Eternal Existence

Chapter 400: The End of the Road

"Little guy, the pursuers behind are getting closer and closer, hehe." The tower spoke again at this time.

"These people are really looking for death, I will deal with them." Chen Feng said, taking out the Demon Sealing Sword and began to communicate and stimulate the power in it.

At this time, the speed of the Flying Sky Shuttle was getting slower and slower under the siege and bombardment of the crowd. Although the Flying Sky Shuttle was not broken by the crowd because of the top-grade treasure, Lin Shaokun was getting more and more unable to hold on. Even the Tao brothers and others were dizzy.

"I really want to take out the Longevity Tower to shock all these people to death." Chen Feng was ruthless in his heart.

"Everyone, do it at the same time and smash this Flying Sky Shuttle."

"I didn't expect that the divine fortune teller's calculations were quite accurate. He actually calculated that Chen Feng would appear here."


Another cultivator was killed by the Flying Sky Shuttle, but the Flying Sky Shuttle was also hit hard by a square seal.


This time, Lin Shaokun couldn't bear it anymore, and spurted out a mouthful of blood, and even the Flying Sky Shuttle began to shake.

"Hahaha, they are almost dead, Chen Feng, why don't you come out? Do you want to be shocked to death by us?" A cultivator holding a square seal laughed.

"Go out and fight them." Jian Xiaotian's fighting spirit rose up and he wanted to rush out.

"We can't stop, we have to rush out as soon as possible, let me do it." Chen Feng said and his figure flashed to the outside of the flying shuttle.

As soon as Chen Feng came out, there was a knife aura, a sword aura, and a square seal attacking him.

"Just in time." The sword in Chen Feng's hand burst into a group of sword light, and the sword aura immediately dissipated, and the square seal was also chopped into pieces by the sword light.

"No, it's a holy weapon." These people were shocked.

The sword in Chen Feng's hand shook, and dozens of thunder powers were struck out like lightning. Then Chen Feng didn't look at the result and went directly into the flying shuttle.

As soon as he entered the flying shuttle, Chen Feng immediately sat on the ground and began to absorb the immortal energy from the Longevity Tower to restore his strength. The previous attack consumed 80% of Chen Feng's strength.


After Chen Feng launched dozens of lightning attacks, the cultivators exploded one after another. Ten cultivators were torn into pieces. The remaining cultivators retreated in fear. No one launched an attack. Looking at the blood mist that had not yet dissipated, everyone opened their eyes wide as if they had seen a ghost.


Lin Shaokun took the opportunity to drive the flying shuttle out.

Chen Feng waved his hand, and a strong fairy spirit immediately permeated the flying shuttle. Lin Shaokun, who was already weak, took a breath and immediately felt refreshed. At the same time, the speed of the flying shuttle also increased.

At this time, they were getting closer and closer to Canglan Mountain, but the aura of the pursuers behind them was getting stronger and stronger. The pursuers behind them might be too confident in themselves and did not hide their aura. This made everyone feel cold behind them and felt like they were on a thorn in their backs.


The old man Sixiang flew over quickly, looked at the evil spirit and blood in the air that had not yet dissipated, and immediately knew what had happened.

"These guys are not simple. I thought they would be stopped, but I didn't expect these casual cultivators to be so useless." The second said.

"The breath of the holy weapon, someone just used the holy weapon." The eldest said.

"Holy weapon! No wonder they haven't been caught for so long. It turns out that these guys still have some stuff."

"We're about to reach Canglan Mountain."

"They can't run away."

"Four Symbols Seal!"

At this time, the four old men simultaneously shot out a stream of light from their palms. The four streams of light merged into one, and then suddenly unfolded, forming a strange talisman.


This talisman was as fast as lightning, several times faster than the long swords that the four people were sitting on, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

After just a few short breaths, this talisman caught up with the flying shuttle of Chen Feng and others, and then stuck tightly to the flying shuttle.


So this talisman immediately extended dense patterns, instantly wrapping up the entire flying shuttle.

"Hmph! What's going on?" Lin Shaokun's whole body was shaken, and the speed of the flying shuttle dropped rapidly, and there were signs of stopping.

"What happened?" Chen Feng asked hurriedly.

"The flying shuttle was attacked." Lin Shaokun gritted his teeth and spurted out a mouthful of blood. The flying shuttle vibrated violently, and the lines on the outside of the flying shuttle began to slowly fade.

"Oh, it can actually break our four-elephant seal, but how many can you break?"

Then the old man of the four-elephant sent out another talisman, and the flying shuttle just returned to normal and was entangled by the talisman again before it had time to fly.

"What the hell is this thing." At this time, Jian Xiaotian and others also saw the situation outside.

"It's just a seal." Ta said.

"I'll go out and solve it." Chen Feng flew out again, and the magic sword in his hand swung quickly, and the talisman attached to the flying shuttle exploded immediately.

The flying shuttle resumed its forward speed again, and Chen Feng stood steadily above the flying shuttle, his eyes like lightning, staring at the back without blinking.


Sure enough, another talisman flew over quickly, crashing into the flying shuttle like a lightning meteor.


Chen Feng swung his sword and smashed the talisman into pieces.

"Hey, it can actually break our Four Symbols Seal." The old man was a little surprised.

"It's just relying on the holy weapon, the Four Symbols Six Combinations, the Eight Desolations and Six Combinations."

Then the four of them launched another attack from a distance. This time, there were more than a hundred talismans rushing towards the flying shuttle.

"So many, the power of the barrier." Chen Feng raised the Demon Sealing Sword to the flying shuttle, and a barrier force immediately wrapped up the flying shuttle and himself.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

The attacks kept hitting the barrier, making bursts of explosions. After these attacks disappeared, the barrier activated by Chen Feng had also dispersed.

Finally, Chen Feng saw the figures of the pursuers behind him. Four old men were sitting cross-legged on a big sword.

"The opponent's speed is so fast. It seems that they will be caught up by the opponent before entering Canglan Mountain." Chen Feng said in his heart.

"Hahahahaha, the kid in front of you should stop quickly." A sound wave like thunder rushed towards Chen Feng.

"Four cultivators who have survived eight thunder tribulations, little guy, if I don't take action, you will definitely not be able to deal with them." Ta laughed.

"What, eight thunder tribulations, this kind of master actually took action, I wonder if he is a casual cultivator or someone from Jiuxiao Palace?" Chen Feng thought to himself.

Chen Feng thought about it, and quickly swung the Demon Sealing Sword in his hand, bursting out with balls of light.

"The power of the barrier."

"The power of the seal."

Immediately, waves appeared in the space, and layers of barriers and seals blocked the pursuers behind.

"Break it for me."

A huge handprint hit heavily, directly hitting a layer of barrier.

This layer of barrier shook a few times, but it didn't break.

"Hey! This four-elephant handprint is enough to break the defense of the holy weapon. Could it be that the boy has a high-level holy weapon in his hand?"

"If so, we've made a fortune this time."

"Use all your strength to quickly catch up with this little guy."

"Okay, use all your strength, four-elephant holy sword, hit."

The long sword that the four-elephant old man rode immediately became brilliant, and the sword light sprayed out dozens of feet. A few collisions broke the barrier in front, and then rushed forward again under the drive of the four old men.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

The barriers and seals set up by Chen Feng were broken one after another.

Chen Feng could no longer hold on after setting up dozens of barriers and seals in a row. He was exhausted and immediately got into the flying shuttle.

At this time, Jian Xiaotian and others were helping Lin Shaokun to control the flying shuttle, because Lin Shaokun could no longer hold on alone.

"The Canglan Mountain is ahead." Lin Shaokun said.

"I don't know how long I can hold off the opponent, but I can't use the full power of the Demon Sealing Sword, otherwise I will kill the opponent directly." Chen Feng said.

Chen Feng absorbed the spiritual energy to restore his strength while paying attention to the situation behind the flying shuttle. As a result, Chen Feng only recovered 30% of his strength, and the four old men behind him had already caught up.

"Do you want to run again?"

A huge palm whistled and chased from behind, mighty and majestic, as if it could move mountains and fill the sea, and it grabbed the flying shuttle in its hand at once.

"Not good, everyone try your best." Lin Shaokun shouted, and at this time, blood was coming out of Lin Shaokun's sweat pores all over his body, and he had become a bloody man.

"Fight." The Tao brothers also fought with all their strength.

Jian Xiaotian's whole body was full of sword light, and the endless power was all input into the flying shuttle. The three demon sword knights also knew that the situation was critical, and they dared not hold back. They all gritted their teeth and urged the power in their bodies.

Pah Pah Pah Pah!

The palm holding the flying shuttle kept making bursts of explosions, but it could not break free.

"Hahaha, let's see where you can run now." The Four Elephants Elder had already caught up.


A sword light suddenly exploded in the air, and the sword intent contained in it frightened the four people and made them retreat again and again.


The palm holding the flying shuttle suddenly exploded in the sword light, and the flying shuttle plunged into the Canglan Mountain like a falling meteor.

"Hey! They actually broke free, but they can't escape far."

"The front is Canglan Mountain, and I heard that there are immortals in it."

"What are you afraid of? It's just some rumors. Besides, even if it's a human immortal, how dare you offend our Jiuxiao Palace?"

"That's right."

"This is Canglan Mountain."

At this time, Chen Feng and others had already come out of the flying shuttle, struggling to stand up one by one, and they didn't even have the strength to run. If it weren't for the courage to support them, I'm afraid everyone would have collapsed to the ground at this time.

"It seems that there are not many people. We can't run away now." Jian Xiaotian stuck the giant sword into the ground to support himself.

"Yes, you can't escape this time." The Four Symbols Elders have appeared in front of everyone.

"Who are you? A cultivator of this level is chasing us. Isn't it a bit of a waste of talent?" Chen Feng sneered.

"It's not a waste of talent. If we hadn't taken action, ordinary cultivators would probably not be able to catch up with you." The eldest of the Four Symbols Elders said.

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