Eternal Existence

Chapter 399: Crashing all the way

"I don't care whether there is a second Seven-Aperture Heart or not. I just want the sect to give us a reason." Xuanhuo Zhenren said with a smile.

"Oh, what do you want?" Wanjiecheng spoke.

"The Zhao family colluded with outsiders and secretly captured our disciples in Taiyi Xianshan. The master must deal with this matter severely. In addition, the sect must find my disciple as soon as possible and keep my disciple safe." Xuanhuo Zhenren said with a smile.

"I will handle this matter. If there is nothing else, you go back first." Wanjiecheng still said lightly.

"Master." Xuanhuo Zhenren wanted to say something else.

"Okay, you go back first. I said I will handle this matter." Wanjiecheng raised his voice.

Xuanhuo Zhenren had no choice but to bow and leave.

"Jinlin, Shuirou."

Wanjiecheng said after Xuanhuo Zhenren left.

"Disciple is here." Jinlin and Shuirou were much more disciplined when facing Wanjiecheng.

"You two leave Taiyi Xianshan immediately and bring Chen Feng back." Wanjiecheng said.

"Disciple obeys, what if other cultivators stop us?" Jin Lin thought for a moment and asked again.

"Solve it yourself, you just need to bring Chen Feng back." Wanjiecheng said.

"Yes! Disciple will take his leave." Jin Lin and Shui Rou bowed respectfully, then turned and left.

After everyone left, only Wanjiecheng was left standing there, with a thoughtful expression in his eyes, and no one knew what he was thinking.

Then Wanjiecheng gradually faded and finally melted into the void. It turned out that this was just an incarnation of Wanjiecheng, and the original body was still in seclusion.

At this time, Xuanhuo Zhenren was also flying quickly, and soon flew out of Taiyi Xianshan.

"Humph, if the master doesn't care, I will go out to find it myself. I don't care so much. If I meet someone chasing my apprentice, I will kill him directly." Xuanhuo Zhenren said in his heart.

However, not long after leaving Taiyi Xianshan, Xuanhuo Zhenren soon got some news about Chen Feng.

"What, he killed eight more disciples of Jiuxiao Palace. This kid is really ruthless. I'm afraid that Jiuxiao Palace will have a master. Humph, as long as it's not a human immortal, the master can solve it for you. Good disciple, you must hold on until the master arrives." Xuanhuo Zhenren said.

At this time, Chen Feng and others were still sitting in the flying shuttle and moving forward. The road was calm. Although they met some cultivators, no one took the initiative to attack the flying shuttle. After all, the flying shuttle was of high grade, and ordinary cultivators would simply seek death.

But when they were still tens of thousands of miles away from Canglan Mountain, everyone still encountered trouble.

Dozens of cultivators blocked the way ahead and blocked the way of the flying shuttle.

"Huh, someone blocked the way?" Chen Feng said in surprise.

You must know that Lin Shaokun's flying shuttle is a top-grade treasure, and it flies fast. Under normal circumstances, even cultivators who have survived five or six thunder tribulations dare not step forward to stop it.

But now there is a group of people blocking the way ahead, which means that something must happen.

"Friends in the flying shuttle, we are disciples of Jiuxiao Palace and Zixiao Palace. Please stop. We have something to ask." The voice came into the flying shuttle from afar.

"What, it's people from Jiuxiao Palace and Zixiao Palace. They must be coming for us." Jian Xiao said.

"What should we do? Should we rush over?" Lin Shaokun asked.

"Slow down first." Chen Feng said, and then Chen Feng shouted: "Excuse me, is there anything? We are in a hurry to get on the road, I'm afraid we can't stop."

"We are catching some important criminals. It won't take up much of your time. Please cooperate." Soon the voice came again.

"Hey, never mind, just rush over." Chen Feng said and took out a pile of treasure crystals again.

"Okay, these people are not very skilled, they will definitely not be able to stop us." Lin Shaokun said and began to drive the flying shuttle with all his strength. The treasure crystals were consumed rapidly, and the speed of the flying shuttle was also increasing suddenly. Wherever it passed, bursts of explosions were heard in the air.

"Not good, stop them." Seeing this scene, the cultivators of Jiuxiao Palace and Zixiao Palace all panicked. Just as a group of people were about to step forward, the flying shuttle rushed over, and four or five cultivators were smashed to pieces on the spot. Several other cultivators were caught in the hurricane brought by the flying shuttle, and it was unknown whether they were dead or alive.

When these cultivators reacted, the flying shuttle had long disappeared.

"Damn it, eight people died and six were injured. It must be Chen Feng and his group. Quickly notify the sect." The other cultivators who were safe and sound all roared, their eyes bloodshot, and they wanted to find Chen Feng to fight.

"Hahahaha, it's so refreshing. I didn't expect this magic weapon to have such power." Jian Xiaotian laughed.

"This time, several more people were killed. It's so cruel." The demon sword knight was also shocked. He had never thought of such a thing as directly knocking the disciples of Jiuxiao Palace to death before.

"I didn't expect that even Zixiao Palace would intervene, but this time there were also disciples of Zixiao Palace among the people we killed. It seems that we have one more enemy." Chen Feng said.

"Hahaha, too many lice don't itch, too many debts don't worry, anyway, we have already offended Jiuxiao Palace, and it's nothing to offend Zixiao Palace again." Jian Xiaotian laughed.

"It's not that simple. Jiuxiao Palace alone may make it impossible for us to hide in Beiyuan, not to mention that there is another Zixiao Palace. I'm afraid Lingxiao Palace will intervene and send cultivators next." Master Qushou said worriedly.

"What are you afraid of? At worst, we can just leave Beiyuan." Jian Xiaotian said with a smile.

"The situation is not good." Lin Shaokun suddenly said at this time.

"What's going on?" Chen Feng asked immediately.

"Someone has locked us." Lin Shaokun said.

"It seems that someone has caught up with us. He can catch up with our flying shuttle, which shows that the other party has extraordinary cultivation." Chen Feng said in a deep voice.

"How far is it from Canglan Mountain now?" Chen Feng thought for a while and asked.

"There are still 20,000 miles." Lin Shaokun said.

"I hope the pursuers behind can't catch up with us, and it may not be safe if we really go to Canglan Mountain. It seems that we have to be prepared." Chen Feng said.

"I have locked the other party's breath. I didn't expect these little guys to have a good flying shuttle. No wonder we have been chasing for so long." The one who spoke was the eldest of the four elephants.

At this time, the four people sat cross-legged on a huge long sword. This long sword kept breaking the wind and waves, and flew very fast in the air, even faster than Lin Shaokun's flying shuttle.

"Flying shuttle, it seems we have to speed up a bit, don't make any other mistakes." The second brother said.

"What mistakes can happen? It's easy for the four of us to capture this kid." The third brother said unhappily.

"Everyone should not be careless. Not far ahead is Canglan Mountain. I heard that there are some masters living there. These guys are clearly heading for Canglan Mountain." The eldest brother said.

"Then speed up." The fourth brother said in a deep voice.

"Okay, let's do it together." Then the four people pressed their palms on the long sword at the same time, and the long swords they sat on suddenly shone brightly, and the speed also soared sharply.

"The speed of the people behind has increased." Lin Shaokun said.

"I feel it too." Chen Feng nodded.

"Boy, you are really lucky. The four people who caught up with you have all survived eight thunder tribulations." Ta said with a smile.

"What, eight thunder tribulations." Chen Feng was surprised, and guessed in his heart that Jiuxiao Palace must have sent a master.

"Brother Lin, can you speed up a little bit?" Chen Feng asked.

"I still have a lot of spirit stones." Chen Feng said, and took out a pile of precious crystals again.

"I have tried my best, and I can only do this. It's not because of the number of spirit stones." Lin Shaokun's face was a little pale, and it was obviously a phenomenon of mental exhaustion.

"But at this speed, we can reach Canglan Mountain before the pursuers behind us catch up." Lin Shaokun stretched out his palm and suddenly pressed it on his forehead. Chen Feng immediately felt that the speed of the flying shuttle was a little faster again.

"I hope there will be no accidents?" Chen Feng said secretly.

But at this time, a trace of warning suddenly surged into his heart, and Chen Feng's hair stood up all over his body.

"Not good, there is danger." Chen Feng said in a deep voice.

When Chen Feng spoke, Lin Shaokun also felt it, and quickly changed the direction of the flying shuttle.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

But the flying shuttle was still hit. Although the flying shuttle was not penetrated, the strong energy made it buzz. The Tao brothers had the lowest cultivation level and felt that their blood was flowing backwards. They felt uncomfortable and wanted to vomit blood.

"Someone is attacking us." Lin Shaokun said, gritting his teeth and driving the flying shuttle to hit it hard. Immediately, a cultivator was smashed into pieces.

Bang! Bang!

But two more attacks hit the flying shuttle, slowing down the speed of the flying shuttle. "The opponent is very powerful, and the level of the magic weapon is also very high." Lin Shaokun said while driving the flying shuttle to rush forward, trying to rush out.

At the same time, everyone in the flying shuttle also clearly saw the situation outside through the formation. At least dozens of cultivators were blocking outside, holding magic weapons, and constantly attacking the flying shuttle. Chen Feng only took a quick look and found that at least several of these cultivators had survived six thunder tribulations.

"Who are these people? How did they know our whereabouts so quickly?" Chen Feng was a little surprised.

"We can't worry about that. The most important thing for us now is to rush out. If we are entangled by these people, the pursuers behind us will catch up soon." Lin Shaokun said.

"Chen Feng, I know you are in there, come out quickly and die." A sword cultivator floating in the air shouted.

"Chen Feng, come out quickly, what's the point of hiding in this turtle shell."

"Chen Feng, you evil thief, come out and die."

Listening to the shouting outside, Chen Feng couldn't help but smile bitterly: "I didn't expect that I would become an evil thief."

"In this case, these people should be independent cultivators, but these independent cultivators are too well-informed." Jian Xiao said.

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