Eternal Existence

Chapter 402: The appearance of the tower

This time, the Beast King still brought Chen Feng and others to a valley. The valley was still overgrown with weeds, but the spiritual energy here was much richer. Chen Feng secretly sensed that the spiritual energy here was much richer than the area where the core disciples of Taiyi Xianshan were located.

But the spiritual energy here seemed to be a little different from other places.

"Someone used magic power to set up a spirit gathering array here, and the spiritual energy in the surrounding space, the sky and the ground has been developed." Ta said.

"No wonder I feel a little confidence contained in it, but there are too many weeds here, isn't there anyone to clean it up?" Chen Feng was a little depressed.

"There are only a few of us in the entire Canglan Mountain. We don't have time to practice at ordinary times. Who has time to take care of these mundane things." As if he saw what everyone was thinking, the Beast King said on the side.

"This place is not bad, with mountains and water, open terrain, and sufficient spiritual energy. It is a good place to repair." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Haha, you little guy can talk. Then you can practice here with peace of mind. Old Monster Ming will come back to find you after he comes out of retreat." The Beast King left again after saying that.

Chen Feng shook his head and smiled helplessly: "Everyone, let's get started and clean up this valley. After all, we don't know how long we will stay here."

"We won't move again after cleaning, right?" Tao Lao San couldn't help but say.

"Even if we move, we have to clean up. It's so messy here, there's not even a place to practice. But everyone be careful. I just noticed that there are still a lot of spiritual medicines here." Jian Xiao said.

"Yes, there are a lot of spiritual medicines here. This is heather grass, and there is also a thousand-year-old ginseng." The Demon Sword Knight led the big demon Xiao Hei into the bushes.

In order to avoid damaging the spiritual medicines in the valley, Chen Feng and his group of people spent a whole day cleaning up the valley.

After the valley was cleaned up, the stream flowed, the ground was flat, the flowers and plants were clustered, and the spiritual medicines were everywhere. Everyone even built several pavilions in the valley. This is because everyone is a powerful cultivator who can dig mountains to get stones, pull up big trees, and gather qi to form soldiers. If it were ordinary people, the weeds in the valley alone would be enough to keep them busy for several months, not to mention building buildings.

At first, Chen Feng was a little worried that the cultivators of Jiuxiao Palace would come in again, but after a few days, the valley was quiet. Chen Feng also tried to leave the valley and walked around other places in Canglan Mountain. Not to mention the disciples of Jiuxiao Palace, even the casual cultivators rarely came in. Among them, Chen Feng did see a few casual cultivators, but the strange thing was that these casual cultivators turned around and left Canglan Mountain in fear not long after they came in.

"Tower, what's going on?" Chen Feng was a little surprised, because Chen Feng didn't find anything wrong.

"Haha, of course you can't find it. I didn't expect that there are some top-grade monsters here to watch the mountain and guard the land. Tsk tsk, no wonder there are so few cultivators coming in." Tower said with a smile.

"Tower, do you think there is a demon king here?" Chen Feng suddenly asked.

"Yes." Tower's answer was straightforward.

"Are there any immortals?" Chen Feng asked again.


"Shh!" Chen Feng took a breath.

"No wonder the beast king was so confident that the cultivators of Jiuxiao Palace dared not come in, and no wonder Master asked me to come here. It turns out that Canglan Mountain is so powerful." Chen Feng was surprised.

"Hey, that's not right. The demon king and the immortal, one is a demon beast and the other is a human cultivator. Don't they have conflicts when they are together?" Chen Feng suddenly asked.

"Haha, who told you that there will be conflicts when demon beasts and humans are together." Tower laughed.

"This, but." Chen Feng was speechless. Indeed, he really couldn't tell the reason.

"When a demon beast cultivates to a great demon, it can basically condense into a human body, not to mention a demon king. After cultivating to a demon king, it is almost the same as humans. It is normal to live in peace with humans and become good friends. Humans can become immortals, demon beasts can become immortals, plants and monsters can become immortals, and even magic weapons can become immortals. When you reach the fairyland, you will know that humans are just one of the races in the boundless fairyland, not as high and mighty as you imagine." Ta said with a smile.

"Ta, it seems that you have made great progress in cultivation recently and remembered a lot of things." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Yes, I can now condense into a human form." Ta said.

"Oh, really." Chen Feng said, and separated a trace of his mind and entered the Longevity Tower.

Sure enough, a young man sat on the ground and looked at him with a smile. He looked younger and more sunny than himself.

"Are you Ta?" Chen Feng asked uncertainly.

"Why, brat, I don't recognize you." A mature voice came out of the boy's mouth.

"Uh!" The muscles on Chen Feng's face twisted, and an absurd idea rose.

"Why are you like this?" After a long time, Chen Feng burst out, pointing his finger at Ta and yelling.

"Uh, why can't I be like this? I have been like this since I was born, and I am still like this now." Ta said as a matter of course.

Can you imagine that a person who has lived for an unknown period of time and has always spoken in a vicissitudes of life is a sunny boy.

At least Chen Feng couldn't accept it.

"Have you ever thought about changing that look?" Chen Feng asked tentatively.

"I have always been like this, why should I change the look." Ta was a little unhappy.

"Okay, okay, let's not talk about this, let's talk about other topics." Chen Feng said helplessly.

"Let's go to the second floor." Ta said and waved his hand, and Chen Feng and Ta went directly to the second floor of the Changsheng Tower.

At this time, the human immortal who was suppressed on the second floor of the Changsheng Tower was secretly agitating the power in his body, trying to break free from the restraints on his body. When he saw someone coming in front of him, he immediately opened his eyes.

"It's useless. Once you enter the Changsheng Tower, don't think about getting out." Ta said with a smile.

"This voice is you, it's you." The white-robed monk suddenly exclaimed.

"Yes, it's me, hehe, if you hadn't attacked me at that time, how could I end up like this? It's all because you are too greedy. No, I can only say that you are very unlucky. It's not easy to cultivate to this point, and your cultivation is also a wedding dress for others." Ta said with a smile.

"Are you a Taoist weapon or an immortal weapon?" The white-robed monk stared at Ta and asked.

"You are about to die, what's the point of knowing so much? Next, I will extract the immortal laws you have comprehended, and your essence can also be used to refine a few heaven-level pills." Ta said with a smile.

The white-robed monk's face kept twisting, and a look of fear appeared in his eyes. Suddenly, he struggled violently again. It was a pity that he was tied with immortal chains and suppressed by a mountain. It was impossible to break free.

"Immortal laws, Ta, what are you talking about?" Chen Feng asked curiously.

"After practicing to the heavenly realm, you will comprehend the laws of heaven and earth, and after practicing to the human immortal, you can comprehend the power of immortal laws. Although this guy is only at the initial stage of human immortal, he has also condensed some immortal laws. I will extract the power of these laws and directly integrate them into your body, so that the process of your practice to human immortal will be greatly shortened in the future." Ta said.

"Will there be any side effects?" Chen Feng said worriedly.

"You have already practiced the Heaven Swallowing Absorption Technique and the Heaven Swallowing Demonic Art. You are taking the path of plundering and robbing. What side effects are you afraid of? Besides, if you practice step by step, hehe, it will probably take thousands of years to reach the realm of human immortals." Ta said with a smile.

"Well, in that case, you can deal with this person. By the way, you must find out his origin and the cultivation method." Chen Feng said.

"Don't worry, when you get to the tower, I have the final say. He can't die even if he wants to." Ta said proudly.

Chen Feng nodded, then retracted his mind, wandered around Canglan Mountain for a while, and returned to the valley.

Although it was gone, the pressure on everyone still did not ease, or a cultivator who practiced seriously could feel the heavy pressure on his body at all times.

Ordinary cultivators want to cultivate to the secret realm, so that they can fly, call the wind and rain, and be high above. The cultivators in the secret realm think about how to survive the thunder tribulation, cultivate to the heavenly realm, and gain a longer lifespan, while the cultivators in the heavenly realm think about how to survive the thunder tribulation again and again, be promoted to human immortal, and cultivate to the immortal way. In fact, if they really become immortals, they may not think about rising again and comprehending the supreme way. What's more, human immortals are only immortals among humans, not real immortals.

As time passed, after everyone's injuries healed, they began to continue to cultivate in the valley, or leave the valley and go around other places in Canglan Mountain. First, there are many people, and second, everyone is a cultivator, so they don't feel lonely. Anyway, there is enough spiritual energy here, which is a place to practice that everyone wants. Day by day, everyone lives comfortably.

Two months later, not only did everyone's injuries recover completely, but their cultivation also improved. That day, when Chen Feng and others were chatting in the pavilion in the valley, the Demon Sword Knight rode Xiao Hei and quickly fell from the sky, landing on the ground with a whirlwind.

"Demon Sword Knight, did something happen? Why are you so flustered?" Chen Feng frowned.

"Sir, I saw a lot of cultivators entering Canglan Mountain." The Demon Sword Knight said quickly.

"Oh, that's true." Chen Feng was a little surprised.

"Yes, there are a lot of them, at least hundreds, and this is just what I saw." The Demon Sword Knight said in a deep voice.

"So many." Chen Feng was really surprised.

After all, the area of ​​Canglan Mountain is not small, so naturally there will be cultivators entering it. In the past, there were also cultivators entering in groups of three or two, but in the end they were all scared away by the big monsters. Now there are so many cultivators suddenly pouring in, which means that something must have happened.

"Are they all casual cultivators?" Jian Xiaotian asked on the side.

"Not all of them, I saw a few disciples from large sects, and I felt that something was wrong, so I came back immediately." The Demon Sword Knight said.

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