Eternal Existence

Chapter 401 Beast King

"Are you from Jiuxiao Palace?" Chen Feng asked in a deep voice, while quickly recovering his strength.

"Yes, well, I won't waste my time talking to you. Just surrender." A huge handprint flew out of the air and grabbed Chen Feng and others.

"Summon the Longevity Tower and shock them all to death." At this time, Chen Feng and others had no power to fight back. Using the Longevity Tower was also Chen Feng's last trump card.

Just as the Longevity Tower was about to fly out, a loud laugh came from the sky: "Hahahaha, who dares to come to Canglan Mountain to make trouble."


Along with this laugh, the palms that grabbed Chen Feng and others immediately turned invisible, and it was unknown what force broke them apart.

A sturdy monk wearing a fur coat appeared in front of everyone.

"Who are you?" The old man Sixiang couldn't see through the cultivation of the man in front of him, and immediately felt that something was wrong, so he asked cautiously.

"Who are you? Don't you know this is Canglan Mountain?" This sturdy monk looked like a middle-aged man with a beard and looked very rough.

"We are the elders of Jiuxiao Palace. We came here to capture three fugitives. We didn't mean to break into your mountain. Please forgive us." The elder said.

"People from Jiuxiao Palace, so this is the case." The sturdy monk turned around and looked at Chen Feng and others, then laughed and said, "It turns out to be a few little guys, that's all, you should leave quickly and don't make trouble here."

"Thank you, senior, we will take these fugitives away and leave immediately." As he said that, the old man Sixiang once again hit Chen Feng and others with a huge palm.

This time, the sturdy monk did not stop him, and let this palm grab Chen Feng and others.

"We are here to find the old monster Ming." At this time, Chen Feng shouted loudly.

After hearing Chen Feng's words, the sturdy monk's eyes immediately shone with light, and then he stretched out his hand and grabbed it fiercely, and a dragon-shaped energy roared out, directly breaking the palm of the old man Sixiang.

"What do you mean, senior?" The old man Sixiang was surprised and instinctively felt that something was wrong.

"Okay, you can leave, these people have to stay here." The sturdy monk said lightly.

"Senior, this." The old man Sixiang hesitated.

"Why, don't you understand what I say, or do you want to stay here too." The sturdy monk waved his hand, and a white tiger emerged from his palm, floating in the air, roaring, and the whole forest shook.

"Humph, we are from Jiuxiao Palace. Jiuxiao Palace controls a million miles of land, and even this Canglan Mountain belongs to Jiuxiao Palace. I just spoke to you in a nice way, but I really think I'm afraid of you." The old man Sixiang showed an angry expression on his face.

"So you are going to fight, well, let me see the unique skills of Jiuxiao Palace." The sturdy monk sneered.

"Fight." The Four Symbols Elder immediately dispersed and stood in the four directions. At the same time, he slapped his palm, and a square talisman began to spin. As the talisman turned, Chen Feng immediately felt that the space in the four directions of southeast, northwest, and northeast began to become sticky.

"Let's stay away." Chen Feng said, helping Lin Shaokun, who was the most seriously injured, and then walked away.

"So it's the Four Symbols Seal. No wonder you are so arrogant. It seems that you should be the Four Symbols Elder who joined Jiuxiao Palace." The sturdy monk said with a smile.

"Yes, now that you know, it's not too late to stop now." The boss said.

"Hahahahaha, if you can go one step further and survive nine thunder tribulations, you can still fight with me. Now you are not my opponent at all." The sturdy monk said.

"We'll know whether we're opponents or not after we fight."

The old man of the Four Symbols shouted coldly, and the rotating Four Symbols Seal immediately turned into a stream of light and rushed towards the sturdy monk.

"You really don't know how to live or die." The sturdy monk waved his hand, and the roaring white tiger in the air rushed up immediately, and slapped the flying Four Symbols Seal to pieces. Then the white tiger jumped in front of the old man of the Four Symbols, opened its mouth and bit him.

"Beast, get out of here." The four old men attacked at the same time, and the white tiger was smashed into pieces in an instant. These pieces melted quickly and turned into streams of spiritual energy that dissipated in the air.


The sturdy monk took a step forward for dozens of feet, and then punched out, and the fist wind continued to overflow, as if it could split the mountains and crack the earth. With this punch, the whole arm of the sturdy monk turned into a dragon, and the fist turned into the head of the dragon.

"Not good, it's the Beast King Fist, retreat quickly!"

The four old men exclaimed at the same time, but it was too late to retreat, so they could only muster all their strength to block the opponent's attack.


The dragon directly hit the four people, like a huge rock falling into the water, and immediately knocked the four old men out.

The sturdy monk did not attack again, but the four old men kept vomiting blood.

"Awesome, one punch knocked away four monks who had survived eight thunder tribulations. What realm is this person, is he a human immortal?" Chen Feng was a little surprised.

"Not a human immortal, but very close to a human immortal, and the cultivation level is about the same as your master." The tower said in the dark.

"You are the Beast King." At this time, the boss of the four old men exclaimed.

"Hmph, you have some knowledge. Since you know it, why don't you get out of here quickly? Do you really want to leave your life here?" The Beast King sneered.

The four old men looked at each other unwillingly, then looked at Chen Feng and others, then bowed, and said nothing more, turned around and left Canglan Mountain.

"Thank you for your help, senior." After the Four Elephants Elder left, Chen Feng stepped forward to thank him.

"Just now you said you were here to find Old Monster Ming, what on earth is going on?" The Beast King stared at Chen Feng with his eyes, making Chen Feng feel as if his whole body was seen through.

"Yes, Master Xuanhuo, this is the token." Chen Feng said as he took out a white jade token.

After the Beast King took it, he immediately sensed the soul mark of Xuanhuo.

"It's really the old man Xuanhuo. I didn't expect this guy to accept a disciple. Well, now that you are here, you are safe. Come with me." The Beast King said as he waved his hand, and Chen Feng and others were immediately enveloped by a great force, and then the Beast King took Chen Feng and the others and disappeared into the dense forest.

Outside Canglan Mountain, the Four Elephants Elder was healing, and everyone was relieved after a long time.

"What should we do now? I didn't expect that someone in Canglan Mountain would intervene, and it was the Beast King. This guy is not easy to deal with." The second said.

"Hmph, the Beast King is indeed powerful, but he has not cultivated to the level of a human immortal. How dare he confront our Jiuxiao Palace? Now let's return to the sect immediately, call some masters, and capture the Beast King directly." The eldest brother said.

"Yes, what the eldest brother said makes sense. In the past, we were indeed afraid of the Beast King, but now we have Jiuxiao Palace as our backer, so we don't have to take the Beast King to heart at all." The third brother said.

"No matter what, the four of us are not a match for the Beast King. I'm afraid that the other party is about to be promoted to a human immortal. There is no time to lose. The third and fourth brothers, you stay here, and the second and I will return to the sect first." The eldest brother said.

"Okay, let's do it." The other three nodded in agreement.

"Okay, we're here."

Along the way, Chen Feng and others followed the Beast King as if they were flying in the clouds, and they stopped soon.

Chen Feng looked around casually and found that everyone was in a valley. This valley looked overgrown with weeds and scattered rocks. It looked like an ordinary valley.

"You guys stay here now, I'll go find old monster Ming." The beast king said and turned away.

"This!" Chen Feng was about to speak, but the beast king had disappeared.

"Okay, let's heal first." Chen Feng said, releasing a burst of sword energy, first clearing the weeds around, and then crushing the rocks on the ground into pieces. Everyone worked at the same time, and soon the valley was cleaned up. Finally, Chen Feng dug out several caves on the mountain wall on one side.

Then Chen Feng took out a large number of spirit stones and pills, and everyone began to heal.

The beast king did not appear for a whole day, but it was very quiet here, which made Chen Feng and others relax their vigilance.

Chen Feng did not have any injuries, mainly because he used the magic sword to cause a severe loss of strength. Now that he was quiet, Chen Feng recovered to his peak state in less than half a day.

"I didn't expect Canglan Mountain to be like this." Chen Feng sighed.

"What do you think will happen?" Ta asked with a smile.

"Although it's not that there are spiritual medicines everywhere, at least the spiritual energy should be sufficient. Look here, the spiritual energy in the air is not even comparable to that of Black Source City." Chen Feng couldn't help but say.

"Hehe, that's because this is the edge of Canglan Mountain." Ta said with a smile.

"How do you know?" Chen Feng asked curiously.

"Because I felt the rich spiritual energy ahead. Just 500 miles ahead, the spiritual energy is probably no less rich than that of Taiyi Xianshan where you are." Ta said with a smile.

The next day, the Beast King appeared. After seeing Chen Feng, he was stunned at first, obviously surprised that Chen Feng recovered his strength so quickly.

"Senior Beast King." Chen Feng said respectfully.

"Well, little guy is polite. You said you are Xuanhuo's apprentice?" Beast King asked.

"That's right." Chen Feng nodded.

"But why didn't you practice Xuanhuo's fire control technique." The Beast King was a little confused.

"Hehe, I didn't have time to practice, and I was chased out." Chen Feng laughed.

"Oh, by the way, I haven't asked why the elders of Jiuxiao Palace chased you?" The Beast King asked curiously.

"I killed some disciples of Jiuxiao Palace. Master asked me to seek refuge in Canglan Mountain." Chen Feng replied.

"Good boy, you have guts to kill even disciples of Jiuxiao Palace. But Jiuxiao Palace sent those four old men to arrest you, which is a bit bullying." The Beast King said.

"Okay, no more words. Old Monster Ming is practicing in seclusion and can't see anyone. I will arrange a place for you to stay. Don't worry, it's safe here. You don't have to worry about people from Jiuxiao Palace breaking in." The Beast King waved his hand and a stream of suction immediately gathered the people who were practicing, and then performed the magic of walking and crossed the mountains.

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