the two of them made some progress. Chen Feng had experience in this area before, and both of them were very strong. They spent a lot of time here. Chen Feng and the Taoist Spirit Master both had some special abilities. means.

Said that all it takes is some time and effort.

"I didn't expect to be delayed here for so long, but now that things have reached this point, there is absolutely no reason to stop." Chen Feng also knew that things had changed beyond his previous imagination, and he didn't know the current situation of Shadow Saint and the others. How about it? Have you encountered any danger? Are you anxious about waiting?

It would be difficult for Chen Feng to establish contact with Shadow Saint and the others here, unless he used the power of the Gate of Origin that he had previously mastered.

But if you don't want to do this unless you have to, it's your strongest weapon.

Moreover, Chen Feng did not know much about the refining of the Gate of Origin fragments and some information about the Gate of Origin.

"Originally, I just wanted to come in to see what was going on here. I came in with Tao Bing and didn't plan to stay here for long. Who knew so many things happened." Think about it Chen Feng also I feel a little speechless.

As expected, the plan was not as good as the change. If Chen Feng could not understand the things in Liuli Space through some means, he would eventually be worried that some dangers would occur in the wild universe.

"Fellow Taoist Chen Feng has not come back for such a long time." Shadow Saint was also a little surprised.

Not only Shadow Saint, but Guiyi Sanren and others also felt a little strange, thinking that the spiritual Taoist would not encounter any trouble.

But if there was really trouble, Chen Feng should ask them for help.

Does it take so long just to rescue the spiritual Taoist? Could it be that he encountered some danger?

But think about Chen Feng's strength and means, he can get away even if there is danger.

Shadow Saint's eyes showed all his thoughts, but he didn't say much. Anyway, he needed to rest now, so he waited here for some time. As for time, do he still care?

So Ying Sheng and the others were not too anxious. As long as there was no danger, they could practice here with peace of mind. Even if it took 100,000 years, 1 million years, or even 10 million years, they could afford it.

"Another person is coming." Chen Feng was refining this space that day, and suddenly felt something abnormal. He thought that he forgot to close the passage, but it was too late to say anything at this time. Chen Feng had already seen someone coming.

It was a group of adventurers!

They came from the Gate of Origin, and they also discovered the passage here like himself and the spiritual Taoist.

"I was careless." The spiritual Taoist also said so.

"I was indeed careless. This is our territory. This row of space belongs to Zhai Ning. No one who comes here can take it away, lest it be leaked. So we have to deal with these intruders next." Chen Feng said.

"Yes, it is the intruders." The spiritual Taoist nodded.

These intruders were also cautious. It seemed that they came here for the first time and found Chen Feng and the spiritual Taoist.

When the other party found the two, Chen Feng and the spiritual Taoist had already taken action.

The spiritual Taoist performed the spiritual shock technique, and Chen Feng directly performed the killing move head-on. At the same time, the two also blew part of the power of this area, cutting off the escape route of these adventurers.

After all, Chen Feng and the spiritual Taoist have been refining here for a period of time and have mastered part of the power of this area. Even if they are used to fight the enemy, there is no problem, let alone just a simple blockade.

There are five adventurers in total, including a human.

Chen Feng can't care so much now. The value of the fragments of the Gate of Origin together exceeds the magic weapon of the origin level, which is worth killing.

It can only be said that these people are unlucky.

Chen Feng also understood that if these adventurers knew the value of this area, they would also attack the two of them. Thinking this way, he felt less psychologically burdened.

"Daoyou, stop, we have no ill intentions." One of the adventurers shouted hurriedly, but the other adventurers still fought back at the first time.

These adventurers have rich combat experience. Four adventurers fought back with one hand, and the remaining adventurer quickly stepped forward to attack.

A beam of sword light almost ignored the defense and came in front of Chen Feng, and then fell on Chen Feng.

When Chen Feng saw the opponent's strength, he basically did not dodge ordinary attacks, even if the opponent's attack was very strong, even if the opponent could break his body, then he would regard it as the tempering of the Chaos Body.

In fact, many Hunyuan Jinxian couldn't even break Chen Feng's body, which was something to be proud of and sigh about.

"What a strong body, and leave me." When seeing that his invincible sword light could not even break the opponent's skin, the eyes of the Hunyuan Jinxian who was proficient in swordsmanship flashed with fear, as if all the courage in his body disappeared in an instant.

But then Chen Feng saw a big sword appear in front of him, which became bigger and bigger in his sight and perception, filling the sky and the earth, as if everything was squeezed out by this big sword.

Chen Feng knew that this was not a simple sword attack, but an attack similar to the heart sword and the will of the sword.

It was very powerful and a little weird, making it difficult to defend. It could play a role at a critical moment.

Most of the opponent's previous performances were disguised, that is, using this very pure heart sword attack.

"The attack power is very strong and very weird." Chen Feng said with a smile, and the spiritual Taoist shook his head, seeming to be affected, but he recovered quickly. The spiritual Taoist also practiced the power of the mind, and the power between the two sides was somewhat similar.

The other adventurers got rid of the mind attack, but did not run away. Instead, they arranged a battle formation and used combat skills together. They rushed towards Chen Feng and the spiritual Taoist with flashing lights.

They did not choose to escape, perhaps because they believed in their own strength, or perhaps because they did not want to abandon their companions, but this was the best situation for Chen Feng and the spiritual Taoist.

The two waited like this until they rushed in front of them, watching the opponent's attack coming down.

Then Chen Feng suddenly strode forward and punched out. All the attacks, superb combat skills, and a sword light that was condensed to the extreme were shattered in Chen Feng's fist.

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