Eternal Existence

Chapter 394: Capturing a Human Immortal

Just when the Longevity Tower wanted to travel through space, a sword light suddenly fell from the sky. This sword light was brilliant and gorgeous, as if it came from the sky, but it was extremely fast and slashed on the Longevity Tower in the blink of an eye.


This sword light slashed the Longevity Tower without leaving even a trace, but it shocked Chen Feng dizzy and numb all over.

"Who is so powerful?" Chen Feng exclaimed.

"It's a human immortal." The tower said excitedly.

"Human immortal!" Chen Feng immediately took a breath of cold air.

"Human immortal, it's just a beginner human immortal, watch me capture it." The tower sneered.

"Don't waste time, if other immortals appear, it will be difficult to get away." Chen Feng said.

"Don't worry!" The Longevity Tower shook violently, directly breaking through the space, and instantly reached a height of 10,000 meters. Then the tower body shook in the air, and a white-clothed monk was shaken out of the space.

"What a magic weapon!" The monk in white wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, turned around and left, no longer fighting with the Longevity Tower. The sword he slashed with 80% of his strength just now did not leave a trace on the Longevity Tower. The monk in white knew that he was far from being the opponent of this nine-story tower. Then the nine-story tower shook in the air and shook him out, and he was also injured internally. The monk in white was actually terrified.

"It's not that easy to escape after attacking me. Come to me." Along with the sound of the tower, countless chains flew out from the Longevity Tower, quickly forming a cage, surrounding the monk in white.

"Ten thousand swords return to the sect!" The monk in white burst out the strongest power of his body at the critical moment. Countless sword energy shot out from every pore of his body, constantly crisscrossing and cutting fiercely, trying to cut off the chains around him.

Snap Snap Snap Snap Snap!

A series of explosions sounded from the chain cage, as if countless thunder balls were constantly exploding, but the white-robed monk burst out with the strongest attack method, but still could not break the chains around him.

"It's useless, not to mention you, a beginner immortal, it's useless even if you cultivate to the middle level." The tower sneered.

Then no matter how the white-robed monk struggled, he could not escape the situation of being pulled into the Longevity Tower.


The white-robed monk fell heavily into the Longevity Tower, but he fell on the second floor of the Longevity Tower. Then Chen Feng's figure shook and followed him to the second floor of the Longevity Tower.

The white-robed monk was lying on the ground and had not yet climbed up when he was suppressed by a mountain that fell from the sky. Then, chains kept entangled and tightly wrapped the white-robed monk.

"You want to trap me? Dream on." The monk in white struggled, and the mountain on his body kept shaking, as if he could break free at any time, but at this time a talisman emerged from the top of the mountain that was 100 meters high, and the mountain immediately calmed down. No matter how the monk in white struggled and roared, it did not move at all.

"Tsk tsk, this is a big fish." Chen Feng smiled and walked in front of the monk in white.

"Who are you?" The monk in white looked at Chen Feng, his eyes flashed, and two sword lights shot out from his eyes, slashing at Chen Feng.

But the two sword lights were shattered by a stream of light that suddenly appeared before they fell on Chen Feng.

Then the chains tied to this person kept tightening, and at the same time, the chains gave birth to a series of constantly bending spikes, which pierced into the body of the monk in white and sealed the power in his body.

"This is the chain of immortality." Chen Feng asked, looking at the chain on the monk in white in front of him.

"Yes." The tower's voice had returned to calm, and then the Changsheng Tower directly broke through the space and began to travel through the void.

Speaking of which, it was also the first time that Chen Feng came to the second floor of the Changsheng Tower. At this time, Chen Feng felt that the second floor of the Changsheng Tower was larger than the first floor. Although Chen Feng did not see the end, he instinctively had this feeling.

In fact, Chen Feng also felt a little strange. After all, from the appearance of the Changsheng Tower, the first floor is the largest of the nine floors, but now Chen Feng can clearly feel that the second floor is more advanced than the first floor.

"The Changsheng Tower has nine floors. The first floor is the foundation and the simplest. The higher you go, the more mysterious it becomes. Although my body is seriously damaged, there are still some things left. You have refined the Changsheng Tower. Now you can experience it yourself." The tower's voice suddenly sounded.

Chen Feng nodded and began to experience it carefully. Not long after, Chen Feng waved his hand, and streams of gray air quickly gathered together, forming ribbons that kept spinning around Chen Feng.

Chen Feng did not notice that when the suppressed white monk saw these gray air currents, he showed a trace of shock on his face.

"There is also this gray air current on the first floor, but this floor is relatively dense." Chen Feng said as he tried to absorb some, and the next moment Chen Feng's eyes widened.

"This, this, Ta, what kind of spiritual energy is this?" Chen Feng asked in shock.

"Hehe, isn't it a little late to discover the mystery of these spiritual energies now?" Ta said with a smile.

"The grade of these spiritual energies is actually comparable to the fairy energy I absorbed just now, how is this possible?" Chen Feng was a little surprised. In the past, Chen Feng also absorbed this kind of gray air current when he was on the first floor, and he didn't feel how magical it was, but now he can clearly feel the extraordinaryness of this spiritual energy, which makes Chen Feng very strange.

"There's nothing strange about it. In fact, the aura of the first layer is the same as the aura of the second layer. It's just that I made some changes to it, so you naturally can't notice the extraordinary part. But if you think about it, you can understand that it has been a while since you started practicing the Changsheng Zhenjing. Your physique is constantly changing and getting stronger. Don't you feel curious?" Ta said with a smile.

"Isn't this the result of my practice?" Chen Feng was a little surprised.

"It is indeed the result of your practice, but don't you feel that you have improved too fast?" Ta's voice was full of laughter.

Chen Feng thought about it carefully and nodded and said, "Yes, my physique has indeed changed a lot, but I always thought it was because of the Changsheng Zhenqi."

"Haha, although the Changsheng Zhenqi is magical, how long have you practiced it? You can practice to this level in just a few years. Of course, your own efforts are indispensable, but one of the important points is these gray airflows in front of you." Ta said with a smile.

"Oh, so that's the case. Then what kind of aura is this? Is it fairy energy?" Chen Feng asked curiously.

"It's not immortal energy. I can't tell you now. Only when you cultivate to the Heavenly Man Realm, I will tell you some things you want to know. Now you are still too weak." The tower said.

Chen Feng nodded and stopped asking questions. Instead, he continued to experience the deep mystery of the Longevity Tower.

Not long after, Chen Feng stretched out his hand and grabbed it fiercely. The space of dozens of miles in front of him began to shake. Countless clouds began to emerge. Among them, the command flags fluttered, thunder and lightning roared, and the sword energy and sword energy continued to cross. There were also countless attacking methods and defensive means. It turned out that these were the formations that Chen Feng had just mobilized.

"So many formations!" Chen Feng was a little surprised. With Chen Feng's brain power, he couldn't tell how many formations there were in total.

"There were originally 100,000 formations here, but there was not even a complete set. But it was enough for you to comprehend for a while." The tower said.

"What, 100,000 formations, are you kidding me?" Chen Feng was dumbfounded. Comprehend for a while? How did you say that? If Chen Feng could comprehend a set of arrays in one day, it would take 100,000 days. Moreover, Chen Feng, who was almost unmovable in arrays, did not think that he could comprehend a set of arrays in one day. Moreover, this was the array in the Changsheng Tower, and each set would shock the cultivation world.

Chen Feng shook his head and began to continue to understand other places in the Changsheng Tower.

"Hey, no need to look around. Speaking of it, there are only these broken arrays left on the second floor." The voice of the tower was a little lonely and desolate.

"It seems that the guy who beat you like this back then was not simple." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Humph!" The tower snorted coldly and stopped talking.

"Boy, who are you?" The white-clothed monk asked again in a stern voice. At this time, the white-clothed monk had seen Chen Feng's cultivation clearly. He was a monk in the secret realm. Thinking about his embarrassing state of being suppressed by a little monk, the white-clothed monk immediately felt hot on his face.

More importantly, the nine-story pagoda that captured and suppressed him seemed to be the magic weapon of this little monk.

"Haha, who are you?" Chen Feng came to the white monk and asked with a smile.

"A small secret realm cultivator, a thing like an ant, dares to be arrogant in front of me, why don't you kneel down quickly." The white monk shouted coldly.

"Hahahaha." Chen Feng suddenly laughed.

"I say, Lord Renxian, do you not see the situation clearly? Well, since you don't see it clearly, then I will help you." Chen Feng stretched out his palm and lifted it up suddenly. The mountain that suppressed the white monk immediately drifted away.


Feeling the mountain on his body move away, the white monk immediately struggled, roaring wildly, his face twisted, and looked very scary.


Chen Feng pressed his palm, and the mountain fell suddenly, hitting the white monk heavily, almost knocking the white monk out of breath.

"Asshole, beast, you little ant dared to do this to me, wait until I get away, I will peel your skin off." The white monk threatened.

Chen Feng shook his head. The monk in front of him was a human immortal after all. He didn't expect that he would be so cowardly after being captured. This made Chen Feng feel a little unacceptable.

Whoosh! Bang!

The mountain continued to rise, then fell suddenly, rose again, and fell again, several times in a row. The white monk finally fainted under the double pressure of pressure and anger.

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