Eternal Existence

Chapter 4334: Bad Luck

After Chen Feng and the spiritual Taoist refined this area, the erosion of free space in this area also slowed down.

If the extent of the erosion is too large, it may be difficult for Chen Feng and the Taoist Spiritual Master to control it. After all, this area must continue to draw power from the Gate of Origin.

"If it goes on for a long time, enough power will be extracted from the Gate of Origin, and it can also bless itself. This can be regarded as more power to control the Gate of Origin. But since I can find the fragments of the Gate of Origin, then the other Where are the monks? There should be more than this fragment of the Gate of Origin, which seems not to be something to be happy about, but I think the Gate of Origin should also know that there are no ways to deal with it, or is it the original beast and the demon of destruction? "Spiders are his means to deal with these potential crises," Chen Feng said.

After Chen Feng and the spiritual Taoist left some imprints on this area, they then entered the Gate of Origin again through the passage.

"Going back, I think they will be anxious to wait." Chen Feng said.

Everything went smoothly when I went back, and I didn't encounter any obstacles like when I came here.

Shadow Saint and the others are no longer practicing quietly, and the place where they practice is even more restricted. There are also origin-level magic weapons to act as formation eyes.

Seeing this scene, Chen Feng raised his hand, and the Sword of Origin and the Sword of All Evils flew out, sitting in the eyes of the two square formations. The sword energy shot out and turned into two layers of sword curtains covering all directions.

Not only that, Chen Feng's eyes were sharp and he created two more realms.

"Now even if the Shadow Saints appear in a short period of time, they will not be able to open it." Chen Feng said, Guiyi Sanren and the others had already made sufficient preparations before, and now he is just the icing on the cake.

"Fellow Taoist is quite busy these days." Shadow Saint asked with a smile.

"Something happened." Chen Feng nodded.

"I discovered some interesting things, but I encountered some troubles on the way back and forth. Now that I think about it, I can't be sure if it was a coincidence. Some local beings and adventurers suddenly encountered me and then attacked me. "At first, I suspected that the ones from the Origin Gate were trying to attack me, but after thinking about it, it probably wasn't the case," Chen Feng said.

"It might really be a coincidence." Shadow Saint said.

"Didn't Saint Guang come to the door?" Chen Feng asked curiously.

Shadow Saint shook his head: "It's been quite quiet recently. Of course, this is just what we see on the surface. In fact, the Gate of Origin is very chaotic and dangerous. Maybe they have encountered some troubles, or encountered something like Taoist friends. Some interesting things have been delayed, of course, it may be that they can't find us at all," Shadow Saint said.

"It's best not to confront them for the time being, unless they can act separately. If we deal with one person, I think it can still be solved." Chen Feng said with a smile.

Now that Guiyi Sanren and the others have been found, even Guiyi Sanren himself can play a big role.

A long time had actually passed between Chen Feng's departure and his final return. Chen Feng originally thought that everyone was anxious and even worried that something would happen. But that doesn't seem to be the case now.

For Hunyuan Golden Immortals like the Taoist Spiritualists, even practicing for a while is nothing.

Moreover, the area where this stronghold is located is very safe. Everyone has made a lot of preparations and arrangements before, and they don’t want to give up yet.

Besides, Chen Feng had just come back, and Shadow Saint would not ask Chen Feng to go out with him.

"There is nothing going on for the time being, so I will continue to practice for a while. I will completely refine and absorb the light with it. But it won't take too long. I don't know if I can still find some type of source energy. I practice." Actually, Shadow Saint is still a little anxious.

When he first joined forces with Chen Feng, the Shadow Saint showed off his power. In fact, it is still the case now. Whether they are adventurers or local beings, most of them will be entangled when they encounter the Shadow Saint, and then Chen Feng steps forward to kill him. , how about this is the best kind of cooperation?

However, the enemies of the Shadow Saint are very powerful, and the power of cultivation can also restrain the Shadow Saint. This makes the Shadow Saint very unhappy and has a strong sense of crisis.

So Shadow Saint wants to continue to make progress.

In fact, the Shadow Saint also knows that it is difficult to surpass the Light Saint and the others, especially a being like the Light Saint who specializes in restraining himself and wants to be stronger than the opponent. Unless it needs to be very powerful.

"Now it seems that we can only use the power of Chen Feng and others to deal with the Light Saint. As long as the Light Saint can be eliminated, the remaining opponents will be easy to deal with." Shadow Saint thought this way.

After a while, Chen Feng condensed a clone again.

As soon as this clone appeared, Guiyi Sanren and Shadow Saint couldn't help but look over.

Something is wrong.

Chen Feng's avatar is somewhat different from the previously cultivated Dao avatar.

"This is? The aura belonging to the Gate of Origin."

Seeing Chen Feng's clone leave this area and disappear like a fish in water at the Gate of Origin, Shadow Saint thought of more things.

The same is true for Guiyi Sanren.

"This is not a clone of the Great Dao, but a clone of the Gate of Origin. If you do this, fellow Taoist, the cause and effect of the Gate of Origin will become deeper and deeper." Guiyi Sanren said.

"The lives born from our Origin Gate and the Origin Gate's cause and effect are inherently profound. What I just did was just some attempts." Chen Feng said with a smile.

Chen Feng refined two fragments of the Gate of Origin, and there was a mark left before, so it is normal to condense some clones.

Moreover, the clone of the Gate of Origin condensed by Chen Feng is more powerful than other clones, and can travel better in the Gate of Origin, because this originally belongs to the original power of the Gate of Origin. It can be said that it is more suitable for life in the Gate of Origin than Qiansha.

And it can also continuously get the power blessing of the Gate of Origin, unless it is seen through by the Gate of Origin and wiped out.

So this time is just an attempt.

"Already, this is a more advanced existence. Whether it is an origin-level treasure or an existence that exceeds the origin level like the River of Time, they all come from the Gate of Origin. Now I can directly comprehend the fragments of the Gate of Origin and get more insights." Originally, Chen Feng wanted to liberate the power of the Energy Tower first, but after thinking about it, he chose to comprehend the fragments of the Gate of Origin first, so that he could better venture into the Gate of Origin.

Of course, it seems that there is no danger now, and he can continue to practice next. Moreover, he has established a connection with the Savage Universe before, so Chen Feng has no burden.

"But speaking of it, the speed of cultivation in the Gate of Origin is indeed quite fast. It seems that I can't leave for the time being." Chen Feng muttered, and then focused most of his attention on comprehending the fragments of the Gate of Origin, and also divided some of his strength to sacrifice some magic weapons and weapons he had obtained before.


"I haven't found it. Where is the Shadow Saint hiding? We have been to several places before. The most likely areas have no breath of the Shadow Saint. It seems that the Shadow Beast is a little beyond our expectations." Guangsheng said.

"Is it leaving the Gate of Origin?" Yuansheng said.

"It's possible."

"What should I do next? Do I have to continue searching? If I can't find it, I have to go back. I still have a lot of things to do." A life that had not appeared before said.

These are the helpers that Guangsheng and his team found. There are two of them, and they are very powerful.

However, these two helpers stared at Guangsheng. They shuttled back and forth in the Gate of Origin for a long time. They did not encounter the shadow of the Shadow Saint, and they encountered some troubles in the process.

Of course, small troubles don't matter, but running around like this without any gains is a bit unsatisfactory.

"Yes, I came for the Chaos Body, but who knows that I haven't found any trace of them so far. The Gate of Origin is so big. Even if they didn't leave the Gate of Origin, they just found a place to hide and pass through. We can't find them in billions of years." Another existence said so.

Guangsheng and his friends were also a little helpless, but they thought that what the two helpers said made sense. The other party couldn't have been following them all the time. This was simply a waste of time.

"Let's go to the last place again. If we can't find him again, we will separate and contact each other in the future." Guangsheng thought about it and said.

"Okay." The others agreed.

But at this time, a wave of energy came, and then the space cracked, and the Destruction Demon Spider appeared, rushing towards Guangsheng and his friends.

"Unlucky, I met these guys, forget it, don't get entangled with them, leave here first." Guangsheng said.

But before they left, the space in one direction cracked again, and this time it was the Destruction Centipede that appeared.

If Chen Feng were here, he would definitely feel very strange.

You know, after entering the Gate of Origin, Chen Feng encountered many Destruction Magic Beads and Destruction Creatures hiding in the dark, but there was no Destruction Centipede!

And Chen Feng had encountered Destruction Centipede before.

"I suddenly feel something is wrong." Black Demon said, and quickly attacked. The two Destruction Magic Spiders in the front were torn into pieces, but just when Black Demon wanted to continue to kill, a Destruction Creature covered with spikes came forward to stop Black Demon. The two sides fought for several rounds and there was no winner.

At this time, Guang Sheng couldn't say what to leave this place. In a short time, he and everyone were besieged by the Destruction Centipede and the Destruction Demon Sect.

Layer by layer, and as the number of Destruction Creatures increased, Guang Sheng and the others also felt more and more pressure.

"It seems that we are being targeted." Shadow Saint said.

"It may be that we have been too active recently, attracting the lock of the will of the Gate of Origin. Otherwise, how could there be so many Destruction Magic Spiders, and the Destruction Centipede that has not appeared for a long time?" Black Demon said.

"If it were just these, they wouldn't be able to do anything to us. Now we're worried that there will be even more powerful beings appearing." Yuan Sheng said.

"It's already difficult to deal with now." The Black Demon used his killer skills repeatedly and finally beat back the Destruction Spider, but before he could take advantage of the situation to attack, he was blocked by a group of Destruction Centipedes.

At the same time, several powerful Destruction Creatures appeared. These Destruction Creatures did not hide in the group of Destruction Spiders like before, but rushed out directly to fight each other.

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